Physical Education Unit Plan Sample

Physical Education Unit Plan Sample Physical Education Unit Plan Sample


Level: 10 th gradeCurriculum MapUnit: BadmintonLearningLesson Targets &Standards1 WA: 1.1.1, 1.1.5,1.2.1 & 1.2.2N: 1, 2, 5 & 62 WA: 1.1.1, 1.1.5,1.2.1 & 1.2.2N: 1, 2, 5 & 63 WA: 1.1.1, 1.1.5,1.2.1 & 1.2.2N: 1, 2, 5 & 6Key Skills/ Concepts(Psychomotor/Cognitive)Introduce:Dbls. CourtBoundariesEquipmentSafetyForehand GripReady PositionForehand Underhand ClearReview: Safety, DoublesCourt Boundary Lines,Forehand Grip & UnderhandClearIntroduce:Backhand GripBackhand Short ServeReview:Court LinesForehand vs. Backhand GripsUnderhand ClearBackhand ServeIntroduce:Flick ServeBirdie Placement StrategyLearning Activities(Drills, Games, Instruction)• Video clip, 2010 WorldChampionships• Doubles Court Line Drill• Racquet Forehand Grip& Ready Position• Forehand UnderhandClear Partner Practice• Instant Activity: SpaceTag – Personal Space• Doubles Boundary LineReview• Forehand UnderhandClear Targeting• Backhand Short Serveto partner• Flock of Birdies VolleyThink-Pair-Share: ShortService LineWrist Flick ActionFlick Serve TargetingFlick Serve-Underhand ClearVolleyFormal/Informal Assessment(Cognitive/ Psychomotor)Informal Psychomotor –Doubles Boundary LinesForehand Grip & Cues for Underhand ClearInformal Cognitive –Doubles Boundary LinesComponents of the Forehand Grip andUnderhand ClearFormal Cognitive –Exit Slip: Doubles Court LinesInformal Psychomotor –Forehand Underhand Clear TargetingBackhand Serve w/ PartnerInformal Cognitive –Doubles Boundary Line IdentificationForehand Grip vs. Backhand Grip PositionsCourt Position, Max Contact Height &Direction of ServeFormal Cognitive –Exit Slip: Serve Position & Direction ofServeInformal Psychomotor –Flick Serve TargetingMax Height of Serve ContactInformal Cognitive –Importance of Short Service LineMax Height of Serve ContactWrist Flick used in two SkillsFormal Psychomotor –Skill Assess Forehand Underhand ClearFormal Cognitive –Exit Slip: Flick Serve

Level: 10 th gradeCurriculum Map<strong>Unit</strong>: BadmintonLearningLesson Targets &Standards1 WA: 1.1.1, 1.1.5,1.2.1 & 1.2.2N: 1, 2, 5 & 62 WA: 1.1.1, 1.1.5,1.2.1 & 1.2.2N: 1, 2, 5 & 63 WA: 1.1.1, 1.1.5,1.2.1 & 1.2.2N: 1, 2, 5 & 6Key Skills/ Concepts(Psychomotor/Cognitive)Introduce:Dbls. CourtBoundariesEquipmentSafetyForehand GripReady PositionForehand Underhand ClearReview: Safety, DoublesCourt Boundary Lines,Forehand Grip & UnderhandClearIntroduce:Backhand GripBackhand Short ServeReview:Court LinesForehand vs. Backhand GripsUnderhand ClearBackhand ServeIntroduce:Flick ServeBirdie Placement StrategyLearning Activities(Drills, Games, Instruction)• Video clip, 2010 WorldChampionships• Doubles Court Line Drill• Racquet Forehand Grip& Ready Position• Forehand UnderhandClear Partner Practice• Instant Activity: SpaceTag – Personal Space• Doubles Boundary LineReview• Forehand UnderhandClear Targeting• Backhand Short Serveto partner• Flock of Birdies VolleyThink-Pair-Share: ShortService LineWrist Flick ActionFlick Serve TargetingFlick Serve-Underhand ClearVolleyFormal/Informal Assessment(Cognitive/ Psychomotor)Informal Psychomotor –Doubles Boundary LinesForehand Grip & Cues for Underhand ClearInformal Cognitive –Doubles Boundary LinesComponents of the Forehand Grip andUnderhand ClearFormal Cognitive –Exit Slip: Doubles Court LinesInformal Psychomotor –Forehand Underhand Clear TargetingBackhand Serve w/ PartnerInformal Cognitive –Doubles Boundary Line IdentificationForehand Grip vs. Backhand Grip PositionsCourt Position, Max Contact Height &Direction of ServeFormal Cognitive –Exit Slip: Serve Position & Direction ofServeInformal Psychomotor –Flick Serve TargetingMax Height of Serve ContactInformal Cognitive –Importance of Short Service LineMax Height of Serve ContactWrist Flick used in two SkillsFormal Psychomotor –Skill Assess Forehand Underhand ClearFormal Cognitive –Exit Slip: Flick Serve

LearningLesson Targets &Standards4 WA: 1.1.1, 1.1.5,1.2.1 & 1.2.2N: 1, 2, 5 & 6Key Skills/ Concepts(Psychomotor/Cognitive)Review:SafetyForehand Under ClearBackhand ServeIntroduce:Hairpin Drop ShotCrosscourt Drop ShotBirdie Placement StrategyLearning Activities(Drills, Games, Instruction)Birdie BalanceDrop shot BonanzaDrop shot Speed SkateDropshot Flock of BirdiesFormal/Informal Assessment(Cognitive/ Psychomotor)Informal Psychomotor –Hairpin Drop Shot PracticeCrosscourt Drop Shot PracticeInformal Cognitive –3 Badminton Safety FocusesWhen to use Drop ShotsHow do drop shots increase challenge.What joint is primary moverFormal Cognitive –Exit Slip: Drop shot return position,direction of return & joint movement5 WA: 1.1.1, 1.1.5,1.2.1 & 1.2.2N: 1, 2, 5 & 6Review:SafetyDrop ShotsFlick ServeIntroduce:Forehand SmashForehand DriveBirdie Placement StrategyBalloon BadmintonUltimate BirdieBadminton VolleyShadow SmashForehand SmashSmash Defense – ForehandDriveForehand Smash/DriveDoubles VolleyInformal Psychomotor –Drop Shot ReviewForehand SmashForehand DriveInformal Cognitive –When to use Forehand SmashWhen to use Forehand DriveFormal Cognitive –Exit Slip: Self-assess Forehand Smash6 WA: 1.1.1, 1.1.5,1.2.1, 1.2.2 &4.1.2N: 1, 2, 5 & 6Review:Forehand Underhand ClearBackhand ServeDrop ShotsForehand SmashForehand DriveUltimate Badminton + OneBackhand Serve SkillAssessmentVideo Analysis/ CognitiveAssessmentDoubles GamesFormal Psychomotor –Backhand ServeFormal Cognitive –Video Analysis<strong>Unit</strong> Quiz

Lesson 1 – Intro to BadmintonTeacher: Subject/Topic: Badminton-Intro Grade Level: 10 thLearning Targets and Standard Alignment (NASPE, WA-EALR)The 10 th grade students will perform gripping the badminton racquet, identification of DoublesCourt Boundary lines and the Forehand Underhand Clear during small group practice portion ofthe class with competency. W: 1.1.1, 1.1.5, 1.2.1, 1.2.2 & 1.4.2; N: 1, 2, 5 & 6.TimelinePre-studentarrivalInstructional SequenceLearning TargetWrite Learning Target & Instant Activity on Whiteboard.LT: I can identify the boundary lines of a Doubles Badminton Court and how touse a forehand grip to perform the Forehand Underhand Clear.Instant Activities1-3 Touch a Line: Find personal space between Wall 1 and the mid-court line,now raise your favorite foot… That will be your counting foot, you have 20seconds to touch as many different lines as you can, starting now!(Use proximity & modeling to encourage inactive student participation)Whistle – switch feet, try to beat your favorite foot’s score, 20 seconds,touch as many different lines as you can, Go!(Circulate – Back to the wall).Whistle – raise your favorite hand, you know the drill, 20 seconds, howmany different lines? Go!Whistle – Switch hands, last round, see how many different lines theunderdog hand can touch, 20 seconds, Go!Thumbs up if you touched the most line with your favorite limbs? (scan)Both thumbs up if the underdogs were more successful? (scan)45-8? Raise your hand if you have a reason why one side was more successful toyou than the other ? (Call on students who raise their hands).Communicating Learning Target & Lesson Focus ActivitiesToday is our first day of Badminton, to start the unit off right I have brought ina short clip of a championship badminton game to show you how intense a sportbadminton can be.View Video Clip:<strong>Plan</strong>et Badminton: Men’s Doubles SF Game 1 – Boe/Mogensen (DEN) v Guo/ Xu(CHN) – Yonex All (cue up at 7:29– play through 10:43).*Point out Ready Position: Knees slightly bent, weight on balls of feet, racquet up.

9Instruct/Demonstrate: Doubles Court Boundaries? Raise your hand if you saw in the video, or know from previous badmintonexperience, where the Baseline (Back Boundary line) for a Doubles game wouldbe?(call on student and have them show class by going and standing on the line,correct if needed), have rest of students line up (w safe self space) on DoublesCourt Baseline, using Wall 1 side of courts 1, 2 & 3.10Court Boundary Line Activity: ? Raise your hand if you saw in the video, orknow from previous badminton experience, where the Short Service Line is ona Badminton court? (call on student and have them show class by going andstanding on the line, correct if needed). You have 30 seconds to run between theBaseline and the Short Service Line touching each line with your hand, make sureto count, you will need that number in a little bit.As you play, remember that Doubles Court Boundaries are Short & Wide.11? Raise your hand if you saw in the video, or know from previous badmintonexperience, where the Sideline for a Doubles game would be?(call on student and have them show class by going and standing on the line,correct if needed), “You have 30 seconds to run from one Doubles Court Sidelineto the other, touching each line with your hand, count from where you left off.”12Learning Target: Today our focus is to use Doubles Court Boundary lines topractice a basic badminton hit called the Forehand Underhand Clear, by the endof class I would like to see you able to send the birdie to a specific place on theopposite court.Instruct/Demonstrate: Racquet Grip“Grasp the handle as if you were shaking hands, the V between thumb and pointerfinger in-line with the edge of the racquet head. (have students get racquets).Now try for yourselves, make sure your thumb does not wrap around the racquet,instead keep your thumb along the racquet handle.1314Practice: Racquet GripWalk around and “Shake racquets” with your classmates -Teacher demonstrateoverlapping racquet heads and tilting down and up.Emphasize: “Your thumbs should be pointing at each other, by keeping your thumbalong the racquet handle will give you more leverage to add power to your hits likethe 250 km/hr hits we saw in the video of the championship match.”Safety Considerations: Before practicing the Forehand Underhand Clear These racquets are lightweight, but to get the birdie to travel you will beswinging with a lot of force, so make sure that you have plenty of roomaround you before you swing. Always keep a good grip on your racquet as you swing, stay in control.

When you are rotating to a new court or otherwise moving around duringclass, watch where you’re going, do not walk into an area where you mightinterrupt a swing with something that might get hurt, like your face.1516-1718-1920-303132-373839-4546Instruct: Safety Watch where you walk, avoid walking into someone’s swing or net. Watch where you’re swinging so you do not hit anyone. Always keep a good grip on your racquet as you swing.Instruct/Demonstrate: Forehand Underhand ClearTeacher demonstrate & cues: Ready Position: Feet shoulder width, knees slightly bent, weight forwardson the balls of your feet, racquet & eyes up. Opposite foot (from racquet hand) forward, behind the Short Serve Line Scoop the birdie from below, starting w/ wrist flick contacting birdiebelow waist level and following through across body towards oppositeshoulder.Practice: Forehand Underhand Clear w/o a birdieIn Safe Self Space practice the Underhand Clear, focusing on quick wrist flickbefore following through across the body towards opposite shoulder. When I seegood effort towards good form, I will give you a birdie and assign you a court topractice on.Assign students to partners & courts as they demonstrate good form w/o birdie.Practice w/ Partners: Forehand Underhand ClearStudents Practice: Underhand ClearAttempting to use Underhand Clear to partner on other side of net.Circulate reinforce cues.Whistle - Rotate:Students on inside of gym rotate to the right.Students Practice: Underhand ClearCirculate reinforce cues.Whistle - Rotate:Students on inside of gym rotate to the right.Students Practice: Underhand Clear to opposite side of court.Transition: Whistle – Students return equipment – pick-up exit slipClosure/Reinforcement of Learning Target47 ? Raise your hand if you can tell me one part of a good Forehand Underhand Clear?(Opposite foot forward; good racquet grip; wrist flick & follow through)

4849-50(F/I)I? Raise your hand if you can describe the boundaries for a Doubles Courtin two words? (Short & Wide)Take the last couple minutes to label the lines of athe Badminton Doubles Courton you exit slip. Make sure to put your name on it, that how you get credit forbeing here.Assessment <strong>Plan</strong>: Student Questions/AssessmentsDoubles Court Boundary LinesForehand Underhand ClearStudent Questions/AssessmentQuestions:Raise your hand if you can tell me one part of a good Forehand Underhand Clear?Raise your hand if you can describe the boundaries for a Doubles Court in twowords?FExit slip: Identify and Label Doubles Court boundaries and short service line.Laptop & Projector6 Nets (12 posts)30 Badminton Racquets15 BirdiesExit slip forms & pencilsMusicWhistlePreliminary Teaching NotesMaterials, Equipment, Resources and/or Technology Needed

Name: _________________________________________________ Class Period: 1 2 3 4Draw arrows with label for a Doubles Court:Baseline Sidelines Short Service LineName: _________________________________________________ Class Period: 1 2 3 4Draw arrows with label for a Doubles Court:Baseline Sidelines Short Service Line

Lesson 2 – Backhand ServeTeacher: Subject/Topic: Badminton-Backhand Grade Level: 10 thLearning Targets and Standard Alignment (NASPE, WA-EALR)The 10 th grade students will perform the backhand grip and backhand serve during modifieddrills and games with competency.The 10 th grade students will be able to identify the location to serve from with both an evenand odd score during the group practice portion of class with competency. W: 1.1.1, 1.1.5, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.4.1 & 1.4.2; N: 1, 2, 5 & 6.TimelinePre-studentarrivalInstructional SequenceCommunicating Learning TargetWrite Learning Target & Instant Activity on Whiteboard.LT: I can use the backhand grip and serve to increase the activity duringbadminton game play for myself and others.Introductory Activities1-5 min. Space Tag: Set a small area for activity (dependent on group size) with thegoal that students will use walking to flee their tagger. One student willstart as tagger by spinning in place three times while their partner walksaway amongst group to avoid getting tagged.Find a partner in 5 seconds or less (watch for students who are shy,invisible or otherwise having difficulty finding a partner).Take 30 seconds to share two safety concerns you have about the activity;Rock Paper Scissors, winner is tagger first and go! When a student getstagged, they spin in place three times giving the new taggee a head start,repeat until signal.After a couple of rounds, modify by shrinking activity area and students arenot allowed any contact with a person who is not your partner.Conclude with the question, “When would you use this skill, walking quicklyavoiding bumping or touching anyone?” (Answers: School Hallway, sidewalks,on a Badminton Doubles Court, the mall, or anywhere that’s crowded).Lesson Focus Activities6 Learning Target: Today we will look at the differences between the Forehandand Backhand grips, learn the Backhand Short Serve and identify where you mustbe to serve as well as the direction of the birdie for a legal/good serve.Review: Safety

Watch where you walk, avoid walking into someone’s swing or net. Watch where you’re swinging so you do not hit anyone. Always keep a good grip on your racquet as you swing.78910111213-1415-2021Review: Doubles Boundary Line ActivityUsing courts 1, 2, or 3 - Students run to the Baseline for a Doubles Court; Nomore than 10 students per court! (Check to make sure students have selectedcorrect line). On the same court you’re on - lunge, with good form to the ShortService Line (Check to make sure students have selected correct line). Side stepto a Sideline for the court you’re on (Check students select correct line).Transition: Remember which line you’re on, go get a racquet and come right backto the same spot. Court 3 Go… Court 2 Go… and Court 1 get your racquets.Review: Forehand GripGrasp as if you were shaking hands; the V between thumb and pointer finger inlinewith the edge of the racquet head. Thumb is extended along racquet handle.Turn to a neighbor, with safe self space see if you can draw figure eights with theracquet head without losing your grip (Hint: you have to move your whole arm).Review: Forehand Underhand ClearDemonstrate: Emphasize Cueso Ready Position: Feet shoulder width, knees bent, racquet & eyes up.o Opposite foot (from racquet hand) forward, behind the Short Serve Lineo Scoop the birdie from below, starting w/ wrist flick, below waist leveland following through across body towards opposite shoulder.Instruct: Forehand Underhand Clear Targeting: Hit the birdie as many times toyour partner using the Underhand Clear, partners move within the Doubles CourtBoundaries to challenge each other’s accuracy. The Forehand Underhand Clear isone of the skills that you will be assessed on for badminton, so do your best!Remember skills can only develop through practice.? Raise your hand if you have a question about the Underhand Clear skill orTargeting activity? (Call on students who raise their hands).Pair students: Turn and point to someone on a different sideline, if you cannotquickly find a partner come ask me and I will help. Whichever partner has longerhair, quickly come get a birdie and your court assignment (Assign distractedstudents to central gym areas).Practice: Forehand Underhand Clear Targeting‣ Clipboard Cruise: checking for good form and effort, reinforce cues.Whistle Rotate: The partner who is taller rotate to you left, the partner who is

shorter rotate to your right. Raise your hand if you are not sure where to rotate.22-25262728293031-323334-4041-46Practice: Forehand Underhand Clear Targeting‣ Clipboard Cruise: checking for good form and effort, reinforce cues.Transition: Whistle - group up around Court 2 - racquets on the floor.Instruct/Demonstrate: Serving AreaFirst service of a match is always behind and to the right of the “T” at the ShortService Line, if your score is even you will always serve from the right of the “T”? Which side will you serve from on an odd serve ? (Left side of the “T”).Direction of Serve: Just as you serve from one side of the “T”, your serve needsto travel diagonal across the court past the Short Service Line and to the otherside of the “T.”Demonstrate/Instruct: Backhand Grip w/o birdieUsing a forehand grip, thumb in-line with edge of racquet head, move your armacross as if you were going to hit the birdie from the opposite side.? Look at the racquet, who can tell me the problem with using the Forehand gripfor a Backhand hit? (Call on students with hands raised -The angle of the racquethead will hit the birdie towards the floor). In order to successfully use aBackhand hit, you must rotate the handle towards you. Student practice shiftingfrom forehand to backhand, eyes on the angle of the racquet.Demonstrate/Instruct: Backhand Short ServeCues: Holding the birdie by the tip of the feather Make sure the head of the racquet stays below your waist until you’ve hitthe birdie – Everybody put your hands on your waist (Waist is higher thanthe hips, but below ribcage), that is the height you cannot hit the birdieabove for any type of badminton serve. Drop the birdie and flick the racket aiming the birdie to just clear the netand land past your opponent’s short service line. This is a skill that will be part of your badminton skill assessment sopractice well!Practice: Backhand Short ServeWork with a partner:Serve 5x, partner attempt to return the serve, switch roles.Rotate Partners 3x (every 2 mins.), repeat Backhand Short Serve.‣ Clipboard Cruise: checking for good form and effort, reinforce cues.Practice: Flock of Birdies VolleyTwo sets of partners join, two birdies per group. Simultaneously, one partner on

each side of the net attempt a Backhand Short Serve to the opposite side of thecourt, continue the volleys using the forehand underhand clear or backhand. Countthe number of hits your group can achieve before one of the birdies hits theground.4748Closure/Reinforcement of Learning TargetTransition: Whistle – Students return equipment – pick-up exit slip? Raise your hand if you can tell me one thing that is different between aForehand and a Backhand hit? (The grip – for backhand the racquet must berotated so birdie does not hit to floor, used on opposite sides of the body, onemay be harder than the other…)? Everybody show with your hands where the racquet must contact the birdiebelow to count as a good serve ? (Look for student understanding of waist,above hips & below ribcage)49-50Exit Slip: Mark with an “X” the location you would serve from if your score wasEVEN, and mark with an “O” the spot you would serve from if your score was ODD.Make sure to put your name and circle your class period on your exit slip beforeyou hand it in.(F/I)IAssessment <strong>Plan</strong>: Student Questions/AssessmentsStudent Questions/AssessmentDoubles Boundary Line ActivityForehand Underhand Clear TargetingQuestions:Difference between a Forehand and a Backhand hit?Height the racquet must contact the birdie below to count as a good serve?FExit Slip: Identify location to serve from with both an even and odd score.6 Nets (12 posts)30 Badminton Racquets15 BirdiesExit slip forms & pencilsMusicWhistlePreliminary Teaching NotesMaterials, Equipment, Resources and/or Technology Needed

Name: _________________________________________________ Class Period: 1 2 3 41. Draw an X where you will serve from if your score was EVEN (0, 2, 4…)2. Draw an O where you will serve from if your score was ODD (1, 3, 5…)3. From both the X and the O, draw an arrow to the area on the oppositeside of the court the serve must go to count as a good serve.Name: _________________________________________________ Class Period: 1 2 3 41. Draw an X where you will serve from if your score was EVEN (0, 2, 4…)2. Draw an O where you will serve from if your score was ODD (1, 3, 5…)3. From both the X and the O, draw an arrow to the area on the oppositeside of the court the serve must go to count as a good serve.

Lesson 3 – Flick ServeTeacher:Subject/Topic: Badminton-Flick Serve Grade Level: 10 thLearning Targets and Standard Alignment (NASPE, WA-EALR)The 10 th grade students will perform the flick serve during the Flick Serve - ForehandUnderhand Clear Volley activity with competency. The 10 th grade students will perform the forehand underhand clear hit during the Flick Serve -Forehand Underhand Clear Volley activity with 75% proficiency. W: 1.1.1, 1.1.5, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.4.1 & 1.4.2; N: 1, 2, 5 & 6.TimelinePre-studentarrival1-3Instructional SequenceLearning TargetWrite Learning Target & Instant Activity on Whiteboard, tape 3’x3’ target areafor Flick serve in back corners of all courtsLT: I can use a variety of badminton serves, including the Flick Serve to increasethe intensity of play for myself and my opponents.Introductory ActivitiesWalk like a Crocodile:Students take plank position within portion of Court 2 towards Wall 1, and try togreet as many other students as possible by moving into 3-point balance andshaking hands, continuing to walk on all fours with knees lifted trying to greeteveryone in class with a handshake.Modification:• Add obstacles that students must maneuver around.• Crocodile Space Tag: can only come into contact with your partner,everyone must stay within Doubles Court Boundary lines of Court 24-567Stretch: Arms, shoulders torso and neckCommunicating Learning Target & Lesson Focus ActivitiesReview: Short Service LineThink back to our last class, you have 20 seconds to Turn & Talk about theimportance of the Short Service Line ? Raise your hand if your pair would like toshare one way you must observe the short service line during Badminton gameplay? (Call on students w/ hands raised ) – Assessing student knowledge (Mustserve and hit from behind the Short Service Line & serves must pass the ShortService Line to count).Learning Target: Today we are going to work on a technique called the WristFlick and then use it to practice the Flick Serve which will help you serve to theback of the court, with power, speed and accuracy. Compared to the BackhandServe, this is both a more difficult serve to master but it is very worthwhile to

8910-111213-171819-242526practice as it is also a more difficult serve to return, because it forces youropponent to run to the back of the court.(Have students get racquets – gather on Court 2)Demonstrate/Instruct/Practice: Wrist FlickUsing a forehand grip, thumb along handle of racquet and in-line with edge ofracquet head. Make sure you are in safe self space, keep your elbow tight to theside of you body and quickly move the racquet forward using just the wrist(Circulate provide cues and reinforcement for good form and practice).See if you can apply pressure with the thumb to make the wrist flick movement asquick and controlled as possible.Demonstrate/Instruct: Flick ServeFrom behind the short service line using a Flick Serve, my goal is to send thebirdie over the racquet reach of an opponent (identify student in correct position)waiting at mid-court, and the birdie should land near the baseline.? Since this is a serve, show me with your hands the height the racquet should hitthe birdie below ? (Waist height).Instruct: Flick Serve TargetingThere is a 3’x3’ square of tape in all the outer back corners of the courts. Therewill be four people per court; everyone will practice the Flick Serve at the sametime, from whichever side of the court you are on, aiming diagonally to theopposite back corner. Every time you use the Flick Serve and make it into thesquare give yourself a point. Keep track of your points so I can record them afterwe’re done with this activity. Are there any questions?(Assign students to courts).Practice: Flick Serve TargetingCirculate reinforce cues.Transition – Whistle - Rotate sides of courtStudents serving from Left switch to serve from Right, vice versaPractice: Flick Serve Targeting to opposite sideCirculate reinforce cues.Transition – Whistle – Rotate:Students on inside of gym rotate to the right.Instruct: Flick Serve - Underhand Clear VolleyWorking in pairs, you will take turns serving and hitting. Whoever starts theserve, make sure to stand in the correct area of the court and make contact withthe birdie while the racquet head is lower than waist height. The server will use aFlick Serve and then step to the Left and Back making the way clear for their

partner to take the next return. Similarly, on the receiving court one partner willstand at mid-court and one in the backcourt; the front receiver will beresponsible for returning the serve, stepping to the Left and Back making roomfor their partner to step forward for the next return.2728293031-373839-4546During the volley make sure to use the Forehand Underhand Clear, the skillassessments for that begins today and will score you on use of:o Ready Position: Feet shoulder width, knees bent, racquet & eyes up.o Opposite foot (from racquet hand) forward, behind the Short Serve Lineo Scoop the birdie from below, starting w/ wrist flick and following throughacross body towards opposite shoulder.? If partners are taking turns, how many times can one person hit the birdie in arow? (One time). To give your partner room, once you’ve hit the birdie movetoward the left and back of the court, both sets of partners rotating in acounter-clockwise rotation.Demonstrate: Flick Serve – Underhand Clear VolleyChoose students to demonstrate that showed good form during practice time,correct any misunderstandings about rotations.? Raise your hand if you have a question..?Return to the court you were on, you will just need one birdie per court.Practice: Flick Serve – Underhand Clear Volley‣ Clipboard Cruise: Formal Assessment Underhand Clear VolleyTransition – Whistle – Rotate:Students on outside of gym rotate to the right, once you get to your new court,one partner from each side switch sides (everybody should be working with newpartner).Practice: Flick Serve – Underhand Clear Volley‣ Clipboard Cruise: Formal Assessment Underhand Clear VolleyTransition: Whistle – Students return equipment – pick-up exit slipClosure/Reinforcement of Learning Target47-48 ? Raise your hand if you can name a Badminton skill that uses the Wrist Flick ?(Forehand Underhand Clear & Flick Serve)? Someone else, raise your hand if you know how using the wrist flick benefitsyour badminton hits? (Power, speed, control of birdie)The wrist flick action can add power to many badminton hits, and it is an essentialcomponent of both the Flick Serve and the Forehand Underhand Clear we’ve beenworking on. I hope you enjoyed practice today, we will keep practicing it and otherskills as we approach our own Doubles Championship next week.

49-50 Exit Slip: On the picture of the badminton player, circle the joint that moves toincrease power, speed and control of the birdie in a Flick Serve. Then draw asquare in the area you would want a Flick Serve to land if you were serving andyour score was 1-0.(F/I)IAssessment <strong>Plan</strong>: Student Questions/AssessmentsStudent Questions/AssessmentFlick Serve TargetingQuestions:What is the importance of the short service line during Badminton game play?Max height a badminton racquet may contact the birdie below?Which Badminton skills use the Wrist Flick?How does using the wrist flick benefit your badminton hits?FSkill Assessment: Forehand Underhand ClearExit Slip: Identify the joint that moves to increase power, speed and controlof the birdie in a Flick ServeDraw a square in the area you would want a Flick Serve to land if youwere serving and your score was 1-0Preliminary Teaching NotesMaterials, Equipment, Resources and/or Technology NeededFloor Tape6 Nets (12 posts)30 Badminton Racquets15 BirdiesExit slip forms (print double-sided) & pencilsMusicWhistle

Name: _________________________________________________ Class Period: 1 2 3 41. Circle the joint that moves to increase power, speed and control ofthe birdie in a Flick Serve.OverName: _________________________________________________ Class Period: 1 2 3 41. Circle the joint that moves to increase power, speed and control ofthe birdie in a Flick Serve.Over

2. Draw a square at the best place your flick serve could land if you were serving with a scoreof 1-0, in a Doubles game.2. Draw a square at the best place your flick serve could land if you were serving with a scoreof 1-0, in a Doubles game.

Badminton Forehand Underhand ClearSkill AssessmentRank your partner on the following skill component using the scale below. Have them repeat the skill atleast five times before giving your ranking. P=proficient (does every time); C=competent (does on most attempts ) B=basic (does occasionally but still needs to work on this part.)Criterion # 1: Ready PositionP C B DescriptionStance: Feet shoulder width, weight on balls on feet, knees bent.Torso: Chest lifted, eyes up.Racquet: Ready in lifted position, grip with thumb extended & in-line with edge of racquet head.Criterion # 2: ExecutionP C B DescriptionSteps forward with opposition (opposite foot from racquet hand).Performance Accuracy:ScorePCBUses wrist flick at initial contact of racquet with birdie below waist.Follows through with across body towards opposite shoulder.DescriptionStudent performs 10 Forehand Underhand Clears, at least 7 clear the net and land in designated area.Student performs 10 Forehand Underhand Clears, at least 5 clear the net and land in designated area.Student performs 10 Forehand Underhand Clears, at least 3 clear the net and land in designated area.Description of Accuracy AssessmentStudent receives the birdie from partners’ hit or serve, returns the birdieusing the Forehand Underhand Clear: Stepping with opposition, hitting thebirdie using a wrist flick and follow-through across the body to oppositeshoulder. Birdie must clear net and land in designated area inside theopposite baseline.DiagramStudent Performer: ________________________________Teacher Observation:_______________________________Student Observer:____________________________Date:_______________________________________

Lesson 4 – Drop ShotsTeacher: Subject/Topic: Badminton-Drop Shots Grade Level: 10 thLearning Targets and Standard Alignment (NASPE, WA-EALR)The 10 th grade students will perform the hairpin drop shot and the crosscourt drop shot duringthe Drop Shot Bonanza and the small group activity portion of class with competency. W: 1.1.1, 1.1.5, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.4.1 & 1.4.2; N: 1, 2, 5 & 6.TimelinePre-studentarrivalInstructional SequenceLearning TargetWrite Learning Target & Instant Activity on Whiteboard; tape 3 – 2’x2’ squaresbetween the short serve lines and nets on all courts (Left, Right and Center).LT: I can use drop shots to increase the challenge of game play for myself, andmy opponents.Introductory Activities0-4 mins. Birdie Balance: Students each need a racquet and a birdie – to start everyonebalance the birdie on its’ feathers using the backhand striking side of theracquet. Using Courts 1, 2 & 3, find a line to stand on. You must always be on a line,if you meet someone you must hold up a number on “1, 2, 3” the first one to callout whether the sum (the two numbers multiplied) is odd or even correctly gets tocontinue on their line, the other person must step aside and do one squat withgood form before continuing (holding up “0” is not allowed).Modification: Using forehand grip and racquet positions same line activity butwith light, controlled birdie bouncing.56-7Communicating Learning Target & Lesson Focus ActivitiesReview: SafetyTo get this week off on the right foot lets take a minute to review safety.? Raise your hand if you can tell us one safety consideration to be aware of whileplaying badminton? Watch where you walk, avoid walking into someone’s swing or net. Watch where you’re swinging so you do not hit anyone. Always keep a good grip on your racquet as you swing.Introduce: Drop ShotsOne of the great things about badminton is that because the birdie has the uniqueaerodynamics it does, we are able to do some fancy trick shots that add extrachallenge to the game.Learning Target: Today you will learn Drop Shots that will help you increase thelevel of challenge for yourself, and your opponents. Drop shots, sometimes calledfinesse shots, or net shots, are hit with care to just barely clear the net and dropright down on the other side. Drop shots are very difficult to return as you may

8910-121314-151617-181920-212223not let your racquet cross midcourt above the net and you may not touch the netwith any part of your body or racquet. Today we will focus on the Hairpin andCross Court Drop Shots.Instruct/Demonstrate: Hairpin Drop ShotThis shot is best if you are returning a shot from close to your net, up overdropping right down on the other side. Similar to the Forehand Underhand Clear,from ready position you will gently scoop the birdie instead of using the wristflick, for the Hairpin Drop shot use an arm lift, moving from the shoulder to sendit up with a slight forward angle. Notice the squares taped to the court, the twoon the outside are worth 2 pts and the center square is worth 1 pt. Keep track ofyour points so I can collect them after Drop Shot Bonanza!Instruct: Drop Shot BonanzaTwo people on either side of the net, the pair on the side with the tape squareswill begin with two birdies each, their job is to feed shots to the other pair thatdrop close to their side of the net. You may choose to lightly forehand hit orbackhand serve the birdie across the net. Everybody’s goal is to make as manyhits as possible while the music is playing, as soon as the music turns off the DropShot side and Feeder side switch. ? Raise your hand if you have a question aboutthe Drop Shot skill or activity?Practice: Drop Shot BonanzaMusic (2 mins)‣ Clipboard Cruise: checking for good form and effort, reinforce cues.Transition – Music off – Pairs switch jobsPractice: Drop Shot BonanzaMusic (2 mins)‣ Clipboard Cruise: checking for good form and effort, reinforce cues.Transition – Music off – Pairs switch jobs & switch sides of court (Left-Right)Practice: Drop Shot BonanzaMusic (2 mins)‣ Clipboard Cruise: checking for good form and effort, reinforce cues.Transition – Music off – Pairs switch jobs & switch sides of court (Left-Right)Practice: Drop Shot BonanzaMusic (2 mins)‣ Clipboard Cruise: checking for good form and effort, reinforce cues.Transition – Music off – Students gather on Court 2? What is the benefit of using the Hairpin drop shot? (Return from close to thenet and make difficult return for your opponent).Instruct/Demonstrate: Drop Shot Speed SkateUsing a set of our speed skates (carpet squares, soft side down) you will travel

2425-293031-3233-343536-373839-404142-43with a partner through the gym attempting to hit the birdie to net height andyour partner with accuracy and control.Assign Partners: draw cards for partner assignment, 1a’s will be together, 1b’stogether, etc… Find your partner and make sure you each have a racquet, 1 birdieand two sets of speed skate squares. You have 10 seconds to decide what yourgoal for continuous hits between you will be, it must be at least 10!Practice: Drop Shot Speed Skate‣ If birdies are out of control your group will lose their birdie, so use smalllifting arm motions, aim for net height immediately dropping down forpartner to return.‣ While you keep track of your birdie, make sure not to lose a speed skate!‣ When you reach your goal, switch your grip and attempt the samecontrolled net height hit to your partner with the backhand side of yourracquet.‣ Clipboard Cruise: checking for good form and effort, reinforce cues.Transition – Music off – Students to Court 2Instruct/Demonstrate: Crosscourt Drop ShotSame basic idea as the hairpin drop shot. You will use when returning the birdiefrom close to the net, by sending it up to just clear the net and drop down on theother side. The difference of the Crosscourt Drop Shot is that instead of sendingit over then net directly opposite, you will try to hit it to the other side of thecourt while still keeping it close to the net. If you are on the left of your court aCrosscourt Drop shot will land in either the Center or Left square on youropponents’ court, 1pt. for center 2 pts. for diagonal crosscourt. Raise your hand ifyou have any questions?Practice: Crosscourt Drop Shot BonanzaMusic (2 mins)‣ Clipboard Cruise: checking for good form and effort, reinforce cues.Transition – Music off – Pairs switch jobsPractice: Crosscourt Drop Shot BonanzaMusic (2 mins)‣ Clipboard Cruise: checking for good form and effort, reinforce cues.Transition – Music off – Pairs switch jobs & switch sides of court (Left-Right)Practice: Crosscourt Drop Shot BonanzaMusic (2 mins)‣ Clipboard Cruise: checking for good form and effort, reinforce cues.Transition – Music off – Pairs switch jobs & switch sides of court (Left-Right)Practice: Crosscourt Drop Shot Bonanza

4445-474849-50Music (2 mins)‣ Clipboard Cruise: checking for good form and effort, reinforce cues.Transition – Music off – One student from each court collect an extra birdie.Practice: Drop Shot Flock of BirdiesKeep both birdies in air count how many hit you can get before 1 birdie drops orgoes out of bounds.? What is the benefit of using the Crosscourt drop shot? (Returning shots fromclose to the net, making a difficult shot for opponent to return and confusingopponent by sending it diagonal across court).Transition – Whistle – Students return equipment – pick-up exit slipClosure/Reinforcement of Learning TargetRaise your hand if you can tell one reason why using drop shots will help in yourbadminton games? (Adding drop shots to your badminton game play will increaseyour ability to return difficult close to the net shots and challenge youropponents ability to do the same).Exit Slip: Draw X where you might attempt to return with a drop shot, andarrows with labels for the two types of drop shots we practiced today. On thepicture of the badminton player, circle the joint that moves to increase gently liftthe birdie just over the net for a drop shot.(F/I)IAssessment <strong>Plan</strong>: Student Questions/AssessmentsStudent Questions/AssessmentHairpin Drop ShotCrosscourt Drop ShotQuestions:Identify safety consideration to be aware of while playing badminton?What is the benefit of using the Hairpin drop shot?What is the benefit of using the Crosscourt drop shot?FExit Slip: When to use drop shots, identify two types of drop shots and theirdirection of travel.Preliminary Teaching NotesMaterials, Equipment, Resources and/or Technology NeededFloor Tape6 Nets (12 posts) 30 Badminton Racquets - 30 BirdiesCourt assignment cards (1a,1b -6a, 6b)30 sets carpet speed skatesExit slip forms (print double-sided) & pencilsMusicWhistle

Name: _________________________________________________ Class Period: 1 2 3 41. Draw an X where you would use a drop shot to return the birdie from.2. Draw an arrow from your X where the birdie would go using a Hairpin Drop Shot3. Draw an arrow from your X where the birdie would go using a Crosscourt DropShot. **Make sure to label your arrows: as Hairpin or Crosscourt**OverName: _________________________________________________ Class Period: 1 2 3 41. Draw an X where you would use a drop shot to return the birdie from.2. Draw an arrow from your X where the birdie would go using a Hairpin Drop Shot3. Draw an arrow from your X where the birdie would go using a Crosscourt DropShot. **Make sure to label your arrows: as Hairpin or Crosscourt**Over

4. Circle the joint that moves to gently lift the birdie in a Drop Shot.4. Circle the joint that moves to gently lift the birdie in a Drop Shot.

Lesson 5 – Forehand SmashTeacher: Subject/Topic: Badminton-Smash Grade Level: 10 thLearning Targets and Standard Alignment (NASPE, WA-EALR)The 10 th grade students will perform the forehand smash and the forehand drive duringmodified drills and games with competency. WA 1.1.1, 1.1.5 & 1.2.2; N: 1, 2, 5 & 6TimelinePre-studentarrival0-34-56-7Instructional SequenceLearning TargetWrite Learning Target & Instant Activity on Whiteboard.LT: I can use the badminton forehand smash, forehand drive to increase theintensity of badminton game play for myself, and my opponents.Introductory ActivitiesBalloon Badminton: Each student will need a racquet and a balloon to start. UsingSafe self space and whatever type of hit or serve they like try to keep theballoon off the ground, running ahead to make sure to catch it before it touchesdown, count how many hits you can make without it hitting the ground.’Modification: Must alternate forehand & backhand striking of balloon.Remove half of the balloons, leaving one balloon per 2 students,students must pass balloon using only their racquet back and forth.Increase difficulty by adding speed skates.Communicating Learning Target & Lesson Focus ActivitiesReview: Drop Shots? Who remembers the types of drop shots we learned last class?(Hairpin and Crosscourt)? Raise your hand if you can tell us, what is the goal of a drop shot?(Return difficult close to the net shots, Create difficult to return shot,Crosscourt drop shot adds diagonal placement adding misdirection to opponents’challenge).When would be a good time to use a drop shot?(When your opponent is towards the back of the court).89-14Assign students to courts (4/court)Practice: Badminton VolleyTry to keep the birdie in the air using as many drop shots as possible.Make sure not to touch the net or allow your racquet to cross mid-court net line.

1516-17Learning Target: Today we will add a trio of skills that will greatly enhance yourbadminton game play. The overhand smash, the forehand and sidearm drives areall meant to increase the power and speed with which the birdie is returned.Demonstrate/Instruct: Forehand SmashThe forehand smash is used when the birdie has been lobbed high over the net: Take steps and jump or jump in place Racquet arm prepares with elbow bent, hand and wrist pronated. Contact the birdie in front of the body With a wrist flick & whipping action of the arm send the birdie in astraight line towards the opposite mid- or back court. Return to Ready Position immediately.18-1920-2122-262728-3233-34Practice: Shadow SmashThis activity will help you practice the correct movement and technique beforeworrying about actually hitting a birdie. Individually approach, jump and smash aninvisible birdie at least 10 times. When I see good form I will hand out birdies andtoday you will get to select your partner for a smashing good time.Instruct: Forehand Smash – Flick Serve w/ PartnerFind a partner in 5 seconds. If you are unable to work well with your partner I willmove you, so choose someone you can work with. (Assign pairs to courts).Pairs should face each other one on either side of the net using half the court.Partners towards the outside of the gym will Flick Serve a high lob to theirpartners, who will attempt the Forehand Smash to return. ? Raise your hand if youhave any questions?Practice: Forehand Smash – Flick Serve w/ PartnerWhistle – Switch jobs (Students on inside of gym will practice Flick Serve,students on outside of gym will practice Forehand Smash)Practice: Forehand Smash – Flick Serve w/ PartnerInstruct/Demonstrate: Smash Defense – Forearm DriveThe angle a Forehand Smash travels towards your court at makes the forehanddrive the perfect response. To perform the forehand drive: Pivot on racquet foot, step w/ opposition towards birdie Contact the birdie to the side of the body* Simply shifting to the backhand grip and using same actions create the

35-36backhand drive.Instruct/Demonstrate: Forehand Smash – Forehand Drive DefenseDoubles Volley (4 students/court)Students on both sides will line up in Doubles Formation, one mid-court one behindin back court. Of the outer gym pair, the student closest to the net with thebirdie will Flick Serve to begin volley, immediately step to the left and back court,allowing partner to prepare for volley return. The students on the inner gym willalso line up in Doubles Formation with the forward student practicing ForehandSmash, then immediately stepping to the left and back allowing partner space totake next return. Constant counter-clockwise rotation.37-4142-464748Practice: Forehand Smash – Forehand Drive & Defense Doubles VolleyWhistle – Switch jobs (Students on inside of gym will practice Flick Serve &Forehand drive returns, students on outside of gym will practice Forehand Smash)Practice: Forehand Smash – Forehand Drive & Defense Doubles VolleyTransition – Whistle – Students return equipment – pick-up exit slipClosure/Reinforcement of Learning TargetGood work today, that is a tough skill to master, with all the good effort I saw Ican tell you are on your way.? Raise your hand if you can describe when it would be good to use the forehandsmash? (When returning a high lob, to increase difficulty of return for opponent)? When would you use the forehand drive? (Defending from a forehand smash).49-50Exit Slip: Identify the part of Forehand Smash that was the most challenging(F/I)IAssessment <strong>Plan</strong>: Student Questions/AssessmentsStudent Questions/AssessmentForehand Smash Shadow PracticeForehand Smash PracticeForehand Drive PracticeQuestions:Types of drop shots we have learned last class?What is the goal of a drop shot?When should you use a drop shot?Describe when it would be good to use the forehand smash?When would you use the forehand drive?FExit Slip: Self-assessment greatest challenge with Forehand Smash technique.

Preliminary Teaching NotesMaterials, Equipment, Resources and/or Technology Needed6 Nets (12 posts)30 Badminton Racquets15 BirdiesExit slip forms (print double-sided) & pencilsMusicWhistle

Name: _________________________________________________ Class Period: 1 2 3 41. Circle any part of the Forehand smash you felt like you had difficulty with today:2. List at least two things that went well with your Forehand Smash practice today:Name: _________________________________________________ Class Period: 1 2 3 41. Circle any part of the Forehand smash you felt like you had difficulty with today:2. List at least two things that went well with your Forehand Smash practice today:

Lesson 6 – FitnessTeacher: Subject/Topic: Badminton-Fitness Grade Level: 10 thLearning Targets and Standard Alignment (NASPE, WA-EALR)The 10 th grade students will practice badminton skills to increase their daily activity level duringthe Doubles Game portion of class with competency.The 10 th grade students will perform the backhand serve during the Ultimate Birdie activitywith 70% proficiency. WA 1.1.1, 1.1.5, 1.2.2 & 4.1.2; N: 1, 2, 5 & 6.TimelinePre-studentarrivalInstructional SequenceLearning TargetWrite Learning Target & Instant Activity on Whiteboard, and set up UltimateBirdie Numbers and cones. (random distances from cones to numbers, except forStation #3, set this up with cone behind short service line and number markerdiagonal beyond short service line across net (Backhand serve skill assessmentstation).LT: I can use a variety of badminton skills to challenge my opponents and engagein a level of activity that meets my daily cardiovascular fitness requirements.0-23-151617Introductory ActivitiesInstruct/Demonstrate: Ultimate Badminton + OneStudents will each need a racquet and birdie, get your equipment and find apartner in 20 seconds… Decide which partner will go first, in Safe self space andstarting at a numbered cone one of your pair will do a badminton hit aiming for thematching number placed around the room followed by a fitness activity, Ex. FlickServe and four high knees, the other partner will have to copy both thebadminton skill and the fitness activity. Both partners retrieve their birdies,taking turns the other partner does a badminton skill followed by the first fitnessactivity and a newly added one, Ex. Backhand Serve, four high knees and acartwheel. Continue using safe self space and adding fitness activities as you tryto hit the Ultimate Badminton numbers. Once both partners have landed theirbirdies on a number they can move on to the next cone-number set. The Fitnessactivity sequence should continue to build until you cannot remember it, then startover until the music stops.Practice: Ultimate Badminton + OneStation 3: Backhand Serve Skill AssessmentStop Music? Would anyone like to show their whole + One sequence?Return racquets to Wall Behind Court 2 – Find a seat Court 1

18Communicating Learning Target & Lesson Focus ActivitiesInstruction: Formal Cognitive AssessmentToday is our last doy of Badminton, so we have the <strong>Unit</strong> quiz to take which youshould all feel very prepared for, as usual we have covered everything on the quizmultiple times. If by chance there is a question or word you don’t recognize makesure to raise your hand so I can try to help. Hopefully you will carefully andquickly complete it so we can get back to playing badminton.The first part of the quiz will be re-watching the 3 mins. Of the ChampionshipBadminton Game and analyzing the professional players stance and technique.19-2223-??-353637-414243-47Formal Cognitive Assessment: Video AnalysisView Video Clip:<strong>Plan</strong>et Badminton: Men’s Doubles SF Game 1 – Boe/Mogensen (DEN) v Guo/ Xu(CHN) – Yonex All (cue up at 7:29– play through 10:43).Complete Quiz:When you complete your quiz, make sure your name is on it and hand it to me, Iwill give you a birdie (if needed) and tell you which court to head to.Practice: Doubles Game PlayWhistle - Rotate to the rightPractice: Double Game Play w/ new partner & opponentsWhistle - Rotate to the rightPractice: Double Game Play w/ new partner & opponentsTransition – Whistle – Students return equipmentClosure/Reinforcement of Learning TargetYou have done a great job learning new skill is badminton, since it is a commonbackyard sport I hope that you will continue to practice, incorporating badmintoninto your regular activity schedule!(F/I)FAssessment <strong>Plan</strong>: Student Questions/AssessmentsStudent Questions/AssessmentBackhand Serve: Station 3 – use Skill Assessment RubricVideo clip analysis and <strong>Unit</strong> Quiz

Preliminary Teaching NotesMaterials, Equipment, Resources and/or Technology Needed6 Nets (12 posts)30 Badminton Racquets30 BirdiesNumber markers 1-10 (2 sets)10 conesTapeSkill Assessment RubricsVideo Analysis/<strong>Unit</strong> Quiz worksheets & pencilsMusicWhistle

Badminton <strong>Unit</strong>: QuizName: _________________________________________________ Class Period: 1 2 3 4Video Analysis:1. Describe what the players Ready Stance looks like (at least 3 observations):2. What type of serve do they mainly use?_______________________________________Why do you think that is? Why not use lots of different serves?__________________________________________________________________________3. Identify one hit they use that we have worked on in class, write the name and then show wherethe hit typically is made (mark with an X) and its ideal path to the opposite side of the court(show with and arrow:Skill Name: ________________________________________________________4. Draw arrows to correctly label the Doubles Court Lines: Baseline, Sidelines, Short Service Line

Badminton <strong>Unit</strong>Student Cognitive AssessmentDescription of Student Task:Badminton <strong>Unit</strong> Quiz, culminating questions related to badminton skills and rules. Badminton ChampionshipVideo Analysis of professional level skill selection and performance.Scoring Guide Template:1. Video Analysis: Ready StancePointsDescription3 Student accurately identifies three relevant components of Ready Stance as seen on video clip2 Student accurately identifies two relevant components of Ready Stance as seen on video clip1 Student accurately identifies one relevant components of Ready Stance as seen on video clip2. Video Analysis: Professional ServingPointsDescription3 Student accurately identifies Backhand Serve as most commonly used (in this clip), and provides areasonable reason why this may be the case (accuracy, control, less likely to foul)2 Student accurately identifies either that the Backhand Serve as most commonly used (in this clip), orprovides a reasonable reason why for why they use the same serve (accuracy, control, less likely tofoul), but not both1 Students do not identify either the most commonly used serve or a reason why they use the sametype of serve consistently.3. Video Analysis: Identify Badminton Skill (non-serve)PointsDescription3 Student accurately identifies a badminton skill by name from the video clip, is able to mark acommon location on the court diagram where that skill would be used and uses an arrow to showthe ideal path for birdie to take.2 Student accurately identifies/represents two of the following three: identifies a badminton skill byname from the video clip, is able to mark a common location on the court diagram where that skillwould be used and uses an arrow to show the ideal path for birdie to take.1 Student accurately identifies/represents one of the following three: identifies a badminton skill byname from the video clip, is able to mark a common location on the court diagram where that skillwould be used and uses an arrow to show the ideal path for birdie to take.4. Doubles Court Boundaries and Line IdentificationPointsDescription3 Student accurately identifies all three Doubles Court lines by clearly connecting description from tothe correct line on the court diagram2 Student accurately identifies two Doubles Court lines by clearly connecting description from to thecorrect line on the court diagram1 Student accurately identifies one or none Doubles Court lines by unclear connection of descriptionto the correct line on the court diagram

Badminton: Backhand ServeSkill AssessmentRank your partner on the following skill component using the scale below. Have them repeat the skill atleast five times before giving your ranking. P=proficient (does every time); C=competent (does on most attempts ) B=basic (does occasionally but still needs to work on this part.)Criterion # 1: Ready PositionP C B DescriptionStance: Feet shoulder width, weight on balls on feet, knees bent.Torso: Chest lifted, eyes up.Racquet: Ready in lifted position, grip with thumb extended & in-line with edge of racquet head.Criterion # 2: Racquet & Birdie positionsP C B DescriptionBackhand grip is used, angling racquet face slightly upwardsRacquet is held across torso with entire racquet head below waist levelBirdie is held by tip of cone, cork downCriterion # 3: Execution & Follow-throughP C B DescriptionPosition on court is behind short service line and to the correct side of the T based on game scorePerformance Accuracy:ScorePCBBirdie is struck with a wrist flick below the waistReturns immediately to Ready Position after servingDescriptionStudent performs 10 Backhand Serves, at least 7 clear the net and land in the designated area.Student performs 10 Backhand Serves, at least 5 clear the net and land in the designated area.Student performs 10 Backhand Serves, at least 3 clear the net and land in the designated area.Description of Accuracy AssessmentStudent performs ten Backhand serves from whichever side of the court orcombination they desire. Backhand serves must use the Backhand grip, beperformed from behind the short service line and to one side of the T, bestruck fully below waist level, clear the net and travel diagonally past theopposite short service line. In the service area, 3’x 3’ tape squares providethe target, 7 out of 10 must meet all criteria to be considered Proficient, 5 of10 for Competent and 3 of 10 for Basic.DiagramStudent Performer: ________________________________Teacher Observation:_______________________________Student Observer:____________________________Date:_______________________________________

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