ECR 2013.indd - Agfa HealthCare

ECR 2013.indd - Agfa HealthCare ECR 2013.indd - Agfa HealthCare
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CENTRO DE ESPECIALIDADES MÉDICAS AMBULATORIAS (CEMA), MAR DEL PLATA, ARGENTINANew diagnostic center strengthenshealthcare network and enables moreeffective care across municipalityCompletely digital approach aligns with government’s aim to evolve towards preventivehealthcareInterviewees Dr. Alejandro Cristaldi, General Manager · Germán Giles, Medical Technology DirectorUnlike other health service models inArgentina, the Centro de EspecialidadesMédicas Ambulatorias (CEMA, Centerof Specialized Ambulatory Medicine)was designed to be completely digital,right from the start. The objective forCEMA was to support the 32 Centersof Primary Healthcare of the GeneralPueyrredón Municipality, along withtwo provincial hospitals. Through itsspecialized diagnostic technology andhealthcare professionals, CEMA servesas a key link between the first andthird levels of the healthcare system,optimizing healthcare in the publicsector.The city of Mar del Plata, Argentina’smost important tourist center, islocated on the Atlantic coast, about400 kilometers south of the capital,Buenos Aires. CEMA, the area's newestand most technologically-advanceddiagnostic center, opened its doorsthere in late 2012. Designed toprovide medium- and high-complexitydiagnostics to inhabitants of the region,CEMA will serve up to 1,500 patientsper day.8 THERE“Our completely digital site isperceived as a benchmark forhealthcare in Latin America.”Dr. Alejandro Cristaldi, General ManagerThis state-of-the-art facility featuresthe latest ecologically-sustainablebuilding materials and systems, andwas funded by Argentina's national andprovincial governments. Dr. AlejandroCristaldi is General Manager of CEMA,and also Undersecretary of MunicipalHealth. "This project, included in themunicipal healthcare system, wasdesigned by mayor Gustavo Pulti,and Dr. Alejandro Ferro, Secretary ofMunicipal Health. We are very pleasedwith the building’s design," he says, ofthe 6,200 square meter, three-storeypurpose-built center. "But I alwayssay that CEMA’s main asset is itsinformatics profile."Shaping the project profileOnce Agfa HealthCare was awardedthe contract, it helped to shape thatproject profile from the earliest stagesof implementation. Local governmentadministrators turned to AgfaHealthCare experts to help define thetechnology and workflow requirements."The local team from Agfa HealthCarewas of inestimable value during theprocess of the project, as they offereddifferent types of specialized knowledgeto help identify the specific needs," saysGermán Giles, Medical TechnologyDirector at CEMA.Most of the examinations performed atCEMA are in the areas of CT, MRI, X-ray,ultrasound, echocardiography, andmammography. Patients are referredby physicians at any of the 32 primaryhealthcare centers in the municipality,which could be up to 30 kilometersaway. Before CEMA, there were onlyfour centers in this system providing

conventional radiology. Now, there areseven centers in the network providingdigital radiology, around the clock, andthe images from these health centers areread in real-time by the radiologists atCEMA.Digital patient recordsimprove security and minimizeduplicationThe changes in the way healthcare ismanaged in the municipality go waybeyond this improved use of radiologyresources. Before CEMA startedoperations, all patient information forthe municipality was handled on paper,including medical records, radiologyfilms, etc. Now, this information ismanaged digitally. Once the patient ischecked in, the system receives theirdemographics and personal details,so there is no need to transcribe thepatient's personal information orre-perform imaging studies, improvingpatient security and minimizing examduplication."The digital solutions from AgfaHealthCare play a central role at thecenter, helping us to meet our goalsfor high-quality diagnostics and forconnectivity," says Germán Giles. Thecenter uses a range of CR solutions fromAgfa HealthCare, including theCR 30-X, CR 35-X and CR 85-X. It startedwith CR to be able to use the analogradiology equipment in place in theprimary healthcare centers, and alsobecause CEMA received some analogmammography equipment as a donationfrom the Buenos Aires province. Radiologyworkflow is managed with an IMPAX RIS/PACS solution, and the center also usesiPlan, Agfa HealthCare's internet-basedenterprise scheduling and planningsolution.Technology to enable preventivehealthcareIn addition to all of the efficiencyimprovements that the technologyenables, there are also important gainsbeing made in the area of preventivehealthcare. The network makes thesolutions more widely available, and italso grants access to a wider professionaloffer. Day by day, as the project“The digital solutions from AgfaHealthCare play a central roleat the center, helping us tomeet our goals for high-qualitydiagnostics and for connectivity.”Germán Giles, Medical Technology Directorgrows, physicians, technologists, andadministrative staff are being added to thenetwork.This is making a significant impact onthe health of the population. Becausethey have access to more equipment andprofessional expertise, diseases may bediagnosed faster. Healthcare providersare working with health protocols thatdetermine what studies are needed, andhow to make the best use of the facilitiesand all the solutions both in the CEMA andthe health centers. "This is generating amajor cultural change, not only from thetechnology point of view, but also on themedical side by standardizing processes ofpatient care," says Dr. Alejandro Cristaldi.THERE 9

conventional radiology. Now, there areseven centers in the network providingdigital radiology, around the clock, andthe images from these health centers areread in real-time by the radiologists atCEMA.Digital patient recordsimprove security and minimizeduplicationThe changes in the way healthcare ismanaged in the municipality go waybeyond this improved use of radiologyresources. Before CEMA startedoperations, all patient information forthe municipality was handled on paper,including medical records, radiologyfilms, etc. Now, this information ismanaged digitally. Once the patient ischecked in, the system receives theirdemographics and personal details,so there is no need to transcribe thepatient's personal information orre-perform imaging studies, improvingpatient security and minimizing examduplication."The digital solutions from <strong>Agfa</strong><strong>HealthCare</strong> play a central role at thecenter, helping us to meet our goalsfor high-quality diagnostics and forconnectivity," says Germán Giles. Thecenter uses a range of CR solutions from<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong>, including theCR 30-X, CR 35-X and CR 85-X. It startedwith CR to be able to use the analogradiology equipment in place in theprimary healthcare centers, and alsobecause CEMA received some analogmammography equipment as a donationfrom the Buenos Aires province. Radiologyworkflow is managed with an IMPAX RIS/PACS solution, and the center also usesiPlan, <strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong>'s internet-basedenterprise scheduling and planningsolution.Technology to enable preventivehealthcareIn addition to all of the efficiencyimprovements that the technologyenables, there are also important gainsbeing made in the area of preventivehealthcare. The network makes thesolutions more widely available, and italso grants access to a wider professionaloffer. Day by day, as the project“The digital solutions from <strong>Agfa</strong><strong>HealthCare</strong> play a central roleat the center, helping us tomeet our goals for high-qualitydiagnostics and for connectivity.”Germán Giles, Medical Technology Directorgrows, physicians, technologists, andadministrative staff are being added to thenetwork.This is making a significant impact onthe health of the population. Becausethey have access to more equipment andprofessional expertise, diseases may bediagnosed faster. Healthcare providersare working with health protocols thatdetermine what studies are needed, andhow to make the best use of the facilitiesand all the solutions both in the CEMA andthe health centers. "This is generating amajor cultural change, not only from thetechnology point of view, but also on themedical side by standardizing processes ofpatient care," says Dr. Alejandro Cristaldi.THERE 9

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