Limpopo Leader - University of Limpopo

Limpopo Leader - University of Limpopo

Limpopo Leader - University of Limpopo


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Campus with a pastTHE HIGHS AND LOWS FROM THE TOPaAN IMPORTANT THING THAT PROFESSOR LENKARLSSON LEARNED FROM THE ‘HIGH SOCIETY’CONTACT DURING HIS YEARS AS VICE-PRINCIPALOF MEDUNSA IN THE LATE 80S WAS THAT ‘THEMORE PEOPLE HAD TRULY ACHIEVED IN LIFE, THEHUMBLER THEY WERE. They had no need to jockeyfor the most important places at the dinner table orsmile endlessly for photographers’. It was an interestinglesson, but it dwarfed against the myriad <strong>of</strong> otherlessons he experienced while on the fifth floor.Something that invariably either tugged at theheartstrings or provoked a smile or a chuckle, werethe bursary committee meetings. As Vice-Principal,Karlsson was chairman <strong>of</strong> the committee. By far themajority <strong>of</strong> students needed financial support for theirstudies, he recalls. Most came from extremely disadvantagedbackgrounds, and several had single mothersworking as domestic servants, trying desperately to scrapetogether enough money for their child’s education.Sadly, these were the people who <strong>of</strong>ten becamevictims <strong>of</strong> unscrupulous and merciless loan sharks.Karlsson invested a large portion <strong>of</strong> his time to tryto build the fund’s resources. ‘It was not easy,’ hesays. ‘Medunsa students had received considerablenegative publicity following strike action and damageto property. A common response to a request forfunding assistance was, ‘if that is the quality <strong>of</strong>students and potential doctors, we’re not interested’.Karlsson gives credit to many students who went insearch <strong>of</strong> sponsorship for themselves. Many were successful,so much so that negative perceptions held by manycompanies changed when they met the students face t<strong>of</strong>ace and heard their side <strong>of</strong> the boycott story – theintimidation, the threats to parents and family, and so on.There were, <strong>of</strong> course, also many chancers; thosestudents who were convinced that they were theSWEDISH VISITOR 1985 – Pr<strong>of</strong>essor EL Karlsson (Vice-Dean, Medicine) ,Miss A Robertson (Nursing Science), Mrs L Fridolv (Press Liaison Officer <strong>of</strong> SA Foundation in Sweden), Mr H SvenssonP A G E 3 0

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