Ground Control 14 - Luyckx

Ground Control 14 - Luyckx Ground Control 14 - Luyckx


NEWSRelentless ZW250 cuts fuelcostsHitachi holds the key for UKrental marketMoviter Service Manager Luis Bertão (centre) with the operatorsHitachi tackles climatechangeThe Japanese Government has donated four medium Hitachiexcavators to the Republic of Cape Verde. The four ZX210H-3Gswere delivered to the Ministry of Environment, Rural Developmentand Marine Resources in December 2011. They will help thecountry to recover from natural disasters such as hurricanes,volcanic eruptions, droughts and floods.The machines began operation in January 2012 on fourislands: Praia, São Nicolau, Santo Antão and São Vicente. TheZX210H-3Gs were chosen from a variety of models becausethey offer an ideal size/performance ratio. The official PortugueseHitachi dealer, Moviter, provided training for the operators, andwill continue to support the machines with periodic service andmaintenance checks.“The people of Cape Verde are very happy with the performanceof the products,” says Moviter Service Manager Luis Bertão.“They are also satisfied with the support and training they havereceived from Moviter.”This is the first time that Hitachi excavators have beendelivered to the Republic of Cape Verde as part of an OfficialDevelopment Assistance programme run by the JapaneseGovernment. The programme aims to improve the capabilitiesof countries worldwide to cope with natural disasters caused byclimate change.As well as construction equipment, the Japanese Governmenthas donated trucks, mobile workshops, ambulances andgenerators, for example, to countries in Africa, the Middle East,Asia, South and Central America. As part of the programme,Hitachi products will also be delivered to Ghana, Benin, BurkinaFaso, Burundi, Gambia, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritania, Senegal,Togo and Uganda.Swedish-owned Södra Cell is one of the world’s leadingmanufacturers of paper pulp. One of its facilities is Södra CellFolla, a pulp mill located in Verran, central Norway. It producespulp for manufacturing milk cartons, tissue and printing paper.Three years ago, when it needed a new wheel loader, four leadingbrands were tested. Nasta, the official Hitachi dealer in Norway,offered the ZW250 together with a full service contract.After three years of operation, the machine has 15,500 workinghours and 86,000km on the clock. With the ZW250, the companyhas managed to reduce fuel consumption by up to 25 per cent,compared with the wheel loader it replaced. Fitted with a 15m 3bucket, the Hitachi wheel loader transports wood pellets andsawdust around the mill in three shifts per day, seven days aweek, and travels up to 180km in 24 hours.Kjell Sørensen, who is responsible for wheel loader sales atNasta, says: “The most important benefit of the ZW250 wheelloader for this customer is the 20 to 25 per cent reduction infuel consumption. Another advantage is the optional limited slipdifferential, which delivers effective driving force to both wheelsfor greater traction on snow-covered roads.”Tore Andreas Norum, supervisor and operator at Södra CellFolla, adds: “We are delighted with the performance of the ZW250– it is a powerful, fast machine, and it never stops. After threeyears and 15,500 hours, it works like new!”Ground-breaking investmentin IsraelSix Hitachi EH3500ACII rigid dump trucks have been deliveredto a phosphate mine in Israel. The order by Rotem Amfert NegevLtd represented the largest sale of mobile plant equipment in thecountry’s history.The multinational company manufactures phosphoric acids,fertilisers, specialty chemicals and phosphate salts. It required thenew models to update its fleet of Euclid trucks. They are used toremove overburden, and haul the phosphate to storage areas,crusher and processing plant at the Mishor Rotem Mine, near theNegev Desert.The handover ceremony in April was attended by representativesfrom the customer and its parent company, ICL. Senior managementfrom Hitachi Construction Machinery (Europe) NV (HCME) andHitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. (HCM), also joined the keypersonnel from CMD, the official Hitachi dealer in Israel.Kiyomitsu Yamanaka, Special Advisor for HCM, said: “SinceHCM gained ownership of Euclid in 2001, it has introduced newAC drive technologies, as seen in the EH3500ACII. These and otherinnovations will enable Hitachi to become further established as aworld leader in the design and production of large mining trucks.”HCME Manager of Heavy Equipment Sales Malcolm Edwardssays, “Rotem chose Hitachi because it could offer its own electronicsfor the truck’s electronic drive system – it is a one-stop shop. Theyalso saw the successful operation of the EH3500ACII trucks workingat the Talvivaara nickel mine in Finland in temperatures of -32°C.Additionally, they have a good working relationship with CMD andare happy with the support they receive.”HCME and CMD provided training for 90 operators, who will keepthe trucks moving 24/7. “The trucks are scheduled to complete 6,400working hours a year, doing three shifts per day,” adds Malcolm.A customer of HM Plant, the official UK Hitachi dealer, hasinvested in 68 new Zaxis excavators this year. Keyway, basedin Gloucester, ordered a range of models, from the ZX17U-2to the ZX210LC-3. The company was established in 1966 andspecialises in operated and self-drive plant hire.The founder’s two sons, Eamonn and Brian McGurk, andgrandsons, Eamonn Jr and Patrick, are now responsible for thecompany and are supported by several other family members,including Brian’s sons, Ryan and Gearard. “Keyway specialisesin long-term hires and offers customers excellent rates and abespoke service,” says Eamonn. “We can be working on 50 to100 job sites a day, with anything from one machine to a hugefleet operation.”The company has been buying Hitachi machines for morethan 17 years and the decision to invest in the new models wasbased on several factors. “Hitachi is recognised in the industryas a top brand, the advanced technology is unsurpassed, andthey’re reliable, durable and easy to operate,” adds Eamonn.The cost of ownership and resale value are additional benefits,explains Brian: “We replace our machinery after three years andat the end of their life cycle with Keyway, Hitachi models sustainthe best values on the market.”“The reliable support we receive from HM Plant is alsoimportant,” says Eamonn. “They have continued to raise theirgame over the years and offer us an improved level of service.”HM Plant Operations Director Andy Baker (left)and Keyway’s Eamonn McGurk08 Hitachi Construction Machinery (Europe) NVGROUND CONTROL 09

NEWSRelentless ZW250 cuts fuelcostsHitachi holds the key for UKrental marketMoviter Service Manager Luis Bertão (centre) with the operatorsHitachi tackles climatechangeThe Japanese Government has donated four medium Hitachiexcavators to the Republic of Cape Verde. The four ZX210H-3Gswere delivered to the Ministry of Environment, Rural Developmentand Marine Resources in December 2011. They will help thecountry to recover from natural disasters such as hurricanes,volcanic eruptions, droughts and floods.The machines began operation in January 2012 on fourislands: Praia, São Nicolau, Santo Antão and São Vicente. TheZX210H-3Gs were chosen from a variety of models becausethey offer an ideal size/performance ratio. The official PortugueseHitachi dealer, Moviter, provided training for the operators, andwill continue to support the machines with periodic service andmaintenance checks.“The people of Cape Verde are very happy with the performanceof the products,” says Moviter Service Manager Luis Bertão.“They are also satisfied with the support and training they havereceived from Moviter.”This is the first time that Hitachi excavators have beendelivered to the Republic of Cape Verde as part of an OfficialDevelopment Assistance programme run by the JapaneseGovernment. The programme aims to improve the capabilitiesof countries worldwide to cope with natural disasters caused byclimate change.As well as construction equipment, the Japanese Governmenthas donated trucks, mobile workshops, ambulances andgenerators, for example, to countries in Africa, the Middle East,Asia, South and Central America. As part of the programme,Hitachi products will also be delivered to Ghana, Benin, BurkinaFaso, Burundi, Gambia, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritania, Senegal,Togo and Uganda.Swedish-owned Södra Cell is one of the world’s leadingmanufacturers of paper pulp. One of its facilities is Södra CellFolla, a pulp mill located in Verran, central Norway. It producespulp for manufacturing milk cartons, tissue and printing paper.Three years ago, when it needed a new wheel loader, four leadingbrands were tested. Nasta, the official Hitachi dealer in Norway,offered the ZW250 together with a full service contract.After three years of operation, the machine has 15,500 workinghours and 86,000km on the clock. With the ZW250, the companyhas managed to reduce fuel consumption by up to 25 per cent,compared with the wheel loader it replaced. Fitted with a 15m 3bucket, the Hitachi wheel loader transports wood pellets andsawdust around the mill in three shifts per day, seven days aweek, and travels up to 180km in 24 hours.Kjell Sørensen, who is responsible for wheel loader sales atNasta, says: “The most important benefit of the ZW250 wheelloader for this customer is the 20 to 25 per cent reduction infuel consumption. Another advantage is the optional limited slipdifferential, which delivers effective driving force to both wheelsfor greater traction on snow-covered roads.”Tore Andreas Norum, supervisor and operator at Södra CellFolla, adds: “We are delighted with the performance of the ZW250– it is a powerful, fast machine, and it never stops. After threeyears and 15,500 hours, it works like new!”<strong>Ground</strong>-breaking investmentin IsraelSix Hitachi EH3500ACII rigid dump trucks have been deliveredto a phosphate mine in Israel. The order by Rotem Amfert NegevLtd represented the largest sale of mobile plant equipment in thecountry’s history.The multinational company manufactures phosphoric acids,fertilisers, specialty chemicals and phosphate salts. It required thenew models to update its fleet of Euclid trucks. They are used toremove overburden, and haul the phosphate to storage areas,crusher and processing plant at the Mishor Rotem Mine, near theNegev Desert.The handover ceremony in April was attended by representativesfrom the customer and its parent company, ICL. Senior managementfrom Hitachi Construction Machinery (Europe) NV (HCME) andHitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. (HCM), also joined the keypersonnel from CMD, the official Hitachi dealer in Israel.Kiyomitsu Yamanaka, Special Advisor for HCM, said: “SinceHCM gained ownership of Euclid in 2001, it has introduced newAC drive technologies, as seen in the EH3500ACII. These and otherinnovations will enable Hitachi to become further established as aworld leader in the design and production of large mining trucks.”HCME Manager of Heavy Equipment Sales Malcolm Edwardssays, “Rotem chose Hitachi because it could offer its own electronicsfor the truck’s electronic drive system – it is a one-stop shop. Theyalso saw the successful operation of the EH3500ACII trucks workingat the Talvivaara nickel mine in Finland in temperatures of -32°C.Additionally, they have a good working relationship with CMD andare happy with the support they receive.”HCME and CMD provided training for 90 operators, who will keepthe trucks moving 24/7. “The trucks are scheduled to complete 6,400working hours a year, doing three shifts per day,” adds Malcolm.A customer of HM Plant, the official UK Hitachi dealer, hasinvested in 68 new Zaxis excavators this year. Keyway, basedin Gloucester, ordered a range of models, from the ZX17U-2to the ZX210LC-3. The company was established in 1966 andspecialises in operated and self-drive plant hire.The founder’s two sons, Eamonn and Brian McGurk, andgrandsons, Eamonn Jr and Patrick, are now responsible for thecompany and are supported by several other family members,including Brian’s sons, Ryan and Gearard. “Keyway specialisesin long-term hires and offers customers excellent rates and abespoke service,” says Eamonn. “We can be working on 50 to100 job sites a day, with anything from one machine to a hugefleet operation.”The company has been buying Hitachi machines for morethan 17 years and the decision to invest in the new models wasbased on several factors. “Hitachi is recognised in the industryas a top brand, the advanced technology is unsurpassed, andthey’re reliable, durable and easy to operate,” adds Eamonn.The cost of ownership and resale value are additional benefits,explains Brian: “We replace our machinery after three years andat the end of their life cycle with Keyway, Hitachi models sustainthe best values on the market.”“The reliable support we receive from HM Plant is alsoimportant,” says Eamonn. “They have continued to raise theirgame over the years and offer us an improved level of service.”HM Plant Operations Director Andy Baker (left)and Keyway’s Eamonn McGurk08 Hitachi Construction Machinery (Europe) NVGROUND CONTROL 09

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