sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


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Fakulti Perubatan • 79FF2511CLINICAL SCIENCE MODULEThis module is to provide the students with a complete approach to history takingand physical examination of the cardiovascular and respiratory system. The studentswill revise history taking which they have learnt in the first year, this time focusing onfeatures and presentations which are typical to cardiovascular and respiratory systems.This will be followed by learning to perform physical examination systematically of thetwo systems. Besides, the students will also learn some basic clinical procedures relatedto cardiovascular and respiratory systems which will enhance their learning during theyear and in subsequent clinical years. Their learning will be further reinforced bylearning on how to interpret normal radiographic images of the two systems.References:1. Douglas G, Nichol F and Robertson C. Macleod’s Clinical Examination, 12thedition, 20082. Talley N and O’Connor S. Clinical Examination: A systemic Guide to PhysicalDiagnosis, 5th edition, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 20063. Swash M. Hutchinson’s Clinical Methods, 22nd edition.WB Saunders, London,20074. Lynn S Bickley and Peter G Szilagyi Bate’s Guide to Physical Examination andHistory taking 10th edition, Lippincolt Williams & Wilkins , 20095. Niall T.Cox and T.A.Roper Clinical Skills. 1st edition, Oxford 2009FF2613MEDICINE AND SOCIETY MODULEThe module discusses the concept of control and prevention of communicable andnon-communicable diseases. Attention is specifically given to the programmes andservices of disease control that has become the public health problem in <strong>Malaysia</strong>.This module also introduces basic demography including important statistics, fertilitydata, population expansion and life table. Basic knowledge on occupational safety andhealth, as well as hazard assessment and control measures at the workplace are alsoexplored. Students will be exposed to the existing occupational safety and health actsand regulations in <strong>Malaysia</strong>, as well as the occupational accident prevention programmesand the occupational injury compensation legislation. This module also introduces thestudents to the technique of conducting research from proposal preparation and datacollection until data analysis and report writing. Basic statistical techniques such asdescriptive statistics and inferential statistics will be introduced to the students as theyconduct their research.

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