Sustainability Report 2012 - Transnet

Sustainability Report 2012 - Transnet

Sustainability Report 2012 - Transnet

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Employees were asked to score the culture behaviour based ontheir perceptions of how well we are living the culture.Overall, the 2011/12 Charter scores indicate that mostemployees have positive perceptions about culture at <strong>Transnet</strong>.The challenge remains to convert behaviour from ‘Sometimes’ to‘Almost always.’ Scores indicate: participants believe that we do not always comply with safetypolicies and procedures. third of participants believe that this only occurs ‘Sometimes’or ‘Not at all’. takes place ‘Sometimes’. This needs attention. raised by employees focus mainly on perceptions of fairness. empowered to perform in their jobs. Relationships betweensenior managers, supervisors and employees are not alwayspositive. Effective management will be a key focus goingforward. and rewarded for their good work, despite objectively fairmarket comparisons in <strong>Transnet</strong>’s remuneration policy.When asked to prioritise one area, employees scored as follows: Broad-based black economic empowerment<strong>Transnet</strong>’s B-BBEE policy is based on the B-BBEE Act, Act No 53of 2003. In terms of the six pillars (management control, EE,skills development, preferential procurement, enterprisedevelopment and socio-economic development) formeasurement of B-BBEE, <strong>Transnet</strong>’s B-BBEE scoring for2011/12 is Level 5, which is unexpectedly low. This is attributedto the following challenges: of <strong>Transnet</strong>’s skills and leadership training of black employeesand black employees with disabilities; and proof of specific initiatives that assist and/or accelerate thedevelopment, sustainability and ultimate financial andoperational independence of black-owned beneficiary entities.“The Culture Charter has helped me tounderstand what other colleagues arethinking. It has helped me to work withpeople, talk to them, and know what theirviews are. We need to respect one anotherand have good communication skills.”Mashudu MuthivhiYard officialFreight Rail“Thanks to the Culture Charter we nowhave a collective identity in <strong>Transnet</strong>. I’vebeen part of the Culture Programme sinceits inception in 2007, and its been ajourney of trying to find ourselves in<strong>Transnet</strong> and living our culture. Being partof this change process has enriched mylife. It warms my heart to see that theculture behaviours are entrenched in ourCompany and that culture awareness iseverywhere. I realise that change beginswith me. If we want to leave a legacy forthe next generation of <strong>Transnet</strong>ters, we allneed to live the culture behaviours.”Ntombekaya MgayiOrganisational Development ManagerRail Engineering“We recognise the role that B-BBEE playsin the economic transformation of SouthAfrica as it significantly increases thenumber of previously disadvantagedpeople who manage, own and control thecountry’s economy, as well as significantlydecreases income inequalities.”Brian MolefeGroup Chief Executive<strong>Sustainability</strong> performance: Social dividends<strong>Transnet</strong>’s B-BBEE management control, employment equity,preferential procurement and socio-economic development allscore well in the B-BBEE scorecard.<strong>Sustainability</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong>55

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