Tesco Top Drive Equipment Life Cycel Manual - English (Book).pmd

Tesco Top Drive Equipment Life Cycel Manual - English (Book).pmd Tesco Top Drive Equipment Life Cycel Manual - English (Book).pmd

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Chapter 4Controls and RoboticsClearance and Visibility:The top drive takes up much more space on the rigfloor than a kelly would, so this work area must be keptclear of obstacles that may interfere with the movementof the top drive and that of the personnel. When thetop drive is moving through the derrick, you must beaware of it’s position at all times. Because you are notalways able to see the top drive, the other members ofyour crew must also watch and be aware of the topdrive’s position and movement at all times.Note: If you are unsure about any situation, stopand ask for help. This will save more time in theend and reduce the likelihood of an incidentoccurring.Robotic Functions:Extend This feature allows the top drive to reachforward over the mouse hole, giving it the ability to makeup stands in the mouse hole for drilling as well as aidingthe process of handling tools to and from the v-door.Note: An optional extend alarm is available if requested.This device provides an alarm if the top drive isextended.Note: If you leave the top drive extended out whilehoisting with blocks, the top drive could makecontact with the monkey board.Link Tilt Commonly known as ‘the bails’, the links canbe tilted to move the elevators up to 35 degrees forwardand 55 degrees back from vertical, extending the reachof the top drive to perform many tasks associated withpipe handling.Grabber The grabber acts like a back-up tong andcloses onto a tool joint to arrest the reactive torque whenmaking up or breaking out a connection.Rule of thumb: Allow 10 seconds for the grabberto close before applying torque.When breaking out, close the grabber and leave theswitch in the ‘close’ position until the connection breaks.Then open it while reversing out of the thread box. Thisway, you can hoist out of the tool joint once completelyun-threaded without the interlock disabling the hoistingclutch. For making-up a joint, leave the grabber switchin the ‘close’ position until the specified torque is reachedand the top drive stalls. Return the ‘pumps’ switch fromforward to neutral and allow the pressure on thehydraulic gauge to bleed off below 1000psi beforeselecting grabber ‘open’.Allow 5 seconds for the grabber to fully open beforeswitching the grabber to neutral.Grabber Lift (Tesco Top Drive Model HMI, notequipped): A hydrauliccylinder, located in thegrabber leg, raises andlowers the grabber to therequired height for backingupthe tool joint. Alwaysposition the grabber at thetop tool joint before raisingthe top drive from the floorlevel. If for any reason,such as having to begin atrip before the stand hasbeen drilled, you can simplyclose the grabber to breakoutof the stand at themonkeyboard heightwithout having to guess whether or not the grabber isin the correct position.Pipe Handler In order to turn the elevators in thedirection needed for a certain operation, the pipe handlerwill have to be used. To perform this, proper operationis critical for worker and equipment safety.The following steps must be followed beforeunlocking the pipe handler:• All personnel must clear the area of the top drive,elevators, and links.• Link tilt vertical (if possible, latch the elevators on thepipe).• Pumps to ‘neutral’.• Pipe handler ‘unlock’ and return to neutral.• Grabber ‘close’ (on the saver sub).• Pumps ‘forward’ or ‘reverse’.• Push ‘pipe handler – caution’ button (rotate)The pipe handler section of the top drive will now rotateup to 360 degrees at 4 RPM. Once the orientation ofthe pipe handler is correct, these steps must befollowed to disengage pipe handler rotation.• Release ‘rotate or caution’ button.• Pumps to neutral.Page 10 Top Drive Rig Floor Safety Orientation Doghouse Manual

• Grabber ‘open’.• Pipe handler ‘lock’ and return to neutral - a visualconfirmation is critical to ensure the lockingmechanism has fully engaged the lock ring gear.The top drive can now return to normal operation.Hydraulic Elevators The Tesco top drive comesequipped withautomaticelevators, whicheliminate theneed to have aperson manuallyoperate them.This gives theability to openand close the elevators on extremely tall stands of BHAand reduces worker exposure to additional hazardsassociated with manual operation of the elevators. The3-position switch must be turned to ‘open’ and a safetypush button held at the same time with no load in theelevators for them to open. This way, selecting thewrong switch cannot accidentally open the elevators.The elevators can be closed by either switching to ‘close’on the drillers panel or by pushing the close buttonlocated on the brake handle control box. When closingthe elevators, visually confirm the latch has closed.Mud Saver Valve and Actuator Tesco top drivesincorporate a double ballmud saver valve with aremote actuator to act asboth a mud saver and as anemergency blow outprevention valve. Theactuator is designed toallow you to open or closethe mud saver valve at anypoint in the derrick. It is critical that the actuator isnever functioned while the quill is rotating; this willdamage the internal components and lead to failure ofthe actuator. When you select valve ‘close’ the actuatorwill close with up to 5000 psi of hydrostatic well borepressure against it. Once you have selected valve ‘open’the actuator will open and cannot be closed again for 7seconds. This prevents the accidental re-closure of thevalve once the mud pumps have been started.Top Drive Rig Floor Safety Orientation Doghouse Manual Page 11

• Grabber ‘open’.• Pipe handler ‘lock’ and return to neutral - a visualconfirmation is critical to ensure the lockingmechanism has fully engaged the lock ring gear.The top drive can now return to normal operation.Hydraulic Elevators The <strong>Tesco</strong> top drive comesequipped withautomaticelevators, whicheliminate theneed to have aperson manuallyoperate them.This gives theability to openand close the elevators on extremely tall stands of BHAand reduces worker exposure to additional hazardsassociated with manual operation of the elevators. The3-position switch must be turned to ‘open’ and a safetypush button held at the same time with no load in theelevators for them to open. This way, selecting thewrong switch cannot accidentally open the elevators.The elevators can be closed by either switching to ‘close’on the drillers panel or by pushing the close buttonlocated on the brake handle control box. When closingthe elevators, visually confirm the latch has closed.Mud Saver Valve and Actuator <strong>Tesco</strong> top drivesincorporate a double ballmud saver valve with aremote actuator to act asboth a mud saver and as anemergency blow outprevention valve. Theactuator is designed toallow you to open or closethe mud saver valve at anypoint in the derrick. It is critical that the actuator isnever functioned while the quill is rotating; this willdamage the internal components and lead to failure ofthe actuator. When you select valve ‘close’ the actuatorwill close with up to 5000 psi of hydrostatic well borepressure against it. Once you have selected valve ‘open’the actuator will open and cannot be closed again for 7seconds. This prevents the accidental re-closure of thevalve once the mud pumps have been started.<strong>Top</strong> <strong>Drive</strong> Rig Floor Safety Orientation Doghouse <strong>Manual</strong> Page 11

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