sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


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82 • Panduan Prasiswazah3. Parakrama Chandrasoma, Clive R.Taylor, 2002 : Consise Pathology. 4th edition.Appleton and Lange.4. Willian J Marshall, Stephen K Bangert. 2004 Clinical Chemistry. 5th editionMosby5. Richard S. Snell. 2004. Clinical Anatomy for <strong>Medical</strong> Student 7th. edition,Lippincotts Williams & WilkinsFF2325NEURO SCIENCESThe aims of the Neuroscience Module are to provide the medical students, through astudy of the structure and the function of the major components of the nervous system,the important connections and the concept of its functions and dysfunctions. They willalso gain an insight into the testing and imaging of the nervous system as applied topatients' problems. It will make the diagnostic importance of concepts such as upperand lower motor neurons and peripheral and central divisions of nervous system andthe associated lesions more apparent. Besides, examining discrete malfunction of themajor elements, the global function of the cerebral cortex and the other parts of thenervous system, is covered with reference to the neurochemistry of the brain. Theywill also understand common infections of the nervous system including toxoplasmosis,prevention and the drugs used in the treatments. In addition, they will understand thedrugs used in the degenerative diseases, drugs of abuse, sedative hypnotics, anaesthetics,anticonvulsants, antidepressants and antipsychotics. Furthermore, the student willunderstand the common cerebral neoplasia, the effects and complications. Similarly,they will understand the effects of the space occupying lesions in the nervous system.References1. Snell R.S. 2004. Clinical Anatomy for <strong>Medical</strong> Students. 7th Edition. USA :Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Publications.3. Sherwood L, 2010. Human Physiology. From Cells to System. 7th Edition, USABrooks/Cole Thompson Learning,.4. Cotran R.S., Kumar V. &, Robbins S.L. 2005. Robbin’s Pathologic Basis ofDisease. 7th Edition, Philadelphia, USA : Elsevier Saunders.5. Katzung B.G. 2007. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 11th Edition, McGrawHill, Norwalk.6. Sherris JC, 2010 (Ed). Sherris <strong>Medical</strong> Microbiology. An Introduction to InfectiousDiseases. 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Professional. USA.

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