Vermont Housing & Conservation Board - Vermont Legislature

Vermont Housing & Conservation Board - Vermont Legislature

Vermont Housing & Conservation Board - Vermont Legislature


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<strong>Housing</strong> Awards July 2011– December 20124Rutland <strong>Housing</strong> Authority and<strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Vermont</strong>Hickory Street Phase II, Rutland City.$100,000 VHCB award to redevelop 23apartments and construct a communitybuilding in a multi-family public housingdevelopment formerly known as ForestPark. $1,687,500 federal NeighborhoodStabilization Program funds. Total developmentcosts: $7,232,919.Twin Pines <strong>Housing</strong> TrustAnna Pluhar House, Hartford. $30,000VHCB award for energy efficiencyupgrade to building to be utilized byDismas House as transitional housing forex-offenders.Organizational Development Grant.$41,594 VHCB award for fy12 organizationaldevelopment costs. $16,782 federalCHDO award.Twin Pines <strong>Housing</strong> Trust and<strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Vermont</strong>Graystone Village Energy Retrofit, Hartford.$162,500 award for energy conservationmeasures for 34 apartments.$150,000 HOME Program award. Totaldevelopment costs: $3,061,677.Valley CaresWest River Valley Assisted Living,Townshend. $100,000 VHCB award toconstruct a new wing with 12 assistedliving units, common space, and theoffices of Valley Cares. Onsite woodpellet boiler system and domestic solarhot water. $425,000 HOME Programaward. Total development costs:$2,783,750.<strong>Vermont</strong> Community Loan FundOrganizational Development Grant.$20,000 VHCB award for fy12 organizationaldevelopment costs.Windham & Windsor <strong>Housing</strong> TrustChester Gage Preservation, Chester andWestminster. $436,000 VHCB award torehabilitate two existing buildings with10 apartments. Reconfiguration andupdating of interiors; addition of twounits; remediation of moisture issues;energy efficiency improvements; additionof solar hot water and a sprinkler system.$213,336 federal HOME Program award.Total development costs: $2,822,054.Evergreen Mobile Home Park, Rockingham.$160,000 VHCB award topurchase and make improvements to the11-lot park. Refinancing; improvements topaving, landscaping, and drainage; capitalizationof operating and replacementreserves. $5,000 of this award is designatedfor the development of a masterlong-term site plan to accommodatereplacement of mobile homes over time.Total development costs: $160,000.Red Maple Mobile Home Park, Springfield.$396,460 VHCB award to purchaseand improve a 7-lot mobile home parkwith a 2-unit rental building withinwalking distance of downtown Springfield.Rehabiltiation of the duplex toreplace the boiler, upgrage ventilationand insulation, new roof, interiorfinishes where needed, repair or replaceexterior siding and trim, new plumbingfixtures, reconfigure units. Capitalizationof a sinking fund and replacementreserves and development of a long-termsite plan. $6,000 <strong>Vermont</strong> Fuel EfficiencyProgram award. Total development costs:$402,400.Organizational Development Grant.$80,500 VHCB award for fy12 organizationaldevelopment costs. $33,563 federalCHDO award.STATEWIDE PROGRAMSFeasibility Fund$75,000 recapitalization of the VHCBfeasibility fund, which provides awardsof up to $15,000 for predevelopment costsincluding surveys, options, appraisals,market and engineering studies, architect’sfees, etc.FEMA Hazard Mitigation Program$2 million commitment for Irene floodrelief as part of the State’s match inbuying out destroyed homes and assistingtowns in developing public access torivers where appropriate.Flood Mitigation Services$50,000 VHCB award to assist the Central<strong>Vermont</strong> Community Land Trust andthe Windham & Windsor <strong>Housing</strong> Trustwith costs due to increased staffing toassist households with recovery fromTropical Storm Irene.For Sale Inventory Fund$40,000 VHCB award to recapitalize afund to provide assistance to non-profitgroups for carrying costs, real estate fees,advertising or other transactional costsassociated with homes that are difficult tomarket or sell.Habitat and Vocational EducationBuilding Fund$105,000 to recapitalize the Habitat andVocational Building Fund, to providegrants for 6 homes built by Habitat forHumanity chapters or vocational educationalprograms.HOMELAND$325,000 recapitalization of programproviding purchase subsidies and rehabilitationloans to low- and moderateincome<strong>Vermont</strong> households purchasingpermanently affordable homes throughcommunity-based housing organizationsand NeighborWorks® HomeOwnershipCenters. Will provide approximately 9purchase subsidies.Organizational Development Grants$473,334 VHCB award to provide FY 2013Organizational Development grants to11 non-profit housing development organizationsaround the state. $150,000 inHUD funds for organizational developmentgrants to 9 Community <strong>Housing</strong>Development Organizations.

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