The Condition of Postmodernity 13 - autonomous learning

The Condition of Postmodernity 13 - autonomous learning The Condition of Postmodernity 13 - autonomous learning
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370IndexIndex 371Haussmann, G. 16, 25, 204Heath, T. 167Hegel, G. 273, 282Heidegger, M. 20, 35, 49, 207-9, 217,273, 277, 304, 351, 357Helgerson, R. 228, 247Hemingway, E. 31Hewison, R. 62, 85-7Hitler, A. 13, 33, 114, 208Horkheimer, M. 13Howard, E. 69, 71, 127Hume, D. 27Huyssens, A. 36-9, 47-8, 58, 113Isaacs, W. 169Jackson, J. 358Jacobs, J. 3, 40, 71, 76-7, 82, 139, 276Jager, M. 79Jameson, F. 37, 42, 53-4, 58, 62-3, 83,88, 117, 201, 261, 285, 287, 291,304, 309, 351Jefferson, T. 255, 257, 271Jencks, c. 7, 39, 75, 77, 82-3, 87,115-16, 301-2Jessop, B. 168John Paul II, Pope 41Johnson, P. 71, 114, 292, 356Joyce, J. 20, 28, 30, 36, 201, 267Kandinsky, W. 28, 280Kant, I. 19, 207Kennedy, J. 329Kern, S. 265-7, 270-2, 274, 277-8, 306Keynes, J. 129King, M. L. 88Klee, P. 12, 28Klimt, G. 30, 275Klotz, H. 93, 97Kostof, S. 244-5, 247Koyre, A. 246Kracauer, S. 11Krier, L. 67-8, 77, 79, 82-3, 97Kroker, A. 42Kropotkin, Prince 127Kuhn, T. 9Lacan, J. 53Laffer, T. 329Landes, D. 226, 228Lane, B. 33Lash, S. 135, 159, 173-4, 338Lawrence, D. H. 28, 36, 266Le Corbusier 6, 21-3, 26, 30-1, 34-6,39, 68-71, 115-16, 127-8, 204, 271,275, 278, 281Le Goff, J. 227-8, 230Lee, D. 40Lefaivre, M. 264Lefebvre, H. 218-19, 223, 226, 237, 254,266, 273Leger, F. 29, 271Lenin, I. 30, 88, 127, 279Lessing, D. 291Lipietz, A. 121-2, 155Loos, A. 275Lukacs, G. 16, 341Lunn, E. 20Luxemburg, R. 279Lyotard, J. 44-7, 49, 52, 87, 113, 117,210, 273, 292, 299, 357McCarthy, J. 37McFarlane, J. 15, 20, 24-5, 28, 266McHale, T. 48, 56, 206, 301-2McLuhan, M. 293, 353McWilliams, C. 330, 354Mach, E. 30Mackinder, H. 275Malthus, T. 15Mandel, E. 63, 285Manet, E. 21, 28, 54-5, 263, 272Mann, T. 28Mao Zedong 16Marshall, A. 205, 265Martin, R. 294Marvell, A. 247Marx, K. 11, 14, 29, 42, 45, 47, 51, 53-4,99-102, 104-5, 107-12, 115-16,125, 179-80, 186-8, 191, 205, 227,230-1,236, 261, 273, 280, 282, 287-8, 316, 328, 341, 353-4Matisse, H. 28Mill, J. 28Miller, J. H. 357-8Monet, J. 272Montesquieu, c.-L. 250, 252Moore, C. 93-4, 97, 216Morris, W. 24, 272Moses, R. 16, 69, 127Murray, F. 189Mussolini, B. 33, 126-7Napoleon I 232Napoleon III 235Newman, C. 42, 58, 60-2, 350Newton, I. 244, 246-7, 249, 252Niemeyer, O. 281Nietzsche, F. 15, 18-19, 30, 42, 44, 52,209, 267, 273-4, 292, 351Nixon, R. 167, 330Noble, D. 160Norris, F. 265Noyelle, T. 157O'Connor, J. 138Offe, C. 159Ollman, B. 51, 341Ortega y Gasset, J. 267Ozouf, M. 257Pater, W. 207Pereire, E. 257Petain, M. 282Pfiel, F. 316Philip II 247Picasso, P. 17, 28-9, 34, 51, 267, 280Piore, M. 189-90Pis sarro, C. 21Poe, E. A. 27Poggioli, R. 12, 20, 22, 359Pollert, A. 190-1Pollock, J. 21, 36-7Pope, A. 13Pound, E. 28, 31, 33, 36Proudhon, P.-J. 189Proust, M. 20, 28, 36, 201, 267Pynchon, T. 291, 322Raban,J. 3-5, 7, 9, 12, 26, 58, 67, 83, 97,299Raphael, M. 34, 110Ratzel, F. 275Rauschenberg, R. 55, 292Reagan, R. 166, 168, 202, 306, 329-30,331, 336Rees-Mogg, W. 233Reich, R. 158, 163Relph, T. 23Rivera, D. 31Rochberg-Halton, E. 292Rockefeller, J. 71, 233Roderick, J. 158Rohatyn, F. 163Roosevelt, F. 126, 129Rorty, R. 9, 52, 56, 314, 357Rossi, A. 40, 83, 85, 97Roszak, T. 3Rothko, M. 36Rothschild, N. 232, 262Rousseau, J.-J. 14, 19, 250, 252Rowe, C. 76Rowthorn, R. 294Rubens, P. 55Sabel, C. 189-90Sack, R. 237Safdie, M. 356Saint-Simon, H. 19, 27, 29, 249, 257Salle, D. 48, 63Sartre, J.-P. 207Saussure, F. 28Saxton, C. 228Sayer, A. 190Schiele, E. 275Schoenberg, E. 28Schorske, C. 11, 25, 276, 278Schumpeter, J. 16, 18, 32, 105, 129, 174Scott, A. 190Scott, R. 308Shakespeare, W. 247Sharf, K. 352Shelley, P. B. 19Sherman, C. 7, 58-9, 101, 316, 322Simmel, G. 11, 26, 79, 171, 272, 286,289, 316, 347Sitte, C. 25, 276, 305, 317Smith, A. 1, 27, 29, 122, 205, 252

372IndexSoja, E. 284Sorel, G. 34Speed, J. 247Speer, A. 33, 114Stalin, J. 13Stanback, T. 157Stein, G. 18, 271, 278Stravinsky, I. 28Sugar, A. 352Sullivan, L. 27, 272Swyngedouw, E. 173, 176, 338Valery, P. 346Vallaud, C. 275van der Rohe, M. 21, 23, 31, 35, 42, 68,70, 89, 114, 278VeLizquez 55Venturi, R. 40, 59, 60, 68, 82Virilio, P. 293, 299, 351Voltaire, F. 27agner, (). 25, 276-7, 282agner, R. 277alker, R. 157Tarbell, I. 233 alton, J. 170Taylor, B. 30, 51, 85, 278, 290, 351-2, Weber, M. 15, 45, 205elles, (). 37359Taylor, F. 28, 125, 127-8Thatcher, M. 166, 168, 237, 306Therborn, G. 168Thompson, E. 115, 230-1Tichi, C. 23Titian 54Toffler, A. 286, 289, 291Tomlins, C. 133Touraine, A. 49Trilling, L. 10Turgot, A.-R. 255Ure, A. 125Urry, J. 135, 159, 173-4, 284, 338enders, . 320-3, 350, 359illiams, R. 347illiams, . 31ilson, . 165, 192inder, . 308ittgenstein, L. 46oolf, V. 28, 266right, F. 19, 26, 69, 127Yeats, . B. 11Zola, E. 265, 272Zukin, S. 82absolute surplus value 186-7advertising 23, 39, 59-60, 63, 102, 123,15 16 22 28 330aestheticization of politics 31-5,109-10, 117, 207-10, 273, 281-2,299, 304-5aesthetics 3, 8, 10, 12, 18, 19, 27-33,36-7, 56, 58, 60-3, 66-100, 102,112, 114, 116-18, 126, 136, 156,172, 201, 205-10, 245, 265, 277,280-4, 303-5, 308, 311,321-2, 327,329, 3 36-7, 347-7, 354, 357, 359architecture 5-7, 18-21, 27, 30-1, 36,38-40, 42, 51, 54, 59, 60, 62, 66-98,114-15, 205-6, 209, 217-18, 244-7,255, 271, 280, 292, 301, 311, 356art 5, 10, 12, 19-24, 28-9, 33-7, 42, 48,54-6, 61, 98, 206-7, 244-5, 267-83,290, 292, 298, 303, 339, 346-9art market 7, 33, 62, 272, 290-2, 298artists 19-24, 28-9, 35, 60-1, 241-2,261-83, 290-2, 298, 346-9avant-garde 12, 19-22, 27, 29, 35, 59, 76,97, 109, 283, 339, 341Becoming 205, 207-10, 213, 244, 257,273, 283, 304, 31 318-2 339,341, 359Being 205, 207-10, 213, 217-18, 257,273, 277, 283, 304, 318-21, 341, 359capital 51, 111, 137, 142, 164-5, 182-4,257, 262, 277, 296, 299, 302, 343-5Subject indexcapital accumulation (circulation) 77,103-9, 121, 124, 142, 180-97,201-2, 217, 238-9, 244, 257-8, 280,282-3, 288, 297, 303, 306, 327,343-6, 351capitalism 17, 27, 29, 35, 39, 42, 45-6,51, 53, 60-1, 63, 68, 70, 71, 80,99-1 12, 115, 121-97, 204, 209-10,214, 216-17, 223, 226-39, 240-1,252, 260, 264-5, 287, 293-7, 303,332, 345-5centralization 158-9, 341chaos 6, 9, 11, 16, 20, 44, 74, 86, 98, 277,311, 317chronometers 242-53, 270cinema 23, 37, 48, 207, 280, 291, 293,300-1, 308-23, 348cities 3, 5, 6, 20, 26-3 1, 35, 66-98,213-14, 228, 232, 247, 271, 276-7,295, 301-2, 304, 309-11, 3 14-17,331, 356class 3, 10, 14, 24, 27, 29, 33-5, 45, 47,59-61, 7 80, 82, 102-1113, 133,180, 191-2, 203, 223, 227, 234-9,242, 253-4, 258, 260, 266, 273, 276,289, 314, 316, 322. 33 336, 347-355, 358class struggle 102-4, 108, 127-9, 133,153, 167-8, 180, 184, 186, 205, 210,227-8, 231-9, 242, 261-2, 294, 303,316, 355, 358collage 21, 40, 48, 51, 61, 82-3, 98,302-3, 338

370IndexIndex 371Haussmann, G. 16, 25, 204Heath, T. 167Hegel, G. 273, 282Heidegger, M. 20, 35, 49, 207-9, 217,273, 277, 304, 351, 357Helgerson, R. 228, 247Hemingway, E. 31Hewison, R. 62, 85-7Hitler, A. <strong>13</strong>, 33, 114, 208Horkheimer, M. <strong>13</strong>Howard, E. 69, 71, 127Hume, D. 27Huyssens, A. 36-9, 47-8, 58, 1<strong>13</strong>Isaacs, W. 169Jackson, J. 358Jacobs, J. 3, 40, 71, 76-7, 82, <strong>13</strong>9, 276Jager, M. 79Jameson, F. 37, 42, 53-4, 58, 62-3, 83,88, 117, 201, 261, 285, 287, 291,304, 309, 351Jefferson, T. 255, 257, 271Jencks, c. 7, 39, 75, 77, 82-3, 87,115-16, 301-2Jessop, B. 168John Paul II, Pope 41Johnson, P. 71, 114, 292, 356Joyce, J. 20, 28, 30, 36, 201, 267Kandinsky, W. 28, 280Kant, I. 19, 207Kennedy, J. 329Kern, S. 265-7, 270-2, 274, 277-8, 306Keynes, J. 129King, M. L. 88Klee, P. 12, 28Klimt, G. 30, 275Klotz, H. 93, 97Kost<strong>of</strong>, S. 244-5, 247Koyre, A. 246Kracauer, S. 11Krier, L. 67-8, 77, 79, 82-3, 97Kroker, A. 42Kropotkin, Prince 127Kuhn, T. 9Lacan, J. 53Laffer, T. 329Landes, D. 226, 228Lane, B. 33Lash, S. <strong>13</strong>5, 159, 173-4, 338Lawrence, D. H. 28, 36, 266Le Corbusier 6, 21-3, 26, 30-1, 34-6,39, 68-71, 115-16, 127-8, 204, 271,275, 278, 281Le G<strong>of</strong>f, J. 227-8, 230Lee, D. 40Lefaivre, M. 264Lefebvre, H. 218-19, 223, 226, 237, 254,266, 273Leger, F. 29, 271Lenin, I. 30, 88, 127, 279Lessing, D. 291Lipietz, A. 121-2, 155Loos, A. 275Lukacs, G. 16, 341Lunn, E. 20Luxemburg, R. 279Lyotard, J. 44-7, 49, 52, 87, 1<strong>13</strong>, 117,210, 273, 292, 299, 357McCarthy, J. 37McFarlane, J. 15, 20, 24-5, 28, 266McHale, T. 48, 56, 206, 301-2McLuhan, M. 293, 353McWilliams, C. 330, 354Mach, E. 30Mackinder, H. 275Malthus, T. 15Mandel, E. 63, 285Manet, E. 21, 28, 54-5, 263, 272Mann, T. 28Mao Zedong 16Marshall, A. 205, 265Martin, R. 294Marvell, A. 247Marx, K. 11, 14, 29, 42, 45, 47, 51, 53-4,99-102, 104-5, 107-12, 115-16,125, 179-80, 186-8, 191, 205, 227,230-1,236, 261, 273, 280, 282, 287-8, 316, 328, 341, 353-4Matisse, H. 28Mill, J. 28Miller, J. H. 357-8Monet, J. 272Montesquieu, c.-L. 250, 252Moore, C. 93-4, 97, 216Morris, W. 24, 272Moses, R. 16, 69, 127Murray, F. 189Mussolini, B. 33, 126-7Napoleon I 232Napoleon III 235Newman, C. 42, 58, 60-2, 350Newton, I. 244, 246-7, 249, 252Niemeyer, O. 281Nietzsche, F. 15, 18-19, 30, 42, 44, 52,209, 267, 273-4, 292, 351Nixon, R. 167, 330Noble, D. 160Norris, F. 265Noyelle, T. 157O'Connor, J. <strong>13</strong>8Offe, C. 159Ollman, B. 51, 341Ortega y Gasset, J. 267Ozouf, M. 257Pater, W. 207Pereire, E. 257Petain, M. 282Pfiel, F. 316Philip II 247Picasso, P. 17, 28-9, 34, 51, 267, 280Piore, M. 189-90Pis sarro, C. 21Poe, E. A. 27Poggioli, R. 12, 20, 22, 359Pollert, A. 190-1Pollock, J. 21, 36-7Pope, A. <strong>13</strong>Pound, E. 28, 31, 33, 36Proudhon, P.-J. 189Proust, M. 20, 28, 36, 201, 267Pynchon, T. 291, 322Raban,J. 3-5, 7, 9, 12, 26, 58, 67, 83, 97,299Raphael, M. 34, 110Ratzel, F. 275Rauschenberg, R. 55, 292Reagan, R. 166, 168, 202, 306, 329-30,331, 336Rees-Mogg, W. 233Reich, R. 158, 163Relph, T. 23Rivera, D. 31Rochberg-Halton, E. 292Rockefeller, J. 71, 233Roderick, J. 158Rohatyn, F. 163Roosevelt, F. 126, 129Rorty, R. 9, 52, 56, 314, 357Rossi, A. 40, 83, 85, 97Roszak, T. 3Rothko, M. 36Rothschild, N. 232, 262Rousseau, J.-J. 14, 19, 250, 252Rowe, C. 76Rowthorn, R. 294Rubens, P. 55Sabel, C. 189-90Sack, R. 237Safdie, M. 356Saint-Simon, H. 19, 27, 29, 249, 257Salle, D. 48, 63Sartre, J.-P. 207Saussure, F. 28Saxton, C. 228Sayer, A. 190Schiele, E. 275Schoenberg, E. 28Schorske, C. 11, 25, 276, 278Schumpeter, J. 16, 18, 32, 105, 129, 174Scott, A. 190Scott, R. 308Shakespeare, W. 247Sharf, K. 352Shelley, P. B. 19Sherman, C. 7, 58-9, 101, 316, 322Simmel, G. 11, 26, 79, 171, 272, 286,289, 316, 347Sitte, C. 25, 276, 305, 317Smith, A. 1, 27, 29, 122, 205, 252

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