ECR 2013.indd - Agfa HealthCare

ECR 2013.indd - Agfa HealthCare

ECR 2013.indd - Agfa HealthCare


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Máxima Medisch Centrum, Eindhoven, The NetherlandsMáxima Medisch Centrum buyspeace of mind for the next decadeRigorous tender involving all stakeholders translates global vision into smart long-termrelationshipInterviewees Jac Verbruggen, Purchase Manager · Jef Pluijmen, Radiology Manager · Robert Waterschoot, Functional Application Managerwe wanted to move into the purchasingprocess.”Stringent requirements leadproject team to <strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong>The team eventually ended up with ashortlist of five and a very long list ofrequirements. Says Jac Verbruggen: “Wewere quite thorough in our demandsas we wanted to safeguard the existingfunctionalities and add all the attractivefeatures from the different vendors. Ourresearch taught us that all vendors had theirown approach to PACS and their growthpath for it.”When Máxima Medisch Centrum, TheNetherlands, decided to replace its RIS/PACS, it wanted the best of all worlds: toacquire the most current, appealing featuresfrom as many of the shortlisted vendorsas possible. After a thorough review, theysigned a contract for <strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong>’sIMPAX 6 solution covering radiology,cardiology, nuclear medicine; IMPAX DataCenter; and IMPAX Business Intelligenceincluding long-term Managed Services withGlobal Remote Incident Prevention. It ispeace of mind for at least ten years, theysay.Máxima Medisch Centrum has two sites inthe south of The Netherlands (Veldhovenand Eindhoven) totaling 595 beds. Its 3,300staff members, including 210 specialists,care for about 25,000 inpatients eachyear. The medical center is committed toimplementing a hospital-wide imagingsolution with high-end connectivity toother hospitals.4 THEREAfter thorough preparation for severalyears, a project team consisting of radiologyand purchase departments launcheda tender to upgrade the facility’s RIS/PACS, and cover cardiology and nuclearmedicine as well. Purchase Manager JacVerbruggen: “The project group consistedof the functional application manager ofradiology, the manager of clinical physics,the purchase manager and the radiologymanager. In the course of the process, thissteering group was advised by clinicalspecialists, ICT and radiologic technologists.We wanted a future-proof solution, so weinvolved all stakeholders in the hospital.”The need to replace the existing PACSinfrastructure had been clear for severalyears. “We visited numerous importantexhibitions in Europe to fine-tune the tenderand establish our short list of vendors,” saysJef Pluijmen, Radiology Manager. “Thiswas a ‘field reconnaissance’ phase, whichallowed us to define the vendors with whomEventually, the team’s choice was <strong>Agfa</strong><strong>HealthCare</strong> including its IMPAX 6,IMPAX for Cardiology, IMPAX for NuclearMedicine, IMPAX Data Center and IMPAXBusiness Intelligence. IMPAX 6 is the latestversion of <strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong>'s proven imageand information management solution.IMPAX for Nuclear Medicine delivers thebenefits of integrated care to the nuclearmedicine department and supports thepatient's entire exam flow, while IMPAXfor Cardiology enables patient-centriccardiac management with all the relevantdata promptly available. The decision“We wanted a future-proofsolution, so we involved allstakeholders in the hospital.”Jac Verbruggen, Purchase Manager

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