The Continuum Hypothesis - Logic at Harvard

The Continuum Hypothesis - Logic at Harvard

The Continuum Hypothesis - Logic at Harvard


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infinite cardinals: Assuming GCH, if κ λ then κ λ = λ + ; if cf(κ) λ κthen κ λ = κ + ; and if λ < cf(κ) then κ λ = κ.Very little progress was made on CH and GCH. In fact, in the early eraof set theory the only other piece of progress beyond Cantor’s result th<strong>at</strong>2 κ > κ (and the trivial result th<strong>at</strong> if κ λ then 2 κ 2 λ ) was König’s resultth<strong>at</strong> cf(2 κ ) > κ. <strong>The</strong> explan<strong>at</strong>ion for the lack of progress was provided bythe independence results in set theory:<strong>The</strong>orem 1.1 (Gödel, 1938). Assume th<strong>at</strong> ZFC is consistent. <strong>The</strong>n ZFC+CH and ZFC+GCH are consistent.To prove this Gödel invented the method of inner models—he showed th<strong>at</strong>CH and GCH held in the minimal inner model L of ZFC. Cohen thencomplemented this result:<strong>The</strong>orem 1.2 (Cohen, 1963). Assume th<strong>at</strong> ZFC is consistent. <strong>The</strong>n ZFC+¬CH and ZFC+¬GCH are consistent.He did this by inventing the method of outer models and showing th<strong>at</strong> CHfailedin a generic extension V B ofV. <strong>The</strong> combined results ofGödel andCohenthus demonstr<strong>at</strong>e th<strong>at</strong> assuming the consistency of ZFC, it is in principleimpossible to settle either CH or GCH in ZFC.In the Fall of 1963 Easton completed the picture by showing th<strong>at</strong> forinfinite regular cardinals κ the only constraints on the function κ ↦→ 2 κ th<strong>at</strong>are provable in ZFC are the trivial constraint and the results of Cantor andKönig:<strong>The</strong>orem 1.3 (Easton, 1963). Assume th<strong>at</strong> ZFC is consistent. Suppose Fis a (definable class) function defined on infinite regular cardinals such th<strong>at</strong>(1) if κ λ then F(κ) F(λ),(2) F(κ) > κ, and(3) cf(F(κ)) > κ.<strong>The</strong>n ZFC+“For all infinite regular cardinals κ, 2 κ = F(κ)” is consistent.Thus, set theoristshadpushedthecardinalarithmeticofregularcardinalsas far as it could be pushed within the confines of ZFC.5

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