Copulas: a Review and Recent Developments (2007)

Copulas: a Review and Recent Developments (2007)

Copulas: a Review and Recent Developments (2007)


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In the bivariate case the last relation can be written asmax(u 1 + u 2 ¡ 1; 0) · C(u 1 ;u 2 ) · min(u 1 ;u 2 ):When we posses an additional information about the values of copula in the interiorof [0; 1] 2 , then the above Frechet bounds can be often narrowed, see Nelsen(1999), p. 62, Nelsen et al. (2001b) <strong>and</strong> Anjos et al. (2004).Note that only for n =2thelowerFrechet bound is a copula <strong>and</strong> the r<strong>and</strong>omvariables (X; Y ) associated to min(u 1 ;u 2 )<strong>and</strong>max(u 1 +u 2 ¡1; 0) have support in themain diagonal <strong>and</strong> the secondary diagonal of [0; 1] 2 , respectively. This means that ifF <strong>and</strong> G are the distribution functions of X <strong>and</strong> Y <strong>and</strong> P ¡ F (X) =G(Y ) ¢ =1almostsurely, the joint distribution function of (X; Y ) have associated copula min(u 1 ;u 2 )<strong>and</strong> we say that the pair (X; Y )iscomonotonic. On other h<strong>and</strong>, if P ¡ F (X) =1¡G(Y ) ¢ = 1 almost surely, the joint distribution function of (X; Y ) have associatedcopula max(u 1 + u 2 ¡ 1; 0) <strong>and</strong> the pair (X; Y )iscountermonotonic. We need thefollowing de¯nition.De¯nition (comonotonic set). The set A µ (¡1; 1) issaidtobecomonotonicif for any x = fx 1 ;::: ;x n g <strong>and</strong> y = fy 1 ;::: ;y n g in A, eitherx · y or y · x holds.The following theorem is the main result concerning comonotonicity (i.e. the bestpossible positive dependence between r<strong>and</strong>om vectors). Additional properties, examples,applications in Finance <strong>and</strong> Insurance can be found in Dhaene et al. (2002a,b),Theorem (characterization of comonotonicity, Dhaene et al. (2002a)). Ar<strong>and</strong>om vector X = fX 1 ;::: ;X n g is comonotonic if <strong>and</strong> only if one of the followingequivalent conditions holds:(i) X has a support which is a comonotonic set;µ(ii) For all x =(x 1 ;::: ;x n ), we have H(x 1 ;::: ;x n )=min F X1 (x 1 );::: ;F Xn (x n ) ;(iii) For U » U(0; 1), we have X d = fF ¡1X 1(U);::: ;F ¡1X n(U)g;(iv) There exist a r<strong>and</strong>om variable Z <strong>and</strong> non-decreasing functions f i ;i=1;::: ;n;such that X = d ff 1 (Z);::: ;f n (Z)g:¥Note that in a similar way one can de¯ne a countermonotonic set <strong>and</strong>thentostate the corresponding characterization.If the true copula is assumed to belong to a parametric family fC µ ;µ 2 £g,estimates of the parameters of interests can be obtained through maximum likelihoodmethods in the context of independent <strong>and</strong> identically distributed samples. There aremainly two used methods: the fully parametric <strong>and</strong> the semiparametric one, detailed4

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