Tesco Top Drive Equipment Life Cycel Manual - English (Book).pmd

Tesco Top Drive Equipment Life Cycel Manual - English (Book).pmd Tesco Top Drive Equipment Life Cycel Manual - English (Book).pmd

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The amount of loop pressure needed to hold thedrillstring when the grabber is opened will change asdepth, and angle of build increase. This is why youshould record a downhole torque history, because thex value will be easier to predict.Turn the string to the left by decreasing loop pressure(‘decrease pumps’), and, if there is not much reactivetorque present, select ‘reverse’ until positioning iscomplete, then close the grabber.Note: The maximum reverse torque is set to preventthe string unscrewing. Do not engage the ‘breakout’function or the drillstring could come apart.Tripping:The Tesco top drive reduces the amount of time andwork involved in tripping and reaming by giving you theability to thread into the drillstring at any point in thederrick. This is useful when encountering hole problemswhile tripping (for instance, pulling tight, bridging off orwhen a kick is evident). In short, any time when theneed to pump fluid into the well exists, it can be donewithout having to position the drillstring at floor level inorder to install the kelly.Tripping pipe with a top drive is similar to conventionalmethods, with the exception that the robotic functionsease pipe-handling procedures. At no time is itnecessary for the rig crew to position the elevators oropen and close them. The link tilt function can pushthe stand of pipe to be racked to the worker, both onthe rig floor and to the derrickhand. When running inthe hole, the derrickhand does not need to lean out tothrow the stand in the elevators; he can simply easethe stand into the elevators, which are extended towardhim. Once the stand is placed in the elevators, theycan be closed hydraulically. After the stand is racked inthe derrick or added to the string the links should bereturned to the vertical hanging position by selectingthe ‘float’ function.Important – The links and elevators should neverbe manually operated by a worker.Cold Climate:When the hydraulic top drive is working in a freezingenvironment, the oil quickly becomes thick and this willreduce its effectiveness. While drilling, the heat fromthe top drive motor(s) warms the oil enough so that thisis not a concern, but whenever the quill is not rotating,such as when you are slide drilling or tripping, the coldclimate function should be used. To activate coldclimate follow these steps:1. Push in the cold climate button (on the left side ofthe drillers panel).2. Select engine speed ‘slow’.3. ‘Drill’ mode.4. ‘Forward’ pumps.5. ‘Increase or decrease’ pumps, to maintain 700psion the hydraulic pressure gauge.When the cold climate button is pushed in it deenergizesthe circuit to the top drive speed control valveand allows the flow of loop oil to pass through the motormanifold and circulates the closed loop system withoutturning the quill.Selecting engine speed slow brings the prime mover toidle speed for cold climate operation. This saves overallwear and tear on the engine when it has a low load onit.Drill mode allows you to control the hydraulic pumpsinternal swash plates, which command the amount ofoil flow to maintain 700psi.Forward pumps directs the oil flow in such a way that itpasses through the maximum amount of filtration beforegoing through the pumps again.Follow these steps in order to properly disengage thecold climate function:1. ‘Neutral’ pumps.2. ‘Connection’ mode.3. ‘Neutral’ engine speed.4. Pull out the cold climate button.By selecting neutral pumps, the flow of hydraulic oil isstopped.Important: Never push out the cold climate buttonwithout the preceding 3 steps.Connection mode keeps the prime mover at an idlewhen the engine speed is switched to neutral.After pulling out the cold climate button the top drivecan now return to normal operation.Page 14 Top Drive Rig Floor Safety Orientation Doghouse Manual

Tip: If the top drive will rotate and everything else isoperating normally, double check that the cold climatebutton has not been accidentally operated.Reaming:Back reaming out of the hole is one of the greatestfeatures the Tesco top drive provides. These stepsshould be followed before commencing:Note – Reaming is to commence only at operator’sdiscretion and until the driller is experienced withthis operation, the Tesco technician should bealerted.1. Ensure the correct saver sub is installed on the topdrive and keep it properly doped while reaming orback-reaming.2. Connect the top drive to the drillstring.3. Open the mud saver valve.4. Start the mud pumps and establish circulation.5. Remove the slips.6. Select ‘drill’ mode.7. Pumps ‘forward’ Set quill speed to 30-40 RPM.8. Hoist the drill string and close the elevators onthe stand.9. Work the drill string until free of obstruction.When you are ready to rack the stand in the derrick,the procedure is as follows:1. Stop rotation.2. Stop the mud pumps.3. Set the slips.4. Break out the lowest connection with the rig tongs.5. Hoist stand out of the stump and allow the pipe todrain.6. Close the mud saver valve.7. Lower the stand to approximately 2 inches abovethe rotary table.8. Ensure the grabber is in position at the top tool joint.9. Close the grabber and break out the top drive.10. Once the top drive is unscrewed from the pipe, openthe grabber and the stand will rest on the floor.11. Hoist the top drive until the elevators pick up thestand.12. Link tilt forward until the derrickhand has control ofthe stand and it has been placed in the birdbath.13. Open the elevators.14. Link tilt back to vertical.15. Lower the top drive to the floor and continue backreaming if necessary.If an obstruction is encountered when tripping in thehole, or if for any reason it is necessary to establishcirculation, i.e. well control, the top drive can beconnected to the drillstring quickly by following thesesteps:1. If an obstruction is encountered, hoist until thedrillstring is free, and a connection is at floor level.2. Set the slips.3. Lower the top drive and guide the top tool joint intothe grabber. Set backup tongs on tool joint at floorlevel.4. Select ‘connection’ mode.5. Rotate the top drive into the top tool joint andshoulder it up.6. Make up the connection to the specified torque.7. Open the mud saver valve.8. Remove the tongs and the slips.9. Start the mud pumps and establish circulation.10. Select ‘drill’ mode.11. Set quill speed to 30-40 RPM.12. Ream through the obstruction until the string is free.13. Lower top drive to the floor and disconnect thetopdrive – see, break out connection procedures.Working Tight Hole:It is important to know that when torque is appliedto the drillstring you cannot pull up to the maximumforce that the pipe is rated for. The top drivetechnician will provide information on specificclasses of tubulars and their torsion/tensionthresholds.In tight hole situations, it will be necessary to free thepipe using the top drive. With the top drive, the abilityto maintain mud pump flow, raise and lower the drillstringand hold torque all at the same time is possible. It isrecommended that when working tight hole, sometorque can be applied to the drillstring.This is best done by selecting:1. ‘Drill’ mode2. ‘Decrease’ pumps3. ‘Forward’ pumps4. Slowly ‘Increase’ pumpsTop Drive Rig Floor Safety Orientation Doghouse Manual Page 15

The amount of loop pressure needed to hold thedrillstring when the grabber is opened will change asdepth, and angle of build increase. This is why youshould record a downhole torque history, because thex value will be easier to predict.Turn the string to the left by decreasing loop pressure(‘decrease pumps’), and, if there is not much reactivetorque present, select ‘reverse’ until positioning iscomplete, then close the grabber.Note: The maximum reverse torque is set to preventthe string unscrewing. Do not engage the ‘breakout’function or the drillstring could come apart.Tripping:The <strong>Tesco</strong> top drive reduces the amount of time andwork involved in tripping and reaming by giving you theability to thread into the drillstring at any point in thederrick. This is useful when encountering hole problemswhile tripping (for instance, pulling tight, bridging off orwhen a kick is evident). In short, any time when theneed to pump fluid into the well exists, it can be donewithout having to position the drillstring at floor level inorder to install the kelly.Tripping pipe with a top drive is similar to conventionalmethods, with the exception that the robotic functionsease pipe-handling procedures. At no time is itnecessary for the rig crew to position the elevators oropen and close them. The link tilt function can pushthe stand of pipe to be racked to the worker, both onthe rig floor and to the derrickhand. When running inthe hole, the derrickhand does not need to lean out tothrow the stand in the elevators; he can simply easethe stand into the elevators, which are extended towardhim. Once the stand is placed in the elevators, theycan be closed hydraulically. After the stand is racked inthe derrick or added to the string the links should bereturned to the vertical hanging position by selectingthe ‘float’ function.Important – The links and elevators should neverbe manually operated by a worker.Cold Climate:When the hydraulic top drive is working in a freezingenvironment, the oil quickly becomes thick and this willreduce its effectiveness. While drilling, the heat fromthe top drive motor(s) warms the oil enough so that thisis not a concern, but whenever the quill is not rotating,such as when you are slide drilling or tripping, the coldclimate function should be used. To activate coldclimate follow these steps:1. Push in the cold climate button (on the left side ofthe drillers panel).2. Select engine speed ‘slow’.3. ‘Drill’ mode.4. ‘Forward’ pumps.5. ‘Increase or decrease’ pumps, to maintain 700psion the hydraulic pressure gauge.When the cold climate button is pushed in it deenergizesthe circuit to the top drive speed control valveand allows the flow of loop oil to pass through the motormanifold and circulates the closed loop system withoutturning the quill.Selecting engine speed slow brings the prime mover toidle speed for cold climate operation. This saves overallwear and tear on the engine when it has a low load onit.Drill mode allows you to control the hydraulic pumpsinternal swash plates, which command the amount ofoil flow to maintain 700psi.Forward pumps directs the oil flow in such a way that itpasses through the maximum amount of filtration beforegoing through the pumps again.Follow these steps in order to properly disengage thecold climate function:1. ‘Neutral’ pumps.2. ‘Connection’ mode.3. ‘Neutral’ engine speed.4. Pull out the cold climate button.By selecting neutral pumps, the flow of hydraulic oil isstopped.Important: Never push out the cold climate buttonwithout the preceding 3 steps.Connection mode keeps the prime mover at an idlewhen the engine speed is switched to neutral.After pulling out the cold climate button the top drivecan now return to normal operation.Page 14 <strong>Top</strong> <strong>Drive</strong> Rig Floor Safety Orientation Doghouse <strong>Manual</strong>

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