The Navy Vol_49_Part1 1987 - Navy League of Australia

The Navy Vol_49_Part1 1987 - Navy League of Australia

The Navy Vol_49_Part1 1987 - Navy League of Australia

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4 4 *Fleet commander. RADM Ian Knox, commendedfleet units for their role in the recent International FleetReviewIn a signal to all ships. RADM Knox said. "<strong>The</strong> <strong>Navy</strong>Assembly and Review, the first <strong>of</strong> its kind in <strong>Australia</strong>,has been a resounding success"As well as proving to be the biggest birthday partyexperienced by Sydneysiders. it has also focused attention <strong>of</strong> the nation on our navy, our maritime heritageand the importance <strong>of</strong> seapower"This has been achieved only because <strong>of</strong> a great deal<strong>of</strong> hard work and detailed planning by all units concerned."I am very conscious <strong>of</strong> the many problems andresource difficulties and inconveniences there havebeen"Without exception, however, all hands have risenmagnificently to the occasion, and I have beenextremely pleased at the outcome <strong>of</strong> the whole range <strong>of</strong>assembly activities"In particular, the review itself was the greatest <strong>of</strong>spectacles and a proud and unforgettable day for us al"Many <strong>of</strong> you have embarked on another busy round<strong>of</strong> exercises and port visits with precious little time forrelaxation and family contact in what has already been ahectic, action-packed year"I believe, when it is over, we will look back on 1986as being an extremely significant milestone in our <strong>Navy</strong>'shistory and that all <strong>of</strong> the time and effort expended willbe seen to have been well worthwhile."As Fleet Commander. I am proud <strong>of</strong> what you haveachieved and delighted with the positive spirit that Is soevident in our ships and establishments"Keep up the good work "Page Eighteen

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