Spring 2008 Volume 22 - No. 1 - BC BookWorld

Spring 2008 Volume 22 - No. 1 - BC BookWorld Spring 2008 Volume 22 - No. 1 - BC BookWorld

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WHO’SWHOLeonard Frank’s photo “Roundup of Japanese Fishing Vessels at Annieville, 1942,”from Nikkei Fishermen on the BC Coastcontinued from page 37is for FukawaMasako Fukawa served as themain writer and managing editor forNikkei Fishermen on the BC Coast:Their Biographies and Photographs(Harbour $39.95). To ensure the sacrificesand hardships endured by olderfishermen are never forgotten, alongwith the confiscation of their boats andthe forced dispersal of Japanese Canadiansfrom the B.C. Coast in 1942, theNikkei Fishermen Reunion Committeegathered and edited 3,524 names and750 biographies and photographs forthis memorial volume. 978-1-55017-436-6is for HarropGraham Harrop of North Vancouverhas contributed the“BackBench” panel cartoon for TheGlobe and Mail since 1988. Also an editorialcartoonist for The Vancouver Sunand a past winner of a British ColumbiaNewspaper Award for editorialcartooning, Harrop has gathered someof his best work for The BackBench Collection(Ronsdale $14.95).Jade Bell978-1-55380-053-8Carole Gersonis for GoldbergHaving explored Taoism andpracticed a 66-move sequence of a martialart form called Liuhebafa, KimGoldberg has written Ride Backwardson Dragon: A Poet’s Journeythrough Liuhebafa (Leaf Press $18.95).“I am naught buta beginner in allthings and hope tostay that way—open,” she writes.Liuhebafa arosefrom a philosopherand mathematicianinKim Goldbergnorth-central China, in approximately900 A.D., whose ideas were developedby a scholar and martial artist named LiDongfeng some 300 years later.Kim Goldberg’s frank narratives frequentlydetour towards humour. “DearOvaries, It was great seeing you guys lastweek! And that trans-vaginal ultrasoundwas quite the thrill ride. Thanks. Butwhat were you thinking going all cystylike that on the right? You two are a reallaugh riot. Have I not been good to you?Shown you respect? Attended everystitch-n-bitch session? Vowed to steerclear of Hormone Replacement Therapyno matter how sweaty I get? / You’re notstill mad about that no-kids thing areyou? Like dudes, get over it already!”978-0-9783879-1-4From The Backbench Collectionis for IrvineAndrew Irvine of UBC is the authorof Socrates on Trial (UTP $17.95),a new stage play that combines views ofSocrates for both theatrical and educationalpurposes. It’s one of his “lighter”works. Irvine, a former president of BCCivil Liberties, has also edited BertrandRussell: Critical Assessments and Mistakesof Reason: Essays in Honour of John Woods.is for Jack978-0-8020-9538-1For a community healing project,Agnes Jack of the Shuswap First Nationedited testimonials from 32 individualsabout their experiences withinthe Kamloops Indian Residential School(1893 to 1979). A new edition of BehindClosed Doors: Stories from theKamloops Indian Residential School(Theytus $26.95) has brought thosememories of the school back into print.978-1-894778-41-138 BC BOOKWORLD SPRING 2008

WHO’SWHO39 BC BOOKWORLD SPRING 2008is for KishkanWistful reminiscences of romantictimes in Ireland during her 20s, as wellas a memoir of returning there 23 yearslater with her son, in 2001, are the highlightsin Theresa Kishkan’s PhantomLimb (Thistledown $15.95), acollection of self-reflective essays and poeticnarratives. It also includes a lovelypiece about searching for Granite Creek,an interior community founded in 1885.978-1-897235-31-7“At what point is a placesimply erased from a map inits literal sense? All overBritish Columbia there aresignificant town sites whichhold only ghosts of theirformer selves.”–— THERESA KISHKANis for LorimerThis year’s recipient of the GrayCampbell Award recognizing an outstandingcontribution to the literary communityis Rowly Lorimer,co-founder of the Canadian Centre forStudies in Publishing at SFU and mainstayof its Master inPublishing program.As well, theHeritage Houseconsortium, led byRodger andPat Touchie,will receive theRowland Lorimer annual Jim DouglasAward to recognize outstanding publishingachievements. In recent yearsHeritage has added several imprints tobecome one of the major publishers ofbooks specifically for and about B.C. Theaward is named for the founder of J.J.Douglas Ltd., the company that evolvedinto Douglas & McIntyre.is for McPhailAccounts of 81 fish species are providedfor biologists, naturalists and conservationistsin J.D. McPhail’s696-page The Freshwater Fishes of BritishColumbia (University of Alberta $90)which details the scientific and commonnames of each fish, distinguishing characteristics,origins, geographic distribution,life-history, habitat-use, taxonomicand conservation comments. 978-0-88864-467-1is for NewEver prolific, recent Order ofCanada inductee W.H. (Bill) Newhas added two more titles to his resumethat includes some 46 titles. His latestcollection of poetry is Along a SnakeKEITH SHAW PHOTOFence Riding (Oolichan $16.95) and hehas co-edited Tropes and Territories(McGill-Queen’s $80) with MartaDvorak, a collection of short fictionand postcolonial readings featuring essayson writers such as RohintonMistry, David Malouf, and WitiIhimaera.Fence 978-0-88982-236-8; Tropes 978-0-77353-289-2is for OutramBorn in 1864, English clergymanJames Outram was a militia officer(in Afghanistan), zoologist and worldtraveller who made numerous mountaineeringascents in the Rockies andColumbias in 1900, 1901 and 1902. Inthe Heart of the Rockies (Rocky Mountain$22.95) is a re-issued 1905 classicthat records his adventures in B.C. andAlberta. He lived in Calgary prior to hisdeath in Victoria on March 12, 1925.is for Page978-1-894765-96-1P.K. Page has crafted an enticingchildren’s tale about a baker who learnsthat money can’t buy happiness in Jake,The Baker, Makes A Cake (Oolichan$19.95). As he tries to marry the beautifuldaughter of his cranky boss, Jakeconsents to literally sell his own happinessto Mr. Jeremiah, only to becomemiserable in the process. Illustrated byRuth Campbell, this tales has plentyof plot twists, culminating in a very specialwedding cake. 978-088982-245-0is for QuadraAt long last, At the Far Reaches ofEmpire (UBC Press $85) by FreemanM. Tovell provides an in-depthcareer profile of the pre-eminent Spanishsea captain who explored the PacificNorthwest prior to 1800, Peruvian-bornJuan Francisco de la Bodegay Quadra. Quadra’s reputation suffersbecause there is no genuine portraitof him, a fate that has also befallen theremarkable pathfinder DavidThompson.Tovell, a former diplomat who servedin Peru, points out that his subject is morecommonly known as Bodega or elseBodega y Quadra in Spain, UnitedStates, Mexico and Peru. 9780774813662is for RossDespite the demise of Raincoast’spublishing program, Jesse Ross’two latest titles, All-Star Sports Puzzles—Basketball (Raincoast $9.95) andAll-Star SportsPuzzles—Hockey(Raincoast $9.95)will still be availablefrom theHarry Potter folks.Basketball 978-1-55192-822-7;Hockey 978-1-55192-810-4Jesse Rosscontinued on next page

WHO’SWHO39 <strong>BC</strong> BOOKWORLD SPRING <strong>2008</strong>is for KishkanWistful reminiscences of romantictimes in Ireland during her 20s, as wellas a memoir of returning there 23 yearslater with her son, in 2001, are the highlightsin Theresa Kishkan’s PhantomLimb (Thistledown $15.95), acollection of self-reflective essays and poeticnarratives. It also includes a lovelypiece about searching for Granite Creek,an interior community founded in 1885.978-1-897235-31-7“At what point is a placesimply erased from a map inits literal sense? All overBritish Columbia there aresignificant town sites whichhold only ghosts of theirformer selves.”–— THERESA KISHKANis for LorimerThis year’s recipient of the GrayCampbell Award recognizing an outstandingcontribution to the literary communityis Rowly Lorimer,co-founder of the Canadian Centre forStudies in Publishing at SFU and mainstayof its Master inPublishing program.As well, theHeritage Houseconsortium, led byRodger andPat Touchie,will receive theRowland Lorimer annual Jim DouglasAward to recognize outstanding publishingachievements. In recent yearsHeritage has added several imprints tobecome one of the major publishers ofbooks specifically for and about B.C. Theaward is named for the founder of J.J.Douglas Ltd., the company that evolvedinto Douglas & McIntyre.is for McPhailAccounts of 81 fish species are providedfor biologists, naturalists and conservationistsin J.D. McPhail’s696-page The Freshwater Fishes of BritishColumbia (University of Alberta $90)which details the scientific and commonnames of each fish, distinguishing characteristics,origins, geographic distribution,life-history, habitat-use, taxonomicand conservation comments. 978-0-88864-467-1is for NewEver prolific, recent Order ofCanada inductee W.H. (Bill) Newhas added two more titles to his resumethat includes some 46 titles. His latestcollection of poetry is Along a SnakeKEITH SHAW PHOTOFence Riding (Oolichan $16.95) and hehas co-edited Tropes and Territories(McGill-Queen’s $80) with MartaDvorak, a collection of short fictionand postcolonial readings featuring essayson writers such as RohintonMistry, David Malouf, and WitiIhimaera.Fence 978-0-88982-236-8; Tropes 978-0-77353-289-2is for OutramBorn in 1864, English clergymanJames Outram was a militia officer(in Afghanistan), zoologist and worldtraveller who made numerous mountaineeringascents in the Rockies andColumbias in 1900, 1901 and 1902. Inthe Heart of the Rockies (Rocky Mountain$<strong>22</strong>.95) is a re-issued 1905 classicthat records his adventures in B.C. andAlberta. He lived in Calgary prior to hisdeath in Victoria on March 12, 1925.is for Page978-1-894765-96-1P.K. Page has crafted an enticingchildren’s tale about a baker who learnsthat money can’t buy happiness in Jake,The Baker, Makes A Cake (Oolichan$19.95). As he tries to marry the beautifuldaughter of his cranky boss, Jakeconsents to literally sell his own happinessto Mr. Jeremiah, only to becomemiserable in the process. Illustrated byRuth Campbell, this tales has plentyof plot twists, culminating in a very specialwedding cake. 978-088982-245-0is for QuadraAt long last, At the Far Reaches ofEmpire (U<strong>BC</strong> Press $85) by FreemanM. Tovell provides an in-depthcareer profile of the pre-eminent Spanishsea captain who explored the Pacific<strong>No</strong>rthwest prior to 1800, Peruvian-bornJuan Francisco de la Bodegay Quadra. Quadra’s reputation suffersbecause there is no genuine portraitof him, a fate that has also befallen theremarkable pathfinder DavidThompson.Tovell, a former diplomat who servedin Peru, points out that his subject is morecommonly known as Bodega or elseBodega y Quadra in Spain, UnitedStates, Mexico and Peru. 9780774813662is for RossDespite the demise of Raincoast’spublishing program, Jesse Ross’two latest titles, All-Star Sports Puzzles—Basketball (Raincoast $9.95) andAll-Star SportsPuzzles—Hockey(Raincoast $9.95)will still be availablefrom theHarry Potter folks.Basketball 978-1-55192-8<strong>22</strong>-7;Hockey 978-1-55192-810-4Jesse Rosscontinued on next page

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