The Navy Vol_49_Part1 1987 - Navy League of Australia

The Navy Vol_49_Part1 1987 - Navy League of Australia

The Navy Vol_49_Part1 1987 - Navy League of Australia

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f'flM«f#OfffflCockatoo Island Dockyardin January 1986. Ships al theDockyard include HMASSuccess, HMAS Adelaide,HMAS Tobruk andHMAS Oxlcv.Cockatoo Dockyard Salutes<strong>The</strong> Royal <strong>Australia</strong>n <strong>Navy</strong>On Its 75 Years Of ServiceThroughout each ol its 75 proudyears, the Royal <strong>Australia</strong>n <strong>Navy</strong> has hadthe supporl otCockatoo Island Doekvard.IIMAS Success, handed over in AprilIV86; is the 36th ship huili tor the RAN atCockatoo and joins HMA Ships Stalwart.Iorrens. Stuart and Parramatta whichwere delivered in earlier years and are stillin service.All six Oheron Class submarines havebeen modernised at (Cockatoo, beingextensively modified to use the Harpoonmissile and the wire-guided MK48Torpedo. Eleven major refits have beenundertaken at Cockatoo since 1471.In addition the Dm .ksaru Joes itsshare ol repairing and n lanulacluring thhundreds ol spares that a modern Navvneeds.(Congratulations \. ivy lor 75 years i,i ioh well done.Cockatoo Dockyard Pty Limitedi .kk.itfo M.inJ. \s\X ;IHHIV ::., IDK r ..I ihi* AM litniipoi i ..rii|\iui.NMcplwiu HJ MX 1 '*!-)THE DIBB REVIEW -SIX MONTHS ONVEWPOINT in the 1986 issue <strong>of</strong> THE NAVYcontained the writer's first impressions <strong>of</strong>Mr Paul Dibb's Review <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>n DefenceCapabilities which had just been made public.Immediately following publication, the Review received a good deal<strong>of</strong> media attention, mostly favourable, although some aspects <strong>of</strong> the Dibbstrategic assessment received critical comment Some <strong>of</strong> the earlycomment was rather shallow, indicating a too-hasty reading <strong>of</strong> a farreachingreportViewpoint expressed the writer's opinion that the thrust <strong>of</strong> the Reviewwould be interpreted abroad, particularly in the United States, as tendingtowards isolationism, reports indicate it was indeed seen in this way by theAmericansWhether one likes it or not, the <strong>Australia</strong>-USA relationship is a vitalfactor in <strong>Australia</strong>'s defence arrangements, and there is no reason tosuppose the Hawke Government does not appreciate the fundamentalimportance <strong>of</strong> the relationship It will be interesting, therefore, to see whatthe strategic overview <strong>of</strong> the forthcoming Defence White Paper has to sayabout the matter, and whether "the presence <strong>of</strong> the joint facilities, togetherwith the access that we provide to visits by United States warships and theTHE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIAFEDERAL COUNCILPatron.in Chief: Hn> EnceHency. Trie Governor GeneralPresident: F Goo'irny Evans OBE VROVice-Presidents: Rear Admiral A J Robertson AO DSC, RAN (Rld| JohnHi«J L F w Vekndge. OBE. vRDSecretary: R M Blymman. 9 CuHiton Road Camberwelt. Vie 3124 Phone» 7426 (AH)NEW SOUTH WALES DIVISIONPatron: Hrs €

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