Sustainability Report 2012 - Transnet

Sustainability Report 2012 - Transnet

Sustainability Report 2012 - Transnet

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<strong>Transnet</strong> is strengthening its efforts in driving sustainability throughout the businesswith the adoption of a <strong>Sustainability</strong> Framework in 2011/12. We have established acompany-wide <strong>Sustainability</strong> Forum and sustainability monitoring of economic, socialand environmental dividends. In the year under review, Operating divisions continued tocreate business-focused structures and associated capacity to plan, manage and monitorprogress against their sustainability strategies. Strides were also made in identifying keyperformance areas and indicators in line with the new <strong>Sustainability</strong> Framework to report onsustainability achievements and establishing future priorities. In doing so, we have identifiedwhere our established ways of doing business already constitute sustainable good practice;and we have identified where there are important gaps and opportunities. In some areas, wehave surpassed our expectations but in others, there is much work ahead.<strong>Transnet</strong>’s sustainability performance is reported in the form of economic, social and environmental dividends.It is evident that there are overlaps between these three categories but they remain valid as distinct windowsthrough which to view the impact of <strong>Transnet</strong> as a pivotal South African S0C.This report highlights significant sustainability facts and concerns across the <strong>Transnet</strong> business. Stakeholdersreading this report will be able to gain new insights into <strong>Transnet</strong>’s sustainability track record to date and focusareas ahead. The intention is to allow the broader stakeholder community to follow our sustainability journeyand begin to detect, through our annual <strong>Sustainability</strong> <strong>Report</strong>s, the quality of lasting value that <strong>Transnet</strong> bringsto the wellbeing of South Africa’s present and future generations.<strong>Sustainability</strong> performance reviewECONOMICDIVIDENDSPageCost-effective, efficientand reliable freightlogistics and infrastructureahead of demand 25Skilled human resourcesaligned to infrastructureand services 39Local supplier industrydevelopment 42Rural development 43Regional integration 43A financially stablebusiness 45SOCIALDIVIDENDSPageGood governance,accountability andtransparency 47Zero tolerance of fraudand corruption 48A representativeworkforce 49Safety first 51Staff wellness 54Broad-based blackeconomic empowerment 55Corporate socialinvestment 57Proactive stakeholderengagement 60ENVIRONMENTALDIVIDENDSPageModal shift from roadto-rail,lowering SouthAfrica’s carbon emissions 69Energy efficiency 70Climate changemitigation and adaptation 72Water use efficiency 74Waste managementoptimisation 74Biodiversity enhancement 75<strong>Sustainability</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2012</strong>23

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