The Condition of Postmodernity 13 - autonomous learning

The Condition of Postmodernity 13 - autonomous learning The Condition of Postmodernity 13 - autonomous learning
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-c-362 ReferencesDeyo, F. (1987): 'Labor systems, segmentation and the politics of labor: theEast Asian NIC's in the transnational division of labor.' Paper presentedto the American Sociological Association, Chicago.Dicken, P. (1986): Global shift: industrial change in a turbulent world.London.Dockes, P. (1969): L'espace dans la pensee economique du xvr au xvnrsiecle. Paris. .Durkheim, E. (1915): The elementary forms of the religious life . London.Eagleton, T. (1987): 'Awakening from modernity.' Times Literary Supplement,20 February 1987.Eco, U. (1986): 'Function and the sign: an introduction to urban semiotics.'In M. Gottdiener and A. Lagopoulos (eds): The city and the sign: anintroduction to urban semiotics. New York.Edgerton, S. (1976): Th e renaissance re-discovery of linear perspective. NewYork.Edwards, R. (1979): Contested terrain: the transformation of the workplacein the twentieth century. New York.Farias, V. (1987): H eidegger et Ie nazisme. Paris.Fayol, H. (1916): Administration industrielle et generale. Paris.Ferry, L. and Renault, A. (1988): Heidegger et les modernes. Paris.Feyerabend, P. (1975): Against method. London.Fish, S. (1980): Is there a text in this class? The authority of interpretivecommunities. Cambridge, Mass ... Fishman, R. (1982): Urban utopias in the twentieth century. Cambridge,Mass.Flaubert, G. (1964): Sentimental education. Harmondsworth.Flaubert, G. (1979): Letters, 1830-57. London.Foster, H. (1985): Recodings: art, spectacle, cultural politics. Port Townsend,Washington.Foster, H. (ed.) (1983): The anti-aesthetic: essays on postmodern culture.Port Townsend, Washington.Foster, J. (1974): Class struggle in the industrial revolution. London.Foucault, M. (1972): Power/knowledge. New York.Foucault, M. (1984): The Foucault reader (ed. P. Rabinow). Harmondsworth.Frampton, K. (1980): Modern architecture: a critical history. London.Frisby, D. (1985): Fragments of modernity. Cambridge.Giddens, A. (1984): The constitution of society. Oxford.- Giedion, S. (1941): Space, time and architecture. New York.Gilligan, C. (1982): In a different voice: psychological theory and women'sdevelopment. Cambridge, Mass.Giovannini, l (1988): 'Breaking all the rules.' New York Times Magazine,12 June 1988.Goldberger, P. (1988): 'Theories as the building blocks for a new style.'New York Times, 26 June 1988.Goldthorpe, l, et al. (1969): The affluent worker in the class structure.Cambridge.Gordon, D. (1978): 'Capitalist development and the history of AmericanReferences 363cities.' In W. Tabb and L. Sawers (eds), Marxism and the metropolis. NewYork.Gordon, D. (1988): 'The global economy: new edifice or crumbling foundations?'New Left Review, 168, 24-65.Gramsci, A. (1971): Selections from the prison notebooks. London." Gregory, D. and Urry, J. (eds) (1985): Social relations and spatial structures.London.Guilbaut, S. (1983): How New York stole the idea of modern art. Chicago.Gurvitch, G. 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-c-362 ReferencesDeyo, F. (1987): 'Labor systems, segmentation and the politics <strong>of</strong> labor: theEast Asian NIC's in the transnational division <strong>of</strong> labor.' Paper presentedto the American Sociological Association, Chicago.Dicken, P. (1986): Global shift: industrial change in a turbulent world.London.Dockes, P. (1969): L'espace dans la pensee economique du xvr au xvnrsiecle. Paris. .Durkheim, E. (1915): <strong>The</strong> elementary forms <strong>of</strong> the religious life . London.Eagleton, T. (1987): 'Awakening from modernity.' Times Literary Supplement,20 February 1987.Eco, U. (1986): 'Function and the sign: an introduction to urban semiotics.'In M. Gottdiener and A. Lagopoulos (eds): <strong>The</strong> city and the sign: anintroduction to urban semiotics. New York.Edgerton, S. (1976): Th e renaissance re-discovery <strong>of</strong> linear perspective. NewYork.Edwards, R. (1979): Contested terrain: the transformation <strong>of</strong> the workplacein the twentieth century. New York.Farias, V. (1987): H eidegger et Ie nazisme. Paris.Fayol, H. (1916): Administration industrielle et generale. Paris.Ferry, L. and Renault, A. (1988): Heidegger et les modernes. Paris.Feyerabend, P. (1975): Against method. London.Fish, S. (1980): Is there a text in this class? <strong>The</strong> authority <strong>of</strong> interpretivecommunities. Cambridge, Mass ... Fishman, R. (1982): Urban utopias in the twentieth century. Cambridge,Mass.Flaubert, G. (1964): Sentimental education. Harmondsworth.Flaubert, G. (1979): Letters, 1830-57. London.Foster, H. (1985): Recodings: art, spectacle, cultural politics. Port Townsend,Washington.Foster, H. (ed.) (1983): <strong>The</strong> anti-aesthetic: essays on postmodern culture.Port Townsend, Washington.Foster, J. (1974): Class struggle in the industrial revolution. London.Foucault, M. (1972): Power/knowledge. 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(1975): Paracriticisms: seven speculations <strong>of</strong> the times. Urbana, Ill.Hassan, I. (1985): '<strong>The</strong> culture <strong>of</strong> postmodernism.' <strong>The</strong>ory, Culture andSociety, 2 (3), 119-32.Heidegger, M. (1959): An introduction to Metaphysics. New Haven, Conn.Helgerson, R. (1986): '<strong>The</strong> land speaks: cartography, chorography, andsubversion in Renaissance England.' Representations, 16, 51-85.Herf, l (1984): Reactionary modernism. Cambridge.Hewison, R. (1987): <strong>The</strong> heritage industry. London.Horkheimer, M. and Adorno, T. (1972): <strong>The</strong> dialectic <strong>of</strong> Enlightenment.New York.Hunt Commission Report (1971): Financial structure and regulation.Washington, DC.Huyssens, A. (1984): 'Mapping the post-modern.' New German Critique,33, 5-52.Institute <strong>of</strong> Personnel Management (1986): Flexible patterns <strong>of</strong> work. London.Jager, M. (1986): 'Class definition and the esthetics <strong>of</strong> gentrification.' In N.Smith and P. Williams (eds). <strong>The</strong> gentrification <strong>of</strong> the city. London.

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