Sustainability Report 2012 - Transnet

Sustainability Report 2012 - Transnet

Sustainability Report 2012 - Transnet

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Social dividends (continued)ABSENTEEISMDOWN2010/11 2011/122,19% 1,95%“The Culture Charter has in some waysimproved our working environment,especially in terms of safety. It haschanged the way I think and communicate.As workers we need to communicate more.When we communicate it’s easy to worktogether.”Precious MolefeElectricianPipelinesStaff wellness<strong>Transnet</strong> is committed to ensuring the wellness of its staff.During 2011/12 <strong>Transnet</strong> focused on various initiativesto achieve this.The Absenteeism Management Programme resulted in adecreased rate of sick absenteeism month on month, from2,19% in 2010/11 to 1,95% in 2011/12. The DiseaseManagement Programme achieved an increase in the number ofregistrations for medically uninsured employees from 86 in2010/11 to 97 in 2011/12. The Employee AssistanceProgramme’s rate increased from 8,5% to 8,7% against abenchmark of 8% – 12%. <strong>Transnet</strong> plans on increasing thisthrough sustained efforts of marketing and communication. TheExecutive Wellness Programme achieved 40% against a targetof 75% for Executive Managers to complete a full medicalassessment. The challenge remains the busy schedules of theexecutive cadre. In addition, <strong>Transnet</strong> piloted its Life SkillsProgramme within the Marine Cadet Programme assisting withsocial integration and adaption to life at sea. The programmetargeted 50 cadets, 24 of whom participated.The Culture CharterBuilding a high performance culture remains an imperative for<strong>Transnet</strong>. November 2011 marked the most successful scoringparticipation by <strong>Transnet</strong> employees in the Culture Charterbehaviour review since its launch in 2008. A total of 28 772employees participated, showing an overall increase of 12 450from 2010. This is indicative of a growing sense of ownership ofthe culture behaviour and a growing perception that scoring is acredible process that allows employees’ voices to be heard.72 24 546 421246 391540 402066 28 540 372359 338We have We havea safety goodmindset communicationWe treateach otherwith dignityand respectWe areempoweredto performin our jobsWe arebusinessfocusedWe recogniseand rewardgood workWe deliveron ourpromisesNot at all Sometimes Almost always54

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