Port State Control A/W - UK P&I Members Area

Port State Control A/W - UK P&I Members Area

Port State Control A/W - UK P&I Members Area

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PORT STATE CONTROL AND THE USA●●Ships whose classification society has ten or more arrivalsthe previous year and a detention ratio more than fourtimes the average, orShips whose classification society has less than ten arrivalsthe previous year and have been associated with at leastSHIP INSPECTION PRINCIPLESIn addition to the Boarding Priority Matrix the USCG has alsopublished the 12 “principles” employed as guidance for itsship inspections. These are:one detention.<strong>Port</strong> entry may be restricted until ship is examined by theCoast Guard. Priority I ships are targeted for examinationprior to entry into US ports. Where feasible, these shipsare boarded prior to port entry to ensure deficiencies arecorrected. Otherwise, they are boarded upon entry and priorto commencement of cargo transfer operations or passengerembarkation.PRIORITY II SHIPS:● 7 to 16 points on the Matrix, or●●●●Detentions are conducted only when a ship is unfit toproceed to sea or poses a threat to the marine environment.Voyage damage will not be associated with a classificationsociety non-conformity unless other class-relateddeficiencies are noted during the course of the survey.Class non-conformities will only be associated withequipment covered by a survey, conducted by class, or inwhich class issued the certificate on behalf of the flag state.When multiple deficiencies are noted, only thosedeficiencies serious enough to justify detention will be●outstanding requirements from a previous boarding in thisevaluated to determine class non-conformities.or another US port, or the ship is overdue for an annualtank or passenger exam.Cargo operations may be restricted until ship is examined bythe Coast Guard. Priority II ships are targeted for boardingprior to commencement of cargo transfer operations orpassenger embarkation. An exemption to the requirementfor boarding prior to commencement of cargo transferoperations or passenger embarkation may be granted ifthere are clear indications that the ship is in substantialcompliance with applicable standards.PRIORITY III SHIPS:● 4 to 6 points on the Matrix, or●●●Outdated equipment, when the cause of an intervention,will not be associated with a class non-conformity unlessthe equipment was outdated at the time of the last surveyconducted by the class society on behalf of the flag state.The absence of easily stolen equipment, such as fire hosenozzles are extinguishers, will generally not be listed as aclass society non-conformity unless a large number aremissing and the inspection takes place within 90 days ofthe last survey by the class society for the flag state.Expired certificates will not be associated with a class nonconformityunless the certificates were not endorsed orwere improperly issued by the class society when it●alleged deficiencies reported, orconducted the last survey for the flag state.●the ship is overdue for an annual freight examination.●Interventions based on manning issues will not be listed asPriority III ships may be targeted for boarding after entryinto port, but no operational restrictions are imposed.PRIORITY IV SHIPS:● 3 or fewer points on the Matrix.Priority IV ships are not targeted for boarding, but maybe boarded and examined by the US Coast Guard at thediscretion of the local Captain of the <strong>Port</strong> or the Officer inCharge, Marine Inspection.●●class non-conformities.A time limit of 90 days will generally be placed onassociating non-conformities with equipment failures, suchas non-operational fire pumps and emergency generators,unless it is apparent that the deficiency is long standing.Failure of human-factor-related testing – such as fire drillsand abandon ship drills – will be associated with aclassification society non-conformity only when the classsociety issued the relevant certificate on behalf of the flag<strong>State</strong> within 30 days of inspection.32

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