sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


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80 • Panduan PrasiswazahReferences:1. Raj Bhopal. 2002. Concepts of Epidemiology : an intergrated introduction tothe ideas, theories, principles and methods of epidemiology. New York : OxfordUniversity Press Inc.2. Osman Ali. 1990. Kaedah Epidemiologi, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, KualaLumpur.3. Friis, R.H. & Sellers, T.A. 2004. Epidemiology for Public Health Practice. London.3rd edition. Jones and Bartlett Publisher, Inc.4. Chan Y.H., 2003 - 2005. Basic Statistics for Doctors Series. Singapore <strong>Medical</strong>Journal. Freely available from http://www.sam.org.sg/smj/o 101 : Data Presentation (June 2003)o 102 : Quantitative Data - Parametic & Non-Parametric Tests (August 2003)o 103 : Qualitative Data - Tests of Independence (October 2003)o 104 : Correlational Analysis (December 2003)o 201 : Linear Regression Analysis (februari 2004)5. Swinscow, T.D.V. 2001. Statistics at Square One. BMJ Publushing Group; 10thEdition. Freely available from http://www.bmj.com/collections/statsbk/FF2712PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IIA(COMMUNITY SERVICES I)Personal & Professional Development IIA has the aims to further develop students’ totalapproach to the learning and practice of medicine. Student's ability to adapt to life as amedical student in terims of healthy lifestyle is emphasized, issues related to personalityand stress management are also revisited and reviewed. In addition, there will be moreemphasis on issues facing the community's health. Student's communication skills, aswell as critical thinking are further developed in this module with issues concerningpeers and community.References:1. Bill Scott. 1995. The skills of communicating, Mumbai. Jaico Publishing House.2. Brookfield S.D. 1987. Developing critical thinkers : Challenging adults to explorealternative ways of thinking and acting. San Francisco. Jossey Bass Publishers..3. Halverson, D.C. 1996. The Compact Guide to world religions. Michigan. BethanyHouse Publishers.4. Donald, J. 2002. Learning to think : Disciplinary Prespective. San Francisco.Jossey Bass Publishers.5. Thirlaway, K, Upton, D. 2008. The Psychology of lifestyle. Promoting HealthyBehaviour. Oxford. Routledge Publishers.

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