Copulas: a Review and Recent Developments (2007)

Copulas: a Review and Recent Developments (2007)

Copulas: a Review and Recent Developments (2007)


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Table 3: ARMA + FIGARCH ¯ts to daily returnsfrom Korea <strong>and</strong> Singapore indexes.Korea : ARMA(1; 0)+FIGARCH(1;d;1) Singapore: ARMA(1; 0)+FIGARCH(2;d;1)Value Std.Error t value Pr(> jtj) Value Std.Error t value Pr(> jtj)AR(1) 0.11763 0.02084 5.646 9.110e-009 0.1151 0.019923 5.775 4.298e-009A 0.06975 0.02772 2.517 5.954e-003 0.0295 0.008441 3.495 2.410e-004GARCH(1) 0.53477 0.06354 8.416 0.000e+000 0.7562 0.046910 16.121 0.000e+000ARCH(1) 0.22228 0.04286 5.186 1.154e-007 0.3750 0.057193 6.557 3.303e-011ARCH(2) 0.1561 0.029486 5.295 6.453e-008fraction 0.39866 0.05110 7.802 4.441e-015 0.4855 0.043910 11.057 0.000e+000Nelsen (2005a) studies non-exchangeability <strong>and</strong> proposes a non-exchangeabilitymeasure for the case of identically distributed margins. The degree of exchangeabilitymay be measured by computing the maximum of the absolute value of the di®erencesH(x; y) ¡ H(y; x). For identically distributed margins with joint distribution H <strong>and</strong>copula C, the set of values of jH(x; y) ¡ H(y; x)j are the same of jC(u; v) ¡ C(v; u)j.Thus he proposes to compute 3maxjC(u; v) ¡ C(v; u)j, for all u; v 2 [0; 1] 2 .Herewesuggest to use an empirical version of this statistics, using the observed pairs <strong>and</strong>the ¯tted ALM copula. Note that, by the Glivenko-Cantelli theorem, as the samplesize goes to in¯nity, the sample version should approach the true value. The valueobtained using the empirical version of Nelsen's measure of non-exchangeability was0:0058.Summarizing, we provided an example where non-exchangeability was found foridentically distributed r<strong>and</strong>om variables, <strong>and</strong> long memory in volatility was responsiblefor changes in dependence structure, increasing extremal dependence. Workscombining copulas <strong>and</strong> short memory processes (GARCH type) modelling includeGoorbergh et al. (2005) <strong>and</strong> Breiman et al. (2003) among others.5 ConclusionsThe independence assumptions, which are typical in many statistical models are oftendue more to convenience rather than to the problem in h<strong>and</strong>. Furthermore, there aresituations where neglecting dependence e®ects may occur into a dramatic underestimationfor quantity of interest (some appropriate risk measure, for example). Takingcare of dependencies becomes therefore important in order to extend st<strong>and</strong>ard modelstowards more e±cient ones. However, relaxing the independence assumption yieldsmuch less tractable models. The pitfall of the copula approach is that it is usuallydi±cult to choose or ¯nd the appropriate copula for the problem in h<strong>and</strong>. An alternativeis suggested in Section 3.3. Often, the only possibility is to start with someguess such a parametric family of copulas <strong>and</strong> then to try to ¯t the parameters. Asa consequence, the model obtained may su®er a certain degree of arbitrariness.35

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