The Navy Vol_49_Part1 1987 - Navy League of Australia

The Navy Vol_49_Part1 1987 - Navy League of Australia The Navy Vol_49_Part1 1987 - Navy League of Australia
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Rustonf~4• 4•T \UK | fBravo Zulu — 75th AnniversaryThe Duke of Edinburgh, theAustralian House of Representativesand DefenceMinister. Mr Kim Beazley,have all congratulated theRAN on its 75th anniversarycelebrations.In a letter loCNS (VADM Mike Hudson). MiBrian Smith, of Covernment House. Adelaide.The power behind the foam.Ruston Diesels; famous throughout the maritime world asspecialists in the development of propulsion engines for tugboats from500-5000 h.p. In harbours and ports everywhere; wherever tugs areworking, you'll findthat Ruston has proven itself as a driving force .in this demanding field. "Get the full story on Ruston towing power- ,Winnellie5789Phone843520 S J& j#Page Twenty-two JwHwry. 1967"The Duke of Edinburgh has asked me towrite ro lhar.k you. and all your team, for amarvellous two days m celebration of the 75thAnniversary of the Royal Australian Navy"Everything went like clockwork, and PrincePhilip was mosl impressed by the Review TheFireworks were sensational and His RoyalHighness very much enjoyed the dinner yougave afterwards at Tresco Perhaps you couldpass on special thanks to Rett Admiral and MrsMartin for allowing us all to have such a goodparty in their houseI am sure you realise, also, that Prince Philipmuch enjoyed the Concert the night before.with its splendid performance by the RANmusicians"Thank you also, on behalf of the RAN, forthe r^arvellous book. "The Royal AustralianNavyThe First Seventy Five Years", whichyou have so kindly presented to The Queen 1will of course we that Her Majesty receives n assoon as possible"Lastly, may I please be allowed to thank youall on my own behalf for a very memorable visitVice Admiral Michael Hudson, presents the 75th Anniversary Limited Edition book to HRHPrince Philipto Sydney which I would not have missed foranythingAgain. Prince Philip's congratulations andthanks to you all "The Speaker of the House of Representslives. The Hon Joan Child. MP. wrote"It is with much pleasure that I have toconvey to you text of a resolution which wasagreed to by the House of Representatives onOctober 7HRH Prince Philip and the Prime Minister, aboard HMAS COOK during the Fleet ReviewJanuary. 1987THE NAVYThe resolution readsThat this house"Congratulates the Royal Australian Navy onthe 75th Anniversary of its foundation, notingwith deep appreciation the vital contribution ofthe RAN to the defence of Australia In twoworld wars and conflicts in Korea and Vietnam"Its essential role in the preservation of peacein out region and. through Australian participationm the western alliance, around the giobeand the sacrtfire of the men and women of theRAN who have given their )

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