ECR 2013.indd - Agfa HealthCare

ECR 2013.indd - Agfa HealthCare ECR 2013.indd - Agfa HealthCare
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PIUS HOSPITAL OLDENBURG, GERMANYWireless detector helps hospital addressefficiency goalsSmall device delivers big benefits including cost savings, seamless integration intoworkflow and sharing options for flexible useInterviewees Priv.-Doz. Dr. Alexander Kluge, Director of the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology · Jutta Juilfs, Head Technologistimaging and pathology exams thanother hospitals of this size, which meansproductivity is paramount. Advancedimaging technology and PACS play akey role here in creating an efficientworkflow for physicians’ reports andstudy comparisons, and enablinga smooth interchange with clinicaldepartments and referring physicians.Previously, a cassette-based imagingsystem was in place, used formammography and in the emergencydepartment. “We decided to upgradefrom imaging cassettes to a wirelessdetector, which would make workflowsmore convenient and faster, andalso save on cassette costs,” saysDr. Alexander Kluge, Director ofthe Institute for Diagnostic andInterventional Radiology.Pius Hospital, located in the northeastregion of Germany, serves a widegeographical area, providing both generalmedical services and highly specializedexpertise. Over the last 10 years, PiusHospital has gone through a process ofcomplete refurbishment, including thehospital building as well as its medicaltechnology. The introduction of a DX-D6 THERE“Our staff is very satisfied withthis detector, they appreciatethe quality of the images aswell as the significant workflowimprovements.”Priv.-Doz. Dr. Alexander Kluge, Directorof the Institute for Diagnostic and InterventionalRadiologyRetrofit solution fits into the hospital'sgoal of streamlining processes across thefacility, especially in the ER.The 400-bed hospital’s major focus is ononcology, and it offers centers dedicatedto breast, lung, colon and pancreaticcarcinomas. Because of these specialtycenters, the hospital performs moreThe DX-D Retrofit solution allowshealthcare facilities to upgrade tothe benefits of Direct Radiography,without having to replace their existingequipment. The solution consists of a flatpanel detector, a retrofit box and an NXworkstation with Agfa HealthCare’s goldstandard MUSICA 2 image processingsoftware, which provides excellentcontrast detail and exam-independent,consistent image quality.Familiarity with Agfa HealthCaresolutions, interfaces and imagequalityHospital staff were already familiar withimaging solutions and user interfacesfrom Agfa HealthCare, having workedwith them for many years. Afteranalyzing DR detectors in the marketwith regard to image quality, workflowand cost, Pius Hospital decided in favourof the WLAN-enabled DX-D Retrofit.“This solution has the added benefit ofnot requiring any significant training forour staff,” explains Dr. Alexander Kluge.“Software and interfaces are from asingle source, which is a great plus.”

“Since September 2012, we’ve usedthe DX-D Retrofit to perform examson approximately 30 patients dailyon weekdays, and approximately10-15 patients during weekends,” saysHead Technologist Jutta Juilfs. Thesepatients had to be examined in a veryshort amount of time. Therefore, quickturnaround was a requirement. “Thedetector has significantly reduced staffworkload for each patient.”Because it is wireless, the DX-D Retrofitoffers enhanced flexibility. Demographicdata is automatically fed to the detectorfrom the PACS, and acquired images aretransmitted directly onto the detector,streamlining workflow and speedof exams. Within seconds after theacquisition, technologists can pre-checkthe image, approve the technical quality,and transmit it wirelessly to the PACS.The detector fits into any standard buckytray, and can be used in multiple X-raymodalities, meaning it can be sharedamong several rooms or modalitiesas needed, maximizing efficiency andkeeping costs low.As part of the re-organization, the CRsystem from Agfa HealthCare thatwas already in place was moved fromthe ER to the radiology departmentto be used for mammography, and toprovide backup to the department.Featuring a team of 25 radiologistsand technologists, the departmentcarries out approximately 40,000 examsannually, including X-ray, 64-slice CT,MRI, high-end ultrasound, as well asmammography exams. Radiologistsalso work with PET/CT in the nuclearmedicine department, and provideservices for the ER, ICU, and theintermediate care department.Technology investment key tohospital’s positioning in market“Investing in an infrastructure ofadvanced medical technology is astrategy fostered by our CEO, whoclearly sees the necessity for this in thecontext of our positioning in the market.Our staff and our technology stand fordiagnostic and therapeutic competencein complex cases,” says Dr. Kluge.In working with the DX-D Retrofit,radiologists at Pius Hospital typicallyaim to reduce dose by approximately 20to 30 percent. “Our staff is very satisfiedwith this detector, they appreciate thequality of the images as well as thesignificant workflow improvements,”states Dr. Kluge. Agfa HealthCarehas been very responsive in regard toquestions and with support, he says.“Patients profit from the investment byreduced queuing and more time spentwith them by technologists,” adds that provideimage quality and workflowimprovements NOW AND INTO THEFUTUREBoth the CR solution and the wirelessdetector technologies are economicallyforward-thinking investments, concludesDr. Kluge. “DR detectors require acertain minimum number of examsto make sense financially, based onresource economies and productivity.In Oldenburg, a city with three hospitalsproviding in-patient care, Pius Hospitalis well-positioned with its generalscope, plus its focused expertise ononcology,” he says. “Innovative, and stillaffordable, medical technology supportsus in managing this mix of patients,which includes many complex cases, byproviding advanced image quality andenabling swift turnaround times. TheDX-D Retrofit is an excellent illustrationof a solution which supports our goals.” •“Patients profit from theinvestment by reduced queuingand more time spent with themby technologists.”Jutta Juilfs, Head TechnologistSolutionDX-D Retrofit» Offers the workflow and image quality benefitsof DR» Easy and quick to set up» Wireless for enhanced flexibility» Seamlessly connects to HIS, RIS, and PACS» Single detector can be shared across differentrooms, different modalities, maximizingefficiency and reducing equipment costsAgfa HealthCare’s contribution» Enables cost savings and efficiencyimprovements» Makes workflows more convenient andproductive with technology that fits inseamlessly at all steps in the workflow process» Develops technology that improves staff andpatient satisfactionDID YOU KNOW…» Founded in 1871 as a charitable refuge for thepoor, Pius Hospital has grown into anacute-care hospital with more than 400beds, 1,000 employees, and 13 specialtydepartments.» The European Medical School, newlyestablished by Oldenburg University, integratesPius Hospital as well as the two other hospitalsin Oldenburg and local care providers into itsresearch and teaching activities.THERE 7

“Since September 2012, we’ve usedthe DX-D Retrofit to perform examson approximately 30 patients dailyon weekdays, and approximately10-15 patients during weekends,” saysHead Technologist Jutta Juilfs. Thesepatients had to be examined in a veryshort amount of time. Therefore, quickturnaround was a requirement. “Thedetector has significantly reduced staffworkload for each patient.”Because it is wireless, the DX-D Retrofitoffers enhanced flexibility. Demographicdata is automatically fed to the detectorfrom the PACS, and acquired images aretransmitted directly onto the detector,streamlining workflow and speedof exams. Within seconds after theacquisition, technologists can pre-checkthe image, approve the technical quality,and transmit it wirelessly to the PACS.The detector fits into any standard buckytray, and can be used in multiple X-raymodalities, meaning it can be sharedamong several rooms or modalitiesas needed, maximizing efficiency andkeeping costs low.As part of the re-organization, the CRsystem from <strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> thatwas already in place was moved fromthe ER to the radiology departmentto be used for mammography, and toprovide backup to the department.Featuring a team of 25 radiologistsand technologists, the departmentcarries out approximately 40,000 examsannually, including X-ray, 64-slice CT,MRI, high-end ultrasound, as well asmammography exams. Radiologistsalso work with PET/CT in the nuclearmedicine department, and provideservices for the ER, ICU, and theintermediate care department.Technology investment key tohospital’s positioning in market“Investing in an infrastructure ofadvanced medical technology is astrategy fostered by our CEO, whoclearly sees the necessity for this in thecontext of our positioning in the market.Our staff and our technology stand fordiagnostic and therapeutic competencein complex cases,” says Dr. Kluge.In working with the DX-D Retrofit,radiologists at Pius Hospital typicallyaim to reduce dose by approximately 20to 30 percent. “Our staff is very satisfiedwith this detector, they appreciate thequality of the images as well as thesignificant workflow improvements,”states Dr. Kluge. <strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong>has been very responsive in regard toquestions and with support, he says.“Patients profit from the investment byreduced queuing and more time spentwith them by technologists,” adds that provideimage quality and workflowimprovements NOW AND INTO THEFUTUREBoth the CR solution and the wirelessdetector technologies are economicallyforward-thinking investments, concludesDr. Kluge. “DR detectors require acertain minimum number of examsto make sense financially, based onresource economies and productivity.In Oldenburg, a city with three hospitalsproviding in-patient care, Pius Hospitalis well-positioned with its generalscope, plus its focused expertise ononcology,” he says. “Innovative, and stillaffordable, medical technology supportsus in managing this mix of patients,which includes many complex cases, byproviding advanced image quality andenabling swift turnaround times. TheDX-D Retrofit is an excellent illustrationof a solution which supports our goals.” •“Patients profit from theinvestment by reduced queuingand more time spent with themby technologists.”Jutta Juilfs, Head TechnologistSolutionDX-D Retrofit» Offers the workflow and image quality benefitsof DR» Easy and quick to set up» Wireless for enhanced flexibility» Seamlessly connects to HIS, RIS, and PACS» Single detector can be shared across differentrooms, different modalities, maximizingefficiency and reducing equipment costs<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong>’s contribution» Enables cost savings and efficiencyimprovements» Makes workflows more convenient andproductive with technology that fits inseamlessly at all steps in the workflow process» Develops technology that improves staff andpatient satisfactionDID YOU KNOW…» Founded in 1871 as a charitable refuge for thepoor, Pius Hospital has grown into anacute-care hospital with more than 400beds, 1,000 employees, and 13 specialtydepartments.» The European Medical School, newlyestablished by Oldenburg University, integratesPius Hospital as well as the two other hospitalsin Oldenburg and local care providers into itsresearch and teaching activities.THERE 7

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