Tesco Top Drive Equipment Life Cycel Manual - English (Book).pmd

Tesco Top Drive Equipment Life Cycel Manual - English (Book).pmd Tesco Top Drive Equipment Life Cycel Manual - English (Book).pmd

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Chapter 5Making Connectionsconnection instead of the top drive. In this method a“working single” remains on the top drive.Safety:Making connections with a Tesco top drive greatlyreduces time and manpower needed to get back tobottom and drilling ahead. We can add pipe to thedrillstring in single joints and double or triple stands.When making a connection, many tasks are beingperformed by the top drive and it is critical that allpersonnel are aware of pinch point locations andstand clear of the top drive. All connection torquevalues must be agreed upon by the customer prior todrilling, and a connection worksheet signed. The Tescotechnician sets the torque parameters and these cannotbe exceeded.Breaking Out:The top drive can be drilled down to floor height byopening the elevators and selecting link tilt ‘back’. Tomake a connection, rotation is stopped, the mud pumpsare turned off, the slips set, and drillers panel set to‘connection’ mode.Know the weight of the top drive and overheadhoisting equipment. This amount should be readon the weight indicator gauge when the slips areset. If you have less than the weight of the top driveon the weight indicator, the counter balance systemwill not be able to lift the top drive out of the threadbox and thread damage will occur. If you have morethan the weight of the top drive reading on theweight indicator, the threads will be damaged andthe top drive could bounce out of the threads andalso damage the seal face.Once the mud pump SPM and standpipe pressuregauge read zero, it is safe to close the mud saver valve.Switch the grabber to ‘close’, wait for the dies to set,and then select ‘reverse’. The connection will not breakuntil the ‘break out’ button is pushed and held. Oncethe connection has broken, the break out button canbe released and the grabber opened. Continuereversing until the connection is completely unthreadedand the counter balance system has gently lifted thetop drive saver sub out of the thread box.If preferred, connections can be made ‘off bottom’ byhoisting one single through the table, before setting theslips. The rig tongs must be used to break theNote: Make sure that all connections are properlydoped.Making Up Singles:Extend out and stab into the mousehole single. Latchthe rig tong on to mousehole single and rotate the quillforward to shoulder up the connection.Important – Do not torque the connection in themousehole with the top drive.Carefully retract the top drive into the torque track whilehoisting out of mousehole. Position the new singleabove hole center and slowly lower it into the stump.Latch the rig tong on the stump and rotate the quillforward to make up the connection to the specifiedtorque. The torque value will be read on both thehydraulic pressure gauge and the Rosemount gauge.Similar procedures are used for an ‘off-bottomconnection’, but extra care must be taken when hoistingto retract the top drive and avoid contact with themonkey-board.Making Up Doubles:Using the floor tugger, install one single in themousehole and another single on the v-door leftconnected to the tugger. Extend top drive over themousehole and link tilt forward so that the elevatorscan close on the v-door single. Hoist the v-door singleabove the rig floor and stab it into the mousehole single.Shoulder up the connection by using either a chain tongor by carefully guiding the top of the new stand into thetop drive with the link tilt function and rotate the quilluntil both connections have shouldered up. Use the rigtongs to back up the single in the mousehole whilemaking up a connection with the top drive.Important - Do not torque connection in themousehole with the top drive.Now, carefully retract top drive into the torque track whilehoisting out of the mousehole. Ensure top drive andblocks are clear of monkey-board. Position the newstand above hole center and slowly lower it into thestump. Latch the rig tong on to the stump and rotatethe quill forward and make up both connections to thespecified torque.Page 12 Top Drive Rig Floor Safety Orientation Doghouse Manual

Note: If the rig floor is too large to pickup singles fromthe v-door with the link tilt and extend, it is still possibleto make double (or triple) connection. Make a singleconnection as described above. Raise the top driveand joint of pipe. Place another joint of pipe in themousehole and make up as per ‘off-bottom’ connection.Repeat if a ‘triple’ is required.Although it is possible to make up triple stands in themouse hole with the top drive, it may be moreefficient to make up stands in advance and leavethem racked in the derrick if drilling with triple standsis required.Chapter 6OperationsDrilling:When drilling ahead with a top drive, adhere to the samesafety and operating practices and procedures as withconventional rotary drilling.Rotating Once you have made a connection and theslips have cleared the table, select ‘valve open’ and startup the mud pump, then select ‘drill’ mode immediately.The preset functions in connection mode will be disabledand now you can manipulate the quill RPM by selecting‘forward’ and ‘increasing or decreasing’ the pumps.Slide Drilling In order to hold toolface while sliding,you must close the grabber on the saver sub, allow thegrabber cylinder to pressure-up, and then switch the‘pumps – forward/reverse’, to neutral. The grabber lightwill remain on.When sliding, the grabber is closed and the hoistingclutch interlock is activated. In order to work thedrillstring you must push and hold the ‘override’ buttonon the brake handle control box while hoisting. Thisallows the drawworks drum clutch to engage.When running a mud motor, keep accurate records ofthe reactive torque (motor pressure) in the string. Atany given time, you may need to orient the toolface ofthe downhole motor. To do this the grabber will need tobe opened; if you do not track downhole torque history,turning the string in small increments will be impossible.Assuming that you know the amount of torque present,follow these steps to orient the toolface:1. Select ‘drill forward’.2. Decrease the pumps so that x psi (the pressure equalto the reactive torque) is present on the hydraulicpressure gauge.3. Select ‘grabber open’.4. If the value of x provides enough torque, the stringshould not turn.Turn the string to the right by selecting:5. ‘Increase pumps’ until the pipe turns very slowly andunder control.6. When you have achieved the new orientation, quicklyclose the grabber.Top Drive Rig Floor Safety Orientation Doghouse Manual Page 13

Chapter 5Making Connectionsconnection instead of the top drive. In this method a“working single” remains on the top drive.Safety:Making connections with a <strong>Tesco</strong> top drive greatlyreduces time and manpower needed to get back tobottom and drilling ahead. We can add pipe to thedrillstring in single joints and double or triple stands.When making a connection, many tasks are beingperformed by the top drive and it is critical that allpersonnel are aware of pinch point locations andstand clear of the top drive. All connection torquevalues must be agreed upon by the customer prior todrilling, and a connection worksheet signed. The <strong>Tesco</strong>technician sets the torque parameters and these cannotbe exceeded.Breaking Out:The top drive can be drilled down to floor height byopening the elevators and selecting link tilt ‘back’. Tomake a connection, rotation is stopped, the mud pumpsare turned off, the slips set, and drillers panel set to‘connection’ mode.Know the weight of the top drive and overheadhoisting equipment. This amount should be readon the weight indicator gauge when the slips areset. If you have less than the weight of the top driveon the weight indicator, the counter balance systemwill not be able to lift the top drive out of the threadbox and thread damage will occur. If you have morethan the weight of the top drive reading on theweight indicator, the threads will be damaged andthe top drive could bounce out of the threads andalso damage the seal face.Once the mud pump SPM and standpipe pressuregauge read zero, it is safe to close the mud saver valve.Switch the grabber to ‘close’, wait for the dies to set,and then select ‘reverse’. The connection will not breakuntil the ‘break out’ button is pushed and held. Oncethe connection has broken, the break out button canbe released and the grabber opened. Continuereversing until the connection is completely unthreadedand the counter balance system has gently lifted thetop drive saver sub out of the thread box.If preferred, connections can be made ‘off bottom’ byhoisting one single through the table, before setting theslips. The rig tongs must be used to break theNote: Make sure that all connections are properlydoped.Making Up Singles:Extend out and stab into the mousehole single. Latchthe rig tong on to mousehole single and rotate the quillforward to shoulder up the connection.Important – Do not torque the connection in themousehole with the top drive.Carefully retract the top drive into the torque track whilehoisting out of mousehole. Position the new singleabove hole center and slowly lower it into the stump.Latch the rig tong on the stump and rotate the quillforward to make up the connection to the specifiedtorque. The torque value will be read on both thehydraulic pressure gauge and the Rosemount gauge.Similar procedures are used for an ‘off-bottomconnection’, but extra care must be taken when hoistingto retract the top drive and avoid contact with themonkey-board.Making Up Doubles:Using the floor tugger, install one single in themousehole and another single on the v-door leftconnected to the tugger. Extend top drive over themousehole and link tilt forward so that the elevatorscan close on the v-door single. Hoist the v-door singleabove the rig floor and stab it into the mousehole single.Shoulder up the connection by using either a chain tongor by carefully guiding the top of the new stand into thetop drive with the link tilt function and rotate the quilluntil both connections have shouldered up. Use the rigtongs to back up the single in the mousehole whilemaking up a connection with the top drive.Important - Do not torque connection in themousehole with the top drive.Now, carefully retract top drive into the torque track whilehoisting out of the mousehole. Ensure top drive andblocks are clear of monkey-board. Position the newstand above hole center and slowly lower it into thestump. Latch the rig tong on to the stump and rotatethe quill forward and make up both connections to thespecified torque.Page 12 <strong>Top</strong> <strong>Drive</strong> Rig Floor Safety Orientation Doghouse <strong>Manual</strong>

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