make up rubric for poster - Waunakee Community School District

make up rubric for poster - Waunakee Community School District

make up rubric for poster - Waunakee Community School District


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<strong>Waunakee</strong> <strong>Community</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> BandsMake-<strong>up</strong> Project: ParadeAssessment Rubric: PosterStudent:Criteria S<strong>up</strong>erior: Above Average Acceptable BelowExpectationsDefine the topicCompletely, clearly, andaccurately defines thetopic.Sufficiently definesthe topic.Topic defined but lackscompleteness, clarity,& /or accuracy.Did not complete.15 points13 points12 points10 pointsSubjectKnowledgeWell researched; subjectknowledge is evidentthroughout. Allin<strong>for</strong>mation is clear,appropriate & correct.Subject knowledge isevident in much of thecontent. In<strong>for</strong>mationis clear, appropriate &correct.Some subject knowledgeis evident. Somein<strong>for</strong>mation is confusing,incorrect orflawed.Subject knowledge isnot evident. In<strong>for</strong>mationis confusing, incorrect,or flawed.15 points13 points12 points10 pointsExplanations &/or descriptionsCompletely, clearly, andaccurately explains &/or describes the topic.25 pointsSufficiently explained& / or describes thetopic.22 pointsTopic explained or defined,but lacks completeness,clarity, &/oraccuracy.20 pointsPoster does not explainor describe thetopic.17 pointsLabelsGraphicsSpelling andGrammarAll items of importanceare clearly labeled witha label that can beread from at least 3 ft.away.10 pointsMore than 10 visualpictures/ illustrations/graphics that pertainto the topic.10 pointsPoster has no morethan one error in spelling& grammar.10 pointsAlmost all items ofimportance are clearlylabeled with labels thatcan be read from atleast 3 ft. away.9 pointsMore than 6 visual pictures/illustrations/graphics that pertainto the topic.9 pointsPoster has no morethan two errors inspelling & grammar.9 pointsMany items of importanceare clearly labeledwith labels thatcan be read from atleast 3 ft. away.8 pointsLess than 6 visual pictures/illustrations/graphics that pertainto the topic.8 pointsPoster has no morethan four errors inspelling & grammar.8 pointsLabels are too small toview OR no importantitems were labeled.7 pointsGraphics do not pertainto the topic.7 pointsPoster five or moreerrors in spelling &grammar.7 pointsVisual AppealVery colorful, neat,detailed, inviting, professional,& eyecatching.15 pointsColorful, neat, detailed,& professional.13 pointsRequires more color,neatness, &/or details.12 pointsSignificantly lacking incolor, detail, neatness,&/or professionalism.10 points

<strong>Waunakee</strong> <strong>Community</strong> Middle <strong>School</strong> BandsAll <strong>make</strong>-<strong>up</strong>projects are duewithin one week ofthe missed per<strong>for</strong>mance.If no projectis submitted, a "0"will be entered <strong>for</strong>that per<strong>for</strong>mance.You will receivefull points and nograde penalty <strong>for</strong>the absence as longas you turn in aMake-<strong>up</strong> Project: ParadeProject Ideas and Guidelines:quality project bythe deadline.All <strong>make</strong>-<strong>up</strong>projects should beof "publishable"quality, meaningthey are goodenough to be laminatedand displayedin the band room orpublished on theMS Band Webpage.An “A” levelproject should take3-5 hours to complete.Studentsshould be sure thatall text is in theirown words and isedited <strong>for</strong> sentencestructure,punctuation andspelling.Help with ideasor resources isavailable from Ms.Braun—just ask.Create a very large<strong>poster</strong> or web pageson the followingtopics: Our marchingstyle. Our Concert andMarchingUni<strong>for</strong>ms Syttendi MaiParade Memorial DayAll <strong>poster</strong>s/ webpages should includegraphics, text, &photos.Be sure to includehistoricalin<strong>for</strong>mation toexplain thesignificance andreasoning behindwhat we do.Use the space below to brainstorm andplan your project.Be very specific andcomplete! Theparadeper<strong>for</strong>mances arethe culmination of 6weeks of work. Yourproject shouldreflect the sameef<strong>for</strong>t and attentionto detail that isexpected in classand in per<strong>for</strong>mance.

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