Sudan Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment - Disasters and ...

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SUDANPOST-CONFLICT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT8.6 Mechanized irrigationsector environmentalimpacts and issuesThe mechanized irrigation sector is associatedwith a range of environmental issues, including:• ongoing use of pesticides and a legacy ofobsolete pesticide stocks;• water pollution from sugar factories;• potentially unsustainable expansion plans intodesert regions; and• canal siltation, soil salinization and yieldreduction.These issues are considered to be significant, butpotentially more manageable than those relatedto mechanized rain-fed schemes.The major irrigation schemesThe Gezira irrigation scheme (including itsManagil extension) between the Blue and WhiteNile covers nearly half of Sudan’s total irrigatedarea and is reportedly the largest contiguousirrigation scheme under single administrationin the world. Alone, it consumes 35 percent ofSudan’s share of Nile waters [8.12]. The other twomajor schemes are the Rahad on the bank oppositeGezira, and the New Halfa on the Atbara river.The latter was until very recently severely affectedby an infestation of mesquite, but the schemeadministration reported that 60-70 percent hadbeen cleared as of mid-2006.In addition, there are five major sugar schemesof which four are government-run. The fifthand largest sugar plantation is the Kenana SugarCompany, which is an international publicprivatejoint venture.The few irrigation schemes in Southern Sudan(the Aweil rice scheme, and Mongalla and Melutsugar companies) ceased operations during theconflict, but there are plans to revive them as wellas initiate new projects.Ongoing pesticide managementproblemsThe use, storage and disposal of pesticides aresome of the most serious environmental issuesrelated to the agricultural sector, which is byfar the leading user of chemicals in Sudan. Theapplication of pesticides in large-scale irrigationschemes and the treatment of obsolete pesticidesare particular causes for concern.The Gezira scheme main canal and the Managil extension are used by farmers for drinking water and fishing172 • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •

8 AGRICULTURE AND THE ENVIRONMENTIn addition to the lack of protective gear, derelict and leaky equipment exposes workers of the CropProtection Department in El Kajara, Gedaref, to serious occupational health hazardsThe bulk of pesticide application in irrigatedschemes is carried out by aerial spraying under thecommand of the respective scheme administrations.The Gezira Board has reported that an estimated125,000 to 205,000 hectares of cotton and 62,000hectares of wheat fields are sprayed annually.Past studies have revealed widespread pollutionof surface waters and irrigation canals due toextensive aerial spraying, and it is likely that thisremains a problem today [8.13, 8.14].Aerial spraying of pesticides is a particular issue inthe Managil extension, where the irrigation supplycanal is also the main source of drinking water.There is no pesticide monitoring programme orany regular surveillance system to analyse theenvironmental fate of pesticides in water, soil orfood. Most studies date back to the early 1980sand there is a major information gap regardingthe current situation. Previous analysis has shownthat DDT and its derivatives were the mostwidespread contaminants. Moreover, residuetesting on food products, such as goat milk in theOver 250,000 ha of cultivated land are sprayedannually in the Gezira scheme• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •173

8 AGRICULTURE AND THE ENVIRONMENTIn addition to the lack of protective gear, derelict <strong>and</strong> leaky equipment exposes workers of the CropProtection Department in El Kajara, Gedaref, to serious occupational health hazardsThe bulk of pesticide application in irrigatedschemes is carried out by aerial spraying under thecomm<strong>and</strong> of the respective scheme administrations.The Gezira Board has reported that an estimated125,000 to 205,000 hectares of cotton <strong>and</strong> 62,000hectares of wheat fields are sprayed annually.Past studies have revealed widespread pollutionof surface waters <strong>and</strong> irrigation canals due toextensive aerial spraying, <strong>and</strong> it is likely that thisremains a problem today [8.13, 8.14].Aerial spraying of pesticides is a particular issue inthe Managil extension, where the irrigation supplycanal is also the main source of drinking water.There is no pesticide monitoring programme orany regular surveillance system to analyse theenvironmental fate of pesticides in water, soil orfood. Most studies date back to the early 1980s<strong>and</strong> there is a major information gap regardingthe current situation. Previous analysis has shownthat DDT <strong>and</strong> its derivatives were the mostwidespread contaminants. Moreover, residuetesting on food products, such as goat milk in theOver 250,000 ha of cultivated l<strong>and</strong> are sprayedannually in the Gezira scheme• United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme • United Nations Environment Programme •173

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