the design essentials - Stockland

the design essentials - Stockland

the design essentials - Stockland


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REV A April 2012

THE DESIGN ESSENTIALSBuildingSetbacksBuildingOrientationGlazing to <strong>the</strong>StreetFront FaçadeArticulationFront DoorFront PatioSecondary StreetFaçadeArticulationExternal WallFinishesRoof FormBuilding setbacks must comply with <strong>the</strong> approved Townsville CityCouncil Building Envelope and Driveway Access Plan for your lot.To best capture prevailing breezes and for optimum solar orientation<strong>the</strong> majority of <strong>the</strong> living areas must be constructed along <strong>the</strong>nor<strong>the</strong>rn or eastern side of <strong>the</strong> dwelling or a combination of both.Note: The approved Townsville City Council Building Envelope andDriveway Access Plan for your lot provides advice on <strong>the</strong>construction of a climatically responsive dwelling.The façade area (excluding <strong>the</strong> garage door) facing a street or publicarea is to include sufficient glazing (min 10%) to allow for passivesurveillance.Walls may be up to 7.5m long before a change in setback and eaveline of at least 450mm is required.<strong>Stockland</strong> reserve <strong>the</strong> right to ensure <strong>the</strong>re is not repetition of <strong>the</strong>same façade within two houses ei<strong>the</strong>r side and directly opposite on<strong>the</strong> same street.A feature door of a minimum of 1.2m wide is required unless <strong>the</strong>re ishighlight windows/louvers above or beside <strong>the</strong> door.Full width or large front patios of a dwelling are encouraged as <strong>the</strong>yprovide <strong>the</strong> following benefits:Encourages use of <strong>the</strong> front yard;Encourages interaction with <strong>the</strong> wider community and surveillance of<strong>the</strong> street;Street appeal of <strong>the</strong> dwelling;At a minimum:The primary entry is to incorporate a covered entry.The entry roof and floor area must be at least 6m², with a minimumdepth of 1.5m.Walls may be up to 7.5m long before a change in setback and eaveline of at least 450mm or feature element is required.Homes are to be constructed to reflect contemporary architectureand have regard to <strong>the</strong> climatic conditions of <strong>the</strong> area and <strong>the</strong>estate's unique location.Unfinished 'commons' bricks must not be used.A minimum of 2 materials or 2 colours are to be used to <strong>the</strong> front andsecondary street façades with no one material/colour being morethan 80% of a façade area. (For clarity, <strong>the</strong> garage door and roof isnot counted in <strong>the</strong> assessment of <strong>the</strong> materials or colours)Roofing must be of a scale and form representative of contemporaryarchitecture.30 degrees is <strong>the</strong> maximum pitch for any hip or gable roof. (Minimumis 24 degrees)

15 degrees is <strong>the</strong> maximum pitch for a main skillion roof.EavesGarages/CarportsNon-GroundMounted Plant orEquipmentDrivewaysLandscapingA minimum 450mm eave is required to 70% of all façades visiblefrom <strong>the</strong> street and public areas (excluded on built to boundarywalls).Freestanding or attached carports and garages must include a roof<strong>design</strong> & <strong>design</strong> features which are consistent with <strong>the</strong> form andmaterials of <strong>the</strong> home.Freestanding or attached carports and garages must be set back aminimum of 800mm behind <strong>the</strong> front building line on both <strong>the</strong> primaryand secondary boundaries.Note: relaxation to <strong>the</strong> above requirement: If a full width patiois provided along <strong>the</strong> front building line (minimum 1.5m deep)<strong>the</strong> garage may sit forward of <strong>the</strong> building line (a minimum of800mm) but not behind <strong>the</strong> front of <strong>the</strong> patio.Garage/carport materials (incl. roof) must also be consistent with <strong>the</strong>materials of <strong>the</strong> home.Triple garages and carports are only permitted when <strong>the</strong> third garagedoor/carport is recessed a minimum fur<strong>the</strong>r 800mm from <strong>the</strong> frontalignment of <strong>the</strong> double garage/carport.The Garage cannot make up more than 50% of frontage.Note: Townsville City Council have approved <strong>the</strong> Driveway Accessand Building Envelope Plan which indentifies preferred garage anddriveway crossover location for your lot. Should you wish to vary thislocation, <strong>Stockland</strong> recommend you contact Townsville City Council.Roof mounted items visible from <strong>the</strong> street or public spaces must beminimal including but not limited to: satellite dishes, TV aerials,external hot water services, water tanks, air conditioning units,heating units, spa and pool pumps, dependent person units etc.Solar panels and collectors for hot water units are <strong>the</strong> exception tothis standard when orientated to maximise <strong>the</strong>ir effectiveness.All crossovers and driveways are to be completed in a timely mannerand in accordance with Townsville City Council requirements.Driveways to have a minimum 0.5m landscaping to <strong>the</strong> side propertyboundary.Driveways must not be constructed from plain concrete.If a footpath has been constructed along <strong>the</strong> frontage of yourproperty <strong>the</strong> driveway must abut and not cut through <strong>the</strong> footpath.The balance of <strong>the</strong> driveway between <strong>the</strong> footpath and kerb mustmatch <strong>the</strong> footpath colour.Turf between <strong>the</strong> front building line and kerb-line must be laid in atimely manner to minimise topsoil erosion or run-off.Landscaping to <strong>the</strong> front of <strong>the</strong> dwelling must have a 5m² garden bedwith <strong>the</strong> following:200mm of topsoil (minimum);Mulching over <strong>the</strong> entire bed area;Edging to <strong>the</strong> full perimeter;The following planting is required to <strong>the</strong> frontage of <strong>the</strong> dwelling(planting may be included in garden bed noted above):

IrrigationConstructionObligationsStreet TreeObligationsFencing to Front5 plants which are at least 1m in high (i.e. 1m high at <strong>the</strong>time of planting <strong>the</strong> plant); and1 shade tree (minimum mature canopy of 3m x 3m) of aminimum height of 2m at time of planting. Any form of palmis not accepted as a Shade Tree as <strong>the</strong> shade from a Palmtree is minimal.A fixed automated irrigation system must be installed to landscapinglocated between <strong>the</strong> front building line and <strong>the</strong> kerbline and <strong>the</strong> sidefence and kerb on secondary frontages.Provide a covered bin or enclosure on site for <strong>the</strong> duration of <strong>the</strong>construction period.Site cleanliness is to be maintained.No excavated material shall be placed on any adjoining lot or publicarea.No soil or sediment must run off site. Appropriate soil and sedimentcontrol measures must be implemented.Each lot is provided with one (or more) street trees. Street trees arean important part of <strong>the</strong> urban <strong>design</strong> of North Shore. It is <strong>the</strong> ownersobligation to ensure that <strong>the</strong> street trees:are protected during <strong>the</strong> construction period;are not damaged during construction;are kept as part of <strong>the</strong> front landscaping of <strong>the</strong> dwelling.Discuss with your builder <strong>the</strong> protection of your street trees;Should a street tree be removed or damaged during construction <strong>the</strong>tree must be replaced by <strong>the</strong> owner (a replacement tree can beordered through <strong>Stockland</strong> for a fee).Front fencing is encouraged as it provides <strong>the</strong> following benefits:Encourages use of <strong>the</strong> front yard and interaction with <strong>the</strong> widercommunity and surveillance of <strong>the</strong> street;Street appeal of <strong>the</strong> dwelling;Additional private space;Defines <strong>the</strong> boundary between public and private area.Fencing as viewed from <strong>the</strong> front street frontage:is to be a maximum of 1.2m in height;must be constructed of one of <strong>the</strong> following:1. piers and infill type construction as follows:• piers and base (minimum 300mm high base) -rendered and painted masonry or face brickwork;• infills - complimentary materials, coloured metal tubeor battens, painted or stained timber battens;2. feature posts (minimum 150mm x 150mm) with horizontal orvertical timber or aluminium slats (timber slats must bepainted or stained).3. o<strong>the</strong>r materials if it can be demonstrated that a contemporary<strong>design</strong> outcome can be achieved (at <strong>Stockland</strong> discretion)

must extend 1m behind <strong>the</strong> front building line.Fencing toSecondaryStreets & PublicOpen Space(Park)Fencing to Side &Rear BoundariesDeveloper WorksRetaining WallsOutbuildingsGround MountedPlant orEquipmentAs viewed from <strong>the</strong> secondary street or public space:is to be a maximum of 1.5m in height and may extend to 1.8m inheight when, 50% transparent above 1.5m in height, or if fullyconstructed of 10% transparent painted or stained timber fencingwith feature posts and capping rail;must not include any unfinished materials including unfinishedcommon bricks;must return to <strong>the</strong> house a minimum of 1m behind <strong>the</strong> frontbuilding line;where <strong>the</strong> rear boundary forms <strong>the</strong> side boundary of an adjoininglot, <strong>the</strong> first 3m of <strong>the</strong> rear fence must be constructed of similarconstruction to <strong>the</strong> secondary street fence.Is to be a maximum of 1.8m in height, “Good Neighbour” (pailingoverlapping ei<strong>the</strong>r side and support rails) style fencing with 10%transparency.Must not include any unfinished materials including unfinishedcommons bricks.Where no front fence is used, <strong>the</strong> side fence must return to <strong>the</strong> housea minimum of 1m behind <strong>the</strong> front façade.Where <strong>the</strong> side boundary forms <strong>the</strong> rear boundary of an adjoining lot,<strong>the</strong> side fence may continue to <strong>the</strong> front of <strong>the</strong> lot.Note: please discuss your proposed fencing with <strong>the</strong> adjoining ownerprior to construction and refer to <strong>the</strong> Queensland „Dividing Fences‟legislation and guidelines.Where <strong>the</strong> Developer has constructed a fence, entry statement orretaining wall, it is to be maintained by <strong>the</strong> Owner to <strong>the</strong> standard towhich it was constructed.Retaining walls visible from <strong>the</strong> street or public area are to beconstructed from: stone or masonry; or timber sleepers (where lessthan 300mm in height).Note: please discuss proposed retaining walls with your adjoiningneighbour prior to construction to ensure that <strong>the</strong> height of <strong>the</strong>retaining is appropriate to suit <strong>the</strong> finished ground levels on adjacentblocks.All outbuildings and garden sheds must be constructed 800mmbehind <strong>the</strong> front or secondary street building line unless it can beshown that <strong>the</strong>y are not visible (or can be adequately screened) from<strong>the</strong> adjacent street or public area.Unfinished metal sheds of any size are not permitted. Sheds must beof a colour complimentary to <strong>the</strong> main building.All ground mounted services are to be screened where visible fromany street or public space. This includes but is not limited to:heating and cooling units, rubbish disposal containers,swimming pools & equipment, rain water tanks, clo<strong>the</strong>shoists and washing lines.Air Conditioners must be located below <strong>the</strong> eave line and screenedfrom public view.

NationalBroadbandNetwork (NBN)This stage of North Shore will be supplied with NBN network;In-house wiring must comply with <strong>the</strong> requirements of NBN Co`s inhome-wiringguide (available fromwww.nbnco.com.au/NewDevelopments) including Home Distributor,Conduiting, Category 6 wiring and power supply.

GLOSSARY OF TERMSCommonsBrickBuilding andO<strong>the</strong>rLegislationAmendmentAct 2009(Act)FrontBuilding LineFaçade AreaGlazingEave LineSetbackFeatureElementBrick made for general building purposes and not specially treated forcolour and texture. These bricks are often larger in height to a face brick.These Design Essentials are to be read and applied subject to <strong>the</strong>requirements of <strong>the</strong> Building and O<strong>the</strong>r Legislation Amendment Act 2009(Act). If any term, requirement or condition in <strong>the</strong>se Design Essentials (orany part of <strong>the</strong>m) is invalid or unenforceable for any reason (including as aresult of <strong>the</strong> application of <strong>the</strong> Act) <strong>the</strong> remaining terms, requirements andconditions will continue to apply and will be valid and enforceable to <strong>the</strong>fullest extent permitted by law.The line of <strong>the</strong> front wall of <strong>the</strong> house.Façade Area is calculated as a square meter measure of <strong>the</strong> entirevertical surface of <strong>the</strong> elevation of <strong>the</strong> house visible from <strong>the</strong> Street orPublic Area.Any fixed or opening panel made from glass.The edge of <strong>the</strong> roof or parapet.The distance measured from adjacent boundary of <strong>the</strong> lot to <strong>the</strong> wall oroutermost projection of <strong>the</strong> home as per Council's requirements.May include attached materials or free standing structure that iscomplementary to <strong>the</strong> form and materials of <strong>the</strong> house including but notlimited to: window hoods/external shades, decorative surface treatments,screens and battening.

RESIDENTIAL DESIGN APPLICATION FORMYour application must include with this application form, each of <strong>the</strong> following:Site Plan (min. scale 1:200) indicating North point, contour levels, finished floor levels, setbacks from all boundaries, total floorarea and any proposed earthworks or retaining walls where applicable.Floor Plans (min. scale 1:100) showing key dimensions and window positions.Elevations (min. scale 1:100) indicating building heights, roof pitches, eave depths and all external plant and equipment (e.g.air conditioners.)External Works Plan showing driveway details (including location, extent, material and finish) and fence heights, locations andfinishes clearly marked.Landscape Plan showing locations of plants and shade trees.Note:Applications will generally be assessed and responded to within 10 business days from day of receipt at <strong>Stockland</strong>. A writtenresponse will be sent to <strong>the</strong> preferred party identified below (Applicant or Builder.)Applications will not be assessed until all information as noted above has been supplied to <strong>Stockland</strong>.The preferred method for <strong>the</strong> lodgment of applications is by email to <strong>the</strong> following address: north.shore@stockland.com.auPlease note that applications submitted via facsimile WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.Lot Number:Street:Preferred Contact: Applicant Builder Estimated Build Cost:Applicant’s DetailsName(s):Email:Phone:Builder’s DetailsName:Contact Person:Phone:Email:

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