L12 TEpp Let's Make Pancakes

L12 TEpp Let's Make Pancakes

L12 TEpp Let's Make Pancakes


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Responding to textProvide the ingredients andhave the children use the bookto make pancakes. Ensure that anadult (helpful parent or carer) isavailable to supervise and assist. Havethe children report on theirexperience and make suggestionsabout improvements to the recipe.Children can make a set of recipecards for other simple recipes thatthey know how to make, such asmilkshakes or jelly. Encourage thechildren to use the features of recipes(ingredients followed by the method).Explore compound words:pancakes, ice-cream,tablespoons, blueberries, strawberries,maple syrup. Children can add othercompound words from other recipebooks to their lists.Writing linksShared/guided writingAsk children to discuss what fillingsthey have in a sandwich. Use thisdiscussion as a starting point forchildren to share their knowledge tothe group. Then write a recipe tomake a sandwich. <strong>Make</strong> sure that theingredients and utensils are listed, aswell as the step-by-step instructions.Independent writingAsk children to create their ownamazingly new and exciting recipe forsomething that has never beencreated before. The recipe has to berealistic and should include a list ofingredients and utensils, as well asthe step-by-step instructions. Shareideas as a group to get the discussiongoing before children design theirown wonderful creations!AssessmentCan the child:• Identify the different features of a procedural text?• Explain the meaning of instructional words: sift, add, put, break?• Explain how to make a pancake?whole text activity sentence activity word activity

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