The Navy Vol_49_Part1 1987 - Navy League of Australia

The Navy Vol_49_Part1 1987 - Navy League of Australia

The Navy Vol_49_Part1 1987 - Navy League of Australia

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SHELL PAPUA NEW GUINEAPTYLTDPort Moresby — Lae — Rabaul — HoniaraSHELL FIJI LTDSuva — Apia — Nuku' Al<strong>of</strong>aSOCIETE SHELL PACIFIQUENoumea — Port Vila — SantoSHELL (PACIFIC ISLANDS) LTDPago Pago — Guam — MicronesiaServing the <strong>Australia</strong>n Defence Forces throughout the South PacificTelephone: (03) 609 5671Inserted in the interests <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australia</strong> s DefencePage Thirty-six THE NAVY January, Vand VEINTE CINCO DE MAYO ahei the vessels' delivery ,n 1931 <strong>The</strong>cruisers were originally equipped with fined catapults on Ihe forecastle inIhe manner <strong>of</strong> many Italian cruisers ol Ihe period, with aircraftaccommodation on the deck below Unlike the IIIFs so widely employedm the British <strong>Navy</strong>, ihe Argentinian Eaireys were powered by 450 hpLorraine LVmch engines <strong>The</strong>y were later re englned with 560 hpArmstrong Panthet VI radials. changing their appearance<strong>The</strong>se planes were unpopular, being unwieldy and slow and ateast once ,n 1932 ADMIRANTE BROWN embarked an AmericanVought 02L1 IA floatplane Either or both cruisers also earned BritishSupermanne Walruses from lime to time 'Dunng modification <strong>of</strong> the cruisets at the Puerto Belgrano NavalArsenal in 1943 the vessels' fixed catapults were removed and replacedby midship turntable catapults the fotecastle hangar being converted tocrew quarters, and midship aircraft handling ctanes installed <strong>The</strong>reafterthe cruisers carried Amen, in Grumman JF 2 amphibians from a group<strong>of</strong> eight putchased before World War II Nominal aircraft capacity wastwo but it appears that lack <strong>of</strong> accommodation space tesultcd tn onlyone being earned normally<strong>The</strong> Bnnsh built ciuiset LA ARGENTINA came equipped with acatapult and two Supermar.ne Seagull V amphibians fas the ubiquitousWalrus was first called! upon dellve-y in 1939 This equipment wastelained until the 1950s, but was temoved before the ship went int..inactive reserve for eventual discardBAUSTRALIAY Ihe end <strong>of</strong> World Wat I three ships <strong>of</strong> the Royal <strong>Australia</strong>n<strong>Navy</strong> serving with Ihe British Giand Fleet were equipped with= , *£Z£L ~ '*"b "" e ""'"' AUSTRALIA and Ugh. cruisersMELBOURNE and SYDNEY (Earlier, the Ikjht cruise, BRISBANF hadearned a seaplane briefly while searching for the German commercetaidet WOLF I <strong>The</strong>n planes were left behind when Ihe RAN shipsreturned to home waters postwar, pending formation <strong>of</strong> an <strong>Australia</strong>nnaval an armIn 1920. a Brtlish Avro 504K floatplane ol Ihe <strong>Australia</strong>n Army AirCorps was experimentally carried by AUSTRALIA, being transferred toMELBOURNE when the battle cruiser paid <strong>of</strong>f Difficulties <strong>of</strong> operationunder tropical conditions caused ihe experiment to be abandoned inNovember 1920 <strong>The</strong> next year the first specifically <strong>Australia</strong>n navalaircraft were acquired - s«x Fairey HID floatplanes that went Into servicew,th the newly formed Royal <strong>Australia</strong>n Air Force, successor to theArmy Air Corps One <strong>of</strong> these was operated by the ex-British sloopGERANIUM (transferred to the RAN in 1919) dunng survey work alongthe Great Bamer Reef<strong>The</strong> IIIDs were the aircraft the RAN seaplane carrier ALBATROSSwas originally designed to operate and some ol that ships dimensionsand internal arrangement were detetmined by their size and weightALBATROSS, although designed by the Directorate <strong>of</strong> NavalConstruction In Br-ialn was built in Aushalia She was essentially a moremodern version <strong>of</strong> the Bntlsh ARK ROYAL <strong>of</strong> 1914 - toomler fasletbetter armed, better arranged for aircraft carnage and handling althoughfinancial strictures prevented initial installation <strong>of</strong> Ihe catapult she wasdesigned to mount 'By Ihe lime ALBATROSS was commissioned. January 1929the Fairey floatplane, had been replaced by six Supermarine Seagull IIIHying boats, and these formed Ihe new vesselss aerial complement Onesimilat plane, a Wackett Widgeon, was also embarked bnelly for nials inJanuary. <strong>1987</strong>THEHMAS ALBATROSS1929 Although thtee mote Seagull Ills were acquired laie. by 1931 iheudeteriorating performance made it apparent that a reptacemenl wasneeded. In the inletim ALBATROSS operated only (our ol themNo replacement anctafl had amved by 1933 when, lor financialreasons. ALBATROSS was placed in reserve at Sydney, where sheremained lor the next live years Met Seagulls were transferred to theheavy cruisers AUSTRALIA and CANBERRA, which still lackedcatapults and had to handle them by craneALBATROSS was not entirely inactive during hei reserve penndbut served as a maintenance, luelling and mooring has*' for seaplanes inSydney harbour In early 1936. as a preliminary to recommissioningshe was finally fined with a catapult and with it carried out trials ol theSupeimarlne Seagull V llaler called the Walrusl RAN requirementreportedly figured in the design <strong>of</strong> this aircraft. 24 <strong>of</strong> which were orderedby <strong>Australia</strong> soon alter Ihe prototype lust llew in 1933 Seagull Vsleplaced the Seagull Ills on AUSTRALIA and CANBERRA aflei Ihecruisers were equipped with catapults in 193S and 1936 respectivelyAlthough six Seagull Vs wete assigned lo ALBATROSS, heiproposed recommissioning was abandoned and she was transferred tothe Royal <strong>Navy</strong> In part paymenl fot the light ctuiset APOLLO, renamedHOBART in the RAN <strong>The</strong> catapult equipped HOBART, along wilhlight cruisers SYDNEY (exPHAETONl and PERTH lex AMPHIONl allcarried singk- Seagull Vs alter then Itansfet to Austtalia from Ihe Royal<strong>Navy</strong>Although designed to accommodate nine alrcralt. ALBATROSSnevei earned more than six while in Auslialiar, service, not until eatly1942. while serving with the RN. did she embark a lull complement olnineTCANADAIE Royal Canadian <strong>Navy</strong> lacked an air arm from 1919. when theRcyal Canadian Naval Ait Service established ihe previous yearwas disbanded, until after World War II. and did not possess anaviation vessel until the aircraft carrier WARRIOR was transferred fromthe Royal <strong>Navy</strong> in 1946In 1934. however. Canadian attention was attracted lo a proposedsmall but fast seaplane earner designed by John I Thorneycr<strong>of</strong>t and Coas a private venture This was a 3000 ton. 28 knot vessel to be armedwith three 4 7 inch guns and four light AA guns and carry sevenseaplanes Aircraft were to be launched from a forecastle catapult andrecovered either by an aft crane or by Hem mat drawn up an inclinedramp reaching to the waterline at the extreme stern Plans for this vesselwere requested by the Canadian navy's chief <strong>of</strong> staff, but lack <strong>of</strong> fundsruled out any serious consideration <strong>of</strong> constructionACHILEMONG the small number <strong>of</strong> aircraft acquired by Ch.le'sSERVICIO DE AVIACTION NAVAL soon after itsestablishment in 1919 were British Short 184 and SopwithBaby floatplanes, but a report in BRASSEY'S that one <strong>of</strong> the Shorts wasembarked on battleship ADMIRANTE LATORRE In the 1920s forexperiments with aerial spotting for gunfire has been denied Howeverthe old armoured ciuiser GENERAL OH1GGINS did carry one or more<strong>of</strong> the Babies brieflyA turntable catapult was mounted on ADMIRANTE LATORREsquarterdeck during her 1929-31 modernisation in Great Britain, and thebattleship subsequently carried a Fairey IMF. four <strong>of</strong> which were stationedNAVYP»»je Tr.lrty-.wvwi

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