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MANDATORY DOCUMENTIn case of default of securities, pay-in by the client andthe shortage is vis-a vis the Exchange, auction value ofthe respective exchanges and all levies, as applicable,shall be recovered from the defaulting client.Client hereby agrees that if he / she / it has shortdelivered any securities against his / her / its pay inobligation which resulted into internal shortage i.e.adjusted against buy position of another client of thestock broker and couldn’t be auctioned in the marketthen the settlement shall take place in any of thefollowing manneri) Furnishing the sell obligation to BSE for auction as aninternal Shortage through the self auction route of BSEfor the shortage on any exchange.ii) Buying the securities from open market for thedelivery to purchasing client and debiting the cost ofpurchases along with brokerage and other charges toyour account.iii) Closing out the shortage by debiting an amountequivalent to the sell proceeds plus 10% and passingon this amount to the credit of purchasing client.iv) Any other method acceptable to us and thepurchaser which is not explicitly disallowed under anyacts, rules by laws, regulations, circulars, notificationsetc. issued by SEBI Exchanges or any other regulatoryauthority.7. Restrictions/prohibition to take further positionor broker may close existing position: Under any thecircumstances, such as, in case the client fails to meethis/her/its pay-in or margin obligations or clear theoutstanding/debit balance with broker, beforepermissible time limit or beyond such period, as maybe allowed by broker as per its RMS policy, the clientmay not be permitted to take any fresh or furtherposition until the clearance of earlier dues, obligation,outstanding etc. Even, broker can firstly set-off oradjust the payment or securities towards various duesand obligation of the client and until the full clearanceof the same, shall not allow taking further position.In case of any delay or failure in meeting any obligation,margin requirements etc. from client side, broker mightclose the existing position or open position without anyfurther intimation to the client as per the RMS policy.Such circumstances may include (but not limited to):1. Failure to meet pay-in obligation on T+2 day/ T+1,2. Delay in meeting the pay-in or margin requirement,3. Delay or failure in clearance of outstanding or dues tothe broker,4. Returning or frequent returning of cheques of theclient,5. Unnecessary/ unwarranted dispute from clientwithout any substantial cause/reason,6. Client's attitude of not coming to an amicablesettlement for any dispute that can be settled withoutinvolvement of Exchange and/or SEBI,7. As per prevalent RMS policy of the broker,8. Any direction from SEBI/Exchange or such otherauthorities,9. Under such other circumstances as the broker mightthink just and proper on case to case basis.8. Temporarily suspending or closing the client'saccount at the client's request : The broker and/orclient may suspend client's account from further dealingin the securities market through the broker as per client'sprior written request submitted to broker at its Surat H.O.duly acknowledged by broker (subject to clearance ofentire outstanding/ obligations).9. Deregistering a client: Dormant or in-active statusof a client account beyond specified time limit as maybe prescribed by the broker, or under anycircumstances mentioned in (1) to (9) above can tend toderegistration.10. Policy for dormant/in-active account: As perbroker's RMS policy, the account in which notransactions have taken place during the period of last12 months, the same shall be considered as dormant orin-active account.Such a transaction shall mean and include thefollowing, whichever is later:31

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