The Navy Vol_49_Part1 1987 - Navy League of Australia

The Navy Vol_49_Part1 1987 - Navy League of Australia The Navy Vol_49_Part1 1987 - Navy League of Australia
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Thanks far thepeace of mindWARSHIP ILLUSTRATEDNo. 4 - British Destroyers in World War II by H A BunNo. 5 - - Nuclear Powered Submarines K Paul BeaverNo. 6 - Soviet Navy Today by Milan VegoReview Copies from Capricorn Link. Sydney.Each number in this new series retails (or only $9 95 per volume asunique all picture paperbacks printed on high-quality gloss paperBasically the books are designed around 120 plus black and whitephotographs, all well captioned and for the submarine and Soviet volumes a special colour section is also includedThe "i'\i two numbers in the series to be released shortly will describeand illustrate British Destroyers of World War I and Aircraft Carriers o( theWorld 1914 45• WVIETNAM RIVER WARFARE. 1945-1975Bi Ll Col Victor Croitat. USMCRecieu Copy from Capricorn Link. Sydney.Priced at $14 95 this IbO page book tells the story of river warfare inIndo China moving troops and equipment on the "brown waterways" inVietnamThe book was originally published in hardback in 19H4 and titledThe Brown Water Navy'"Vietnam Rivet Warfare" is divided into four sectionsla) An historical perspectiveibi The Indo China War(cl The Vietnam War and(dl An overviewi*•*BATTLESHIPS & BATTLECRUSERS OF THEROYAL NAVY SINCE 1861Bi Cmdr B R. Coward. RNRevieu. Copy from T. C. Lothian, Melbourne.Cmdr Coward describes the significant features and illustrates 100years of British capital ships from WARRIOR and BLACK PRINCE m1861 62 to VANGUARD broken up in 1960 Each ship or class is allottedbrief historical and design notes, plus a table of ma(or specifications andconstruction datesSeparate appendices are devoted to embarked aircraft mam armament,principal actions and losses and the facts and figures relating tospeed broadsides complements and fighting rangesPrinted on high quality gloss paper, this book is a useful ready-referenceto some 160 plus British battleships and battU'crutsersSUBMARINES OF THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE NAVY.1904-1945By Norman Polmar and Dorr B. Carpenter.Review Copy from Conway Maritime Press."Submarines of the Imperial Japanese Navy. 1904 1945" is the firstbook to describe each and every aspect of the Japanese submarine armThis incluf*« a comprehensive narrative describing the strategy and operationsfrom the early years through to 1945. followed by a "Janes" typepresentation of all Japanese submarines from the tiny Holland class in1905. through to the immense 1-400 aircraft carrying submarines built neatthe end of World War IIThe midget and suicide boats of 1939-45 are also assessed, as ereArmy submarines, submarine carriers and tenders, and finally, many ofthe torpedoes usedIllustrations are of a very high and unique standard, supported by asenes of scale drawings of many types The photograph on the back coverdepicts a Type A midge., four of which attempted to attack shipping inSydney Harbour on May 31-June 1. 1942The arttlsbip. the Regional Endeavour uas instrumentalIn tliscofering oil at Challis. Suijt and Skua. These recentstrikes bare confirmed the Timor Sea s potential as an oilproducing regionAs our seismic ships and drilling vesselscontinue the vital search for energy resourcesbeneath Australian waters, it is reassuring toknow that even here, beyond sight of shore,assistance is never Jar away.For 75 years our Royal Australian Navy hasbeen patrolling Australia s vulnerablecoastline. The result is peace and quiet, peaceof mind, peace...Wank youPetroteumPacja Forty-*>ight January, 1907|ii|1i. ^0HISTORICWILLIAMSTOWNNAVAL DOCKYARD• Major Warship Builders for the RANm• i •*1...* la" J J, • .-* •.

"VETRA PC WITH EGA DISPLAY"HEWLETT-PACKARDAUSTRALIA LimiTED31-41 Joseph Street, Blackburn, Victoria, 3130Telephone: (03) 895 2895

"VETRA PC WITH EGA DISPLAY"HEWLETT-PACKARDAUSTRALIA LimiTED31-41 Joseph Street, Blackburn, Victoria, 3130Telephone: (03) 895 2895

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