The Continuum Hypothesis - Logic at Harvard

The Continuum Hypothesis - Logic at Harvard

The Continuum Hypothesis - Logic at Harvard


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1.2 Singular Cardinals<strong>The</strong> case of cardinal arithmetic on singular cardinals is much more subtle.Forthesakeofcompletenesswepausetobrieflydiscussthisbeforeproceedingwith the continuum hypothesis.It was generally believed th<strong>at</strong>, as in the case for regular cardinals, thebehaviour of the function κ ↦→ 2 κ would be rel<strong>at</strong>ively unconstrained withinthe setting of ZFC. But then Silver proved the following remarkable result: 3<strong>The</strong>orem 1.4 (Silver, 1974). If ℵ δ is a singular cardinal of uncountablecofinality, then, if GCH holds below ℵ δ , then GCH holds <strong>at</strong> ℵ δ .It turns out th<strong>at</strong> (by a deep result of Magidor, published in 1977) GCHcan first fail <strong>at</strong> ℵ ω (assuming the consistency of a supercompact cardinal).Silver’s theorem shows th<strong>at</strong> it cannot first fail <strong>at</strong> ℵ ω1 and this is provable inZFC.This raises the question of whether one can “control” the size of 2 ℵ δwith a weaker assumption than th<strong>at</strong> ℵ δ is a singular cardinal of uncountablecofinality such th<strong>at</strong> GCH holds below ℵ δ . <strong>The</strong> n<strong>at</strong>ural hypothesis to consideris th<strong>at</strong> ℵ δ is a singular cardinal of uncountable cofinality which is a stronglimit cardinal, th<strong>at</strong> is, th<strong>at</strong> for all α < ℵ δ , 2 α < ℵ δ . In 1975 Galvin andHajnal proved (among other things) th<strong>at</strong> under this weaker assumption thereis indeed a bound:<strong>The</strong>orem 1.5 (Galvin and Hajnal, 1975). If ℵ δ is a singular strong limitcardinal of uncountable cofinality then2 ℵ δ< ℵ (|δ| cf(δ) ) +.It is possible th<strong>at</strong> there is a jump—in fact, Woodin showed (again assuminglarge cardinals) th<strong>at</strong> it is possible th<strong>at</strong> for all κ, 2 κ = κ ++ . Wh<strong>at</strong> the abovetheorem shows is th<strong>at</strong> in ZFC there is a provable bound on how big the jumpcan be.<strong>The</strong> next question is whether a similar situ<strong>at</strong>ion prevails with singularcardinals of countable cofinality. In 1978 Shelah showed th<strong>at</strong> this is indeedthe case. To fix ideas let us concentr<strong>at</strong>e on ℵ ω .3 To say th<strong>at</strong> GCH holds below δ is just to say th<strong>at</strong> 2 ℵα = ℵ α+1 for all ω α < δ andto say th<strong>at</strong> GCH holds <strong>at</strong> δ is just to say th<strong>at</strong> 2 ℵ δ= ℵ δ+1 ).6

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