The Continuum Hypothesis - Logic at Harvard

The Continuum Hypothesis - Logic at Harvard

The Continuum Hypothesis - Logic at Harvard


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this version of CH holds for all sets of reals in the definability hierarchy weare considering; more precisely, if there is a proper class of Woodin cardinalsthen this version of CH holds for all universally Baire sets of reals.2.1.2 Well-ordering Version<strong>The</strong> second formul<strong>at</strong>ion of CH asserts th<strong>at</strong> every well-ordering of the realshas order type less than ℵ 2 . For a given pointclass Γ in the hierarchy, thecorresponding definable well-ordering version of CH asserts th<strong>at</strong> every wellordering(coded by a set) in Γ has order type less than ℵ 2 .Again, axioms of definable determinacy and large cardinal axioms implythis version of CH for richer notions of definability. For example, if AD L(R)holds then this version of CH holds for all sets of real numbers in L(R). Andif there is a proper class of Woodin cardinals then this version of CH holdsfor all universally Baire sets of reals.2.1.3 Surjection Version<strong>The</strong> third version formul<strong>at</strong>ion of CH asserts th<strong>at</strong> there is no surjection ρ :R → ℵ 2 , or, equivalently, th<strong>at</strong> there is no prewellordering of R of length ℵ 2 .For a given pointclass Γ in the hierarchy of definability, the correspondingsurjection version of CH asserts th<strong>at</strong> there is no surjection ρ : R → ℵ 2 suchth<strong>at</strong> (the code for) ρ is in Γ.Here the situ<strong>at</strong>ion is more interesting. Axioms of definable determinacyand large cardinal axioms have bearing on this version since they place1bounds on how long definable prewellorderings can be. Let ∼δ n be the supremumof the lengths of the Σ ∼n -prewellorderings of reals and let Θ L(R) be the1supremum of the lengths of prewellorderings of reals where the prewellorderingis definable in the sense of being in L(R). It is a classical result th<strong>at</strong>1δ∼ 1 = ℵ 11. Martin showed th<strong>at</strong> δ ∼2 ℵ 2 and th<strong>at</strong> if there is a measurable cardinalthen δ ∼3 ℵ 3 . Kunen and Martin also showed under PD, δ ∼4 ℵ 4 and1 11Jackson showed th<strong>at</strong> under PD, for each n < ω, ∼δ n < ℵ ω . Thus, assumingth<strong>at</strong> there are infinitely many Woodin cardinals, these bounds hold. Moreover,the bounds continue to hold regardless of the size of 2 ℵ 0. Of course,the question is whether these bounds can be improved to show th<strong>at</strong> theprewellorderings are shorter than ℵ 2 . In 1986 Foreman and Magidor initi<strong>at</strong>eda program to establish this. In the most general form they aimed toshow th<strong>at</strong> large cardinal axioms implied th<strong>at</strong> this version of CH held for all9

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