The Continuum Hypothesis - Logic at Harvard

The Continuum Hypothesis - Logic at Harvard

The Continuum Hypothesis - Logic at Harvard


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3.2.2 <strong>The</strong> Ω ConjectureCorresponding to the semantic rel<strong>at</strong>ion |= Ω there is a quasi-syntactic proofrel<strong>at</strong>ion ⊢ Ω . <strong>The</strong> “proofs” are certain robust sets of reals (universally Bairesets of reals) and the test structures are models th<strong>at</strong> are “closed” under theseproofs. <strong>The</strong> precise notions of “closure” and “proof” are somewh<strong>at</strong> technicaland so we will pass over them in silence. 12Like the semantic rel<strong>at</strong>ion, this quasi-syntactic proof rel<strong>at</strong>ion is robustunder large cardinal assumptions:<strong>The</strong>orem 3.6 (Woodin). Assume ZFC and th<strong>at</strong> there is a proper class ofWoodin cardinals. Suppose T is a countable theory in the language of settheory, ϕ is a sentence, and B is a complete Boolean algebra. <strong>The</strong>nT ⊢ Ω ϕ iff V B |= “T ⊢ Ω ϕ”.Thus, wehaveasemanticconsequencerel<strong>at</strong>ionandaquasi-syntacticproofrel<strong>at</strong>ion, both of which are robust under the assumption of large cardinal axioms.It is n<strong>at</strong>ural to ask whether the soundness and completeness theoremshold for these rel<strong>at</strong>ions. <strong>The</strong> soundness theorem is known to hold:<strong>The</strong>orem 3.7 (Woodin). Assume ZFC. Suppose T is a countable theory inthe language of set theory and ϕ is a sentence. If T ⊢ Ω ϕ then T |= Ω ϕ.It is open whether the corresponding completeness theorem holds. <strong>The</strong> ΩConjecture is simply the assertion th<strong>at</strong> it does:Conjecture 3.8 (Ω Conjecture). Assume ZFC and th<strong>at</strong> there is a properclass of Woodin cardinals. <strong>The</strong>n for each sentence ϕ,∅ |= Ω ϕ iff ∅ ⊢ Ω ϕ.12 Here are the details: Let A ∈ Γ ∞ and M be a countable transitive model of ZFC. Wesay th<strong>at</strong> M is A-closed if for all set generic extensions M[G] of M, A∩M[G] ∈ M[G]. LetT be a set of sentences and ϕ be a sentence. We say th<strong>at</strong> T ⊢ Ω ϕ if there is a set A ⊆ Rsuch th<strong>at</strong>(1) L(A,R) |= AD + ,(2) P(R)∩L(A,R) ⊆ Γ ∞ , and(3) for all countable transitive A-closed M,M |= “T |= Ω ϕ”,where here AD + is a strengthening of AD.16

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