sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


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76 • Panduan Prasiswazah5. discuss the pharmacology of different drugs used in the treatment of diseases ofthe above organ systems.6. compare the different approaches used in health care services for patient, familyand the community.7. apply basic principles of epidemiology and statistics in conducting smallresearch.8. apply basic principles of a comprehensive and holistic approach in health care.9. describe basic principles of health care services and health programme for groupswith special needs such as mothers, children and workers.10. discuss the risk factors, problems and preventive approaches related to occupationaland environmental health.11. perform the following basic clinical procedures :i. Venepunctureii. Dressingiii. Blood pressure measurementiv. Catheterization12. recognize basic teachings of various religions and apply universal, spiritual andhumanistic values in self development and interpersonal interaction.13. demonstrate critical thinking in the learning process.14. demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively in a team as well as the ability tolead.FF2113BLOOD & LYMPHThe module aims to enable students to acquire basic knowledge of the normal bloodcell production and also the mechanisms and pathophysiology of common blood andlymphoreticular disorders. It will also facilitate the student to understand the signs andsymptoms of these common blood disorders and enable them to interpret the relevantinvestigation results for the diagnosis of these disorders. The module will also coverthe principles of blood grouping and transfusion and the basic principles of stem celltransplantation.References1. Ramzy S. Cotran, Vijay Kumar, Stanley L. Robbins. 2003. Robbins PathologicBasis of Disease 7th edition. Saunders, Philadelphia.2. Hoffbrand, A.V., Pettit, J.E., Moss, P.A.H. 2006. Essential Haematology 5thedition. Blackwell Science.3. Hoffbrand, A.V., Pettit, J.E. 2002. Clinical Haematology Illustrated. ChurchillLivingstone

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