Vermont Housing & Conservation Board - Vermont Legislature

Vermont Housing & Conservation Board - Vermont Legislature

Vermont Housing & Conservation Board - Vermont Legislature


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<strong>Conservation</strong> Awards July 2011– December 2012Steven and Jane Johnson Farm, Newbury.$45,000 VHCB award to conserve 148acres farmland for diversified beef operation.Public pedestrian access andriparian buffer along the banks of theConnecticut River. $97,500 federal NRCSfunds. $70,000 Mitigation EnhancementFunds; $5,000 town funds. Total projectcosts: $142,500.Kinney Farm, Enosburgh and Berkshire.$112,500 VHCB award to conserve151 acres of farmland on a 160-cowdairy farm on the Trout River. $90,000federal NRCS funds. Total project costs:$202,500.Klein-Ziegler Farm, Plainfield. $47,500VHCB award to conserve a 32-acrevegetable farm on the Winooski River.The project includes public trail access.$73,500 federal NRCS funds. Total projectcosts: $168,000.Leach II, Pawlet. $75,000 VHCB awardto purchase conservation easement andOption to Purchase at Agricultural Valueon 140 acres agricultural land. Proceedsenabled farmers to acquire Leach IIIproperty. $142,500 NRCS award. Totalproject costs: $292,500Leach III, Pawlet. $88,000 VHCB awardo purchase conservation easement andOption to Purchase at Agricultural Valueon 297 acres agricultural land. Acquiredby farmers as addition to home farmconserved acreage. $142,500 NRCS award.Total project costs: $307,500Geordie & Emery Lynd, Walden. $135,250VHCB award to purchase conservationeasement and Option to Purchase at AgriculturalValue on 228-acre organic dairyoperation. $165,000 NRCS award. Totalproject costs: $351,250Diane Montagne, St. Albans. $71,500VHCB award to conserve 55 acres farmland,adding to the largest block ofconserved farmland in Franklin County.$52,000 federal NRCS funds. Total projectcosts: $74,500.David and Diane Nichols Farmland,Charlotte. $22,500 VHCB award toconserve 226 acres farmland. The projectalso protects a clayplain forest andprovides public access for a proposedpedestrian trail. $475,000 federal NRCSfunds. Total project costs: $944,900.Nulheganaki Tribal Forest, Barton.$112,000 VHCB award to conserve65 acres of forest and open land to bemanaged as a working forest, for traditionaltribal uses, and for educationaland recreational uses by the public. Totalproject costs: $185,081.Greg & Debra O’Bryan, Addison. $167,500VHCB award to purchase conservationeasement and Option to Purchase at AgriculturalValue on 309 acres agriculturalland, facilitating transfer to large goatoperation. Protection of 24 acres clayplain forest. $147,500 NRCS award. Totalproject costs: $322,500Paul & Mary Ouellette Farmland, Bridport.$175,000 VHCB award to conserve265 acres farmland and facilitate transferof farm to a nearby farmer. $152,500federal NRCS funds. Total project costs:$629,000.Ronald & Lynn Paradis, Franklin.$185,000 VHCB award to purchaseconservation easement and Option toPurchase at Agricultural Value on 302acres agricultural land. 170-cow dairyoperation. $162,500 NRCS award. Totalproject costs: $347,500Stephen & Carolyn Perley, Enosburgh.$169,500 VHCB award to purchaseconservation easement and Option toPurchase at Agricultural Value on 378acres agricultural land. Grass hay andsugarbush. $186,000 NRCS award. Totalproject costs: $388,500Justin & Angie Poulin Farmland,Randolph. $32,750 VHCB award topurchase conservation easement on 75acres farmland for diversified mapleand beef operation. Easement includesriparian buffer along the Third Branch ofthe White River as well as public accessalong the river. $50,000 federal NRCSfunds. Total project costs: $121,000.Roberts Farm, Weathersfield. $150,250VHCB award to purchase conservationeasement and Option to Purchase at AgriculturalValue on 59 acres agriculturalland. Riparian buffer and public accessalong Connecticut River. Transition tovegetable operation with new owner.$19,637 ag mitigation funding. $159,000NRCS award. Total project costs: $410,178Gavin & Cynthia Ryan, Fairfield. $132,500VHCB award to purchase conservationeasement and Option to Purchase at AgriculturalValue on 170 acres agriculturalland. Transfer of land to organic dairy.$110,000 NRCS award. Total project costs:$242,500J. Ryan Farm, Wolcott. $15,000 VHCBaward to purchase conservation easementand Option to Purchase at AgriculturalValue on 108 acres agricultural land.Farmland abuts Bear Swamp NaturalArea. Landowner bargain sale. $50,000NRCS award. Total project costs: $129,000Spooner-Muzzy Farm, Ferrisburgh.$181,500 VHCB award to conserve 206acres farmland with a rare pitch pinenatural community on Fuller Mountain.$165,000 federal NRCS funds. Totalproject costs: $271,175,000.9

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