Bio/CV - MCCG General Surgery Residency

Bio/CV - MCCG General Surgery Residency Bio/CV - MCCG General Surgery Residency
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Dennis W. Ashley, M.D., F.A.C.S.Professor and Chief of Trauma ServicesProgram Director, Surgical Critical CareResidency: Medical Center of Central GeorgiaFellowships:- Trauma Surgery, Grady Hospital, Atlanta- Surgical Critical Care, University of PittsburghBIOSKETCHEducation1983 Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky - B.A. (Cum laude)1984 - 1988 University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, Kentucky - M.D.Postdoctoral Training2001 - 2002 University of Pittsburgh Medical Center - Surgical Critical Care Fellowship1993 - 1994 Grady Hospital, Emory University School of Medicine - Trauma Fellowship1992 - 1993 Mercer University School of Medicine, Medical Center of Central Georgia - GeneralSurgery Chief Administrative Resident1988 - 1992 Mercer University School of Medicine, Medical Center of Central - General SurgeryResidencyAcademic Appointments2009 - Present Surgical Services Executive CommitteeMedical Center of Central Georgia2007 - Present Chair of The Georgia Trauma Care Network Commission2007 - 2008 2007 Associate Examiner. ABS Certifying Exam. American Board of Surgery2005 - Present Professor of SurgeryMercer University School of Medicine2004 - 2005 Medical Executive CommitteeRegency Hospital, Macon, Georgia2004 - Present State Chair Georgia Committee on Trauma - American College of Surgeons\2003 - Present Medical Director of Respiratory TherapyMedical Center of Central Georgia2003 - Present Medical Director of Adult Intensive CareMedical Center of Central Georgia1999 - Present Assistant Professor of AnesthesiologyMercer University School of Medicine1994 - Present ATLS Course Director/Regional FacultyMedical Center of Central Georgia / Mercer University School of Medicine1994 - 2005 Associate Professor of SurgeryMercer University School of Medicine1994 - Present Director of Trauma SurgeryMedical Center of Central GeorgiaMercer University School of Medicine

Dennis W. Ashley, M.D., F.A.C.S.Professor and Chief of Trauma ServicesProgram Director, Surgical Critical Care<strong>Residency</strong>: Medical Center of Central GeorgiaFellowships:- Trauma <strong>Surgery</strong>, Grady Hospital, Atlanta- Surgical Critical Care, University of PittsburghBIOSKETCHEducation1983 Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky - B.A. (Cum laude)1984 - 1988 University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, Kentucky - M.D.Postdoctoral Training2001 - 2002 University of Pittsburgh Medical Center - Surgical Critical Care Fellowship1993 - 1994 Grady Hospital, Emory University School of Medicine - Trauma Fellowship1992 - 1993 Mercer University School of Medicine, Medical Center of Central Georgia - <strong>General</strong><strong>Surgery</strong> Chief Administrative Resident1988 - 1992 Mercer University School of Medicine, Medical Center of Central - <strong>General</strong> <strong>Surgery</strong><strong>Residency</strong>Academic Appointments2009 - Present Surgical Services Executive CommitteeMedical Center of Central Georgia2007 - Present Chair of The Georgia Trauma Care Network Commission2007 - 2008 2007 Associate Examiner. ABS Certifying Exam. American Board of <strong>Surgery</strong>2005 - Present Professor of <strong>Surgery</strong>Mercer University School of Medicine2004 - 2005 Medical Executive CommitteeRegency Hospital, Macon, Georgia2004 - Present State Chair Georgia Committee on Trauma - American College of Surgeons\2003 - Present Medical Director of Respiratory TherapyMedical Center of Central Georgia2003 - Present Medical Director of Adult Intensive CareMedical Center of Central Georgia1999 - Present Assistant Professor of AnesthesiologyMercer University School of Medicine1994 - Present ATLS Course Director/Regional FacultyMedical Center of Central Georgia / Mercer University School of Medicine1994 - 2005 Associate Professor of <strong>Surgery</strong>Mercer University School of Medicine1994 - Present Director of Trauma <strong>Surgery</strong>Medical Center of Central GeorgiaMercer University School of Medicine

AWARDS AND PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS• Alpha Omega Alpha – faculty, May 2001• American College of Surgeons: “Georgia Young Surgeon Representative” 1999• First Place Committee on Trauma video session. Bedside Insertion of a Vena Cava Filter: Utilizingthe Intravascular Ultrasound Method. Clinical Congress 2006• Mercer University School of Medicine:o First Place Resident Research Paper Award 1990.o First Place Resident Research Paper Award 1993.o Teaching Attending of the Year 2002-2003.o Outstanding Faculty of the Year 2006.• Cum laude Graduate, Transylvania University• American Association for the <strong>Surgery</strong> of Trauma Critical Care Committee, 2006-2009.• American College of Surgeons: Fellow• American College of Surgeons, Georgia Chapter. (Member of the board 2000-present)• Bibb County Medical Society• Eastern Association for <strong>Surgery</strong> of Trauma• Georgia Surgical Society• Macon Surgical Society• Medical Association of Georgia• Pan American Trauma Society• Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons• Society of Critical Care Medicine• Society of University Surgeons• Southern Surgical Association• Southeastern Surgical Congress• Will C. Sealy Surgical SocietyRESEARCH / CLINICAL INTERESTSSolis MM, Ayoub MM, Rogers JJ, Ashley DW, Harvey RL, Dalton ML. Limitations of CervicalRadiography in the Evaluation of Acute Cervical Trauma. J Trauma 1994 Mar; 36(3)458-9.Ackerman RJ, Vogel RL, Johnson LA, Ashley DW, Solis MM. <strong>Surgery</strong> in Nonagenarians: Morbidity,Mortality and Functional Outcome. J Fam Pract. 1995 Feb; 40(2): 129-35.Harvey RL, Ashley DW, Yates L, Dalton ML, Solis MM. Major Vascular Injury From High PressureWater Jet. J Trauma 1996 Jan; 40(1):165-7.Werner AW, Solis MM, Vogel R, Southerland SS, Ashley AV, Floyd JCP, Brown C, Ashley DW.Improved Antibody Responses to Delayed Pneumococcal Vaccination in Splenectomized Rats: Am Surg1999 Sep; 65(9):844-8; discussion 847-8.Werner AW, Katner HP, Vogel R, Southerland SS, Ashley AV, Floyd JC, Brown C, Ashley DW. DelayedVaccination Does Not Improve Antibody Responses in Splenectomized Rats Experiencing HypovolemicShock: Am Surg 2001 Sep; 67(9): 834-8.

Ashley DW, Gamblin TC, Burch ST, Solis MM. Accurate Deployment of Vena Cava Filters: Comparisonof Intravascular Ultrasound and Contrast Venography: J Trauma 2001 Jun; 50(6):975-81.Gabriel SA, McDaniel B, Ashley DW, Dalton ML, Gamblin TC. Magnetically Guided Nasoenteral-Feeding tubes: A New Technique: Am Surg 2001 Jun; 67(6): 544-8; discussion 548-9.Zunzunegui RG, Werner AM, Gamblin TC, Stephens JL, Ashley DW. Colorectal Blowout FromCompressed Air: A Case Report. J Trauma 2002; Apr; 52(4):793-5Gamblin TC, Ashley DW, Burch S, Solis M. A Prospective Evaluation of a Bedside Technique forPlacement of Inferior Vena Cava Filters: Accuracy and Limitations of Intravascular Ultrasound: Am Surg2003 May; 69(5): 382-6Watts D, Fakhry S, (Ashley DW- principal investigator for The Medical Center of Central Georgia).Incidence of Hollow Viscus Injury in Blunt Trauma: An Analysis from 275,557 Trauma Admissions from theEAST Multi-Institutional Trial. J Trauma 2003; 54: 289-294Fakhry S, Watts D, Luchette F, (Ashley DW- principal investigator for the Medical Center of CentralGeorgia). Current Diagnostic Approaches Lack Sensitivity in the Diagnosis of Perforated Blunt SmallBowel: Analysis from 275,557 Trauma Admissions from the EAST Multi-Institutional HVI Trial. J Trauma2003; 54: 295-306Michetti C, Watts D, Fakhry S and the EAST Multi-Institutional Blunt Hollow Viscus Injury Group. (AshleyDW – Principal Investigator for the Medical Center of Central Georgia) 278 Blunt Duodenal Injuries from aLarge Multi-Institutional Study: Incidence, Diagnosis, and Outcome. Submitted to Journal of Trauma,September 2003Gamblin TC, Wall CE Jr, Morgan JH 3rd, Erickson DJ, Dalton, ML, Ashley DW. A Natural History ofUntreated Penetrating Diaphragm Injury: An Animal Model: J Trauma 2004 Nov; 57(5):989-92Morgan JH 3rd, Gamblin TC, Adkins JR, Groves JR, Dalton ML, Ashley DW. Norepinephrine is a morePotent Inhibitor of Tumor Necrosis Factor Over a Range of Doses than Dopamine. Am Surg 2004 Jun;70(6):526-8.Ashley DW, Gamblin TC, McCampbell BL, Kitchens DM, Dalton ML Jr, Solis MM. Bedside Insertion ofVena Cava Filters in the Intensive Care Unit Using Intravascular Ultrasound to Locate Renal Veins: JTrauma 2004 Jul; 57(1):26-31Gamblin TC, Wall CE Jr, Royer GM, Dalton ML, Ashley DW. Delayed Splenic Rupture: Case Reportsand Review of the Literature: J Trauma 2005 Nov; 59(5):1231-4Wall CE, Christie DB 3rd, Ashley DW. Traumatic Cervical Injury. J Trauma 2005 Nov; 59(5):1272Howell A, Brown R, Ashley DW , Williams J 4 th , Lane JE. Aortopulmonary Fistula form PenetratingThoracic Trauma. J Trauma 2004 Dec; 57(6):1374Ashley DW, Mix JW, Christie B,. Burton CG, Lochner FK, McCommon GW., Matoy GC, Solis MM,Donner RS, Dalton M L., Tyson CS., Newman WH.,. Removal of the Optease Retrievable Vena CavaFilter is not Feasible after Extended Time Periods because of Filter Protrusion through the Vena Cava: JTrauma 2005; Oct; 59(4):847-52

Christie DB, Kang J, Ashley DW, Mix W, Lochner FK, Solis MM, Newman WH, Dalton, ML, Wang Z.Accelerated Migration and Proliferation of Smooth Muscle Cells Cultured from Neointima Induced by aVena Cava Filter: AM Surg 2006 Jun; :72(6): 491-6Chistie DB 3rd, Chapman J, Wynne JL, Ashley DW, Delayed Right-Sided Diaphragmatic Rupture andChronic Herniation of Unusual Abdominal Contents: AM Surg 2007 Jan; 204(1):176Christie DB 3rd, Bozeman AP, Stapleton TR, Ashley DW, Gunshot Wound to the Femoral Neck: AUnique Case: J Trauma 2007 Mar; 62(3):785Stout CL, Ashley DW, Morgan JH 3rd, Long GF, Collins, JA, Limnios JI, Lochner F, McCommon G,Hixson D, Black AC Jr, Young HE. Primitive Stem Cells Residing in the Skeletal Muscle of Adult Pigs AreMobilized into the Peripheral Blood After Trauma: AM Surg 2007 Nov; 73(11):1106-10Robinson JS Jr, Barth AC, Feltes CH, Walid MS, Donahue SN, Ashley DW, Economic Impact Model forthe Development of a Statewide Trauma System in Georgia: J Med Assoc Ga. 2007; 96(3):10-3Stout CL, Chapman JR, Scoglietti VC, Long EL, Vaughn DM, Abercrombie CL, Goel A, Ashley DW,Wynne JL, Chen F. “July Effect”: An Evaluation of a Level I Teaching Hospital’s Trauma Service SeasonalMortality Rates. AM Surg 2008 Sep; 74(9): 878-9Qian Wang, 1* Dennis W. Ashley, 2,3 and Paul C. Dechow 4* Regional, Ontogenetic, and Sex-RelatedVariations in Elastic Properties of Cortical Bone in Baboon Mandibles. American Journal of PhysicalAnthropology 141:526-549 (2010)Napolitano Lena, Fulda Gerard, Davis Kimberly, Ashley Dennis, Friese Randall, Van Way Charles,Meredith J Wayne, Fabian Timothy, Jurkovich Gregory, Peitzman Andrew. Challenging Issues in SurgicalCritical Care, Trauma, and Acute Care <strong>Surgery</strong>: A Report from the Critical Care Committee of theAmerican Association for the <strong>Surgery</strong> of Trauma. Journal of Trauma, December 2010.Dennis W. Ashley, Jacob Moremen. Early Cardiac Pacemaker Placement for Life-ThreateningBradycardia in Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. Submitted to Journal of Trauma, 2010.Dennis W. Ashley, Allen W. Brown, John Fildes, Harry Teter. A Roundtable discussion on StatewideTrauma Systems: A Matter of Urgent Importance. Shepherd Center, Fall, 2010.EDITORIALAshley, DW, Resolution of Chronic Abdominal Pain After Percutaneous Removal of Recoverable InferiorVena Cava Filters: A Report of Two Cases: J Trauma 2008; 64; 215-217COMMENTARYAshley, DW, Management of Shock: Trauma 6 th Edition; 233-234BOOK CHAPTERSAshley DW, Feliciano DV: Management of pancreatic injury. In The PancreasBeyer HG, Carr-Locke DL, Buchler M, Warshaw AL, Russell C, Neoprolemus J, Sarr MG, ed. BlackwellScience 1998, pp. 1456-1465.

MULTIMEDIAAshley DW, Gamblin TC, McCampbell B, Burch ST, Solis MM. Bedside Insertion of Vena Cava Filters inthe Intensive Care Unit Utilizing Intravascular Ultrasound for Localization of the Renal Veins. AmericanAssociation for the <strong>Surgery</strong> of Trauma Scientific Exhibition, Minneapolis, Minnesota, September 11-13,2003. AAST CDAshleyDW, GrovesJ, McCampbellB, HackettP, StoutC, DaltonML, Solis. Bedside Insertion of a VenaCava Filter: Utilizing the Intravascular Ultrasound Method. Clinical Congress American College ofSurgeons 92 nd Annual Clinical Congress, Chicago, Illinois, October 8-12,2006. VE14-TRA/Trauma<strong>Surgery</strong> Video Session. (First place).Dente,C, AshleyDW. Ultrasound Guided Interventions in the ICU. ACS video collection

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