Spring 2008 Volume 22 - No. 1 - BC BookWorld

Spring 2008 Volume 22 - No. 1 - BC BookWorld Spring 2008 Volume 22 - No. 1 - BC BookWorld

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WHO’SWHO40 BC BOOKWORLD SPRING 2008continued from previous pageis for ShawChris Shaw’s Five Ring Circus:Myths and Realities of the OlympicGames (New Society $19.95) promisesto be a scathing indictment of the processof acquiring the Olympics and alsothe motives of guys in suits who, Drapeaulike,have reassured everyone things can’tgo wrong, or over-budget. UBC professorShaw is a spokesperson for the NoGames 2010 Coalition and 2010 Watch.978-0-86571-592-9is for TsimshianVictoria’s Allan Hoover is one offive co-authors of Tsimshian Treasures:The Remarkable Journey of theDundas Collection (D&M $55), aboutthe 80 Tsimshian ceremonial objectsbought from missionary WilliamDuncan by Reverend Robert J.Dundas of Scotland in 1863. This socalledDundas Collection was recentlyauctioned in New York for the Dundasfamily, reaping more than $7 million.978-1-55365-332-5is for UnbalancedAnna Jean Mallinson's TerraInfirma: A Life Unbalanced (WindshiftPress $17.95) provides a personal accountof the author's experience with aCover art forFive Ring Circustoxic reaction to the antibiotic Gentamicin,which destroyed the hair folliclesin her inner ear, eliminating herbody's equilibrium. Mallinson lives inWest Vancouver and contributes essaysto the Vocabula Review. 0-9736560-2-6is for Vuong-RiddickBorn in Hanoi in 1940 and educatedin Saigon andParis, multi-lingualThuongV u o n g -Riddick sharesher VietnameseThuong Vuong-Riddick , age 4,Hanoi, 1944roots, her girlhood experiencesand her affinityfor life inCanada in The EvergreenCountry: AMemoir of Vietnam(Hagios $19.95).In this upliftingand articulate story ofpreserving dignity inthe face of hardship,the retired French literatureprofessor revealshow Vietnam is ablend of indigenous,Chinese, French andAmerican influences.978-0-9783440-0-9is for WatadaTen years ago Terry Watada’sstories in Daruma Days (Ronsdale$14.95) recalled life in the internmentcamps of World War II in the B.C.interior, focussing on the Issei, the firstgeneration of Japanese-Canadian immigrants.The Issei are again his subject inthe novel Kuroshio (Arsenal $21.95),the name given to the tide that broughtJapanese immigrants to North America.This time Watada follows the fate ofa woman who is brought to Vancouverto marry a man she has never seen. Escapingfrom her loveless marriage andpoverty, she becomes embroiled in theunderground gang of a ruthless crimeboss. 978-1-155152-233-3is for XtraordinaryThat’s the decision of author KarenX Tulchinsky, UBC English professorGlenn Deer and booksellerMarc Fournier who have selectedMichael Kluckner’s Vancouver Remembered(Whitecap) for this year’s Cityof Vancouver Book Award.is for YatesJ. Michael Yates has resurfacedas Senior Editor of Libros Libertad, anambitious new literary imprint ownedby Manolis Aligizakis of WhiteRock. The press has issued Yates’ 548-page collection of his stage, radio andtelevision plays, The Passage of SonoNis: Collected Plays by J. Michael Yates(Libros Libertad $34.95). 978-0-9781865-3-1is for ZuehlkeCanada’s liberation of western Hollandand the crucial estuary was itsbloodiest campaign in World War II butits blow-by-blow progress has been hithertounder-appreciated. Now MarkZuehlke has extensively documentedthe 55-day, mud-soaked struggle of theFirst Canadian Army in 1944 to openthe Antwerp coast for Allied shippingin Terrible Victory: First CanadianArmy and the Scheldt Estuary Campaign(D&M $37.95). 978-01-55365-227-4The Wacky Ways We NameYoung Animalsby Diane Swansonillustrated by Mariko Ando SpencerIn a book that’s sure to grab young animal enthusiasts andlanguage lovers alike, B.C. author Diane Swanson describes11 animals and the words we use for their young.“... a fun read ... also an excellent way to increase youngchildren’s vocabulary and to introduce them to the richnessof language. Highly Recommended.”—CM Reviewswww.annickpress.comexcellence & innovation in children’s literatureAvailable from your favourite bookstoreAlso availablePart memoir, part analysis, andpart manifesto! Governor General’sAward winner Joe Rosenblattdeftly links poetry to thepersonalities of Milton Acorn,Gwendolyn MacEwen, John Clare,Christopher Smart, Sylvia Plath,and other troubled poets whoscholars have termedPoets of the Asylum.Available at bookstoresand direct from the publisherat www.ExileEditions.comISBN 978-1-55096-098-3$22.95Banyen Books presentsNEALEDONALD WALSCH WMARION WOODMAN& ROBERT BLYAGING & THEUNLIVED LIFE—The Soul’s Quest forWholeness• Sat., April 5 $25 7:30pmChrist Church Cathedral• Sun., April 6 $140 10–5First Nation’s Longhouse, UBC• POETRY w/ ROBERT BLY April 47:30pm $18 Unitarian Church, 49th & Oak–Conversations with God authorHAPPIER THAN GOD—Turn Ordinary Life into anExtraordinary Experience• TALK & BOOKSIGNING—Wed., March 197:30pm $15Canadian Memorial Church,1806 W. 15th at BurrardBanyen BOoks3608 West 4th AvenueBooks 604-732-7912 Music/Gifts/Tickets 604-737-8858Out-of-town orders 1-800-663-8442 Open Mon-Fri 10-9, Sat 10-8, Sun 11-7www.banyen.com for reviews, author events & our entire inventory

LAST WORDS42 BC BOOKWORLD SPRING 2008A TIMELY BOOK$14.95ISBN 142513554-4Order online at:www.trafford.com/07-1386oremail@trafford.comorPhone: 604-521-0378 (author)DON’T CALL ME—ISHMAELTruth of boy soldier story called into questionThe authenticity of IshmaelBeah’s boy soldier memoir ALong Way Gone—which toppedthe BC Bestseller List for much of 2007and was featured on the cover of BCBookWorld’s summer issue—has beenfound lacking by Australianmedia.In January, TheAustralian reportedBeah likely fought foronly a few months inthe Sierra Leone army,not two years as describedin his book,and he seemingly haslied about being victimizedat age 12.These revelationscame to light after oneof Ishmael Beah’s relativesread the bookand tried to contacthim via his New York publisher. Representativesof Beah have since rebuffedefforts to validate claims made in thebook.The Australian noted: “If confirmed,the revelations do not mean Beah’s taleisn’t truly terrible. They don’t mean thathe hasn’t been through experiences thatmost of us in the developed world willnever have to face even in our nightmares....But this does raise questionsabout the way Ishmael Beah’s book cameabout and how thoroughly his story waschecked out.”Coverage of Beah’s book in BCBookWorld expressed some scepticismabout the impressiveand worthwhilememoir: “Can we reallytrust him as ourguide? Is he telling useverything that happenedto him. We arebeing escortedthrough a nightmareby someone we stillIshmael Beah:Lost ‘n’ found‘n’ lost againLAURA SAWCHUK / TRIPPLE AAA PHOTOdon’t reallyknow…This is a veryimportant book. But itdoesn’t tell the truth,the whole truth, andnothing but the truth.”A Long Way Gonedebuted at #2 on The New York Timesbestseller list and Time made it Number3 on its Top Ten list of non-fiction booksof 2007. Starbucks chose it for its bookclub and donates $2 to UNICEF forevery book they sell. In November, Beahwas appointed UNICEF Advocate forChildren Affected by War.Life expectancy in Sierra Leone inthe year 2000 was 25.9. It is now 41.OBITSJeani Read (1947-2007)Daughter of author Elfreida Read,Jeani Read was born in Shanghai andmoved to Vancouver when she was veryyoung. Read started writing for TheProvince newspaper in 1973 and becameits first rock music critic. She laterbecame a columnist for the newspaper,writing on contemporary manners andmorality. These articles were collectedand published as Endless Summers andOther Shared Hallucinations (FlightPress) in 1985. She also collaboratedwith her husband, the screenwriter andplaywright Michael Mercer, on anumber of short TV dramas, one ofwhich was nominated for a Geminiaward. She died from complicationsarising from esophageal cancer, on December21, 2007.Leila Vennewitz(1912-2007)Born in Hampshire, England in1912, Leila Vennewitz, the English languagetranslator of Heinrich Boll, livedquietly and largely unheralded in Vancouverfor more than 50 years, primarilyin the West End, near Lost Lagoon.She pioneered the ability of translatorsto gain copyright for their own translations.Leila Vennewitz died on August8, 2007.INDEX to AdvertisersAnnick Press...40Anvil Press...10, 26, 34, 40Arsenal Pulp Press...12Banyen Books...40Bjork Publishing...35Black Rose Books...36Bolen Books...28Book Warehouse...38Boswell, David...10Crown Publications...28Douglas College/EVENT...33Douglas College...10Ekstasis Editions...12Ellis, David...41Exile Editions...40Federation of BC Writers...30Fernie Writers Conference...31Fernwood Publishing...36Friesens Printers...41Galiano Island Books...33George Ryga Award...41Granville Island Publishing...41Harbour Publishing...44Heritage House...7Herzog, S.M....34Hignell Printing...41Island Mountain Arts...30LAMMAR Printing...43Leaf Press...36Libros Libertad Publishing...35Locke, Steve...42Lovett Pictures...42New Society...8New Star Books...26, 34, 36Now or Never Publishing...17Oolichan Books...17Orca Books...25Penguin Books...20, 39People’s Co-Op Books...41Playwrights Canada Press...26Positive Connections...26Printorium...41Raven Publishing...26REAL Society...30Ronsdale Press...16Royal BC Museum...5Save-On Foods...28SFU Pubworks...30SFU Writing & Publishing...18Sidney Booktown...34Signature Editions...42Shuswap Lake Writers’ Festival...30Sono Nis Press...14Talonbooks...2, 3Temeron/Detselig...26Thistledown Press...34Thomson, Ann...42Toppermost Books...42UBC Press...18Vancouver Desktop...41Wilfrid Laurier Press...17Wolsak & Wynn...26Yoka’s Coffee...28TO ADVERTISE and reach100,000 readers just CALL604-736-4011

WHO’SWHO40 <strong>BC</strong> BOOKWORLD SPRING <strong>2008</strong>continued from previous pageis for ShawChris Shaw’s Five Ring Circus:Myths and Realities of the OlympicGames (New Society $19.95) promisesto be a scathing indictment of the processof acquiring the Olympics and alsothe motives of guys in suits who, Drapeaulike,have reassured everyone things can’tgo wrong, or over-budget. U<strong>BC</strong> professorShaw is a spokesperson for the <strong>No</strong>Games 2010 Coalition and 2010 Watch.978-0-86571-592-9is for TsimshianVictoria’s Allan Hoover is one offive co-authors of Tsimshian Treasures:The Remarkable Journey of theDundas Collection (D&M $55), aboutthe 80 Tsimshian ceremonial objectsbought from missionary WilliamDuncan by Reverend Robert J.Dundas of Scotland in 1863. This socalledDundas Collection was recentlyauctioned in New York for the Dundasfamily, reaping more than $7 million.978-1-55365-332-5is for UnbalancedAnna Jean Mallinson's TerraInfirma: A Life Unbalanced (WindshiftPress $17.95) provides a personal accountof the author's experience with aCover art forFive Ring Circustoxic reaction to the antibiotic Gentamicin,which destroyed the hair folliclesin her inner ear, eliminating herbody's equilibrium. Mallinson lives inWest Vancouver and contributes essaysto the Vocabula Review. 0-9736560-2-6is for Vuong-RiddickBorn in Hanoi in 1940 and educatedin Saigon andParis, multi-lingualThuongV u o n g -Riddick sharesher VietnameseThuong Vuong-Riddick , age 4,Hanoi, 1944roots, her girlhood experiencesand her affinityfor life inCanada in The EvergreenCountry: AMemoir of Vietnam(Hagios $19.95).In this upliftingand articulate story ofpreserving dignity inthe face of hardship,the retired French literatureprofessor revealshow Vietnam is ablend of indigenous,Chinese, French andAmerican influences.978-0-9783440-0-9is for WatadaTen years ago Terry Watada’sstories in Daruma Days (Ronsdale$14.95) recalled life in the internmentcamps of World War II in the B.C.interior, focussing on the Issei, the firstgeneration of Japanese-Canadian immigrants.The Issei are again his subject inthe novel Kuroshio (Arsenal $21.95),the name given to the tide that broughtJapanese immigrants to <strong>No</strong>rth America.This time Watada follows the fate ofa woman who is brought to Vancouverto marry a man she has never seen. Escapingfrom her loveless marriage andpoverty, she becomes embroiled in theunderground gang of a ruthless crimeboss. 978-1-155152-233-3is for XtraordinaryThat’s the decision of author KarenX Tulchinsky, U<strong>BC</strong> English professorGlenn Deer and booksellerMarc Fournier who have selectedMichael Kluckner’s Vancouver Remembered(Whitecap) for this year’s Cityof Vancouver Book Award.is for YatesJ. Michael Yates has resurfacedas Senior Editor of Libros Libertad, anambitious new literary imprint ownedby Manolis Aligizakis of WhiteRock. The press has issued Yates’ 548-page collection of his stage, radio andtelevision plays, The Passage of SonoNis: Collected Plays by J. Michael Yates(Libros Libertad $34.95). 978-0-9781865-3-1is for ZuehlkeCanada’s liberation of western Hollandand the crucial estuary was itsbloodiest campaign in World War II butits blow-by-blow progress has been hithertounder-appreciated. <strong>No</strong>w MarkZuehlke has extensively documentedthe 55-day, mud-soaked struggle of theFirst Canadian Army in 1944 to openthe Antwerp coast for Allied shippingin Terrible Victory: First CanadianArmy and the Scheldt Estuary Campaign(D&M $37.95). 978-01-55365-<strong>22</strong>7-4The Wacky Ways We NameYoung Animalsby Diane Swansonillustrated by Mariko Ando SpencerIn a book that’s sure to grab young animal enthusiasts andlanguage lovers alike, B.C. author Diane Swanson describes11 animals and the words we use for their young.“... a fun read ... also an excellent way to increase youngchildren’s vocabulary and to introduce them to the richnessof language. Highly Recommended.”—CM Reviewswww.annickpress.comexcellence & innovation in children’s literatureAvailable from your favourite bookstoreAlso availablePart memoir, part analysis, andpart manifesto! Governor General’sAward winner Joe Rosenblattdeftly links poetry to thepersonalities of Milton Acorn,Gwendolyn MacEwen, John Clare,Christopher Smart, Sylvia Plath,and other troubled poets whoscholars have termedPoets of the Asylum.Available at bookstoresand direct from the publisherat www.ExileEditions.comISBN 978-1-55096-098-3$<strong>22</strong>.95Banyen Books presentsNEALEDONALD WALSCH WMARION WOODMAN& ROBERT BLYAGING & THEUNLIVED LIFE—The Soul’s Quest forWholeness• Sat., April 5 $25 7:30pmChrist Church Cathedral• Sun., April 6 $140 10–5First Nation’s Longhouse, U<strong>BC</strong>• POETRY w/ ROBERT BLY April 47:30pm $18 Unitarian Church, 49th & Oak–Conversations with God authorHAPPIER THAN GOD—Turn Ordinary Life into anExtraordinary Experience• TALK & BOOKSIGNING—Wed., March 197:30pm $15Canadian Memorial Church,1806 W. 15th at BurrardBanyen BOoks3608 West 4th AvenueBooks 604-732-7912 Music/Gifts/Tickets 604-737-8858Out-of-town orders 1-800-663-8442 Open Mon-Fri 10-9, Sat 10-8, Sun 11-7www.banyen.com for reviews, author events & our entire inventory

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