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Uvodna rijecIntroductory wordDraga čitatelji, evo nas ponovno s novim brojem vašeg i našeg najdražeg magazina. Vrijemeradosti i darivanja je pred nama, ali i vrijeme koje bismo trebali iskoristiti <strong>za</strong> druženje sa svojomobitelji. Ako vas je već uhvatila “praznička groznica”, uz naše savjete, prepustite se čarima uređivanjadoma.A da blagdane ne biste dočekali u hladnom domu, u temi broja po<strong>za</strong>bavili smo se grijanjem.Iako se zima još nije obrušila punom snagom na Hrvatsku, troškovi života u zimskom razdobljuredovito rastu zbog grijanja. Na grijanje doma otpada gotovo 80 posto svih troškova energije,stoga je mudro preispitati izbor uređaja <strong>za</strong> grijanje kuće ili stana jer uštede mogu biti velike.Štedjela nije turska tvrta Rixos pri izradi projekta obnove hotela Rixos Libertas. Investicija vrijedna50 milijuna eura vratit će stari sjaj hotelu koji ima posebno mjesto u srcima Dubrovčana.Novim sjajem <strong>za</strong>sjat će i splitska Riva. Iako je sam projekt preuređenja Rive i<strong>za</strong>zvao mnoge kontroverze,Saša Begović iz 3LHD-a otkriva nam da su u njega uključeni deseci stručnjaka <strong>za</strong> <strong>za</strong>štitupovijesne i umjetničke baštine, te da se apsolutno ništa ne radi bez njihove suglasnosti.Nadalje, vodimo vas na Brijune, čija djevičanska ljepota i danas jednako privlači <strong>za</strong>ljubljenike uprirodu i hedoniste kao i u prošlosti. A da se ne bismo <strong>za</strong>držali samo u granicama Lijepe naše,predstavljamo vam i pariški Hotel du Petit Moulin čiji je interijer brižno osmislio poznati di<strong>za</strong>jnerChristian Lacroix.Gdje dobro jesti, otkrivamo vam u rubrici “Gastro”. Zagrebački restoran Mano oduševio nas jevrhunskim di<strong>za</strong>jnom interijera te hranom koja se priprema pred očima gostiju.No, to nije sve. I u ovom broju predstavljamo vam najljepše hrvatske nekretnine. Bilo da kupujete,prodajete ili iznajmljujete, obratite se našem timu stručnjaka. Pripremili smo vam mnoštvo iznenađenja,jer prosinac je ipak mjesec darivanja.uredništvoDear readers, here we are once again with a new edition of your and our favourite magazine.The time of joy and giving is ahead of us, and, of course, the time we should spend with our families.If you are caught up by “holiday fever”, let us advise you and lead you into a fascination ofdecorating your own home.And in order not to wait for holydays in cold home, we prepare an article about heating. Althoughwinter has not yet attacked Croatia with its full strength, costs of life in every winter timeregularly increase because of heating. Almost 80% of overall costs of household power supplyare costs of heating. Therefore, it would be wise to reconsider a choice of heating systems in ourhouses or apartments; savings could be significant.Turkish company Rixos certainly did not save in design for renovation of the Rixos Libertas hotel.An Investment worthy 50 million Euros will return the old radiance to the hotel, which has a specialplace in the hearts of Dubrovnikans.And Split’s Riva, too, will shine with new radiance. Although the very project of its renovationaroused many controversies, Saša Begović from the 3LHD reveals that some tens of experts forprotection of historical and cultural heritage are involved in the project and that absolutelynothing is to be done without their previous approval.Furthermore, we are taking you to Brijuni, which virgin beauty even today attracts fans of natureand hedonists as they always have. And not to stay only in Croatia, we are presenting youParisian Hotel du Petit Moulin, which interior was carefully designed by famous fashion designerChristian Lacroix.Now, where to eat and where to eat well, we reveal in column “Gastro”. Zagreb’s restaurantMano impressed us with its top-notch interior design and food prepared in front of the eyes ofguests.Still, this is not all. In this edition, too, we are presenting the most beautiful properties in Croatia.Whether you are buying, selling or renting, please, feel free to contact our team of real estateexperts.Editorial13

ImpressumIzdavač/Publisher:DAL’CASA d.o.o.Put Supavla 121000 Splittel.: +385(0)21 332 725; +385(0)21 332 726fax:+385(0)21 380 852info@dalcasa.comPredsjednik uprave/Chairman of the Board:Jakša Mrčelajaksa@dalcasa.comČlan uprave/Member of theBoard:Stephen John Hartnupstephen@hartnup.comGlavna urednica/Editor-in-chief:dipl. ing. Ana Perišinana@dalcasa.comGrafički urednik/Graphic editor:dipl. ing. Marija TomljanovićMarketing i prodaja oglasa/Marketing and advertising:Dijana Uglešić, dipl. oec.dijana@dalcasa.comKontakt telefon: +385 (0)98 326 178Jagoda Meštrović, dipl. oec.jagoda@dalcasa.comKontakt telefon: +385 (0)98 330 063Prijevod na engleski/English translation:Zdenka Grgić, Ivan MladinaSuradnici/Associates:Nataša Bodrožić, Kristina Fazinić, Srećko Horvat, TanjaJakovčev, Ira Knežević, Hajdi Mihanović, Ivan Mladina,Karla KovačDistribucija/Distribution:Tisak d.d., Distripress, Tim Press, Slobodna Dalmacija, Glas IstreRadno vrijeme redakcije/Office time:ponedjeljak – petak: 8 – 16 satiRadno vrijeme agencije Dal’Casa/Dal’Casa agency office time:ponedjeljak – petak: 8 – 16 satisubota: 8 – 12 satiwww.dalmatianrealestate.comČASOPIS DAL’CASA JE LICENCNO IZDANJE,TE JE ZABRANJENO KOPIRANJE I PRENOŠENJE SADRŽAJADAL’CASA IS LICENCED EDITIONANY COPYING OR DIFFUSION OF CONTENTS ARE PROHIBITEDTisak/Print:Tiskara MeićRotooffsetZagrebwww.dalcasa.com

Sadržaj13 UVODNA RIJEÈ / INTRODUCTORY WORD18 TEMA BROJA / COVER STORYU potrazi <strong>za</strong> toplim domom /Searching for a Warm Home30 INVESTICIJE / INVESTMENTSNova šansa <strong>za</strong> dubrovaèki “Libertas” /A New Chance for the Hotel “Libertas”in Dubrovnik36 INTERVIEW:3LHD: Od UNESCO-a smo dobili pozitivnu ocjenu<strong>za</strong> splitsku Rivu /3LHD: UNESCO Gave us an Affirmative Evaluationof the Split’s Riva Project42 VIJESTI / NEWS44 AVANTURA / ADVENTUREDjevièanski dragulji Istre - Brijuni /Brijuni -Virgin Jewellery of Istria1650 GASTROSklad vrhunske hrane i di<strong>za</strong>jna / The Harmonyof Excellent Food and Top-notch Design

Contents56 MOTOVulkan po mjeri / A Tailored Volcano61 FINE STVARI / LUXURIES64 DODIR UMJETNOSTI / TOUCH OF ARTMagièan svijet papirnatih lutki /Magic World of Paper Dolls70 DOM SNOVA / DREAM HOMERacionalna ekstravagancija /A Rational Extravagance76 INTERIJERI / INTERIORSPariški san Christiana Lacroixa /A Christian Lacroix’s Parisian Dream82 KULTNI KOMAD / A PIECE OF CULTStarckov spoj funkcionalnosti i elegancije /Starck’s Mixture of Functionality and Elegance86 DEKORACIJE / DECORATIONSVrijeme radosti i darivanja /Time of Joy and Giving92 NEKRETNINE / REAL ESTATE17

PalazzettiNajviše na grijanje troše površinom velika kućanstva /Households with the highest heating power consumptionare those with large surfacesPiše: Aurelija VukušiæFoto: MCZ, Palazzetti, Termocommerce, Warmup, World Style DesignU potrazi <strong>za</strong> toplim domomNa grijanje doma otpada gotovo 80 posto svih troškova energije. Stoga je mudropreispitati izbor uređaja <strong>za</strong> grijanje kuće ili stana jer uštede mogu biti velikeIako se zima još nije obrušila punom snagom na Hrvatsku,troškovi života u svakom zimskom razdobljuredovito rastu zbog grijanja. Bilo da je vaš izvor toplineu dugim zimskim noćima električna energija, loživoulje ili plin, na grijanje doma otpada gotovo 80 postosvih troškova energije. Stoga je, u doba kad je energijasve skuplja, mudro i ekonomično preispitati izborsredstava <strong>za</strong> grijanje kuće ili stana i odabrati neka novija,učinkovitija i jeftinija rješenja.Najvažnija je, dakako, izolacija: o nedostacima loše izolacijeili, suprotno tome, najnaprednijim rješenjima poputpasivnih ili niskoenergetskih kuća, već se puno pisalo18i na ovim stranicama, a raduje i novi propis o gradnji(stupio je na snagu 1. srpnja) po kojem će svaki investitor,građevinsko poduzeće ili privatni vlasnik prigodompredstavljanja projekta <strong>za</strong> dobivanje građevinske dozvolemorati priložiti i energetsku karticu građevine. Nataj način država štiti građane od njih samih: tjerajući ihda više ulože u izolaciju <strong>za</strong>konom propisanog stupnja, ukonačnici štedi njihov novac <strong>za</strong> troškove grijanja. Većinanas ipak ne živi u niskoenergetskim novogradnjama,ali i neki manji <strong>za</strong>hvati, poput izmjene prozorskih <strong>za</strong>tvora,mogu učiniti puno protiv rasipanja energije.A sad kad ste odlučili racionalno pristupiti pitanju <strong>za</strong>grija-

Radijatori koji će se uklopiti u svaki dom / Radiatorsthat will fit in each homeTema brojaBuderus / Termocommercevanja kućanstva, <strong>za</strong>sule su vas stotine, često proturječnihinformacija o najboljim sustavima. Izuzmemo li (ne)sretnikečiji su domovi opskrbljeni centralnim grijanjem iz toplana istoga nemaju puno izbora, tržište je danas bogatije negoikad. Uljni ili plinski kotlovi? Glamox grijalice ili električni radijatori?Mramorne ploče? Kamini? Kaloriferi? Podno ili zidnogrijanje? Konvektori ili klima-uređaji? Konvencionalniili obnovljivi izvori energije? Paleta proizvoda tolika je daće prosječno upućene ubrzo dovesti u nedoumicu.Arbonia / TermocommerceGrijaće tijelo kao pregradna stijenka - savršen spoj di<strong>za</strong>jnai funkcionalnosti / A heating unit as a wall – a perfectcombination of design and functionalityPronaći dobar kotaoNo, krenimo redom. Najviše na grijanje troše površinomvelika kućanstva, kuće, pa je uputno već pri projektiranjutakvog objekta odlučiti se <strong>za</strong> tip osnovnoga grijanja.Predvidjeti tip grijanja znači i pripremiti teren <strong>za</strong> njegovopostavljanje jer svaka naknadna intervencija puno višestoji i najčešće nije cjelovito rješenje. Ako <strong>za</strong> to postojemogućnosti, najjeftinije je kao konvencionalni energenttrošiti plin. Plinski kotlovi oduzimaju određeni prostor udomu koji treba isplanirati, a današnji visokokvalitetni kotlovis plavim plamenikom imaju iskorištenje enerije čakdo 100 posto. Najnaprednija rješenja nudi poznata tvrtkaBuderus (kod nas je distribuira Termocommerce), čijikotlovi s oznakom “plavi anđeo” označavaju visoki stupanjiskoristivosti. Buderus proizvodi i slične lijevane kotlovena loživo ulje koji su dobra <strong>za</strong>mjena ako vaš domnije opremljen plinskom instalacijom. Ako ste odlučili posvaku cijenu imati centralno grijanje, postoji i varijantakotla koji se grije električnom strujom: zbog cijene strujei dvostrukog pretvaranja energije takvo rješenje ne ulazimeđu ona najekonomičnija, ali je svakako ekološki punoprihvatljivije od kotla na loživo ulje koje ispušta neusporedivoviše štetnih tvari. Najvažnije je ipak da je kotaorelativno nov ili dobro održavan. Stari kotlovi troše punoviše energije <strong>za</strong> <strong>za</strong>grijavanje, a neodržavanje ovakvihsustava – od kotlova do dimnjaka – može dovesti i doteških nesreća i tragedija. Iako mnogi zbog visokih tro-Arbonia / Termocommerce19

Tema brojaGrijaće tijelo kao dekoracija na zidu / A heating unitas wall decorationCarisa / World Style Designškova izbjegavaju redovito servisirati svoje sustave, takavje odnos prema potencijalnoj opasnosti vrlo neodgovoran.No, kotao je tek početak posla: toplinu valjarazvesti po prostorijama, a tu je opet bezbroj mogućnosti.Radijatori su i dalje najpopularnije rješenje u nas, adanas, <strong>za</strong>hvaljujući paleti novih boja i oblika, di<strong>za</strong>jnommogu biti takvi da prostor ne poružnjuju nego ga čakuljepšavaju. Ipak, radijatori oduzimaju prostor i mnogitraže neka novija rješenja koja imaju puno prednosti.Podno i zidno grijanjePosljednjih godina vrlo je šik i popularno imati podnogrijanje: sustav tankih cijevi razvodi toplu vodu po svim20podnim površinama i stvara osjećaj ravnomjerne ugodejer, poznato je, toplina ima tendenciju “penjati se” pa ćegrijanjem poda cijela prostorija biti <strong>za</strong>grijana na ugodnutemperaturu. Ravnomjerno raspoređivanje topline imajoš neke prednosti pred radijatorima: zbog manje razlikeu temperaturi stvara se manje strujanje toplo-hladnogzraka i tako manje prašine (jeste li primijetili kako se zimi,dok se grije, stvara puno više prašine?). No, podno grijanjeznači i manji potrošak energije: u ovakvim sustavimadovoljno je da voda ima temperaturu od 30-ak stupnjevajer toplinu izravno predaje podu, a ne <strong>za</strong>grijava prvozrak (primjera radi, voda u radijatorima ima temperaturuod oko 60°C), pa i kotlovi mogu raditi puno štedljivije.

U idealnoj situaciji, podno se grijanje postavlja tijekomgradnje: s donje se strane mora kvalitetno izolirati kakone bi došlo do gubitka topline, a prema gornjoj podnojplohi postavlja se materijal koji dobro provodi toplinu– primjerice mokri estrih. Naknadna ugradnja podnogagrijanja također je moguća, no iziskuje dosta dodatnihtroškova. Valja reći i kako sve vrste podnih obloganisu pogodne <strong>za</strong> podno grijanje – u te svrhe najboljeje odabrati keramičke pločice pa je podno grijanje idalje najčešće u kupaonicama. Ipak, podno grijanjenije pogodno <strong>za</strong> sve ljude ni sve uvjete: oni koji imajuproblema s venskom cirkulacijom trebali bi se konzultiratis liječnikom prije ugradnje, a ako želite instant rješenjekoje bi odmah moglo ugrijati, podno grijanje nijeono što tražite jer mu treba vremena da se aktivira i,jednako tako, da se ugasi. Podno grijanje moralo bi bitiproces koji traje cijelu sezonu.Zidno grijanje, pri kojem je cijela površina zida <strong>za</strong>pravogrijano tijelo, radi na vrlo sličnom principu kao podno:isti tip instalacije daje vrlo sličan efekt “mekog” isijavanjatopline, a topao zid znači topao efekt u domu (no,morate računati na nešto deblje zidove, što oduzimaprostor). Suprotno tome, zidovi iz kojih zrači hladnoćazimi su toliko uporno neugodni da ih nikakve “puhalice”kao što su klima-uređaji ili kaloriferi neće ugrijati. Uopće,sredstva koja griju puhanjem mogu donekle pomoćikad temperatura nije ispod ništice, ali kod prave zime,takvi uređaji su gutači struje koji proizvode jedino prašinui mogu služiti tek kao pomoćni izvori topline. Dakle,kaloriferom možete “na brzinu” <strong>za</strong>grijati kupaonicu, aline i dnevni boravak.Najlakša rješenjaOpćenito, najvažniji je podatak pri izboru grijanja kolikije prostor koji želite ugrijati. Ako odabir uređaja <strong>za</strong> grijanjeneće <strong>za</strong>dirati u grublje i dulje građevinske radove(što podno i zidno grijanje svakako <strong>za</strong>htijevaju), zlatnopravilo glasi: uvijek je bolje više manjih nego jedan velikiizvor energije. Pametno postavljanje grijaćih tijelau prostoru znači uštedu troškova i ugodniji boravak udomu, a pritom se mogu kombinirati i različiti proizvodi itipovi grijanja. Jednostavniji načini grijanja ne <strong>za</strong>htijevajukotlove i posebnu pripremu: dovoljno je otići u trgovinui kupiti, primjerice, uljni radijator, glamox grijalicu,mramoterm ploču... Svaki od tih uređaja ima svoje prednosti,ali i poneku manu. Primjerice, gotovo da nemadoma koji nije opremljen ponekim uljnim radijatorima.To je rješenje brzo i fleksibilno, obično je na kotačićimakoji dopuštaju kretanje po prostoriji, ali njegovi robusnigabariti oduzimaju ponešto prostora i nisu naj<strong>za</strong>hvalnijerješenje obiteljima s djecom jer mogu pasti i svojomtežinom ozlijediti nekoga, a površina im je popriličnovruća. S druge strane, glamox, sve popularniji oblikstrujnoga grijanja, fiksira se u<strong>za</strong> zid, čime oduzima dionjegove plohe, a njegove šupljine su idealna <strong>za</strong>mka <strong>za</strong>prašinu i sitne predmete. No, tanak je i prilično elegantante preciznošću termostata (čak do 0.3°C) osiguravamanji potrošak energije. Usto, valja reći da se površinaglamoxa nikad ne ugrijava do granice neugodnevrućine, pa je i manja mogućnost <strong>za</strong>paljenja. Mramotermploča nekima je estetski najbolje rješenje (riječ jeo mramornim grijanim pločama), a djeluje i zračenjemPosljednjih godina vrlo je šik i popularno imati podnogrijanje / For last few years it is very, let’s say, “chic” tohave a floor heatingSustav tankih cijevi razvodi toplu vodu po svim podnimpovršinama i stvara osjećaj ravnomjerne ugode/ A system of thin pipes distributes warm water acrossall floor surfaces creating thus a sensation of cosinesskeeping the whole room warm21Warmup

Tema broja Grijaćetijelo i stalak <strong>za</strong> ručnike u jednom / A heatingunit and a towel stand in oneArbonia / Termocommerce22

i konvekcijom istodobno, ne isušuje zrak kao konvencionalniradijatori te je također opremljena termostatom,ali i njezin je domet grijanja do maksimalnih 18 metaračetvornih, pa je nužno u veće prostorije postaviti baremdvije. Novost na tržištu svakako je sustav grijanja infracrvenimzračenjem Redwell. Po uzoru na sunčevo zračenje,Redwellovi uređaji griju toplinskim valovima, čime sesmanjuje cirkulacija zraka koja pogoduje kovitlanju nečistoćau zraku, ali najpoznatiji su po revolucionarnomdi<strong>za</strong>jnu – mogu izgledati kao zrcala, kao futuristički krugovi...i time se <strong>za</strong>nimljivo uklopiti u prostor. Ono na štotreba obratiti pažnju pri odabiru nekoga od ovih izvoratopline jest regulacija temperature: što je precizniji termostat,to je manje energije potrebno <strong>za</strong> <strong>za</strong>grijavanjena željenu temperaturu. Svakako je najbolje posavjetovatise sa stručnjacima prije kupnje, reći im koliki prostortreba grijati i tako dobiti optimalno rješenje. Obratitepozornost na: kvadraturu prostora, vaše dnevne potrebe<strong>za</strong> toplinom, sigurnost i ekonomičnost i – odaberite.Solarni sustavi“Kada bi se samo tri posto teritorija Hrvatske prekrilosunčevim pretvornicima u toplinsku i električnu energiju,dobilo bi se osam puta više od današnje ukupneenergetske potrošnje Hrvatske.” Ovako plastično objasnioje dr. sc. Natko Urli s Instituta “Ruđer Bošković”kolika je moć sunčeve energije. Ona, barem u Hrvatskoj,uglavnom stoji neiskorištena. Za zemlju s neobičnopuno sunca, posebno u krajevima uz more, šteta je bitimeđu državama koje se <strong>za</strong>dnje priključuju trendu iskorištavanjasolarne energije. Ulaganje u ovaj tip grijanjaiznimno je isplativo unatoč početnim troškovima jer,naravno, sunčevo grijanje ne plaćamo – ništa. A onošto kućanstvu treba <strong>za</strong> iskorištavanje te energije jest:kolektor, spremnik tople vode s izmjenjivačem topline,solarna stanica i razvod s odgovarajućim medijem. Mogućisu solarni sustavi koji služe samo <strong>za</strong> grijanje vode ukućanstvu, ali i <strong>za</strong> grijanje cijelog doma koje se poslijeuređuje po želji. I, ma koliko nam se ne sviđale velikecrne plohe na krovovima, one su budućnost grijanjakoja jamči očuvanje okoliša i smanjenje troškova. Za ilustracijukoliko su u tome odmaknule zemlje EU-a, trebareći da neke od njih s 30 posto troškova subvencionirajuugradnju solarnih sustava, a, primjerice, u Njemačkoj ječak moguća i izmjena energije između potrošača (kojije priključen na standardnu mrežu, a istodobno koristi isolarnu energiju) te distributera energije: kad je potrošač“u plusu” - njegova vlastita proizvodnja energije odsolarnog sustava nadmašuje potrošnju – on svoj “višak”šalje distributeru, a kad je “u minusu”, troši energiju distributera.Na kraju, potrošač i distributer se kompenziraju:potrošač dobiva puno manji račun <strong>za</strong> struju, adistributer i sam koristi jedan dio obnovljive energije...U očekivanju ovakvih pomaka u poimanju energetskepolitike, najnapredniji među nama već su posegnuli <strong>za</strong>solarnim grijanjem, i nisu se pokajali.23

Living modulo /MCZSearching for a Warm HomeAlmost 80% of overall costs of household power supply are costs of heating. Therefore,it would be wise to reconsider our choices of heating systems in our homesor apartments, because the highest savings we can ever obtain are exactly in thisarea – heating24Written by: Aurelija VukušiæPhoto: MCZ, Palazzetti, Termocommerce, Warmup, World Style Design

Arbonia / TermocommerceCover storyZahvaljujući paleti novih boja i oblika, radijatori di<strong>za</strong>jnom mogu biti takvi da prostorčak uljepšavaju / Modern design and colours of radiators make the space evenmore beautifulAlthough winter has not yet attacked Croatia withits full strength, costs of life in every winter timeregularly increase because of heating: whetheryour source of warmth during long winter nightsis electric power, furnace oil or gas, almost 80% of overallcosts of household power supply are costs of heating.Therefore, it would be wise, in the era of more and moreexpensive energy, to reconsider a choice of heating systemsin your houses or apartments and eventually decideon some modern, more efficient and cheaper solutions.Good insulation is, without any doubt, the most crucial;we have already written on our pages about effects ofbad insulation or, in contrary, the most inventive solutionslike so called passive or low-energetic houses. Certainly,the new regulation on construction (entered into forceon July 1, 2006) brought some relief; from now on everyinvestor or constructing company or private owner whenapplying for a construction permit should attach a buildingenergy card. This is how the state protects own citizensfrom themselves alone by making them to spent more forthe insulation of walls according to the law prescription,which, at the end, will save their money otherwise spenton heating. Still, the majority of us do not live in low-energeticdevelopments; but, some smaller interventions likereplacing window-frames would do much and preventthe losses of energy.25

Cover storyVaillant / TermocommerceNow, when you decided to reconsider heating of yourhome, a throng of hundreds, very often, contradictory informationregarding which system is the best, will swampover you. If we exclude those un/fortunate ones whohave central heating from power plants and, thus, withoutalternatives, market is nowadays richer than ever.What do you prefer: oil or gas boilers, Glamox heatingunits or electric radiators, marble plates, fire places, fanheaters, wall or floor heating, convectors or air conditioning,conventional or sustainable sources of energy? Arange of products is so huge that an average consumerwill be soon enough confused.To find a good boilerBut, let us start from the beginning. Households with thehighest heating power consumption are those with largesurfaces, that is, houses. Therefore, it is very important toplan a heating system at the stage of preliminary designand to prepare a terrain for it. Any later upgrading theexisting system would cause additional costs and wouldnever be a complete solution.If there is a possibility, gas is the most convenient conventionalenergy. Gas boilers occupy a certain space inthe house, which should be carefully planned, but, still,contemporary top quality boilers with a blue flame arealmost 100% effective. A well known company, Buderus,offers ultra modern solutions (Termocommerce is theirmain seller). Their boiler named “Blue Angel” has veryhigh level of effectiveness. Buderus produces also similarcast boilers for furnace oil as good replacement in casethat your home does not have gas installations. If you,however, decide to have an electric heating system, atany cost, there is a boiler on electric power: but the latteralthough not the most favourable due to the priceof electric energy and double transformation of energy,is more preferable than furnace oil boiler, which emitsmore harmful substances.26Nevertheless, the most important thing is that the heatingunit is new or at least, regularly maintained: old boilersconsume much more energy for heating, and badmaintenance can cause severe accidents and tragedies.Still, many people like to avoid costs of maintenanceand regular service, which is certainly irresponsiblebehaviour. The boiler is, however, just the beginningbecause the heat needs to be distributed all over thespace. There are countless suggestions. Radiators arestill, here in Croatia, the most popular solution. Theirmodern design and colours nowadays make the spaceeven more beautiful. But radiators need lot of space; so,many are looking for some new ideas and solutions.Wall and Floor Heating SystemsFor last few years it is very, let’s say, “chic” to have afloor heating: a system of thin pipes distributes warm wateracross all floor surfaces creating thus a sensation ofcosiness keeping the whole room warm; the warmth hasa tendency to go up. The heat, evenly distributed, hassome other advantages: due to a lesser difference inthe air temperature the flow of warm-cold air is weaker,which results in lesser tumbling of the dust (by the way,haven’t you noticed that during the winter heating timethere is much more dust in the space).Additionally, floor heating means lower consumption ofenergy: the temperature of water rarely exceeds muchover 30oC because the warmth is directly transferredto the floor (for example, water in radiators has around60oC) and thus boilers are working at economic level. Anideal situation is when the floor heating is installed duringthe construction; it should be quality insulated frombeneath so that a loss of warmth would be prevented,and above covered with material that is a good heatconductor – as wet Estrich, for example.Of course, it is always possible to install the floor heatingafterwards but it is always more expensive. The floor

Radijatori su i dalje najpopularnije rješenje u nas / Radiators are still,here in Croatia, the most popular solutionArbonia / Termocommerceheating requires a special kind of flooring – the best are ceramictiles. Usually bathrooms have the floor heating. Still,the floor heating is not appropriate for everyone. Those whosuffer from problems with blood circulation would have toconsult their doctors. Inasmuch, if you need instant heating,than the floor heating would not be the best choice foryou, because it needs some time to get started and sometime to be turned off. The floor heating should be a process,which lasts throughout the heating season.A wall heating works on the similar principle as the floorheating; the whole surface of the wall is a heating unit. Thesame sort of installation gives similar effect of “soft” emanationof the warmth; warm walls create a warm sensationin the home (walls are thicker, which also takes additionalspace). Contrary to this, walls that are cold are so persistentlyunpleasant that no “blowers” as air conditioning orfan heaters could make any difference. In general, heatingunits that blow hot air are good when the temperature is notbelow, but when the winter gets real, they can only be anadditional source of warmth and, by the way, real eaters ofthe power. So, with a fan heater you can quickly warm up abathroom but not a lounge.The easiest solutionsIn general, the most important data is how large is thespace you want to heat. If your choice of heating units willnot require construction works (as wall and floor heatingcertainly would), than you should follow a golden rule: anumber of smaller sources of power is better than one bigsource. A smart arrangement of heating units around thespace means decreasing of costs and cosier home. Variousproducts and types of heating could be combined together.Simpler ways of heating do not require boilers andspecial preparations: just go to the shop and purchase, forPodno grijanje znači i manji potrošak energije /Floor heating means lower consumption of energy27

example, oil radiator, Glamox fan heater, marble-termplate. Each of these heating units has advantages and,of course, some weak points. For instance, there is almostnot a home without some kind of oil radiator – aquick and flexible solution, usually on small wheels, whichmakes it movable around the room. Its robust and heavybody occupies some space and in homes with childrencould be dangerous if falls on someone when it is veryhot. On the other hand, Glamox is more and more popularelectric heater. It is fixed on the wall, occupying, thus,some space, and having hollows that are good place fordust. However, Glamox is thin and quite elegant and withits precise thermostat (even up to 0,3oC) decreases thepower consumption. Besides, the surface of the Glamoxis never so hot to, eventually, cause fire. Marble-termplates (marble heated plates) for some consumers are,aesthetically, the best solution having in the same timeradiant and convection effect and not drying up the airlike conventional radiators do. The plates are equipped,also, with thermostats, and the range of heating power is18 m 2; for larger spaces should be at least two.A novelty on the market by all means is the Redwell heatingsystem with infra-red radiation: Redwell heating unitsemanate warmth waves, which decreases flowing of airand seemingly tumbling of the dust in the air. They arefamous by their revolutionary design – looking like mirrors,futurist circles – which can serve in the space as decorativeelements.When choosing one of these heating units you shouldpay attention to the thermostat – the more precise thermostatthe more power saved. Still, it is good to get advicefrom experts before purchasing, regarding the sizeof the space you are going to heat, your daily needs forheating, safety and efficacy. Than, choose!Solar systems“If only 3% of territory of Croatia were covered in solarpanels for transferring sun energy into warmth and electricpower, it would be obtained eight times more powerthan it is present total power consumption of Croatia”.In this words Natko Urli, Sc.D, from the Institute “RuđerBošković”, explained the power of sun energy. As far asCroatia is concerned it is not exploited at all. For a countrywith so many sun hours it is a great pity to be amongthe last countries who accepted the exploitation of thesun energy.Although initial costs could be high, feasibility of investmentsin this kind of heating is also very high because forthe sun heating we are not paying a dime. And what onehousehold needs for exploitation of this kind of energy isfollowing: black panel, tank for hot water with thermostat,solar station and distributor with adequate media.There are solar systems purposed only for heating of thewater for household daily needs and systems for heatingof the whole home. Although we may dislike big blackpanels on the roofs, they are the future of heating, whichguarantees protection of environment and cutting thecosts.For an illustration, European countries fund even up to 30%of overall costs of solar systems installation. In Germany,for example, they have a system of exchanging energybetween a consumer (who is connected to the standardpower supply system and in the same time uses solar energy)and distributor of power supply: when a consumeris in “+”, which means that his own power supply fromsolar energy is bigger than standard power supply, hesends his surplus to the distributor, and when in “-“, heuses the standard power from the distributor. At the end,both consumer and distributor compensate: a consumer’scosts are cut down, and distributor exploits one partof sustainable energy... Expecting further improvementof understanding of the policy of energy, the most progressiveamong us already had reached towards solarheating, and did not regret. 28

Boravak u prostoru s kaminom je <strong>za</strong>ista iznimnoiskustvo / A fireplace in the room creates a specialatmosphereCover storyLiving FORMA /MCZ29

InvesticijePiše: Ana PerišinNova šansa <strong>za</strong>dubrovaèki “Libertas”Jednog od najvećih i najljepših dubrovačkih hotela - hotel Libertas - nakon što je dotemelja srušen u ratu, čeka <strong>za</strong>ista blistava budućnost. Investicija vrijedna 50 milijunaeura vratit će stari sjaj hotelu koji ima posebno mjesto u srcima DubrovčanaDubrovnik – grad iznimne političke i kulturne povijesti,svjetski poznate spomenične baštine iljepote – jedan je od najatraktivnijih i najpoznatijihgradova Sredozemlja. Uz prirodne ljepote,Dubrovnik je i grad iznimno bogate turističke ponude.Grad hotela, prelijepe okolice i <strong>za</strong>vidnog ekološkogstandarda privlačan je u svako godišnje doba.Upravo zbog svojih prirodnih ljepota, Dubrovnik je uvijekbio <strong>za</strong>nimljiv i domaćim i stranim investitorima, koji su unjemu vidjeli idealno mjesto <strong>za</strong> ulaganje.A prostora <strong>za</strong> ulaganje je <strong>za</strong>ista pregršt, jer ratom <strong>za</strong>hvaćeniDubrovnik nije obnovio sve svoje lokacije.Jedna od ljepših lokacija koja je uvijek bila u srcima Dubrovčanajest hotel Libertas, koji je u ratu bio u cijelostisrušen. Gotovo svaki Dubrovčanin ima neke lijepe uspomeneiz toga hotela, bilo da je riječ o maturalnoj <strong>za</strong>bavi,dočeku Nove godine ili svadbi.30Osim toga, hotel je posjedovao i iznimnu arhitektonskuvrijednost. Njegov izgled koji je pratio prirodni pad obalei <strong>za</strong>krivljenost uvale nad kojom stoji, postali su uzor mnogimarhitektima diljem svijeta, a autoru, Andriji Čičin-Šainu,donio je nagradu <strong>za</strong> životno djelo.Libertas je na javnoj dražbi u travnju 2002. prvotno kupilabugarska kompanija Multi Bropu, ali su planovi o obnovihotela propali zbog ubojstva vlasnika holdinga Ilije Pavlova.Tada se u “igru” uključio Rixos, turski lanac ekskluzivnihhotela, koji je 2004. godine, isplativši pet milijunaeura, postao vlasnik jednog od najvećih dubrovačkihhotela.Kupnjom hotela Libertas, tvrtka Rixos hoteli označila jepočetak svog investicijskig poslovanja na području Hrvatske.Iste godine tvrtka je <strong>za</strong>počela postupak ishođenjapotrebne dokumentacije <strong>za</strong> obnovu hotela. “Svojusmo strategiju u potpunosti prilagodili uvjetima u kojima

se Dubrovnik trenutačno nalazi, istodobno imajući naumu uvjete u kojima će se Hrvatska i Dubrovnik nalazitiu budućnosti. Naša tvrtka neprestano traga <strong>za</strong> tržištimavelikoga potencijala, na kojima će sudjelovati u osmišljavanjui reali<strong>za</strong>ciji mogućih razvojnih projekata unutarregije. Dubrovnik sadrži veliki turistički potencijal, koji je Rixosprepoznao. Neke od projekata, kao što je Rixos hotelLibertas, polako privodimo kraju, ali također kontinuiranoradimo na izradi novih. Strateško planiranje kojim bise unaprijedila razina vidljivosti i pove<strong>za</strong>nosti tržišta kojasu u procesu nastajanja, glavno je područje djelovanjanaše tvrtke. Dokaz tome je projekt uspostavljanja izravnezračne linije između Dubrovnika i Istanbula, na kojem trenutačnoradimo. Osim svojih prirodnih i povijesnih bogatstava,Dubrovnik može ponuditi mnogo više, no moramoporaditi na izradi novih koncepata, ostvarivanju što boljesuradnje s dioničarima te jačanju vrijednosti cjelokupnedestinacije kako bi se ostvarila razina kvalitete koja će bitikonkurentna ostalim tržištima”, istaknuo je direktor LibertasRixosa d.o.o. Mehmet Orhun Eskici.Rixos hotel Libertas je investicija vrijedna više oko 50 milijunaeura. Hotel se sastoji od 14 katova sa 315 smještajnihjedinica, od čega 298 soba i 17 luksuzno opremljenihapartmana. Od njih se svojom veličinom i di<strong>za</strong>jnom izdvajapredsjednički apartman koji je sa svojih 465 metaračetvornih najveći među trenutačnom hotelskomponudom.Svoju suvremenu ponudu, Rixos hotel Libertas će upotpunitiwellness i spa centrom, kongresnim prostorimakapaciteta 1000 ljudi, u kojima će se osim kongresnih iposlovnih aktivnosti tijekom cijele godine odvijati različitidogađaji <strong>za</strong>bavnog sadržaja. U ukupno tri restorana,gosti će uživati u bogatoj gastronomskoj ponudi kojauključuje i sushi bar, jedini na tom području. Modernodi<strong>za</strong>jnirani noćni klub i kasino, koji se protežu na ukupno1220 metara četvornih, ugostit će mnogobrojnehrvatske i strane izvođače, ponuditi različite <strong>za</strong>bavnesadržaje i evente. Predvorje hotela, inače <strong>za</strong>nimljivojer će biti najveće u Europi, <strong>za</strong>mišljeno je kao mali šoping-centar.Glavni motivi koji obilježavaju prostor jesu31

Trenutačno Rixosova hotelska ponuda objedinjuje osam hotela, od kojih su tri 2004. i 2005. godineuvršteni u najbolje hotele svijeta / Current Rixos hotel offer includes eight hotels; threeof them were among the best hotels of the world in years 2004 and 2005Hotel Rixos TekirovaHotel Rixos Premium BelekHotel Rixos Premium Belekjedinstveni 15 metara dugačak kamin te cigar lounge,prostor predviđen <strong>za</strong> poslijepodnevna poslovna i privatnadruženja. Cjelokupna ponuda sadrži čak devetprodavaonica koje će, među ostalim, nuditi odjeću spotpisom te široku paletu modnih dodataka <strong>za</strong> ženei muškarce. Otvorenje hotela najavljeno je <strong>za</strong> svibanj2007. godine.Rixos hoteli posluju kao dio Fine Group, osnovane 1999.godine u Turskoj. Tvrtka ujedinjuje tri poslovna sektora:turi<strong>za</strong>m (Rixos hoteli), građevinarstvo (Sembol A.S.) i proizvodnjunakita (Lydion A.S.). Trenutačno Rixosova hotelskaponuda objedinjuje osam hotela, od kojih su tri322004. i 2005. godine uvršteni u najbolje hotele svijeta, ikoji nude najviši standard kvalitete pod konceptom allexclusive. Osim po kvaliteti usluge, hoteli su renomiranipo svojim strateški postavljenim lokacijama unutar glavnihturističkih i poslovnih središta u istočnoj Europi i namediteranskoj obali. U tijeku je priprema <strong>za</strong> reali<strong>za</strong>ciju jošpet projekata na području ve<strong>za</strong>nih uz golf te na područjuistočne Europe.Nakon provođenja iscrpne analize hrvatske turističke ponude,Rixos je odlučio investirati cjelokupnih 200 milijunaeura u izgradnju još pet hotela na hrvatskom području,od kojih će jedan biti u Zagrebu.

Hotel će se sastojati od 14 katova sa 315 smještajnih jedinica/ Hotel will have 14 floors with overall 315 accommodationunitsInvestmentsA New Chance for the Hotel“Libertas” in DubrovnikOne of the biggest and the most beautiful hotels – the hotel “Libertas”, after beingtorn down during the war, has bright future. An investment worthy 50 million euroswill bring the old glamour back to the hotel, which occupies a special place in heartsof DubrovnikWritten by: Ana PerišinDubrovnik – a town of exceptional politicaland cultural history, world known heritage ofhistorical monuments and beauty – is one ofthe most attractive and famous towns on theMediterranean. Dubrovnik, besides its natural beauties,is a town of rich tourist offer. Its hotels, marvellous surroundingand highly developed ecological standardmake Dubrovnik attractive in every season of the year.Just because of its natural beauties, Dubrovnik hasbeen always interesting for domestic and foreign investorsas an ideal place for investing money. And, thereare, for sure, many opportunities for investing, becauseDubrovnik, once had been engulfed by war, has notrenovated all its locations. The location that always hasbeen in the hearts of Dubrovnikans is the hotel Libertasthat was completely torn down during the war. Almostevery Dubrovnikan has some pleasant memories connectedwith the hotel whether it was a prom, a NewYear’s Eve or a wedding.Besides, the hotel had an exceptional architecturalvalue. Its appearance that had followed the naturalslope of the coast and the curve of the bay abovewhich it stood, became a pattern to many architectsall over the world, and to his author, Andrija Čičin-Šain,brought a Life Award.In April 2002, the first buyer who bought Libertas on thepublic tender was Bulgarian company Multi Bropu; butall plans for the hotel renovation failed due to a murderof holding owner, Ilija Pavlov. Then in 2004, Rixos,a Turkish chain of exclusive hotels, step in “the game”,33

Spa centar / Spa centre34paid off five million euros and became an owner of oneof the biggest Dubrovnik’s hotels. By purchasing thehotel, Rixos Company acknowledged the beginning ofits investment business on the Croatian territory.During the same year, the company started the processfor attaining all necessary documentation in orderto begin the reconstruction of the hotel.“We adopted our strategy to the current conditions inDubrovnik, while on the other hand, we were thinkingabout future. Dubrovnik has significant tourist potentialwhich Rixos did recognize. The Company is constantlysearching for new, potential markets where it can workon reali<strong>za</strong>tion of developing projects in the region.Some of those projects are at close end of their completion,like Rixos Hotel Libertas.However, Rixos Development is in constant search forincreasing the visibility and connection of new emergingmarkets. In support to that fact, we are currentlyworking on setting up Dubrovnik- Istanbul direct flight.Near to its natural and historical treasures, Dubrovnikcan offer much more, but it needs to work on implementationof new concepts, creating cooperation withall shareholders, increasing the destination value andvisibility in order to compete with other market destination.We want to increase the share pie and not takepiece of it” stated Mr. Mehmet Orhun Eskici, BusinessDevelopment DirectorThe estimated value of the construction of Rixos HotelLibertas is around 50 million EUR. Hotel will have 14floors with overall 315 accommodation units comprises298 rooms and 49 luxurious suites. With more than 465square metres of space, presidential suite offers supremeluxury and is the biggest suite within whole regionalhotel offer. Libertas will complete its contempo-

InvestmentsPredvorje hotela, inače <strong>za</strong>nimljivo jer će biti najveće u Europi, <strong>za</strong>mišljeno je kao mališoping-centar / The hotel lobby, which will be the biggest lobby in Europe, is imaginedas a small city squarerary offer with wellness and spa centre, congress areaswith capacity of 1200 people and different entertainingevents. In each of three restaurants, guests will beable to enjoy rich gastronomic offer that includes sushibar, the only one in the area. Fashionable designednight club and casino will provide their guests with differententertaining features, number of performers andevents. The hotel lobby, which will be the biggest lobbyin Europe, is imagined as a small city square. Its centralpoint is unique 15 metres long fire place just oppositethe Cigar lounge that will gather those in want for relaxingmoments with their friends and business partners.The entire lobby will have nine exclusive shops offeringdesigners’ clothing, accessories and jewellery. Furthermore,the hotel will be able to endow with numerousVIP services that encompass private jet, luxuriousyachts and automobiles.The opening of the hotel is announced for May of 2007.In general, Rixos Hotels are part of Fine Group that wasfounded in year 1999, in Turkey. The company coversthree business segments: tourism (Rixos Hotels), constructionindustry (Sembol A.S.) and production anddesign of jewellery (Lydion A.S.). Current Rixos hotel offerincludes eight hotels; three of them were amongthe best hotels of the world in years 2004 and 2005. Thehotel offers highest quality service under the All Exclusiveconcept. Apart from its quality standards, hotelsare recognized for its strong strategic locations withinleading tourist and business centres of Eastern Europe,Mediterranean coast, Gulf areas and Far East.After the detailed analysis of Croatian tourist offer, Rixosdecided to invest overall 200 million EUR in the constructionof five more hotels on the Croatian territorywith one of them situated in Zagreb.35

Interview3LHD: Od UNESCO-a smo dobilipozitivnu ocjenu <strong>za</strong> splitsku Rivu3LHD, jedan od najpoznatijih domaćih arhitektonskih biroa, ponovno se našao usredištu pozornosti hrvatske javnosti svojim projektom preuređenja splitske Rive, kojije i<strong>za</strong>zvao mnoge kontroverzeRazgovarao: Ivan MladinaFoto: Damir Fabjaniæ; Arhiva 3LHDProjekt splitske Rive / The project of Split’s RivaJedna od hrvatskoj javnosti najpoznatijih domaćiharhitektonskih praksi svakako je 3LHD. Njega 1994.osnivaju Saša Begović, Marko Dabrović, TanjaGrozdanić i Silvije Novak. Od skromnih početakau teškim vremenima <strong>za</strong> hrvatske arhitekte, predanim radomi iznimnom kvalitetom svojih radova u oblikovnom,ali i socijalnom smislu, izrasli su u pravi arhitektonski brandjedinstven na ovim prostorima. Njihovi radovi, poput VilleKlare, Mosta branitelja u Rijeci i hrvatskog paviljonana EXPO-u 2005., ušli su u “vokabular” ne samo stručnenego i opće hrvatske javnosti. Od gotovo svih domaćihi nekoliko važnih međunarodnih priznanja i nagradakoje je 3LHD dosad primio, svakako valja istaknuti ar+dAward, prestižnu nagradu koju dodjeljuje jedan od najznačajnijihsvjetskih arhitektonskih časopisa – The ArchitecturalReview, koju su primili <strong>za</strong> ostvarenje Mosta braniteljau Rijeci. Ovaj iznimno produktivan i, sa svojih 20-akstalnih <strong>za</strong>poslenika te oko 120 suradnika, <strong>za</strong> naše prilikevrlo velik biro, neprestano se razvija, svakim svojim projektomistražujući nove mogućnosti interakcije i integracijearhitekture, društva i pojedinca.Nedavno se 3LHD ponovno našao u središtu pozornostihrvatske javnosti svojim projektom preuređenja splitskeRive, koji je i<strong>za</strong>zvao mnoge kontroverze. U 3LHD-ovu ureduu blizini <strong>za</strong>grebačkog Maksimira razgovarali smo saSašom Begovićem.36Molim vas <strong>za</strong> vaš osvrt na 3LHD danas i prije 12 godina.Puno rada i upornosti. Krenuli smo ni od čega, bez protekcijeod bilo koga i sve što smo stvorili, stvorili smo predanimtimskim radom. Timski rad je i inače imanentan<strong>za</strong> 3LHD. Zajedno smo dosad napravili više od 140 projekatai više od 40 reali<strong>za</strong>cija, i premda nitko u birou nijestariji od 40 godina, može se reći da smo dosad prešlidugačak put. Stalno istražujemo načine daljnjeg razvojai optimi<strong>za</strong>cije naše produkcije.Osim splitske Rive, koje biste aktualne projekte 3LHD-aizdvojili?Što se tiče mediteranskog konteksta, upravo smo <strong>za</strong>vršilisportsku dvoranu u Balama u Istri. Oblikovno, zgradaje kristalične forme s jakim, kosim rezovima otvora ibeskompromisnom obradom pročelja i krova, koji činepoveznicu s lokalnom tradicijskom gradnjom pastirskihkućica od suhozida, tzv. kažuna. U Dubrovniku smo <strong>za</strong>vršiliadaptaciju i dogradnju poslovne zgrade, gdje smoistraživali potencijale spajanja kamena s drvetom i davanjanovog konteksta staroj i neuglednoj zgradi, ponovnoeksperimentirajući s oštrom geometrijom.Nedavno smo pobijedili na natječaju <strong>za</strong> Hotel Lone uRovinju, gdje smo organičkim, fluidnim formama nastojalilogično i bezbolno smjestiti zgradu velikih gabarita ušumsko okružje, ujedno razvijajući formalni arhitektonski

Poslovni toranj u Ljubljanskoj aveniji u Zagrebu / Business tower in Ljubljanska avenija in Zagrebmeđuodnos sa susjednim hotelom Eden, pok. profesoraM. Begovića. U Rijeci projektiramo novi autobusni terminalŽabica. To je veliki i<strong>za</strong>zov jer je, na doduše drukčiji načinod splitske Rive, ali ipak, riječ o prostoru od vitalne vrijednosti<strong>za</strong> grad Rijeku jer čini sponu između grada i luke,potencijal koji dosad u Rijeci zbog raznih razloga nije bioiskorišten. Riječ je o kompleksu hibridnog mjerila koje gabaritimaoscilira između gradskog bloka i hangara, međuostalim s garažom <strong>za</strong> 1000 automobila. On će otvoriti mogućnost“otvaranja” luke prema gradu i obrnuto.Od većih <strong>za</strong>hvata, izdvojio bih projekt stambenog blokau <strong>za</strong>grebačkom naselju Zavrtnica, u kojem pokušavamoredefinirati koncept karakterističnoga <strong>za</strong>grebačkogadonjogradskog bloka, uz uvođenje cijelog registra rekreacijskihsadržaja te aktivaciju potencijala unutrašnjostibloka kao socijalnoga generatora.Također u Zagrebu, projektiramo poslovni toranj na Ljubljanskojaveniji, koji će sa svoja 123 metra visine biti najvišineboder u Hrvatskoj. Njegova osobitost je i prva aplikacijanaprednog konstruktivnog sustava Diagrid u nas,poznatog iz primjera londonskog nebodera Swiss Re inewyorškog Hearst Towera, arhitekta Normana Fostera.Objasnite nam svoje promišljanje splitske Rive i trenutačnistatus projekta.Upravo smo se vratili iz Pari<strong>za</strong>, gdje smo u sjedištu UNE-SCO-a dobili afirmativne ocjene našeg projekta. Prematome, ne postoji opasnost od skidanja Dioklecijanovepalače s UNESCO-ova popisa <strong>za</strong>štićene baštine, kakosu mnogi neupućeni promatrači i dio medija sugerirali.Treba naglasiti da su u ovaj projekt uključeni deseci stručnjaka<strong>za</strong> <strong>za</strong>štitu povijesne i umjetničke baštine, i da seapsolutno ništa ne radi bez njihove suglasnosti.Prvi put u svojoj povijesti, Split ima priliku napraviti totalniprojekt svoje Rive, dnevnog boravka cijeloga grada.Pritom mislim na izmjenu kompletne infrastrukture, urbaneopreme, čišćenje i revaloriziranje fasade Palače odtrivijalnog šarenila štekata, uređenje plohe partera itd.Ploha partera, prostor od kojih 250 x 50 m, izvodi se ponajprijezbog Palače koja, mnogi to ne znaju, <strong>za</strong>uzimasamo polovicu te dužine. Jedna od važnih misli vodiljabila je i očuvanje socijalnih rituala Splita ve<strong>za</strong>nih uz Rivu– od procesija, preko dočeka, mitinga... Ugledna hrvatskadi<strong>za</strong>jnerska kuća Numen je di<strong>za</strong>jnirala urbanu opremuimajući na umu sve specifičnosti i tradicijske datostilokacije, a projekt svjetlotehnike radi Novalux – prvi put,Riva će dobiti projekt osvjetljenja.Razumljivo je da ovako velike promjene dio splitske javnostidoživljava kao svojevrstan kulturološki šok.U javnosti se pojavljuju kritike troškova <strong>za</strong>hvata, prigovorina postavljanje betona u parteru, kontroverze oko37

Most branitelja u Rijeci / The Memorial Pedestrian Bridge in RijekaBajamontijeve fontane itd...?Moje protupitanje kritičarima troškova uređenja glasi– kvadrat Rive će stajati oko 750 eura, otprilike kao i cijenakvadrata POS-a. A riječ je o najparadigmatskijemprostoru u Hrvatskoj, jedinstvenom i u svijetu, koji sadnapokon ima prigodu postati infrastrukturno reguliran,estetski uredan i kontekstualno uokviren. Pa može li se tonapraviti besplatno?!Što se tiče upotrebe betona u parteru, trebalo bi ispravitikrivi navod koji se pojavio u jednome mediju, pa u drugom,itd. Riječ je o “zloglasnom” tehnobetonu. Takvo štone postoji. U jednom intervjuu sam izjavio da je riječ o betonudrukčijih tehnoloških karakteristika od običnog betona,povećane otpornosti na habanje, atmosferilije itd.Nažalost, te riječi su krivo protumačene i lančanom reakcijomje u medijima stvoren neki novi, virtualni materijal.Riva nikad u svojoj povijesti nije u cijelosti bila popločanakamenom, osim u rubnim dijelovima koje i mi valoriziramo.Treba također spomenuti da je beton u osnovi starorimskiizum, te da se njegova primitivna verzija koristila i u samojDioklecijanovoj palači. Ipak, same kontaktne zone pročeljaPalače s parterom te zona obale, bit će popločanekamenom. Važno je i naglasiti da će stari zidić uz moreostati na svome mjestu, te da će biti pažljivo obnovljen.Što se Bajamontijeve fontane tiče, naša interaktivna fontanaje bila ponuđena u anketnom dijelu natječaja. Zafaksimil Bajamontuše malo je vjerojatno da može uspješnobiti napravljen jer stara fontana nije bila dovoljnodobro dokumentirana. Osim toga, postavlja se i pitanjedvojbene kvalitete tog ostvarenja koje ni u doba svognastanka nije predstavljalo vrhunski umjetnički domet,da ne spominjemo pitanje čemu vraćati nešto što duževremena već ne postoji. Našom fontanom smo željeliostaviti refleksiju na vrijeme i priliku postavljanja izvornefontane – vrijeme uvođenja splitske vodovodne mreže.38Hrvatski paviljon na EXPO-u 2005. / Croatian Pavilionat the EXPO 2005Sportska dvorana u Balama / The sport hall in BaleKako teče razvoj projekta Rive?Projekt se neprestano razvija, u stalnoj povratnoj sprezi sraznim čimbenicima u procesu projektiranja – od <strong>za</strong>štitarai konzervatora do infrastrukturnih specifikuma. Koncepcijskije projekt ostao jednak izvornome rješenju i idejnimpostavkama, a korigiran je u elementima obalnog zidićai spoja s Palačom, u korist kamenog opločenja. U ovajprojekt uključeni su vrhunski suradnici, a posebno veseličinjenica da će znatan dio urbane opreme biti di<strong>za</strong>jnirani, još važnije, izveden u Hrvatskoj. Lijepo je znati da smo umogućnosti koristiti hrvatsku pamet <strong>za</strong> ovako važan projekt.Imamo izvrsnu suradnju sa splitskim izvođačem Konstruktorom,kao i s nadzorom – IGH-om, te do 1. svibnja2007. očekujemo da ćemo biti gotovi s prvom zonom– onom između Marmontove ulice i Lučke kapetanije.

Villa Klara u Zagrebu / Vila Klara in ZagrebInterviewInterviewd by: Ivan MladinaPhoto: Damir Fabjaniæ; Arhiva 3LHD3LHD: UNESCO Gave us an AffirmativeEvaluation of the Split’s Riva Project3LHD, one of the most known domestic architectonic bureaus, is once again inthe midst of public attention in Croatia due to the project of restoration of Split’sRiva (waterfront) which aroused many controversies3LHD is one, to the Croatian public, certainly themost known domestic architectonic bureau, foundedin 1994, by Saša Begović, Marko Dabrović,Tanja Grozdanić and Silvije Novak. They grow upinto one true architectonic brand, unique in the region,only through their devoted work and excellent quality oftheir designs, both in formal and social sense, in spite ofhumble beginning and, at the time, hard circumstancesfor Croatian architects.Their designs like Villa Klara, the Memorial PedestrianBridge in Rijeka and Croatian Pavilion at the EXPO 2005,entered the vocabulary not only of experts but even ofgeneral public in Croatia.Among all domestic and several important internationalawards and recognitions that 3LHD has been awardedtill now, the ar+d Award should be pointed out; a prestigerecognition awarded by one of the most significantworld magazine for architecture – The Architectonic Review,which they won for the design of Memorial PedestrianBridge in Rijeka. This, not only very productive butfor our conditions, big bureau – twenty employees and120 associates – is continually progressing with every newproject, researching new possibilities of interaction andintegration of architecture, society and individual.Recently, 3LHD is once again in the midst of attention ofCroatian public, due to the project of restoration of SplitRiva (waterfront) which aroused many controversies. So,we speak with Saša Begović in his Zagreb’s office, nearbyZagreb’s Maksimir.Please, would you be so kind to review the 3LHD todayand twelve years ago.Lot of work and perseverance, I would say. We startedfrom zero; no protection by anyone. What is achievedis achieved through dedicated team work, which is immanentto the 3LHD. We made together more than 140projects and more than forty realisations, and thou nonein the bureau is older than forty years of age, it could besaid that we have travelled a long journey. We are permanentlyresearching methods of further developmentand optimisation of our production.Besides Split Riva (waterfront), what actual projects wouldyou like to stress?39

As for the Mediterranean context, we have just finisheda sport hall in Bale in Istria. The edifice is, regarding theform, a building of crystal form with strong, oblique cutsof apertures and shaping of the front and roof withoutcompromise as a connection with local traditional constructionof shepherds’ small cottages of dry stone walls,so called kažuni.In Dubrovnik we completed an adaptation and annexof a commercial building, where we were researchingpotentials of blending stone and wood and giving anew context to the old and unattractive building; againexperimenting with sharp geometry. Recently we wontender for the hotel Lone in Rovinj, where we tried withorganic, fluid shapes to, logically and painlessly, situatea building of huge dimensions within the forest, in thesame time developing a formal architectural interfacewith neighbouring hotel Eden, a design of late professorM. Begović.In Rijeka we are designing new main bus station Žabica.This is a big challenge, although not quite as big as Split’sRiva, but still it is a space of vital significance for townRijeka; a link between the town and the port, whichpotentials due to various reasons, have not been yetproperly exploited. We are talking about a complex ofhybrid measurement which by its dimensions varies betweentown block and a hangar with, among all otherthings, a garage for 1,000 automobiles. It will enable theport to “open” towards the town and vice versa.Than, there is a new housing project in Zagreb’s developmentZavrtnica, in which we try to re-define a conceptof characteristic Zagreb downtown housing blockby introducing the whole new registry of recreationalcontents. We are trying to activate the inner part ofthe block as a social generator. Also in Zagreb, we aredesigning a commercial tower on Ljubljanska Avenue,which will be with its 123 metres the highest skyscraper inCroatia. Its particularity will be the first application of advancedconstructing system Diagrid in Croatia, appliedon London skyscraper Swiss Re and New York HearstTower designed by Norman Foster, an architect.40Please, would you explain how are you pondering overSplit Riva and the status of the project at the moment?We have just returned from Paris where we, in the UNESCO’sheadquarters, acquired an affirmative evaluation of ourproject. So, there is no any danger to get the Diocletian’sPalace off the UNESCO’s list of protected heritage, asmany uninformed observers together with the part of mediasuggested. Here I would like to underline that some tenexperts for protection of historical and artistic heritage areinvolved in the project and that absolutely nothing is to bedone without their previous approval.For the first time in its history, Split has an opportunity tomake a total project of its Riva, a living room of the wholetown. When I say that, I mean complete infrastructurerenovation, urban equipment, cleaning and re-evaluatingof the Palace’s facade from trivial motley of terraces(štekata), arranging the ground surface and so forth.The ground surface, a space of some 250x50 metres is tobe constructed primarily because of the Palace alone,which, what the many does not know, actually occupiesonly the half of that length. One of the leadingthought was to preserve social rituals of Split associatedwith Riva – from precessions, welcoming, meetings... Adistinguish Croatian designer’s house Numen designedurban equipment bearing on mind all particularities andtraditional “must have” of the location, while Novalux designedlighting – for the first time Riva will have a projectof lighting.Still, I would say, it is quite understandable that the part ofSplit’s public experiences such big changes as a kind ofcultural shock.There is a criticism within the public about expenses ofthe works, complaints about concrete on the groundsurface, controversies about Bajamonti’s Fountain, andmany other things?I have a counter-question for the critics of expenses – asquare metre of Riva will cost around 750 Euro, which isabout the same as a square metre of POS (socially fundedhousing development, op.tr.). And here we are talk-

ing about one of the most paradigmatic space inCroatia, unique in the world, which has, finally, aproper occasion to become regulated in the senseof infrastructure, aesthetically clear and contextuallyframed. Could it be done for free?Regarding the concrete on the ground surface,we should correct one false quotation that first appearedin one media than in other and so forth. It isabout this “infamous” techno-concrete.There is no such thing as techno-concrete. In oneinterview I said that we were talking about the concretethat had different technological characteristicsversus ordinary concrete as increased resistanceto wear and tear, precipitations and so forth.Unfortunately, those words were distorted and bychain reaction in media a new, virtual material created.Riva, in its whole history, has not been entirelyflagged with stone, except its border areas, whichwe are evaluating, too. It should be, also, mentionthat the concrete is basically an invention ofancient Rome and that its primitive version hadbeen used even in the Diocletian’s Palace. However,contact zones of the Palace’s front with theground space and the coast, will be flagged withstone. It is important to say that the old, small wallalongside the sea will stay, and be carefully restored.Further, regarding Bajamonti’s Fountain, our interactivefountain was offered within the pooling sectionof the tender. To make a copy of Bajamontušais not very real thing to do, because the old fountainis not documented thoroughly. Besides, thereis a question of ambiguous quality of that object,which at the very moment of its creation was nota top-notch work of art. And of course, is thereany reason to put something back that did notexist for so long? With our fountain we wanted tomake a reflection on the time and occasion offirst, genuine fountain – the time of construction ofSplit’s town water supply system.Is the Riva project developing and in what way?The Project is constantly growing, in continuousinteraction with various facts in the process ofdesigning – from experts on protection and conservatorsto infrastructural specifics. The project is,conceptually, equal to its preliminary design anddesign postulates; only correction occurred regardingthe small wall on the coast and link to thePalace, in favour of stone flagging.The project involves highly commendable associates,and a special relief is the fact that the mosturban equipment will be designed and, which iseven more important, produced in Croatia. It isreally encouraging to know that we have a possibilityto use Croatian know-how in such importantproject. We are cooperating with Split’s Konstruktorin excellent manner as well as with supervisingauthority – IGH; we expect the completion of thefirst zone, that is, between Marmontova street andHarbour Master’s Office, until the May 1, 2007.Projekt Hotela Lone u Rovinju /The project of Hotel Lone in RovinjPoslovna zgrada u Dubrovniku /A commercial building in DubrovnikInterview41

VijestiNatalija <strong>za</strong> dva milijuna dolaraAutomobilska kompanija DiMora, <strong>za</strong> koju nije čudno danikada niste čuli, počinje s proizvodnjom najluksuznijegautomobila na svijetu. Ekskluzivnom roadsteru ime je “Natalija”,bit će opskrbljen aluminijskim motorom od 1200konjskih snaga i s pedesetak kompjutorskih sustava koji ćepratiti svaki detalj rada toga čuda među automobilima,pa čak i “rad” njegova vo<strong>za</strong>ča, koji će u svakom trenutkumoći znati brzinu otkucaja svog srca ili razinu stresa.Bit će ugodno i putnicima koji se mogu prepustiti masažina stražnjem sjedištu. Bilo bi <strong>za</strong>nimljivo očitati medicinskerezultate prvih vlasnika jer ovaj ljubimac nad ljubimcimastajat će oko dva milijuna dolara. Najznatiželjniji preko videostreamingamogu pratiti rad na “Nataliji”.Muzej Zahe Hadid na SardinijiJoš jedan projekt vjerojatno najveće arhitektice današnjice– Zahe Hadid: njezino rješenje <strong>za</strong> novi Mediteranskimuzej moderne umjetnosti u Cagliariju na Sardinijiodabrano je među mnoštvom dobrih projekata, aprepoznatljiv “Hadid” stil, pun organskih formi i bez kalkulacija,posvećen novom vremenu arhitekture, promijenitće vizuru <strong>za</strong>ljeva sardinijskog regionalnog centra.Nakon muzeja u Cincinattiju, Wolsburgu i Rimu (koji seupravo realizira), ovo je već četvrti muzejski prostor spotpisom slavne arhitektice.Natalia for Two Million DollarsThe automobile company DiMora, about which, no wonder,you probably have never heard, starts to producethe world’s most luxurious automobile. The exclusive roadsterhas a name “Natalia”. It will be equipped with thealuminium machine of 1,200 horse power and some fiftycomputer systems to monitor each detail in working ofthis wonder among automobiles; even the “work” of thedriver will be monitored, his heart beating or stress level.And passengers, too, will enjoy, while having a massageon the back seats. Certainly, it would be interesting to seemedical results of first owners because this pet of all petswill cost around two million dollars. Those who are mostcurious can watch the entire production of “Natalia” viamultiple live Web cams.Strogo kontrolirani susretiTajvanski futuristi otišli su korak dalje u onome što se kolokvijalnonaziva “socijalnim kontaktima”: prema njihovuizumu, jedan običan prsten na ruci bit će ba<strong>za</strong> podatakanositelja koji će pri svakom susretu moći bitiočitan od strane onoga tko mu stisne ruku. Prstensluži i kao podsjetnik, pa ćete točno moći znatikad ste posljednji put susreli tuosobu. Dakle, izbjeći ćete neugodnupomisao “kad sam gasreo, otkud ga poznajem?”, ali<strong>za</strong>boravite i na laganje o godinama...42A Museum by Zaha Hadidon SardiniaAnother project of probably the greatest woman architectof modern times – Zaha Hadid: her design forthe new Mediterranean Museum of Contemporary Artin Càgliari on Sardinia was chosen among many othercommendable designs. Her recogni<strong>za</strong>ble style “Hadid”,filled with organic forms and without calculations anddedicated to the new time of architecture, will changethe sight of the bay of Sardinian regional centre. Afterthe museum in Cincinatty, Wolsburg and Rome (still underconstruction) this is the fourth museum signed by thewoman author.Rigorously Controlled MeetingsTaiwan’s futurists went a step further in that what is colloquiallycalled “social contacts”: according to their inventionone regular ring on the finger will be a data baseof the bearer possibly read by the person with whom hewill shake hands. The ring serves as a reminder of exacttime when you met the person. So, you will be avoidingthat unpleasant thought “when/where did I meethim?”, and, of course, be careful not to lieabout your age...Pripremila / Edited by: Tanja Jakovèev

Portabl-kaminbuduænostiNe možete bez ugodnoga pucketanjavatrice? Ponesite je sasobom! Ovaj ingeniozni kamin,koji izvrsno pristaje u moderne interijere,sastoji se od cilindričnogastaklenog tijela i mjesta <strong>za</strong> paljenjevatre daleko iznad poda, a<strong>za</strong> njega vam čak ne treba nidimnjak. Geniolov kamin divnaje stvar kad se na brzinu želite“ubaciti” u romantično raspoloženje,a ni cijenom nije neprihvatljiv:400 eura doista nije previše<strong>za</strong> jedinstvenu atmosferu.www.pid.se“Ptièje gnijezdo”<strong>za</strong> Olimpijske igreNakon megazračne luke, evo još jednoga kineskog arhitektonskogpothvata uoči Olimpijskih igara 2008. U Pekinguse gradi Nacionalni stadion, glavno borilište Igara,čija je čelična megastruktura jedno od najsloženijih arhitektonskihrješenja dosad. Više od tri i pol godine nakonpočetka izgradnje, pekinški Nacionalni stadion, kojiizgledom podsjeća na gnijezdo, morao bi početi stajatina “vlastitim” nogama (dosad je bio oslonjen na čak 78potpornih struktura), a složen di<strong>za</strong>jn ostavlja puno mjestastrahovima. Ipak, poznavajući perfekcioni<strong>za</strong>m istočnogdiva, valja očekivati da će “ptičje gnijezdo” opstati unatočtežini od 42.000 tona.NewsA Portable Fireplaceof FutureYou can’t live without pleasant sound offire? Take it with you! This inventive fireplace,which so nicely fits into moderninteriors, comprises cylindrical glass bodyand a place for building a fire, highabove the floor; no need for a chimney.Geniolo’s fireplace is a wonderful thingthat will put you into romantic atmospherereally fast; its price is, after all,bearable: 400 Euro is not too much forunique atmosphere.Danski “grad vodika”Danci se ozbiljno pripremaju <strong>za</strong> svijet bez fosilnih goriva:nakon automobila na vodik, danski arhitekti, di<strong>za</strong>jneri,istraživači i tehnolozi izumili su H2PIA – grad koji seu potpunosti oslanja na nove izvore energije. Iako ovajprojekt mnogi svrstavaju u science fiction koji bi mogaopostati stvaran tek 2050., njegovi autori uvjeravaju dabi s reali<strong>za</strong>cijom grada, koji je potpuno neovisan o bilokakvim danas uvriježenim oblicima energije i opremljensamoobnovljivim izvorima vodika, mogli krenuti već idućegodine.“A Bird’s Nest” forthe Olympic GamesAfter the mega-airport, here is another Chinese architecturalproject before the Olympic Games in 2008. Themain arena of the Games, the National Stadium in Pekingis under the construction. Its steel mega-structure is one ofthe most complex architectural solutions ever. After morethan three and half years of construction, Peking’s NationalStadium, which looks like a bird’s nest, should bestanding on its own “feet” (until now 78 structures has supportedit). Its very complex design leaves enough roomfor fears, but, still, knowing the perfectionism of the easterngiant, it should be realistic to expect that the “bird’snest” will stand in spite its weight of 42,000 tons.Danish “Hydrogen Town”Danish people are seriously preparing themselves forthe world without fossil fuel: after the automobile onhydrogen, Danish architects, designers, scientists andtechnologists invented H2PIA – a town completely dependableon new sources of energy. Although manyconsider this project to be a science fiction possible intrue life not until 2050, its authors are convinced that thereali<strong>za</strong>tion of the town, thoroughly independent on anyconventional forms of energy and equipped with selfrenewingsources of hydrogen, could start next year.43

AvanturaFoto: Renco Kosinožiæ / NP BrijuniPiše: Karla KovaèDjevièanski dragulji Istre - BrijuniBrijuni zbog svoga prirodnog i kulturnog bogatstva <strong>za</strong>služuju pridjev - rajski. Blagamediteranska klima, antički spomenici, netaknut biljni i životinjski svijet tek supočetak priče o tim otocimaLegenda kaže kako je Stvoritelj prigodom stvaranjaZemlje dio odlučio urediti po uzoru na raj, teje stvorio Istru, zeleni poluotok <strong>za</strong>ogrnut šumamai livadama, čije je obale oplakivalo tirkizno mora.No, prije nego što ga je stigao dovršiti, Stvoriteljevodjelo je pokušao uništiti ljubomorom potaknuti Lucifer.Razderao je vreću u kojoj su anđeli nosili neiskorištenorajsko kamenje. Ono se ra<strong>za</strong>sulo po istarskoj zemlji, atužni anđeli su ga prikupili i <strong>za</strong>štitili morskim valovima.Tako su, kaže legenda, nastali Brijuni.Djevičanska ljepota toga otočja i danas jednako privlači<strong>za</strong>ljubljenike u prirodu i hedoniste kao i u prošlosti.44No, prije nego što objasnimo u čemu je tajna, trebaznati nekoliko činjenica. Ovo otočje se proteže uz jugo<strong>za</strong>padnuobalu Istarskog poluotoka, od kojeg je odijeljenoFažanskim kanalom, širokim tri kilometra. Riječ je onaj<strong>za</strong>nimljivijoj i najrazvedenijoj skupini istarskih otoka,njih 14, koji se prostiru duž obalne crte duge oko 46 kilometara.Iako površina otoka iznosi oko 700 hektara,granice Nacionalnog parka Brijuni <strong>za</strong>jedno s morem supuno veće – obuhvaćaju površinu veću od 3600 hektara.Najveći otoci su Veliki i Mali Brijun. Nacionalnimparkom i spomen-područjem, Brijuni su proglašeni 27.listopada 1983. godine.

Zbog svoga prirodnog i kulturnog bogatstva oni <strong>za</strong>služujupridjev – rajski. Blaga mediteranska klima, antičkispomenici, netaknut biljni i životinjski svijet tek su početakpriče o ovim otocima. Najbliže prometno središteje grad Pula, od kojeg su Brijuni udaljeni oko sedamkilometara, dok brodovi redovito kreću iz ribarskogagradića Fažane i do Brijuna voze samo petnaestak minuta.Na Brijunima nema automobila, pa je tamošnjeprirodne ljepote najjednostavnije upoznati obilascimaturističkim vlakom, a pod vodstvom stručnog vodiča uorgani<strong>za</strong>ciji Nacionalnog parka. Namjeravate li ostatinekoliko dana, možete birati smještaj između nekolikohotela i vila na Velikom Brijunu. Ako ste nautičar, vašposjet otocima ne mora biti ograničen samo na boravaku uvali. Kad stignete na Veliki Brijun, dočekat ćevas osoblje otoka uz čiju pomoć možete u potpunostiorganizirati svoj boravak. A tu svakako možete pomnobirati što želite vidjeti. Spomenimo najprije prirodne ljepote– na cijelom otoku Velikom Brijunu živi i slobodnose kreće razna divljač. Osim autohtonih vrsta, zbogizvanredne klime svoje novo stanište tu su pronašlebrojne egzotične životinjske vrste koje su vlasnici dovelina otoke. Pa su tako jeleni i mufloni tu još od 1900., a1978. godine otvoren je i safari park, na devet hektaraograđenog prostora. Tu žive slonovi Sony i Lanka, ljame– južnoameričke deve <strong>za</strong> koje indijanska legenda kažeda su pripitomljene u najranije doba ljudskog postojanja,zebre, nilgau i kobo antilope, somalijske ovce, indijskesvete krave i autohtoni magarci. U etnoparku susmještene autohtone istarske domaće životinje poputistarskog pragoveda – boškarina, ali i istarske ovce. Slatkovodnabara Soline obitavalište je ptica močvarica.Zanimaju li vas povijesne znamenitosti, trebate znati dase svi najvažniji spomenički lokaliteti nalaze također naVelikom Brijunu. U 2. st. pr. K. tu su živjeli Histri i na otokuse nalazi pet njihovih gradina. Godine 177. pr. K. do-45

Novo stanište na Brijunima su pronašle brojne egzotične životinje /Numerous exotic animals have found new home on BrijuniOni željni rekreacije u visokom stilu, radoće <strong>za</strong>igrati golf na brijunskim terenima /Those who want to indulge in high styleof entertainment can play golf on Brijunigolf terrainslaze Rimljani – ostaci njihove kulture, ljetne rezidencijerimskih careva, nalaze se u <strong>za</strong>ljevu Verige. Kada je turističkuvrijednost Brijuna krajem 19. stoljeća prepoznaotadašnji vlasnik Paul Kupelwieser, u goste počinju dolazitiprinčevi, nadvojvode i industrijalci. Zajedno s RobertomKochom iskorijenio je s otoka malariju koja je tadatamo vladala. Uredivši lječilišta i hotele, na Brijune jeprivukao tadašnje europsko visoko društvo. Naselio jedivljač, posadio ukrasno drveće, vinograde, maslinikei priča je krenula. Na Brijunima se odmarao i car FranjoJosip. Za vrijeme jugoslavenskog predsjednika JosipaBro<strong>za</strong> Tita glamurozni imidž Brijuna se nadograđuje,pa su sredinom 20. stoljeća tu ugošćeni najveći svjetskidržavnici i poznate javne osobe. Posljednjih su godinaBrijuni ugostili i Marija del Monaca, Naomi Campbell,Placida Dominga… Ne<strong>za</strong>obila<strong>za</strong>n dio posjeta Brijunimaje svakako najočuvaniji od tri vidikovca KupelwieserovihBrijuna koji su zbog svoje konstrukcije bili izlagani ina izložbama. Izrađeni su oko 1895. godine u želje<strong>za</strong>ri u46Vitkovicama, u kojoj je do dolaska na Brijune radio PaulKupelwieser. Nekoć dominantnu turističku atrakciju nadraslaje šuma. Drugi očuvani vidikovac nalazi se nabrdu Saluga, iznad glavnoga brijunskog kupališta. Tu jei mauzolej obitelji Kupelwieser, ali i antički kamenolomi.Oni željni rekreacije u visokom stilu, rado će <strong>za</strong>igrati golfna brijunskim terenima. Okruženi jelenima i muflonima,možete se baviti tenisom, streličarstvom, voziti unajmljenimbiciklima i električnim autićima.Gurmani također neće biti razočarani – još od početkadevetnaestog stoljeća pa sve do današnjih dana gastronomskaponuda Brijuna <strong>za</strong>držala je kvalitetu i izvornost.Samo ovdje možete kušati rižoto sa škampima,breskvama i šampanjcem, kao i filet od lista u umakuod rute, limuna i inćuna na podlozi od šparoga. Zvučili vam sve navedeno predobro da bi bilo istinito, ne krivimovas zbog nepovjerenja. Uostalom, je li se uistinuraj smjestio uz bok Istarskom poluotoku, najbolje je dasami provjerite.

AdventureBrijuni -Virgin Jewellery of IstriaOwing to their natural and cultural wealth Brijuni deserve an adjective – celestial. MildMediterranean climate, antiques, wild plants and animals freely wondering around theislands, are - only the beginning of the storyWritten by: Karla KovaèPhoto: Renco Kosinožiæ / NP BrijuniAlegend tells that the Creator decided to designone part of the Earth according to the patternof Paradise. So, He set to work and createdIstria, a green peninsula covered with forestsand meadows, whose shores were washed by the sea.But before He finished His work of art, jealous Lucifer aimingto destroy it tore up the sack in which angels werecarrying jewellery from Paradise and scattered it aboutthe Istrian land. Sad, angels gathered it and protectedby the waves of the sea. So Brijuni, said the legend,came to an existence.A virgin beauty of the archipelago still attracts fans ofthe nature and hedonists as it has been doing since thevery beginning. But before we reveal a secret, severalfacts should be established. This group of islands extendsalongside the southwest coast of Istrian peninsula separatedfrom it by three kilometres wide Fažana Channel.We are talking about the most interesting and the mostindented group of Istrian islands; fourteen islands in all,which stretch along the forty-six kilometres long coastalline. The total surface of islands is 700 acres, althoughboundaries of the National Park Brijuni inclusive the sea47

Na Brijunima nema automobila / There are noautomobiles on Brijunicomprise much larger area – around 3,600 acres. Thebiggest islands are Veli and Mali Brijun. Brijuni were designatedthe National Park and memorial-area on October27, 1983.The question, which pops up in front of us is – which roadleads to Paradise? Truly, owing to their natural and culturalwealth Brijuni deserve an adjective – celestial. MildMediterranean climate, antiques, wild plants and animalsfreely wondering around the islands, are only thebeginning of the story. The nearest traffic centre is Pula,seven kilometres away from Brijuni, while boats ply betweensmall town Fažana and Brijuni. The ride takes onlyfifteen minutes.There are no automobiles on Brijuni, and for a touraround natural beauties you can have a tourist trainwith an expert guide, all organised by the National Park.If you intend to stay several days you can choose anaccommodation within several hotels and villas on VeliBrijun. If you happen to be a boater there is no need tostay at bay. When you arrive on Veli Brijun, personnel ofthe island will greet you and be at your disposal to assistyou in whatever you may need.Of course, you can be thorough and choose what youwant to see. At first let us mention the beauties of thenature – the island Veli Brijun is a habituation of variousgame that freely wonder around. Besides autochthonousspecies, there are numerous exotic animalsthat are brought here by the owners of the islands. Deerand mouflons are brought in 1900, and a safari park wasopen in 1978, on the nine acres of fenced space.Here we have elephants Sony and Lanka, lamas, south-Slonovi Sony i Lanka / elephants Sony and Lanka48

Ostaci rimske vile u uvali Verice / Tracesof Roman villa in Verige BayAdventureAfrican camels for which legend says thatthey were tamed at the early stage of humanexistence, zebras, nilgau and koboantelopes, Somali sheep, Indian holy cowsand autochthonous donkeys. Within theethno-park there are autochthonous Istriandomestic animals like Istrian “primordialcattle”–boškarin, and Istrian sheep. A freshwater pool Soline is a habituation of swampbirds.If you are interested in historic monumentsyou should know that almost all importantcultural and monumental locations are alsosituated on Veli Brijun. During the secondcentury before Christ a tribe Histri lived onthe island; there ruins still remain there. Romanswere coming to the islands from 177, before Christ,and remain traces of their culture; summer residences ofRoman emperors are situated in the bay Verige. At theend of nineteenth century Paul Kupelwieser, the ownerof Brijuni, recognized their tourist value and princes,dukes and industrialists started to come. He togetherwith Robert Koch, extinguished malaria from the islandsand built up sanatoriums and hotels to attract Europeanhigh society. Kupelwieser brought game, planted decorativetrees, vines, olive groves and the story could havebegun. The emperor Franz Joseph used to come andrest on Brijuni.During the times of former Yugoslav president Josip BrozTito a glamorous image of Brijuni was upgraded, so thatduring the twentieth century the greatest world rulersand celebrities visited the islands, among them Mariodel Monaco, Naomi Campbell, Placido Domingo andso many others.One of the most preserved of three Kupelwieser’s gazebosis a part of Brijuni that should be seen. Gazebos were,due to their structure, exhibited on many exhibitions.They were constructed in 1895 in the ironworks plant inVitkovice, where Paul Kupelweiser used to work. Oncedominant as a tourist attraction now are covered by theforest. The second preserved gazebo is located on thehill Saluga, above the main Brijuni bathing-place.Here we have a mausoleum of Kupelwieser family andantique quarry. Those who want to indulge in high styleof entertainment can play golf on Brijuni golf terrains.Surrounded by deer and mouflons, you can play tennis,archery, riding rented bikes or driving small electriccars. Connoisseurs will not be disappointed, too – sincethe beginning of nineteenth century until nowadays agastronomic offer of Brijuni has preserved its quality andoriginality. Only here you can taste a risotto of shrimpswith peaches and champagne, as well as a filet of solein the sauce of route, lemon and anchovy on the base ofasparagus. If all this sounds to you too good to be true, noblame for unbelief. At last, if Paradise is really at hand tothe Istrian peninsula, you should check it by yourself.49

GastroMano je minimalistički uređen, no prepun do savršenstva biranihdetalja / Mano is decorated in the minimalist style but, still, filledwith to perfection chosen detailsSklad vrhunske hrane i di<strong>za</strong>jnaVrhunska kvaliteta i jasna vizija u iznimno ugodnom ambijentu odlike su restoranaMano, koji je već <strong>za</strong>uzeo važnu ulogu kod gastronoma, ali i postao neizostavnomjesto ljubitelja vrhunski uređenih i osmišljenih restoranaPiše: Ira KneževiæFoto: Kristina FaziniæMano (talijanski ruka) jedan je od onih restoranačijim vlasnicima, kada su ih otvarali, nijebila na umu samo kvalitetna hrana nego i istotako i kvalitetan i poseban interijer. Smještenna <strong>za</strong>grebačkom Kaptolu, pokraj <strong>za</strong>grebačke Gliptoteke,postao je u posljednje dvije godine ne<strong>za</strong>obilazno50odredište svih ljubitelja visokokvalitetne hrane i onih kojižele uživati u jelu u modernom restoranu u kojem se prožimaduh starog Zagreba s vrlo ugodnom atmosferom.Hrvoje Kroflin, glavni kuhar restorana Mano, kaže kakoje restoran dobio ime po tome što je vizija direktora ZlatkaĐakovića bila da se sve radi ručno, da kuhinja bude

Glavni kuhar restorana Hrvoje Kroflin / A chef of the restaurant Mr. Hrvoje KroflinKuhinja otvorenog tipa / Open kitchenotvorenog tipa tako da ljudi mogu vidjeti kako se hranapriprema i kako pred njihovim očima nastaje pravoumjetničko djelo. – Kada se restoran počeo preuređivati,posla je bilo jako puno – kaže nam Hrvoje Kroflin.– Zgrada je bila stara, <strong>za</strong>puštena i trebalo je sedam mjesecitruda i rada da se interijer oblikuje onako kako gasada vidite. Uređenje restorana inspiracija je Zlatka Đakovićakoji je dojmove i iskustva sa svojih putovanja posvijetu pretočio upravo u oblikovanje ambijenta ovogrestorana – dodaje Kroflin.Minimalistički uređen, no prepun do savršenstva biranihdetalja, Mano je skladna simbio<strong>za</strong> vrhunskoga di<strong>za</strong>jnai vrhunske hrane. Tome <strong>za</strong>sigurno pridonosi i otvorenakuhinja. Sva u staklu, naravno vrhunski opremljena, pružagostima pravi užitak. – Samo jedan dio kuhinje se nevidi, u tom se dijelu pripremaju slastice, sve ostalo se radipred gostima. Iako otvorena kuhinja <strong>za</strong>htijeva drukčijeponašanje, jer nema vike, atmosfera može biti opuštena,no ipak u svakom trenutku moja ekipa i ja moramobiti svjesni da će dojam o jelu ovisiti i o tome kako miizgledamo dok ga pripremamo – kaže Hrvoje Kroflin. Dodajekako bi ipak on uvijek i<strong>za</strong>brao kuhinju otvorenogtipa jer mu je užitak kuhati, a još mu veći užitak predstavljaizraz lica gosta u trenutku kada okusi jelo.Važno mjesto u restoranu <strong>za</strong>uzima i vinoteka. Ona je takođerotvorenog tipa i gostima se nudi mogućnost dasami i<strong>za</strong>biru vina, kušaju ih, ali i uživaju u pršutu, siru. I taje vinoteka nastala kao rezultat cjelokupne vizije Mana– a to je da gost osjeća hranu. Svakom gostu puno višeznači kada ima prilike razgledati, okusiti vino prije negošto se odluči, nego kada mu konobar samo “izrecitira”ponudu koju restoran ima.Na vinskoj karti prevladavaju hrvatska vina (Krauthaker,Enjigi, Matošević, Kozlović, Skaramuča, Miloš, Plenko-51

MotoVulkan po mjeriAscari je britanski proizvođač koji 1995. osniva ambiciozna skupina profesionalnih vo<strong>za</strong>ča autoutrkai inženjera, i njegovi modeli su otpočetka poznati kao savršen amalgam sporta i luksu<strong>za</strong>Piše: Ivan MladinaŠto od sportskog automobila očekuje čovjek kojiveć posjeduje nekoliko Ferrarija, luksuzne jahte,helikoptere i privatne mlažnjake? Jer to je, naime,profil prosječnog kupca Ascarijevih automobila.Pa recimo da mu, <strong>za</strong> početak, Ascari jedini na svijetunudi superekskluzivnu trkaću stazu u blizini Ronde na pitoresknomjugu Španjolske.Nakon što se olakša <strong>za</strong> gotovo pola milijuna eura, kolikoAscari KZ1 <strong>za</strong>pada, sretni kupac se može odmarati u luksuznomresortu pokraj staze, ujutro bjesomučno radećikrugove u svojoj novoj igrački, a poslijepodne recimoopuštati se u bazenu, jahati, igrati golf, možda polo, dabi se navečer lijepo <strong>za</strong>bavio u kasinu, ili što god da većvrlo bogati ljudi rade <strong>za</strong> <strong>za</strong>bavu.Posljednjih godina svjedoci smo pravog buma neovisnihproizvođača superautomobila. Pagani, Koenigsegg,Spyker, Ascari i ostali, imena su koja se svečešće spominju u automobilističkoj javnosti. Ascari jebritanski proizvođač koji 1995. osniva ambiciozna skupinaprofesionalnih vo<strong>za</strong>ča autoutrka i inženjera, i njegovimodeli su otpočetka poznati kao savršen amalgamsporta i luksu<strong>za</strong>.56U čemu je tajna Ascarijeve čarolije? Jedna od stvari kojaodmah upada u oči, a i prilično je dobro objašnjenje <strong>za</strong>njegovu urnebesnu cijenu, jest materijal od kojeg je izrađen.Počevši od šasije, preko vanjskog plašta automobilai svih dijelova gdje je to bilo moguće, u cijelosti jenapravljen od ultračvrstih ugljikovih vlakana, što je drastičnosmanjilo težinu, uz osiguranje enormne čvrstoćeautomobila. To se <strong>za</strong>uzvrat odrazilo na njegovim izvanrednimdinamičkim karakteristikama koje su pri samomvrhu najskuplje i naj<strong>za</strong>htjevnije klase – one maloserijskihsupersportskih automobila.Di<strong>za</strong>jnerski, Ascari KZ1 bi se mogao okarakterizirati kaorelativno diskretan, gledano u okvirima svoje klase dakako.Njegov pomalo samo<strong>za</strong>tajan izgled je, međutim,vrlo skladan i aktualan. I premda možda ne djeluju ekshibicionističkipoput Spykerovih ili Paganijevih, sve linijena Ascariju izrastaju iz svoje funkcije, što je odlika istinskihsportiva, a njegova niska, kratka i široka silueta, koja<strong>za</strong>vršava predivnim mišićavim stražnjim krajem, odlikujese konzistentnim di<strong>za</strong>jnom i skladom bezvremenskih kvaliteta.U unutrašnjosti se taj dojam pojačava. Baršun inajfinija koža miluju na dodir svuda po kokpitu iznimne

Ascari je u cijelosti napravljen od ultračvrstihugljikovih vlakana, što je drastično smanjilo težinu/ Ascari is ccompletely made out of thesupertough carbonfibre, which in turn resultedin dramatic weight reductionergonomske i estetske vrijednosti, a ručno rađeni detaljipobuđuju pravi ushit. Na Ascariju se gotovo ne može naćini jedan serijski dio – uostalom, to se i očekuje od automobilakoji toliko košta. Eventualne uštede pri di<strong>za</strong>jnerskomrazvoju bile su kanalizirane u predanu potragu <strong>za</strong> savršenstvomperformansi, jer želja je Ascarijevih tvoraca bilastvoriti automobil koji će biti jednako praktičan <strong>za</strong> gradskuvožnju do noćnog kluba, kao i <strong>za</strong> ozbiljno utrkivanje.Odmah i<strong>za</strong> vo<strong>za</strong>ča i suvo<strong>za</strong>ča, otkriven pogledima krozstražnje staklo, nalazi se centralno smješteni BMW-ov V8atmosferski motor <strong>za</strong>premnine pet litara. Svoje podrijetloizravno vuče iz prethodne serije BMW-a M5, ali nakontemeljitog tretmana kod Ascarijevih stručnjaka razvija500 KS. I dok sama snaga motora i nije toliko impresivnau klasi gdje konkurenti imaju znatno više konja, kad se uobzir uzmu Ascarijeve dimenzije i, <strong>za</strong>hvaljujući enormnojupotrebi ugljikovih vlakana, do dvjesto kilograma manjatežina u odnosu na konkurente, dobiva se ubojita kombinacijasposobna da se ravnopravno nosi s najboljima.Ubr<strong>za</strong>nje od 0 do 100 od 3,8 sekunde i maksimalna brzinaod 322 km/h ne ostavljaju mjesta dvojbama – ovo jepravi superautomobil.Snaga motora prenosi se na stražnje kotače preko šesterostupanjskogaručnog mjenjača marke CIMA, kakavupotrebljava i švedski Koenigsegg. Odlikuje se vrhunskompreciznošću i sposobnošću da podnese dvostrukoveću snagu motora, što jamči pouzdanost.Za <strong>za</strong>ustavljanje se brinu AP-ove sportske kočnice, a na-predan sportski ovjes postiže savršenu ravnotežu izmeđusvakodnevne upotrebljivosti i izvanrednih performansi.ESP i traction control u Ascari se ne ugrađuju, dakle ve<strong>za</strong>između vo<strong>za</strong>ča i automobila je neprekidna i dvosmjerna.No, budući da su sve komponente pogona i ovjesa takofino usklađene, Ascari KZ1 je gotovo nemoguće izbacitiiz takta, pogotovo po suhom vremenu. Pri sportskoj vožnji,znalcima je puno važnija direktnost odnosa i brzinareakcija automobila od elektroničkih anđela čuvara.Od svojih konkurenata, Ascari KZ1 izdvaja se nenadmašnomkombinacijom okretnosti i kirurški preciznog upravljanja,vatrenih performansi i izvanredne snalažljivosti usvakodnevnoj upotrebi.Zapravo, jedino što bi možda poneki bogati skorojevićmogao <strong>za</strong>mjeriti ovom skupocjenom dragulju, njegovaje relativna anonimnost, blaga di<strong>za</strong>jnerska suzdržanosti nedostatak tradicije. Na sreću, još uvijek postoji i višenego dovoljan broj bogatih ljubitelja automobila kojiće uvijek više cijeniti performanse, originalnost i osjećaju vožnji nego samu značku na nosu automobila. Relativnaanonimnost marke pritom se doživljava kao velikibonus. Potvrda tome jest podatak da je više od poloviceplanirane proizvodnje od 50 komada Ascarija KZ1već unaprijed prodano.Uostalom, vratimo se onom bogatašu s početka priče– kad već u garaži imaš parkiranih nekoliko Ferrarija inije ti dosta, Ascari je jedno od najboljih rješenja togproblema.57

MotoWritten by: Ivan MladinaA Tailored VolcanoAscari is the Brittish manufacturer established in 1995 by the ambitious group of professionalracers and engineers, and from the very beginning, its models have been known asa perfect blend of sport and luxuryIf you already owned several Ferraris, luxurious yachts,helicopters, even a private jet maybe, what wouldyou expect of a sportscar? Because the average Ascaribuyer fits this profile.For starters, let’s just say that Ascari is the only car manufacturerin the world that offers its own, superexclusiveracetrack in the vicinity of Ronda, on the pictoresquesouth of Spain. After relieveing himself of nearly half a millioneuros that bought him an Ascari KZ1, the lucky buyercan relax in the luxurious resort by the racetrack makinglaps with his new toy in the morning, going swimming, riding,or maybe play a little bit of golf in the afternoon, justto end the day in the casino, or doing whatever it is thatreally rich people do for fun.Over the last couple of years we have been witnessinga true boom among the independent supercar manufacturers.Pagani, Koenigsegg, Spyker, Ascari and others,are brands that are gaining more and more attentionamong the automotive public. Ascari is the Brittish manufacturerestablished in 1995 by the ambitious group ofprofessional racers and engineers, and from the very be-58ginning, its models have been known as a perfect blendof sport and luxury.What’s the secret of the “Ascari magic”? One of the mostobvious things that also acts as a fairly good explanationfor the car’s outrageous pricetag, is the material fromwhich it has been built. Made out of the supertough carbonfibreare the monocoque chassis, panelling and anypart phisically possible, which in turn resulted in dramaticweight reduction, along with the car’s icredible structuralrigidity.That had a very good effect on its phenomenal dynamiccharacteristics that rank among the highest in the mostexpensive and most demanding class - that of the smallseriesproduction sportscars.From the designer’s point of wiew, Ascari KZ1 is relativelydiscreet, in comparison to its competition, that is. Still,its somewhat understated design is very balanced andmodern. And even though they may not look as flamboyantas a Spyker or a Pagani, all the lines of Ascari arederived from their function, which is a trademark of atrue sportscar. Its low, short and wide silhouette with de-

lightfully sculpted muscular rear end is very consistent indesign and presents a harmony of timeless qualities. Thatimpression is enhanced by looking inside the car. Insidethe cockpit of exceptional aesthetic and ergonomicalvalues, suede and finest leather caress the senses, and itshand-made details invoke true ecstasy. It is very hard tofind a single mass-produced part on an Ascari - of course,that is expected from the car that costs as much.If there were any savings on design, they were channeledinto a dedicated quest for the performace perfection,since the goal of the Ascari engineers was to make acar that will feel equally at home just cruising down to thenight club, as well as doing some serious racing.Right behint the occupants, exhibited through the rearwindshield, lives a mid-mounted, normally aspirated, 5-litre BMW V8 engine. It descends directly from the previous-generationBMW M5, only Ascari’s experts tweakedit to 500 horsepowers. And while the more power outputmay be a bit coy in a class where the competition boastsNajfinija koža i baršun u Ascarijevojunutrašnjosti / Suede and finest leatherin the inside of Ascariwith significantly larger cavalry, taking into account Ascari’sdimensions and up to 200 kilos of weight advantageover its rivals thanks to the extensive use of carbonfibre,the end result is an explosive combination capableof mixing it up with the best.Maximum speed of 322 km/h and 0-100 acceleration of3,8 seconds leave no room for doubt - this is a genuinesupercar.The power is transmitted to the rear wheels through the 6-speed manual CIMA gearbox, also used by the SwedishKoenigsegg. Top precision and capability of withstandingtwice the power output of the engine, guarantee itsreliability. AP sports brakes take care of efficient deccelerationsand the advanced suspension successfully balancesbetween all-out performances and some greateveryday talents.ESP and traction control are not installed, so there is aconstant two-way relationship between the driver andhis machine. However, since all elements of propulsionand suspension are so well tuned, it is nearly impossibleto throw the Ascari off balance, especially if the road isdry. Conneisseurs will much more appreciate the car’sagility and poise at the limit than all the electronic guardianangels. The Ascari KZ1 differs from his competitors byunbeatable combination of surgically precise steering,hell-raising performance and incredible fluency of everydayuse.Actually, the only thing that some rich snob might holdagainst this prescious automotive jewel, is its relative anonymity,discrete design and the lack of tradition. Luckily,there is still more than enough rich automobile enthusiaststhat will always prefer the performance, originality andthat special feeling behind the wheel, to mere badge onthe car’s snout. Obscurity of the brand is then regardedonly as a bonus. To confirm that, out of only fifty AscariKZ1’s that will ever be built, more than half has alreadybeen sold.Anyway, let’s go back to that rich fellow from the beginningof this story - if you already have a few Ferraris in yourgarage, and you still feel that’s not enough, the Ascari isone of the best solutions for that problem.Di<strong>za</strong>jnerski, Ascari KZ1 bi se mogao okarakteriziratikao relativno diskretan / From the designer’spoint of wiew, Ascari KZ1 is relatively discreet59

Mano se odlikuje jedinstvenom ponudom jela čiji je odabir mješavina moderne i tradicionalne te domaće imeđunarodne kuhinje / Mano has a unique offer of meals, a combination of modern and traditional, domesticand international kitchenvić), ali i znalački odabrana strana vina, poput vrhunskihslovenskih, francuskih, australskih ili toskanskih. Želite li tekčašu vina uz jelo, u pravilu možete birati između četiridomaća (Traminac, Chardonay Iločkih podruma, LukačevićevSivi pinot, Zlatan Plavac) te dva strana (Shiraz iCabernet Sauvignon).Iako vrlo mlad <strong>za</strong> glavnog kuhara (samo 20 godina), HrvojeKroflin ne boji se i<strong>za</strong>zova. Još je tijekom školovanjapočeo raditi u jednom poznatom <strong>za</strong>grebačkom restoranu(Galo) te je tako stekao veliko iskustvo radeći s tamošnjimglavnim kuharom. Uskoro ide u Milano na dvatjedna usavršavanja.– Kuhanje je <strong>za</strong> mene umjetnost i, iako su stvari krenulenabolje, treba se u Hrvatskoj još puno raditi kako bismodosegnuli tu umjetničku razinu – rekao nam je HrvojeKroflin. Svako jelo je <strong>za</strong> njega posebno. Iako je restoranMano poznat po mesnim specijalitetima, u njemu ćesvatko pronaći jelo <strong>za</strong> svoj gušt. Restoran se temelji nakrižanju različitih kuhinja: francuske, talijanske, indijske.Karta restorana mijenja se četiri puta godišnje, a osimtoga, uvijek se nudi i sezonska ponuda. Pri mijenjanjukarti, neka se jela izbacuju, a uvode nova kako bi ih gostirestorana uvijek mogli probati. Ukratko, Mano se odlikujejedinstvenom ponudom jela čiji je odabir mješavinamoderne i tradicionalne te domaće i međunarodne kuhinje.Mediteranski štih provlači se kroz gotovo sva jelakoje nudi ovaj vrhunski restoran. Aromatično <strong>za</strong>činsko bilje,odlično ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ulje i 10 godinastar aceto balsamico barrique samo su neki od detaljakojima se ovaj restoran izdiže iz konkurencije.52Iz maštovitog jelovnika, u kojem svako jelo nosi ime kojeje brižno smišljao Hrvoje Kroflin, posebno se ističe biftekMano. Poseban je po tome što se gostima pruža mogućnostda sami peku biftek na gradelama. Naravno, uzupute i poneku pomoć kuhara. Kao glavna jela dominirajuodresci od najrazličitijih vrsta mesa, koji se pripremajuu čak šest vrsta posuđa, a poseban je doživljaj <strong>za</strong>gosta kada mu se vatra ponudi na stolu kako bi samdovršio svoje jelo na način kako on to želi. Kao još jednoiznimno ukusno jelo, Hrvoje ističe biftek Black Widowkoji ide u kombinaciji s javorom i kavom. Iako je Manou pravom smislu raj <strong>za</strong> “mesojede”, ni vegetarijanci seovdje neće osjećati <strong>za</strong>postavljenima. Brižno odabranivegetarijanski specijaliteti također odišu Mediteranom,baš kao što je rižoto Gregore (rižoto s mladim špinatom,pinjolima, šafranom i parme<strong>za</strong>nom).Kao glavni kuhar, Hrvoje Kroflin svako jelo koje iziđe iznjegove kuhinje posebno dekorira. Čak i ako naručiteisto jelo, uvijek će vas iznenaditi s nekim novim ukrasom(Hrvoje nam je spomenuo tako latice jestivog cvijećaiz Irana). Hrana nije šablonizirana, a tome pridonose ibrojne trave koje se svakodnevno nabavljaju (limeta,ružmarin, vlasac, kopar...). Hrvoje Kroflin kaže i kako imavrlo ambicio<strong>za</strong>n i nadasve pohvalan plan, a to je preciznaspecifikacija podrijetla namirnica.Vrhunska kvaliteta i jasna vizija u iznimno ugodnomambijentu odlike su restorana Mano, koji je već <strong>za</strong>uzeovažnu ulogu kod gastronoma, ali i postao neizostavnomjesto ljubitelja vrhunski uređenih i osmišljenihrestorana.

GastroThe Harmony of ExcellentFood and Top-notch DesignTop quality and clear vision joined together in a pleasant ambience are the characteristicsof the restaurant Mano, which already plays an important role in the life of connoisseurs. It,also, became an inevitable place for the fans of luxury decorated and designed restaurantsWritten by: Ira KneževiæPhoto: Kristina Faziniæ53

GastroU Manu se prožima duh starog Zagreba s vrlo ugodnom atmosferom / Mano is permeated by a spirit of old Zagreband very pleasant atmosphere54Mano (in Italian “a hand”) is one of those restaurants,which owners did not plan only torender a quality food but also to acquire atop level and exceptional interior. The restaurantis sited on Zagreb’s Kaptol, nearby Zagreb’sGliptoteka, and became in last two years an unavoidabledestination for all connoisseurs who are fond of excellentfood as well as for those who like to enjoy in themodern restaurant permeated by a spirit of old Zagreband very pleasant atmosphere.Mr. Hrvoje Kroflin, a chef of the restaurant Mano, says thatthe restaurant got its name according to the vision of Mr.Zlatko Đaković, a manager. The main idea was that everythingshould be done by hand, that the kitchen shouldbe opened so the guests could watch how the food wasprepared – the art of work created just in front of theireyes. He tells us:”When we started to renovate the restaurantthe job was enormous. The building was old anddevastated, and it took seven months of efforts and workto shape the interior as it is now.” Mr. Zlatko Đaković appliedhis impressions and experience gathered travellingaround the world, in designing the interior.The space is decorated in the minimalist style but, still,filled with to perfection chosen details. Mano is a harmonioussymbiosis of top-notch design and excellentfood. Open kitchen, entirely wrapped in glass withprime equipment, contributes to it and enables theguests to have a great pleasure. Only one small partof the kitchen is hidden from the guests, the part wherecakes are prepared; everything else is opened to theirview. “Open kitchen requires different behaviour, noyelling, for instance. Although the atmosphere can berelaxed, still, I and my team have to be aware that theimpression about food will depend on how we lookwhile preparing it”, says Hrvoje Kroflin, and continuesthat he prefers to cook in the open kitchen becausecooking makes him happy, and yet greater pleasureis the expression on the guest’s face when he tastes ameal.Wine collection occupies very important part of the restaurant.It is, also, opened so that guests may chooseand taste wines as well as indulge in prosciutto andcheese. The wine collection follows the same vision ofthe restaurant Mano – a vision about a guest who feelsthe food. Of course, every guest likes to have a chanceto look around, taste a wine before making a decisionrather than have some waiter “reciting” a restaurant’soffer.

The wine list is composed of mostly Croatian wines (Krauthaker,Enjigi, Matošević, Kozlović, Skaramuča, Miloš,Plenković), but there are also foreign wines expertlychosen like high quality Slovenian, French, Australian orTuscany wines. If you want only a glass of wine at dinner,you can chose among four domestic wines (Traminac,Chardonay from Iloc’s wine cellars, Lukačević’s Sivi Pinot,and Zlatan Plavac) and two foreign wines (Shira<strong>za</strong>nd Cabernet Sauvignon).Although very young for a main chef (only twenty yearsof age), Hrvoje Kroflin is not afraid of a challenge. Whilehe was still attending the school he started to work forone famous Zagreb restaurant (Galo) and gained avaluable experience working with their main chef. Soonenough he was in Milan for two weeks of training.“For me, cooking is an art, and although things are gettingbetter, still we, in Croatia, have to work hard toreach the artistic level – said Hrvoje Kroflin. Each meal isa special. Although the restaurant Mano is famous by itsmeat specialties, there are meals for each taste. The restaurantis based on a mixture of different diets: French,Italian, and Indian. The menu of the restaurant changesfour times a year; a seasonal food is always available.When changing the menu, some meals are excludedsome other included, so that there is always somethingnew to taste. Briefly, Mano has a unique offer of meals,a combination of modern and traditional, domesticand international kitchen. A breath of Mediterranean ispresent in almost every meal offered by this top-notchrestaurant. Aromatic herbs, excellent extra virgin oliveoil and 10 years old aceto balsamico barrique are onlyfew of many details that exalt this restaurant above anycompetition.On the inventive menu, on which every meal’s namewas thoroughly thought over by Hrvoje Kroflin, a specialplace occupies a beefsteak Mano. It is special becauseguests may all by themselves prepare the beefsteak onthe grill; of course, there is a cook to assist them. Mainmeals are mostly various meat steaks prepared in, even,six kinds of utensils; a special occasion is a fire broughtto the table and a guest who is finishing the meal as hewishes. There is, also, a very tasty beefsteak Black Widowin the combination of maple and coffee. Though Manoreally is a “paradise for meat-eaters”, vegetarians shouldnot feel neglected here. Carefully chosen vegetarianspecialties also carry a breath of Mediterranean, as forinstance risotto Gregore (risotto with spinach, pine-nuts,saffron and Parmesan).As a chef, Hrvoje Kroflin decorates every meal that isgoing outside the kitchen. Even if you ordered the samemeal, you would be surprised with different, new decoration(for instance, petals of eatable flowers from Iran).The food is not schematic, which is well achieved withdaily purchase of numerous herbs like lime, rosemary,chive, dill and so forth. Hrvoje Kroflin, also, says that hehas ambitious and commendable plan, which is a precisespecification of origin of ingredients.Top quality and clear vision joined together in a pleasantambience are the characteristics of the restaurantMano, which already plays an important role in the life ofconnoisseurs. It, also, became an inevitable place for thefans of luxury decorated and designed restaurants.Mano u pravom smislu raj <strong>za</strong> “mesojede” /Mano is really a “paradise for meat-eaters”Uređenje restorana inspiracija je Zlatka Đakovića kojije dojmove i iskustva sa svojih putovanja po svijetupretočio u oblikovanje ambijenta /Mr. Zlatko Đaković applied his impressions and experiencegathered travelling around the world, in designingthe interior55

Na vrhuMont BlancaPlatina, bijelo zlato, 1430 dijamanatai još jedan, posebno brušen,na vrhu “kvačice” kratki je rezimeove Mont Blancove kemijske olovkekoja se izvrsno slaže s računalom Egona ovim stranicama. Bilo bi nam lakšemisliti da je svojom grubom, iako skupocjenomstrukturom, Mont Blancova “pisalica”neugodna <strong>za</strong> pisanje (uostalom, tko bije tek tako nosio u torbi), ali sigurni smo da seovako luksuznom predmetu takva početničkapogreška ne može dogoditi.Sjaj u tami (teatra)Kao stvorena <strong>za</strong> premijeru baleta, ova damskanovčanik-torbica u atraktivnoj je boji koju će svatkoprimijetiti. A jednom kad znatiželjnici(a)ma pogledpadne na vaš asesoar, <strong>za</strong> to da pogled ostanetamo gdje treba, pobrinut će se tekstura koja imitiraponijevu dlaku (samo je imitira, da se ljubitelji životinjane bi alarmirali), ali i red upečatljivih kristala Swarovski.Svevremenskutorbicu damebiraju u nekolikoveličina, pri čemunajmanja stojioko 125 eura, anajveća dvjestotinjak.Luksuz koji seisplati, definitivno.Bijela elegancija MaybachaNije sve u konjskim snagama (iako ih je ovdje ispodpoklopca AMG-ova motora 607): Maybachovnajnoviji ponos 57S prije svega plijeni ljepotom, ana pariškom sajmuautomobila jepredstavljen u novojrevolucionarnojboji. Bisernobijelasa sjajem mjesečine– tako bojunovog Maybachaopisuju njegovitvorci, a efekt jepostignut višestrukimdodavanjimaslojeva boje. Uostalom,tko još ne znada je u automobilskojindustriji bijela– nova crna?Fine stvariAt the top of Mont BlancPlatinum, white gold, 1,430 diamonds and one,specially cut at the top of the “clip” is a shortresume of this Mont Blanc’s mechanical pencil,which nicely fits with the notebook Ego,described on these pages. It would be mucheasier to think that this pencil is, due itsrough although expensive structure, unfitfor writing ( and, who would, anyway,carry it in the purse...), but we are surethat such beginners’ mistake is not likelyto happen.A Splendor in the Darkness(of theatre)This lady’s vallet-purse is made inattractive colour will be noticed byeveryone. It looks like made for aballet premiere. Once, when youraccessory is spoted by inquisitivepersons, it will keep their attentionby its texture like a pony’s hair(only an imitation, so that animalproctection activists wouldn’t bealarmed) and also by its raw ofSwarowski crystals. The evergreenpurse is available in several sizes;the smallest costs around 125 eurosand the largest around two hundred euros. Luxury,which is definitely worth trouble.A White Elegance of MaybachNot all in horsepower (inspite the 607 horsepowerunder the lid of AMG’smachine): Maybach’snew pride 57S is first of alla beauty. On the ParisianAutomotive Fair, it waspresented in new, revolutionarycolour. The pearlwhitewith moonlight – asit is described by creatorsof new Maybach, is acquiredby multiple layersof paints. After all, whodoes not know that inautomotive industry thewhite is – new black?61

Dijamantina desktopuNe čudi što je ovome ekskluzivnomenotebook računaluime Ego: sa 600 šestkaratnihdijamanata u okviru od bijelogazlata, nizozemski proizvodpod nazivom Ego Diamondje, dakako, predstavljen naposljednjemu sajmu milijunašau Cannesu. A <strong>za</strong> one kojima nito nije dosta, postoje i limitiranekolekcije Platinum Diamond Egoi Ego Diamond Collectors Edition,koje potpisuje slavni zlatar Laurent deBeer. Platinum kolekcija proizvedena je u 250 primjeraka,a kolekcionarska najekskluzivnija u samo 100. Naravnoda svaki kupac može poželjeti i neki svoj vlasnički detalj...Small, Jet-setSlippersHe likes to feel at home even onhis journeys, when he stays in themost luxury hotels. Every true jetsetteris pondering over his or herimage until the least detail; forsuch individuals Sergio Rossi’sslippers for men were designed;made of tender brown crocodile-likeleather. The slippers aredelivered in the same quality bag,ideal for far away voyages.Remek-djelo <strong>za</strong> uspješneO Baume&Mercierovom neodoljivom predmetu željai ultimativnom statusnom simbolu pisano je već punoi na našim stranicama, no kada je nešto takoinspirativno kao ovaj sat iz kolekcije “HamptonClassic”, riječi divljenja nikad ne nedostaje.Kvarcni model na slici pravo je malo remek-djelos vječno modernim čokoladnosmeđimremenom od krokodilske kože,srebrnim brojčanikom i pokazivačemdatuma, a, iako je vodootporan dodubine od 50 metara, ne vjerujemo daće “klasičari” skupu kožu remena izlagatipogubnom utjecaju vode. “HamptonClassic” izuzetan je božićni dar <strong>za</strong> onekoji vole posegnuti dublje u džep kakobi razveselili najmilije – možete ga naći utrgovini “Darvel” u Zagrebu, u Praškoj 8,po cijeni od 13.000 kuna.Pripremila / Edited by: Tanja JakovèevLuxuriesDiamonds on theDesktopIt is no wonder that this notebookbears a name Ego: with 600six-karate diamonds within theframe of white gold, a Dutchproduct called Ego Diamondis, of course, presented on thelast fair of millionaires in Cannes.Furthermore, for those not satisfiedeven with it, there are limited collectionsPlatinum Diamond Ego andEgo Diamond Collectors Edition, signedby famous jeweller Laurent de Beer. Platinum collection isproduced in 250 items, and collectors’ collection is moreexclusive with only 100 items. Of course, every buyer canhave some, strictly his or her detail.Jet-setpapuèiceOn se želi osjećati kaokralj kod svoje kuće, ali i naputovanjima, gdje redovitoodsjeda u najluksuznijimhotelima. Svaki istinski jetsetersvoj imidž promišlja do <strong>za</strong>dnjegadetalja, a upravo <strong>za</strong> “prave“su kreirane ove muške papučeSergio Rossi, od meke smeđekože koja imitira krokodilsku. Dolaze upaketu s istovrsnom torbicom, idealnom <strong>za</strong> pakiranja <strong>za</strong>daleka putovanja.A Masterpiece of Artfor Successful OnesIt has been already written much about the Baume& Mercier’s irresistible object of desire and ultimatesymbol of status, even on our pages, but wheneversomething is as inspirational as the watch of“Hampton Classic” collection, words of admirationare never lacking. This quartz model, shown on thephoto, is the real small masterpiece of art with itsfor ever modern chocolate-brown alligator leatherstrap, silver dial and date indicator. Although thewatch is waterproof to 50 metres of depth we do notbelieve that someone would this expensive leather strapexpose to the impact of water. The “Hampton Classic”is an extraordinary Christmas gift for those who like torich deeply into their pockets and make their loved onesrejoicing – it could be purchased in the “Darvel” shop inZagreb, Praška 8, at the price of 13,000 kunas.63

Dodir umjetnostiwww.nivescicinsain.com64Moja ikona / My icon - 39 cm

MagièansvijetpapirnatihlutkiMjesećeva mlada /Moon’s bride - 85 cmBilo da se igra oblicima i bojama,oslobađajući impuls kreacije,sve puštajući mašti na volju, ili sestudiozno posvećuje bijelom licusvoje lutke, Nives Čičin-Šain udahnjuježivot papiru. Nije to magijaili trik, već vještina, predanost,preciznost, osjećajPiše: Nataša BodrožiæUdoba brzine i pometnje, kada je vremena malo,a rituali su rijetki, ponekad poželimo jednostavno<strong>za</strong>stati, barem na pet minuta. Želimo <strong>za</strong>ustavitipogled i ostaviti ga da počiva na jednome mjestu,lagano se prepustiti i uhvatiti nit ljepote. Skulpture,lutke, maske i reljefi Nives Čičin-Šain pozivaju upravo najedno takvo prepuštanje, predavanje “Iluziji”, “Mjesecuu proljeće” ili sanjarenju u “Haljini od oblaka”. Njezinumjetnički rad dosljedno oblikuje šareni svijet minijaturnihkaraktera, mistični dekor minulog djetinjstva, prostornalik snu.Nives Čičin-Šain, umjetnica koja živi i radi u Splitu, prepoznatljivaje po svojim skulpturama, uglavnom malih dimenzija,i lutkama blagoga, gotovo meditativnog izra<strong>za</strong>lica. Taj vrlo specifičan umjetnički izraz harmoničan jespoj tehnike papier mâchéa i nekoga diskretnoga mediteranskogsenzibiliteta, lagano prožet dalekoistočnimutjecajima i osobnošću same autorice. Umjetnica suverenovlada tehnikom koja je kod nas malo razvijena, jošmanje vidljiva, posebice u području umjetničkog izra<strong>za</strong>.Papier mâché, francuski izraz koji bi u d o s l o -vnom prijevodu značio “(pro)žvakani papir”,drevna je tehnika prisutna stotinama g o d i -na, koja se koristila na različitim kra-jevimasvijeta <strong>za</strong> izradu maski, lutki, ukrasa,ali iritualnih predmeta.Radi se o stvaranjuoblika od materijalakoji nastaje miješanjemkomadića papiras ljepilom. Postojinekoliko tehnika kojese zovu istim imenom.Jedna je modeliranje papirnom kašom i izgleda vrloslično kao modeliranje glinom, a druga je modeliranjenanošenjem papirnatih komadića, sloj po sloj, na nekikalup.Tehniku papier mâché možda je najlakše predočiti tradicijomvenecijanskih maski ili francuskog lutkarstva, <strong>za</strong>čudnimlicima takozvanih guignols, lutki kojesu putovale u kovčezima lutajućihumjetnika pa “oživljavale” na trgovimafrancuskih gradova. UJapanu je prisutna stoljećima,u početku <strong>za</strong> izradu ritualnihobjekata, figurica amajlijakoje su štitile djecu od zlihsila, poslije kao rafinirana<strong>za</strong>bava bogataša, danas <strong>za</strong>izradu različitih dekorativnihpredmeta,ali i fascinantnih,ponekadhiperrealističnih65

Morski vrtuljak / Sea roundabout - 9 cmumjetničkih skulptura, minuciozne izrade i gotovo magijskogprizvuka. Upravo u Japanu, gdje je boravila iodržala nekoliko radionica, Nives Čičin-Šain pronašlaje izvor inspiracije, primjetan u nekoj mističnoj smirenostilica njezinih lutki i produhovljenosti tih malih, <strong>za</strong>čudnihobjekata, čak i kada ne predstavljaju ljudske oblike,kada utjelovljuju životinje ili ribe.Nives Čičin-Šain aktivna je i u području primijenjeneumjetnosti. Sudjelovala je u mnogim ka<strong>za</strong>lišnim projektimaizrađujući umjetničke rekvizite, maske i nakit, te jeostvarila tri samostalne scenografije i tri kostimografije.Za umjetnika koji radi u tehnici papier mâchéa, jedanod najvećih kreativnih i<strong>za</strong>zova jest upravo – izrada maski.Naime, možda <strong>za</strong>htjevniji i kreativno slobodniji medijskulpture umjetnici daje više prostora <strong>za</strong> slobodan izraz,prepuštanje mašti bez ograda, uz manje referencija. Prinjihovoj izradi oslobođena je bilo kakvih formalnih <strong>za</strong>htjevai poštovanja kanona, dok je maska nešto <strong>za</strong>htjevnijipothvat jer se kreacija mora smjestiti između dvijukrajnosti, <strong>za</strong>htjeva forme i granica konteksta (ka<strong>za</strong>lišta,predstave, redateljskih vizija). Osim toga, papier mâchétradicionalno se koristi <strong>za</strong> izradu maski pa je u postojanjuuzora, primjera, pravila, umjetnički i<strong>za</strong>zov još veći.Upravo tu je splitska umjetnica napravila iskorak, unijelasnažnu osobnu notu kojom je vještinu izrade maskitransformirala u umjetnost. Pa tako Anatolij Kudrjavcev,ka<strong>za</strong>lišni kritičar, kada govori o teatarskom angažmanuNives Čičin-Šain, navodi: “Maske su pretvorene u nedokučivuriječ koja ne laže jer nema <strong>za</strong>što lagati(…) Moćnijesu značenjem od svakog živog lica jer su nepomične inedvosmislene u svojoj teškoj neshvatljivoj nakani.”Dekorativnost radova splitske umjetnice proizlazi iz njezi-66ne potr e b e<strong>za</strong> igrom,v a r i j a -cijom, ekspe- r i -mentom. Naj-boljese to vidi u seriji r a d o -va ujedinjenih je-dnostavnimnazivom – cipe-le. Polazećiod predmeta svakodnevneupotrebe, od običneženske cipele s potpeticom, odlazi u “Snoviđenje”,cipela postaje prijevozno sredstvo <strong>za</strong> bijeg od općihmjesta, jednostranih interpretacija, dosade već viđenoga,“Izlet u nepoznato”. Pretjerivanje i poigravanjekičem <strong>za</strong>ustavljeno je nekom inherentnom elegancijomi preciznošću izvedbe, a možda nam u šaljivim prizorimadvoje ljudi u “cipeli pužu”, autorica donosi i promišljanjao ljubavi, nudeći koncept para u istoj cipeli umjesto“propisanih” cipela u paru.Bilo da se igra oblicima i bojama, oslobađajući impulskreacije, sve puštajući mašti na volju, ili se studiozno posvećujebijelom licu svoje lutke, Nives Čičin-Šain udahnjuježivot papiru. Nije to magija ili trik, već vještina,predanost, preciznost, osjećaj. Nije ni čudno da sva ona“bića”, gimnastičarke, anđeli i gracije, imaju neku osobnost,kao da su živa, kad da su u njima ostali nepobitnitragovi jednoga stvarnog života.Nives Čičin-Šain je stekla status samostalne umjetnicekiparice 1989. godine.Izlagala je samostalno 14 puta u Hrvatskoj i u inozemstvu,te sudjelovala na više od četrdeset skupnih izložbiširom svijeta.

of artMirta i Duje / Mirta and Duje - 20 cmTouchMagic World of Paper DollsWhether Nives Čičin-Šain is playing with shapes and colours, liberating an impulse ofcreation, giving her imagination wings to fly or devoting herself to the white face ofher doll, she is giving a life to a paper. It is not some kind of magic or a trick, butskilfulness, dedication, precision, feelingWritten by: Nataša BodrožiæHaving so little time in this age of speed andflurry, when rituals are so rare, sometimes wewish to simply stop, at least for five minutes.We want our eyes to rest upon one spot, toyield ourselves and catch a thread of beauty. Sculptures,dolls, masks or relieves of Nives Čičin-Šain call forsuch surrender, to yield ourselves to “Illusion”, “Moonin the Spring” or just dream in the “Dress of Clouds”.Her artistic work thoroughly shapes the mottled worldof miniature characters, a mystic decoration comingfrom past childhood, a space likened to a dream.A woman artist, Ms. Nives Čičin-Šain who lives andworks in Split is known by her mostly small sculpturesand dolls with tender almost meditative countenance.This, very specific artistic expression is a harmoniousmixture of papier mâché technique and some discreteMediterranean sensibility mildly permeated withfar East influences and personality of creator.The woman artist is supreme expert in the technique,which is not very well known here and certainly is notpopular as a form of artistic expression.Papier mâché, a French term,which in literal translationwould mean “paper chewedthoroughly” is an ancienttechnique known for hundredsof years, used in variousparts of the world formaking masks, dolls, ornamentsand even ritual objects.The technique consists of makingforms out of material madeof pieces of paper mixed with glue.There are several techniques understoodunder the same name. One is modellingin paper pulp similar to modelling in clayand the other is putting layers of paper piecesupon one another on some block form.The papier mâché technique could be, perhaps,most easily understood by viewing traditionalVenetian masks or French puppets, miraculousfaces of so called guignols, dolls which,Cvijet s identitetom / Flower with identity - 40 cm67

Mali ljudi / Small people - 67 cmMaska / Mask - 53 cm68carried in suitcases of travelling artists, were coming intolife on French towns’ squares.This technique is also known in Japan for centuries; inthe beginning as ritual objects, small figurine talismansthat protected children against evil powers, afterwardsas rich men’s subtle entertainment, nowadays as variousdecorative objects and sometime hyper realisticartistic sculptures meticulously created with almostmagic sense.And in very Japan, Nives Čičin-Šain, where she held severalworkshops, found a source of inspiration, viewedin a kind of mystic peacefulness of her dolls’ countenancesand spirituality of these small, amazing objects,even if they are not an expression of human forms butof animals or fish.Nives Čičin-Šain is also very active as a designer. She participatedin many theatrical projects making stage requisites,masks and jewellery; she performed three autonomousstage-settings and three costume designs. For anartist, who works in the technique of papier mâché, makinga mask is one of the greatest creative challenges.Namely, a sculpture, demanding and creatively moreflexible medium, provides for an artist more space forfree expression, imagination without limits and fewerboundaries. When doing a sculpture an artist is notbound by any formal requirements and canons, while

Touch of artBez imena / No name - 27 cmthe mask, on contrary, is more of an adventure becausethe creation should be placed between two extremes,requirements of the form and frames of the context(theatre, performance, director’s vision etc.).Besides, papier mâché is traditionally used for makingmasks, which anticipates an existence of models, examplesand rules that additionally makes an artistic challengeeven greater. And right here, Split’s woman artistmade a step ahead bringing in strong personal noteand so transforming a skill of making masks into an art.In that context, Anatolij Kudrjavcev, a theatre critic,talking about theatrical engagement of Ms. NivesČičin-Šain, states:” Masks are transformed into incomprehensiblewords, which do not lie simply becausethere is no reason for lying (...) They are mighty in themeaning of their countenances, mightier than any livingface, being so still and unambiguous in their heavypurpose beyond any comprehension.”Works of Split woman artist are decorative, which is aresult of her need for playing, variation, experiment.This is mostly evident in her cycle called – shoes.Starting from the every day object, a common lady’shigh heel shoe, she is entering into “Dreams” using theshoe as a vehicle for escape from common places,one-sided interpretations, boredom of déjà vu, “An Excursioninto the Unknown”.Overdoing and playing with kitsch is prevented bysome inherent elegance and meticulous workmanship,and maybe, within the funny image of two people inthe “snail shoe” there is a thought of love by which thewoman author offers a concept of a pair in the sameshoe instead of a “prescribed” pair of shoes.Whether Nives Čičin-Šain is playing withshapes and colours, liberating an impulseof creation, giving her imaginationwings to fly or devoting herself tothe white face of her doll, she is givinga life to a paper. It is not some kind ofmagic or a trick, but skilfulness, dedication,precision, feeling.So, it is not a wonder that all those“beings”, women gymnastics,angels and graces have somestrange personality as they werealive, bearing marks of real life.Nives Čičin-Šain achieved a statusof autonomous artist sculptorin 1989. She had 14 autonomousexhibitions in Croatia as well asabroad and participated inmore than forty group exhibitionsall around the world.69Sunčana sjedalica / The sun-seat - 93 cm

InterijeriPariška četvrt Marais poznata je prije svega kaoburžoaska četvrt i proteže se kroz treći i četvrtiarondisman, što znači da je gotovo u samomsredištu Parizu. Prije Drugoga svjetskog rata bilaje centar židovske <strong>za</strong>jednice, a čak i danas ima knjižaraspecijaliziranih <strong>za</strong> židovske knjige na hebrejskomeili restorana koji nude košer, a posebice tradicionalniizraelski falafel. Godine 1969. poznati književnik AndréMalraux i novopečeni ministar kulture, Marais je učinioprvim <strong>za</strong>štićenim sektorom (sectuer sauvegardé) koji jeubrzo postao dom mnogim muzejima i galerijama. Kakose Pariz munjevito mijenja, pa mnoge stare trgovine<strong>za</strong>mjenjuju nove, ta mjera <strong>za</strong>štite ponekad dovodi dosmiješnih rezultata, pa tako na prodavaonici koja prodajecipele nerijetko zna stajati stari natpis “pekara“. U76Piše: Sreæko HorvatPariški sanChristiana LacroixaHotel du Petit Moulin, kao što kaže sam Lacroix, podsjeća na kućice <strong>za</strong> lutke gdjepogledom kroz rupicu na svakom katu možemo pronaći jednu sasvim drukčijuatmosferu80-ima četvrt je postala okupljalište gay populacije, atome danas svjedoče brojni gay kafići, noćni klubovi,kabareti ili dućani. U Maraisu se inače nalazi Place desVosges, najstariji pariški trg, koji je, po mišljenju mnogih,ujedno i jedan od najljepših (a sagradio ga je daleke1605. Henri IV.), rodna kuća Victora Hugoa, crkva Saint-Merri,muzej Picasso, najpoznatiji svjetski muzej <strong>za</strong> suvremenuumjetnost Centre Georges Pompidou, ali i poznataRue des Francs-Bourgeois, jedna od rijetkih ulicakoja je u potpunosti otvorena nedjeljom. U toj živopisnoji živahnoj četvrti smjestio se diskretni mali hotel sa samo17 soba. Hotel du Petit Moulin potječe iz 17. stoljeća inajprije se sastojao od dviju građevina – originalno je tobila pekara (boulangerie) i hotel/restoran – koje su sespojile u jednu. Kao što cijelu četvrt prožimaju tragovi

Hotel du Petit Moulin potječe iz 17. stoljeća / The Hoteldu Petit Moulin was built in 17th centuryprošlosti, tako je i ta građevina na popisu spomenikakulture, i to zbog svoje fasade, koja seže u 1900. godinu,i originalnog natpisa na njoj (upravo boulangerie).Renovaciju interijera hotela vodio je poznati francuskidi<strong>za</strong>jner odjeće Christian Marie Marc Lacroix. Studirajućipovijest umjetnosti i sanjareći o tome da postanemuzejski kustos ili kostimograf, Lacroix je slučajno došaou svijet mode. Najprije je surađivao s di<strong>za</strong>jnerskom kućomHermes, da bi 1981. postao član kuće Patou. Šestgodina poslije osnovao je vlastitu di<strong>za</strong>jnersku kuću kojaje ubrzo postala jedna od vodećih u Francuskoj i svijetu.Christian Lacroix u di<strong>za</strong>jnerskom je svijetu poznat pospajanju baroknog baršuna, religijskih referencija i čipke,po teatralnom stilu – vjerojatno kao plod njegovakoketiranja s radom u ka<strong>za</strong>lištu – koji se najviše očitujeu odabiru boja ili u tome da sve svoje revije <strong>za</strong>vršava smodelom odjevenim u vjenčanicu. Di<strong>za</strong>jnirao je mnogehaljine <strong>za</strong> hollywoodske zvijezde, među ostalima i <strong>za</strong>Christinu Aguileru, a osim toga je i di<strong>za</strong>jner nove uniforme<strong>za</strong> prvu klasu korporacije Air France (L’Espace Premi-77

Hotel du Petit Moulin proglašen je “najboljim novim hotelom2006. godine” / Hotel du Petit Moulin was declared“the best new hotel in 2006”78er). Kada je bio pozvan da renovira interijer malogahotela u pariškom Maraisu, di<strong>za</strong>jner, koji inače stanujeu susjedstvu, odabrao je namještaj i inventar soba.Stari je hotel u potpunosti izmijenjen i svaka je sobasada opremljena različitim tapetama, modernističkimnamještajem, plazma ekranima, no ujedno i isprepletenastarinskim štihom (poput porculanskih slavina unekim kupaonicama), čime se Lacroix referira na 17.stoljeće u kojem je hotel i izgrađen. Poštujući tradicijui povijest Pari<strong>za</strong>, osim na motivima tapeta, Lacroix je ina drugim mjestima nastojao stvoriti široki raspon metonimijskihi metaforičkih iska<strong>za</strong> pa tako, primjerice,kupaonica crvene boje u kojoj je zrcalo u obliku srcapodsjeća na poznati Moulin Rouge i tako interferira sdrugim pariškim četvrtima. Kao što je to u posljednjevrijeme slučaj s mnogim svjetskim hotelima koje uređujuumjetnici, poznati arhitekti ili di<strong>za</strong>jneri interijera,tako je i u Hotelu du Petit Moulin svaka soba drukčija.Svoju omiljenu svijetlu boju – blagu zelenu – Lacroix ujednoj sobi kontrastira sa žarkocrvenom kupaonicom,a u drugoj sobi tapeta poput kolaža stvara šareni mo<strong>za</strong>ik.Lacroix će reći da se odmah odlučio <strong>za</strong> različite iuvijene perspektive koje će biti u odnosu s novim funkcionalnimsadržajima koje je unio poštujući stil “starogPari<strong>za</strong>“. Hotel du Petit Moulin, kao što kaže samLacroix, podsjeća na kućice <strong>za</strong> lutke gdje pogledomkroz rupicu na svakom katu možemo pronaći jednusasvim drukčiju atmosferu. Iako je u posljednje vrijemeinterdisciplinarnost i presijecanje raznih područjau svijetu di<strong>za</strong>jna hotela uzelo velikog maha, dosadse di<strong>za</strong>jneri odjeće nisu baš upuštali u taj posao. Daje Christian Lacroix u tome bio vrlo uspješan, međuostalim, govori i priznanje koje je dobio od vodećemeđunarodne internet-stranice <strong>za</strong> unutrašnji di<strong>za</strong>jnWallpaper, koja je Hotel du Petit Moulin proglasila“najboljim novim hotelom 2006. godine“. Podrijetlouspjeha možda možemo iščitati iz sljedećeg Lacroixovaobjašnjenja: “Kada sam di<strong>za</strong>jnirao Hotel du PetitMoulin u Maraisu, imao sam dojam da otkrivam starisan iz djetinjstva – koji sam ostavio po strani – san daživim u hotelu, uređujem dekor dan <strong>za</strong> danom, u bojamavremena, kombinirajući ambivalencije u oblikui prostoru, a ne samo na papiru ili preko modnih kolekcija.U Petit Moulinu polazimo od rustikalnog Maraisau toile de Jouy prema jednom zen, odnosno di<strong>za</strong>jnerskomMaraisu, ili od historijskog Maraisa u damaskuprema više razigranom Maraisu. Sve te kontraste samnastojao prevesti u sedamnaest ambijenata koji korespondirajusa sedamnaest soba, kao i sa sedamnaestnačina doživljavanja Maraisa.” Unatoč tome, nekidrugi izvori, poput Tipadvisora, najpoznatijeg mjesta<strong>za</strong> komentiranje putovanja i boravaka po hotelimadiljem svijeta, govore o negativnim aspektima hotela,koji se, doduše, ne tiču di<strong>za</strong>jna, nego prije “ljudskogfaktora” koji bi također trebao biti uračunat u svakuhotelsku uslugu. Naime, pojedini posjetitelji tvrde dacijena od 280 eura daleko premašuje ljubaznost osobljate da su sami morali nositi svoju prtljagu do soba,koje uz to nisu bile uređene <strong>za</strong> prispjele goste. SamLacroix <strong>za</strong> to, naravno, nije kriv, no dobar di<strong>za</strong>jn morauz sebe nositi i dobar odnos spram onih koji ga koristeili u njemu borave.

InteriorsA ChristianLacroix’sParisianDreamThe Hotel du Petit Moulin, as Mr. Lacroix says, resemblesdoll house in which one, looking throughthe hole, can find a different atmosphere on everyfloorZelena je omiljena boja Christiana Lacroixa / Green isfavorite colour of Christian LacroixWritten by: Sreæko HorvatParisian district Marais is known as a bourgeois area spreadover the third and fourth arrondissement, almost the verycentre of Paris. Before the Second World War it was a centreof Jewish community. Even nowadays there are bookshopsspecialised for Jewish books in Hebrew or restaurants whichoffer kosher meals, especially traditional Israel falafel. In 1969,well known French writer Andre Malraux at the time a newminister of culture made the Marais district the first protectedsector ( sectuer sauvegardé), which in shortly became ahome for numerous museums and galleries.In the view of the fact that Paris is changing rapidly, newshops are replacing old ones creating some funny situationsas when a shoe shop has a shop sign of a bakery. During79

Interiors1980’s the district became a habituation of gay population,with numerous gay coffee bars, night clubs, cabarets orshops.The oldest, for many the most beautiful, Parisian square (builtby Henri IV, back there in 1605), Place des Vosges, is situatedin the Marais. Here is the house in which Victor Hugo was born,church Saint-Merry, Picasso Museum, a world most famousmuseum of contemporary arts Centre Georges Pompidouand one of the rare streets entirely opened on Sundays, Ruedes Francs-Bourgeois.So, a small, discrete hotel of only 17 rooms was placed in thispicturesque and vivid district. The Hotel du Petit Moulin wasbuilt in 17th century and primarily comprised two buildings – itwas genuine bakery (boulangerie) and hotel/restaurant; laterthe two joined in one. This edifice, as well the whole district,is listed as a monument of cultural heritage, mostly due to itsfacade dating back to 1900, and original shop sign – boulangerie.A famous fashion designer Christian Marie Marc Lacroix managedthe renovation of the Hotel’s interior. While studyinghistory of art and dreaming about becoming a curator orcostume designer Lacroix accidentally came into the fashionworld. At the beginning he started to work with designer’shouse Hermes and in 1981 with Patou. Six years later he foundedhis own designer house, which very soon became one ofthe leading in the field, not only in France but in the world.Christian Lacroix is known by mixture of baroque velveteen,80

eligious references and lace, his theatrical style – probablyas a result of his flirting with a theatre – which is mostly viewedin his choice of colours or in closing all his fashion shows with amodel wearing a wedding gown. He designed many dressesfor Hollywood stars, for Christine Aguilera, among all others,as well as official suits for the first class of Air France Corporation(L’Espace Premier).When invited to restore an interior of a small hotel he livedadjacent, he chose the furniture and equipment for rooms.The old hotel is completely changed and every room has differentwallpapers, modern furniture, flat-screen TVs but, still,there are pieces of past times (like porcelain pipes in somebathrooms) referring to the 17th century, when the edificewas built up.Having a respect for tradition and history of Paris, besideswallpapers motives, Lacroix made efforts to create a widerange of metonymic and metaphoric expressions as it is abathroom in red in which the heart-shaped mirror reminds onMoulin Rouge and so corresponds with other Parisian districts.As it is recently the case with many world hotels decoratedby artists, famous architects or interior designers, so it is in theHotel du Petit Moulin - each room is different.Lacroix put in one room his favourite light colour – tendergreen – as a contrast to the red bathroom while in otherroom a collage like wallpaper makes a mottled mosaic.Lacroix would say that he immediately fell for the slightlytwisted perspectives in relation with new functional amenities,having a respect for the “old Paris” style. The Hotel duPetit Moulin, as Mr. Lacroix says, resembles doll house inwhich one, looking through the hole, can find a differentatmosphere on every floor.Although recently multi-discipline approach and crosssection of various fields in the world of design are at highpeak, until now, fashion designers have not been undertakingthis kind of job. That Christian Lacroix was successfulin this endeavour confirms, besides other things, an awardof leading international web site for interior design, Wallpaper,which declared the Hotel du Petit Moulin to be “thebest new hotel in 2006.”The origin of success could be understood from following Lacroix’sexplanation: “While designing the Hotel du Petit Moulinin Marais, I had an impression of revealing my old dream frommy childhood – put somehow aside – a dream to live in a hotel,decorate it day after day, in colours of times, combiningambivalences in shape and space, not only on the paper orthrough fashion collections. In the Petit Moulin we are startingfrom rustic Marais in Toile de Joüy going towards the Zen, thatis, designer’s Marais or, in other words, from historic Maraisin damask towards more vivacious Marais. I tried to transferall these contrasts into seventeen ambiences correspondingwith seventeen rooms as seventeen ways of experiencingMarais.”In spite all this, some other sources, like Tipadvisor, well knownfor reviewing journeys and hotel accommodations aroundthe world, point out some negative aspects of the hotel,which are not related to design, but rather to the “humanfactor” that should be included into the service price. Namely,some visitors claim that the price of 280 Euros is far toomuch regarding personnel and the fact that guests, for instance,have to carry their luggage alone to the rooms noteven ready for their arrival. Of course, Lacroix himself is notresponsible for this, but, still, fine design should be accompaniedby quality service.u Hotelu du Petit Moulin svaka je soba drukčija /In Hotelu du Petit Moulin each room is differnt81

Dom snova70Specifična i vrlo rijetka interakcija fasadne opeke,velikih ostakljenih ploha i aluminijskih ploča /arge glass surfaces and aluminium panels

Blago <strong>za</strong>košen krov jače se osjeća samo u jugoistočnome dijelu / Mildly twisted roof is morestrongly felt only from its south-east partRacionalna ekstravagancijaJasna misao vodilja, radikalno, ali čisto i u konačnici racionalno oblikovanje, inteligentnoi inovativno vladanje materijalima i prostorom uz superiornu razinu tehničke izvedbeizdvajaju ovu kuću kao jednu od pravih poslastica suvremene hrvatske stambenearhitekturePiše: Ivan MladinaFoto: Robert LešArhitektonski biro Dva arhitekta (2A) osnovali su1992. godine Tomislav Ćurković i Zoran Zidarić.Višestruki su laureati nagrade “BernardoBernardi”, koju dodjeljuje Udruženje hrvatskiharhitekata. Također su i dobitnici specijalnog priznanja“Zagrebačkog salona” 1994. godine.Njihove projekte i reali<strong>za</strong>cije, od interijera do eksterijera,karakterizira iznimna promišljenost konteksta, čiste i napeteforme, sklonost diskretnom eksperimentiranju s novimmaterijalima te velika briga prema detalju izvedbe.Sve te karakteristike njihova kreativnog stila sublimiranesu u luksuznoj obiteljskoj kući na Perjavici, u elitnom sjevernomdijelu Zagreba, na lokaciji s koje se pruža izvanredanpogled na grad.Takav potencijal lokacije odmah je <strong>za</strong>crtao osnovnesmjernice oblikovanja – cijela kuća je projektirana imajućina umu široke vidike i panoramu grada, i implementacijute jedinstvene kulise na unutarnji život kuće. Samkorpus kuće derivat je kubusa, volumenski hrabro isječens južne i istočne strane, a prizmatičan sa sjevera i <strong>za</strong>pada.Oblikovanje kuće pokazuje superiorno razumijevanjeodnosa ploha i volumena, uz briljantno postavljenesmjerove silnica prema funkcijski i oblikovno naglašenimdijelovima kuće.Blago <strong>za</strong>košen krov jače se osjeća samo u jugoistočnomedijelu, gdje iz horizontalno tripartitnog vijenca, kojiobilazi cijelu kuću, duhovito metamorfozira u pravu kosukonzolu, dok joj horizontalne linije vizualno pojačavajuvitkost. Specifična i vrlo rijetka interakcija fasadne opeke,velikih ostakljenih ploha i aluminijskih ploča, gdje suspojevi raznih materijala naglašeni diskretnim opšavima,stvara hibridni organi<strong>za</strong>m koji vizualnu težinu, ulogubaze i veze s terenom te rustikalnu toplinu opeke stavljau kontrapunkt ezoteričnoj refleksiji neba u staklima i ledenomtehničkom blještavilu sitno profiliranog aluminijakao nadogradnje koja potječe iznutra, kao da se od njesastoji sama srž kuće, dok opeka u tom kontekstu služikao svojevrsna koža koja je na nekim mjestima hrabro71

72Minimalističke kombinacije materijala / Minimalistcombination of materialsReprezentativno unutarnje stubište / Representativeinside staircaseuklonjena. Na istočnom, ulaznom dijelu kuće dobro semože pratiti ova igra različitih tema površinske obradeprvog i drugog plana kuće. Ulazni most obložen sivimkamenom se kao novi i jedinstveni oblikovni elementlegitimno oblači u drugo ruho uvlačeći se pod zid odopeke, a <strong>za</strong>vršavajući pred zidom i ulaznim vratima odaluminija, dok je garaža ispod njega potpuno nenaglašenai nenametljiva. Špalete prozora također su obloženealuminijem, tako da se format opeke na cijeloj kućisamo pojavljuje u dvodimenzionalnom kontekstu – graniceopeke kao materijala ovdje su dovedene do samogmaksimuma.To bogato isprepletanje materijala i raznih usjeka vanjskogomotača u isto vrijeme uspješno <strong>za</strong>država potpunuintimnost unutarnjeg prostora, jer najotvoreniji dijelovikuće sadrže nekoliko slojeva poluotvorenih prostora, terasica,stubišta, atrija, loggia i patia.Živost tih poluskrovitih, poluvanjskih prostora samo je preludijrahlosti i kompleksnosti unutarnjeg prostora.“Racionalna ekstravagancija” – što bi možda bila dobradefinicija vanjskog oblikovanja – nastavlja se i unutra, aliu još pročišćenijem obliku. Neočekivane vizure gradapoput dara uvijek nanovo iznenađuju iz raznih dijelovaunutarnjeg prostora. Plastički – oblikovni registar unutrašnjostiostao je nepromijenjen u odnosu na vanjštinu,što je, uz minimalističke kombinacije materijala, prostorudalo gotovo ezoteričnu, bezvremensku dimenziju.Isječeni zidovi i lebdeće plohe jednostavne bijele bojepremrežuju unutarnji prostor beskonačnom igrom svjetlai sjene. Parket punih, toplih tonova diskretno daje pojamprostora, a slike velikih formata preuzimaju ulogudekorativnih elemenata interijera. Sva ostala interijerskaoprema nenametljivo je uklopljena u ovaj međuodnosplohe poda sa zidovima, stupovima i stropovima. Reprezentativnounutarnje stubište možda i najbolje prikazujesvu projektantsku umješnost autora – ogoljeno gotovodo banalnosti, riješeno je metalnim tetivama među kojimasu ra<strong>za</strong>peta samo gazišta, dok su im podesti s objestrane obloženi u drvene obloge. Drveni rukohvati ovalnogpresjeka gotovo da lebde nad krakovima i podestima,pretvarajući se iz utilitarnih elemenata u apstraktnevektore koji uzbudljivo prate treperenje horizontalnihploha gazišta.Jasna misao vodilja, radikalno, ali čisto i vrlo racionalnooblikovanje, inteligentno i inovativno vladanje materijalimai prostorom uz superiornu razinu tehničke izvedbeizdvajaju ovu kuću kao jednu od pravih poslastica suvremenehrvatske stambene arhitekture.

Dream homeA Rational ExtravaganceA clear leading thought, radical but pure andvery rational shaping, intelligent and innovativeusage of materials and space along withthe superior level of technical performancemakes this house one of true spices of modernCroatian housing architectureWritten by: Ivan MladinaPhoto: Robert LešThe architectonic bureau 2A (Two Architects) wasfounded in 1992 by Tomislav Ćurković and ZoranZidarić, multiple laureates of the “Bernardo Bernardi”award commended by Croatian Associationof Architects. Also, they received a special commendationof “Zagreb’s Salon” back in 1994.Their designs and projects, interiors as well exteriors, arecharacterised by exceptional pondering over context,clear and tensed forms, a bias for discreet experimentwith new materials and great concern about meticulousperformance.All previously numbered characteristics of their creativestyle are sublimed in a luxurious family house on Perjavica,the elite residential part of Zagreb, on the locationwith a magnificent view of the city.Such location with an immense potential immediatelydefined basic postulates of design – the whole houseSlike velikih formata preuzimaju ulogu dekorativnihelemenata interijera / The paintings of large dimensionshave a role of interior decorative elements73

Cijela kuća je projektirana imajući na umu široke vidike i panoramu grada / The wholehouse is designed considering these wide open vistas and panoramic sight of the cityis designed considering these wide open vistas andpanoramic sight of the city and implementation of thatunique scenery in the inward life of the house.The body of the house is a derivative of a cube, in volumecourageously cut from the south and east side, inthe shape of prism from the north and west. Shaping ofthe house shows a superior knowledge of inter-relationsof surfaces and volumes, along with ingeniously set directionsof magnetic force lines according to functionaland formatively emphasized parts of the house.Mildly twisted roof is more strongly felt only from its southeastpart, where from horizontal tripartite wreath, whichgoes around the whole house, in a funny way becomesreal straight oblique console, while the horizontal linevisually empowers the tallness.A specific and very rare interaction of facade bricks,large glass surfaces and aluminium panels, where pointsof contacts are emphasized with discreet lining, createsa hybrid organism. Thus created organism puts its visualweight, the role of the base and contact with the terrainas well rustic warmth of the bricks in contrast with the esotericreflection of the sky onto glasses and icy technicalbrightness of thinly profiled aluminium as an upgrade thatis coming from within, as the very essence of the housemade out of it, while the bricks in this context serve assome sort of a skin, on some places bravely removed.On the east, entrance part of the house, the play of variousthemes of the house, surface performance of thefirst and the second plan of the house, could be nicelyobserved. The entering bridge covered in grey stone as74Ulazni most obložen sivim kamenom / The enteringbridge covered in grey stone

Parket punih, toplih tonova diskretno daje pojam prostora/ Parquet in ravishing, warm shades of colour discretelyreveals the spacenew and unique shaping element, rightly puts on someother garment while going under the wall of bricks andending in front of the wall and entrance door made ofaluminium; the garage beneath it is unaccented andhumble. Venetian blinds are also covered in aluminium;so that the form of bricks is only in two-dimensional context- limits of bricks as a material are extended to the maximum.This rich interlacing of materials and various cuttingson the outside in the same time successfully preserves fullprivacy of the inside, because the most opened parts ofthe house have several layers of half-opened spaces, littleterraces, staircases, atria, loggias and patios.Vivaciousness of those half-hidden, half-opened spacesis only an introduction of looseness and complexity of theinside. “Rational extravagancy” – probably good definitionof outward shaping – continuous in the inward spacebut in even more purified form. Unexpected vistas of thecity are like a gift that always surprises from various partsof inner space. Plastic – shaping register of the indoor remainedthe same when related to the outdoor, whichgave to the space, along with almost minimalist combinationof materials, nearly esoteric, timeless dimension.Cut walls and floating surfaces in the simple white, are interlacingover the inside with their infinite play of light andshadow. Parquet in ravishing, warm shades of colour discretelyreveals the space, while pictures of large dimensionshave a role of interior decorative elements. All otherinterior furnishing is discreetly adjusted to this interface offlooring surface and walls, peers and ceilings.Representative inside staircase, maybe the best indicatorof designing capabilities of the authors – stripped offalmost to the banality, are made of metal cords withstep threads between them, while the resting placesare covered in wooden panels. Wooden handrails haveoval cut section and are almost floating above armsand resting places, thus transforming themselves fromelements of utility into abstract vectors, which excitinglyfollow flickering of horizontal surfaces of step threads.A clear leading thought, radical but pure and very rationalshaping, intelligent and innovative usage of materialsand space along with the superior level of technicalperformance makes this house one of true spices ofmodern Croatian housingarchitecture.75

Kultni komadStarckov spojfunkcionalnosti i elegancijeJuicy Salif je jedan od prvih projekata koje je Philippe Starck di<strong>za</strong>jnirao <strong>za</strong> Alessi, a urekordno kratkom roku postao je <strong>za</strong>štitnim znakom te tvrtke. Iako općepoznati predmetpopularne kulture, umjetnička vrijednost mu nikada nije osporavana - u svoju ga jekolekciju uvrstila čak i newyorška MoMa82Piše: Sreæko Horvat

Philippe Patrick Starck (rođen1949.) jedan je od najpoznatijihsvjetskih di<strong>za</strong>jnera i predstavnikatzv. novog di<strong>za</strong>jna.Njegov di<strong>za</strong>jn seže od spektakularnogdi<strong>za</strong>jna interijera do proizvoda<strong>za</strong> široku upotrebu, poput četkica <strong>za</strong>zube, stolica, pa čak i kuća. Školovaose u Parizu, na Ecole Nissim deCamondo, i svoju prvu di<strong>za</strong>jnerskukuću osnovao 1968., a iduće godinepostaje njezin art director <strong>za</strong>jedno sPierreom Cardinom. Od 1975. Starcksamostalno radi kao di<strong>za</strong>jner interijerai produkt di<strong>za</strong>jner. Njegova sekarijera vrtoglavo penje kada 1982.uređuje unutrašnjost privatnog apartmanafrancuskog predsjednikaFrançoisa Mitterranda. Nakon togase bavi sve raznovrsnijim stvarima,pa je tako, među ostalim, di<strong>za</strong>jniraomiš <strong>za</strong> Microsoft, jahte, pa čak i ambalažu<strong>za</strong> pivo. Za razliku od drugihumjetnika “novog di<strong>za</strong>jna”, Starckovse rad ne usredotočuje na stvaranjeprovokativnih i skupih predmeta,nego umjesto toga izrađuje proizvodedostupne širim masama. Njegoviproizvodi su stilizirani i često su konstruiraniod neobičnih kombinacijamaterijala (poput stakla i kamena,plastike i aluminija, itd.). Jedan od najpoznatijih takvihproizvoda – uz stilizirane četkice <strong>za</strong> zube iz 1989. – jest icjedilica <strong>za</strong> limun pod nazivom Juicy Salif iz 1990. godine.Izradio ju je <strong>za</strong> poznatu talijansku tvrtku <strong>za</strong> industrijskidi<strong>za</strong>jn Alessi, <strong>za</strong> koju su radili i Norman Foster, Zaha Hadid,Hans Hollein, Toyo Ito, Charles Jencks, Achille Castiglionii mnogi drugi bez čije bi arhitekture, unutrašnjegdi<strong>za</strong>jna ili predmeta dvadeseto stoljeće bilo ne<strong>za</strong>mislivo.U samo deset godina Alessijev je Juicy Salif postao <strong>za</strong>štitnimznakom te tvrtke, a premda se <strong>za</strong>pravo radi o praktičnojcjedilici <strong>za</strong> voće, u svoju ga je kolekciju uvrstila inewyorška MoMa, dajući mu tako ne samo umjetničkinego i kultni status. Nije ni čudno, jer Starckov je predmetsavršena skulptura: izrađen je od aluminija, a njegovaje visina 29 centimetara. Uz umjetničku vrijednost,Juicy Salif je postao i općepoznati predmet popularnekulture, pa je tako poslužio i <strong>za</strong> scenu iz filma Team America:World Police, u kojem lutke vode ljubav.Kada se prisjetimo podrijetla Starckove ideje, onda jeona utoliko fascinantnija. Juicy Salif je jedan od prvihprojekata koje je Philippe Starck di<strong>za</strong>jnirao <strong>za</strong> Alessi, aAlberto Alessi suradnju opisuje ovako: “Od Starcka samdobio ubrus, a osim očitih tragova (umaka od rajčice)ondje je bilo i nekih skica, i to cjedilice. Počinjale su slijeve strane i kako bi se širile prema desnoj, dobivalesu jednoznačan oblik onoga što će postati Juicy Salif.Kada je jeo lignju i cijedio limun na nju, Starck je naubrus nacrtao svoju poznatu cjedilicu <strong>za</strong> limun.” Akoimamo na umu tu anegdotu, koja je, po svemu sudeći,istinita, onda je na neki način objašnjen i prepoznatljivizgled Juicy Salifa. S tri kraka koja obavijaju čašu,Uvijek nasmiješeni Philippe Starck / Phillipe Starck - always smilingStarckova cjedilica <strong>za</strong> limun doista sliči na lignju ili, akoćemo upotrijebiti metaforu koja je više u skladu s našimpostmodernim dobom, onda na pauka s Marsa (sčime su je mnogi i uspoređivali). To nije ni čudno jersam Starck je u mnogo prigoda izjavio da je poznatipisac znanstvene fantastike Philip K. Dick imao golemutjecaj na njegov rad i često je nazivao svoje proizvodeprema Dickovim likovima (primjerice, poznata stolicaFrancesca Spanish dobila je ime prema liku iz romanaUbik). Ono po čemu je Juicy Salif još poseban jest činjenicada on na svim razinama objedinjuje Starckovudi<strong>za</strong>jnersku filozofiju: on je elegantan i stiliziran, funkcionalani, u<strong>za</strong> sve to, poprilično pristupačan <strong>za</strong> širu publiku.Cijena Juicy Salifa <strong>za</strong> jedan takav proizvod doistanije visoka i kreće se od 80-ak dolara, a cjedilica je vrlopraktična (limun ili neko drugo voće samo se stisne navrh i iscijedi, a tekućina klizi u dolje centriranu čašu) i, <strong>za</strong>razliku od cjedilica koju većina nas koristi svakodnevno,ona se vrlo brzo i lako može isprati.Doduše, bilo je nekoliko kritika na funkcionalnost cjedilai da sok limuna ne curi uvijek u <strong>za</strong> to pripremljenučašu, no i predmet poput stolice Barcelona koja jepredstavljena u prošlom broju – premda ju je, dakle,di<strong>za</strong>jnirao najveći funkcionalist u povijesti – mnogimanije toliko udobna koliko je estetski privlačna. Kako bilo,Starck je jednom rekao da mu je san svijet učiniti boljimmjestom i kako valja nadomjestiti ljepotu – koja je ponjemu kulturni koncept – dobrotom, a na pitanje kojimu je njegov rad pružao najviše <strong>za</strong>dovoljstvo, odgovorioje nedavno da je to uvijek onaj sljedeći. Valja,dakle, pričekati sljedeći.83

A piece of cultStarck’s Mixture ofFunctionality and EleganceJuicy Salif is one of the first Philippe Starck’s designs he made for Alessi. Although beinga mass produced object of popular culture, its artistic value has been never denied– even New York MoMA included it in its collectionPhilippe Patrick Starck (born in 1949) is one of thebest known world designers and representativesof so called New Design. His designs range fromspectacular interior designs to mass producedconsumer goods like toothbrushes, chairs and evenhouses. He was educated in Paris, at Ecole Nissim deCamondo. In 1968 he founded his first designer’s house;next year he became its art director together with PierreCardin. From 1975, Starck has independently worked asan interior and product designer.His career started to climb rapidly in 1982 when hedesigned a private apartment for French presidentFrançoise Mitterrand. After the occasion he has beenengaged in various projects designing, among otherthings, a mouse for Microsoft, yachts and even a newpackaging for beer.84Unlike a majority of New Design artists, Starck’s work isnot focused on creating provocative and expensiveproducts but, instead, products for wide range of consumers.His products are stylized and often composed ofunusual combinations of materials (like glass and stone,plastic and aluminium, etc.).One of the most known products of the kind – besidesstylized toothbrushes from 1989 – is a citrus fruit squeezercalled Juicy Salif from 1990. He designed it for Alessi, awell known Italian company for industrial design, whichengaged numerous designers like Norman Foster, ZahaHadid, Hans Hollein, Toyo Ito, Charles Jencks, AchilleCastiglioni and many others without whose architecture,interior designs or products the twentieth centurywould have been unthinkable.Within merely ten years Juicy Salif became a brand mark

for the company and although it was just a fruit squeezerNew York MoMA included it in its collection, so confirmingnot only artistic but cult status for the object. No wonder,Starck’s product is a perfect sculpture although only 29centimetres high.Along with its artistic value, Juicy Salif became a generallyknown object of popular culture and as such wasused in the movie Team America: World Police for thescene in which dolls make love. If we recall what theorigin of Starck’s idea was, it seems to be even morefascinating.Alberto Alessi describes his cooperation with Starck infollowing words: “Starck gave me a napkin with, besidesobvious traces of tomato juice, some sketches on it of- a squeezer. Sketches spread from the left to the rightmaking one unique shape of something that later willbecome Juicy Salif. Starck designed his famous lemonsqueezer while eating calamari and squeezing a lemonover it.” The story pretty well explains recognisableshape of Juicy Salif. Having three arms which embracethe glass, Starck’s squeezer really resembles squid or, usinga metaphor more appropriate to our times, a spiderfrom Mars (as many had compared it with).This shouldn’t be so strange if we know that Starck manytimes stated that the famous writer of science fiction, PhilipK. Dick, had enormous influence on him and his work;he often named his products after Dick’s characters(for instance, well known chair Francesca Spanish wasnamed after the character of the novel Ubik).But still, there is something else what makes Juicy Salifmore specific; it is its elegance and style, functionalityand, not less important, its availability for wide range ofconsumers. The price of Juicy Salif is not so very high,around 80 dollars. The squeezer is very practical (lemonor some other fruit is to be squeezed at the top whilejuice is sliding down to the centred glass beneath) andeasy for cleaning.Indeed, there were some critics regarding the functionality,that the lemon juice is not always coming intothe glass but we should remember that even items likeBarcelona chair, we wrote about in our last edition – althoughdesigned by the greatest functionalist in history– for many was not so comfortable as it was aestheticallyappealing. Whatsoever, Starck once said thathis dream was to make the world a better place andthat the beauty – a cultural concept according to him– should be replaced with goodness. To the questionwhich design among his many designs brought himmost content, he responded – always the next one.So, we are to wait for the next one.85

Dekoracije86HUTSCHEN REUTHER ZA / FOR ROSENTHAL, www.rosenthal.deKolekcija “Christmas” <strong>za</strong> svečani blagdanski stol / The “Christmas”collection for a festive table

Vrijeme radosti i darivanjaTime of Joy and GivingVrijeme radosti i darivanja je pred nama. Ako vas jeveć uhvatila praznička groznica, prepustite se čarimauređivanja doma.Danas u stvaranju božićnog i novogodišnjeg ambijentačesto prevladava kič, koji bi svojim šarenilom trebaodom učiniti svečanim, ali osjećaj topline, mira i dobrodošliceipak bi trebao biti na prvom mjestu.Nema potrebe pretjerivati s detaljima i stavljati ih u bašsvaki kutak prostorije, bitnije je usredotočiti se samo naodređene njezine dijelove.Maštovito postavljen stol, rasvjeta koja će pridonijetitoplini doma, pokoja dekorativna sitnica, i srce punoljubavi i topline, sve su što vam treba <strong>za</strong> pravi blagdanskiugođaj.Oslobodite svoju kreativnost, jer božićni i novogodišnjiblagdani su pravo vrijeme <strong>za</strong> to.I <strong>za</strong>pamtite, ovo je vrijeme kada je sve dopušteno...Time of joy and giving is ahead of us. If you are caughtby holiday fever, just let yourself into a fascination ofdecorating own home.Nowadays, very often, in creating Christmas and NewYear ambience kitsch is predominating style, aiming tobring an atmosphere of festivity by its motley, but, still, afeeling of cosiness, peace and welcoming should be inthe first place. There is no need to exaggerate in detailsputting them in every available corner of the room;more essential is to focus on some particular part of it.A table decorated with imagination, illumination thatcontributes to the cosiness of the home, some decorativedetails and a heart filled with love and warmth, thisis all you need for wonderful holiday atmosphere.Free your creativity, because Christmas and New Yearare proper time for it. And, remember, this is a timewhen everything is allowed...Pripremila / Edited by: Ana PerišinPIERRE FREY, www.pierrefrey.comCrveni jastuci “Gretel” i “Hans” /Red pillows “Gretel” & “Hans”SAGAFORM, www.sagaform.comBakini kolači više će prijati ako ih poslužimo u prigodnoj kutiji /Granny’s cakes will be tastier if served in proper box87

Dekoracije PIERREFREY, www.pierrefrey.comPrigodna <strong>za</strong>vjesa iz kolekcije “Estrela” <strong>za</strong> one koji preferirajujednostavnost čak i u vrijeme blagdana / Occasionalcurtain from the “Estrela” collection for those who prefersimplicity even in the time of festivity88

SAGAFORM, www.sagaform.com / Crveni tanjur <strong>za</strong> poseban ugođaj / A red plate for a special atmosphereDOMA, www.doma.hrDarovi su još slađi u čizmici s likom Djeda Mra<strong>za</strong> /Gifts are even sweeter in the little Saint Clause’s bootPIERRE FREY, www.pierrefrey.comPoslužavnik iz kolekcije “Estrela” idealan je <strong>za</strong> blagdanskidoručak u krevetu / A tray from the “Estrela” collectionis ideal for a festive breakfast served in bedSAGAFORM, www.sagaform.comStaklena posuda <strong>za</strong> slatkiše /A glass jar for sweetsDOMA, www.doma.hrRasvjeta je jedan od najbitnijih elemenata kod blagdanskog dekoriranja /Lighting is one of the most essential elements for holiday decorations89

PIERRE FREY, www.pierrefrey.comDekoracijePIERRE FREY, www.pierrefrey.comJastuk iz kolekcije “Gourmandise” /A pillow from the “Gourmandise” collectionSAGAFORM, www.sagaform.comNeka život bude bajka uz kolekciju “Xmas” / Let a lifebe a fairy tale with “Xmas” collectionPIERRE FREY, www.pierrefrey.comPoslužavnik “Gourmandise” <strong>za</strong> gurmane /A tray “Gourmandise” for connoisseursDOMA, www.doma.hrSvijeće u obliku novogodišnje jele /Candles in the form of a New Year treeTanjur <strong>za</strong> prave sladokusce/ A plate for real gourmets90

DecorationsHUTSCHEN REUTHER ZA / FOR ROSENTHAL, www.rosenthal.deJelo posluženo u porculanskom posuđu na lijepo dekoriranom stolu više prija / The food servedin porcelain tableware on wonderfully decorated table tastes even better91

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