ECR 2013.indd - Agfa HealthCare

ECR 2013.indd - Agfa HealthCare ECR 2013.indd - Agfa HealthCare
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UC IRVINE HEALTH, ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, USAUnique technology in ICIS ‘connects thedots’ between EHR and patient imagesBuilt-in acquisition and workflow reference tools create the links between data and usersInterviewee Jim Murry, Chief Information Officer, UC Irvine Health and Associate Dean of IT & Informatics, School of Medicine“By giving people accessto images from anywhere,connected to reports, we'reimproving patient care.”Jim Murry, Chief Information Officerto have the workflow technology builtright into it.”Like many healthcare enterprises, UCIrvine Health needed a way to managethe explosion in patient images and data.From ultrasounds to OR videos, from X-raysto angiograms, the facility had to find asolution to manage these millions of patientimages, securely and cost-effectively, andalso link them seamlessly to the ElectronicHealth Record (EHR). With ICIS, an enterpriseclinical IT platform from Agfa HealthCare,UC Irvine found a comprehensive solutionthat provides data storage and much more.UC Irvine Medical Center is OrangeCounty’s only university medical center,not far from Los Angeles. Opened in1976, the 422-bed medical facility offersa full scope of acute and general care14 THEREservices, including a regional burn center,Level I trauma center, neuropsychiatriccenter, Level III neonatal care unit and aNational Cancer Institute (NCI) designatedcomprehensive cancer center. It has about35,000 ER visits per year, and 18,000admissions.There were several key criteria that theUC Irvine image storage solution had toaddress. “It had to be able to hold any typeof digital image, it had to be scalable, ableto scale up and out, it needed to have asingle viewer, and it needed to be very fast– users just won’t tolerate a slow system,”says Jim Murry, Chief Information Officer.“It needed to be compatible with ourdisaster recovery approach, and it neededWorkflow technology in ICIS setsit above standard VNAsFor Jim Murry and his team, the workflowtechnology in the Imaging ClinicalInformation System (ICIS) is what elevatesthis solution above standard vendorneutral archives. “A vendor neutral archiveon its own does not typically have thisconnecting piece – a workflow tool thatallows you to ‘connect the dots’, to connectan image to a report,” describes Jim Murry.“In the Agfa HealthCare solution there areworkflows and technologies that let youget into the archive, and build a referencethat allows you to feed it back into theEHR through interfaces, and connect upwith the report. This allows a physician toread a report, then click on an icon to seean image, and the system will retrieve thatprecise image from this massive collectionof images and present them with exactlythe one they want to see.”In its search for a partner for its imagerepository, UC Irvine reviewed themarketplace, compared other vendors, andalso turned to its radiology department.Since the radiologists were accustomedto working with the image managementcapabilities of IMPAX, they were able toshare their knowledge and experience.“That helped quite a bit,” says Jim Murry.Reduced costs to manage andstore dataThere are numerous advantages to movingto an enterprise approach. First, there

Agfa HealthCare’s contribution» Global leaders in managing healthcare imagesand reports» Professional, expert teams contribute toprojects of all sizes and scope» Understanding of hospital IT requirements andprocessesDID YOU KNOW…» The ICIS repository at UC Irvine will containabout 17 terabytes of data by the end of 2013;the IT department anticipates about 1 terabytewill be added each month.» More than 60 UC Irvine Health physiciansare listed as Physicians of Excellence in theJanuary 2013 issue of Orange Coast magazine,selected by the Orange County MedicalAssociation.» The UC Irvine School of Medicine offerssummer enrichment programs to about 150high school students interested in pursuingcareers in healthcare and research.are all the costs associated with runningseparate image storage ‘silos’ across thehospital enterprise. “Now, instead ofbuying and managing storage for all theseone-off departments, I’m supportingone enterprise-scale storage system,”explains Jim Murry, “greatly reducing theinvestment needed in these one-off storagesolutions.”The approach also brings more focusaround the role of the CIO, andstrengthens the connection betweentechnology and the hospital’s strategicgoals. For UC Irvine, this improved accessto information will help towards theenterprise’s goal to become one of the top20 academic health systems in the UnitedStates, within five years. This rankinglooks at clinical, research and educationoutcomes – all areas that will see benefitswith the implementation of ICIS.Enabling better clinical outcomesand research work“By giving people access to images fromanywhere, connected to reports, we’reimproving patient care,” says Jim. “Whenyou look at what we will be able to dowith the data and the metadata, we’reenabling better clinical outcomes andresearch work. For the first time ever,through this technology, and the rightprotocols, researchers will be able to accessthe metadata to understand and identifycohorts, and access images that theycouldn’t access before.”Another focus as a medical school is datasecurity. Students, and professors, needaccess to images, but access must be strictlycontrolled. With all images in a singlearchive, it is easier to control and monitoraccess. “You can get access to the imagesfrom anywhere in the world, if you havethe right security, but you can’t downloadanything, without IT oversight andencryption,” Jim comments.So far, the ophthalmology departmenthas gone live; cardiology is next, to befollowed by ultrasound. At the same time,Jim is working with Agfa HealthCare’sManaged and Cloud Services to movethe solution to the cloud. “Right now, thestorage is sitting in my data center. Whenwe move it to the cloud, it becomes evenmore scalable, we can look at genomics,research, we can move the entire PACS intothis environment. Agfa HealthCare willlook after backups, disaster recovery, all ofthat,” he says. “Agfa HealthCare broughtgood, experienced resources to the table,they’ve got a great team, they made thishappen.” •“Agfa HealthCare brought good,experienced resources to thetable, they've got a great team,they made this happen.”Jim Murry, Chief Information OfficerSolutionsImaging Clinical Information System (ICIS)» Provides a comprehensive view of multimediapatient imaging records, across regions,facilities and departments, creating a truelongitudinal patient imaging record byintegrating and linking multi-facility,multi-departmental and multi-specialtyimaging dataXERO Technology Viewer» Enables anywhere, anytime access to images» Provides secure access to standard healthcaredata from existing workstations anywhere onthe network» Uses any popular internet browser and simplenetwork connection» No software download or installation requiredIMPAX PACS» Integrated reporting solution provides easyand convenient access to reports, workflowoptimized for the different users in anenterprise, web-deployable for access to datafrom any locationTHERE 15

UC IRVINE HEALTH, ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, USAUnique technology in ICIS ‘connects thedots’ between EHR and patient imagesBuilt-in acquisition and workflow reference tools create the links between data and usersInterviewee Jim Murry, Chief Information Officer, UC Irvine Health and Associate Dean of IT & Informatics, School of Medicine“By giving people accessto images from anywhere,connected to reports, we'reimproving patient care.”Jim Murry, Chief Information Officerto have the workflow technology builtright into it.”Like many healthcare enterprises, UCIrvine Health needed a way to managethe explosion in patient images and data.From ultrasounds to OR videos, from X-raysto angiograms, the facility had to find asolution to manage these millions of patientimages, securely and cost-effectively, andalso link them seamlessly to the ElectronicHealth Record (EHR). With ICIS, an enterpriseclinical IT platform from <strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong>,UC Irvine found a comprehensive solutionthat provides data storage and much more.UC Irvine Medical Center is OrangeCounty’s only university medical center,not far from Los Angeles. Opened in1976, the 422-bed medical facility offersa full scope of acute and general care14 THEREservices, including a regional burn center,Level I trauma center, neuropsychiatriccenter, Level III neonatal care unit and aNational Cancer Institute (NCI) designatedcomprehensive cancer center. It has about35,000 ER visits per year, and 18,000admissions.There were several key criteria that theUC Irvine image storage solution had toaddress. “It had to be able to hold any typeof digital image, it had to be scalable, ableto scale up and out, it needed to have asingle viewer, and it needed to be very fast– users just won’t tolerate a slow system,”says Jim Murry, Chief Information Officer.“It needed to be compatible with ourdisaster recovery approach, and it neededWorkflow technology in ICIS setsit above standard VNAsFor Jim Murry and his team, the workflowtechnology in the Imaging ClinicalInformation System (ICIS) is what elevatesthis solution above standard vendorneutral archives. “A vendor neutral archiveon its own does not typically have thisconnecting piece – a workflow tool thatallows you to ‘connect the dots’, to connectan image to a report,” describes Jim Murry.“In the <strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> solution there areworkflows and technologies that let youget into the archive, and build a referencethat allows you to feed it back into theEHR through interfaces, and connect upwith the report. This allows a physician toread a report, then click on an icon to seean image, and the system will retrieve thatprecise image from this massive collectionof images and present them with exactlythe one they want to see.”In its search for a partner for its imagerepository, UC Irvine reviewed themarketplace, compared other vendors, andalso turned to its radiology department.Since the radiologists were accustomedto working with the image managementcapabilities of IMPAX, they were able toshare their knowledge and experience.“That helped quite a bit,” says Jim Murry.Reduced costs to manage andstore dataThere are numerous advantages to movingto an enterprise approach. First, there

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