sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


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136 • Panduan Prasiswazah65. Prüss A, Giroult E, Rushbrook P, eds. Safe Management ofWastes from Health-care Activities. Geneva: World HealthOrganization, 1999.66. Levy & Wegman, Occupational Health, Recognizing andPreventing Work Related Disease. Third Edition. Little Broanand Company, Boston / NewYork/Toronto/London,200667. Joseph LaDou, Occupational & Environmental Medicine, ThirdEdition, Lange, USA,200468. Rosenstock, Textbook of Clinical Occupational andEnvironmental Medicine, Second Edition, Saunders, 2005,69. WHO, Practical guidelines for infection control in health carefacilities, 200370. Danggur Kondarus, Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja, LitbangDanggur & Partners, 2006.71. Robert D. Hisrich.2005. Entrepreneurship. Sixth edition.McGraw Hill.72. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners ‘GreenBook’ Project Advisory Committee. Putting prevention intopractice. Guidelines for the implementation of prevention inthe general practice setting.73. Young.2003. Management Accounting in Health CareOrganizations.74. Woodruff R. Palliative Medicine: Symptomatic and SupportiveCare for Patients with Advanced Cancer and AIDS. Thirdedition. Oxford University Press.75. Weygandt, Kieso and Kimmel.2005. Accounting Principles,7Th Edition.76. Raymond S. Greenberg, Stephen R. Daniels, W. Dana Flanders,John William Eley, John R. Boring, <strong>Medical</strong> Epidemiology,McGraw-Hill Companies, 2004.77. World Health Organization, Health Research Methodology,World Health Organization, 2001.78. Beth Dawson , Robert Trapp, Beth Dawson, Robert Trapp,Basic & Clinical Biostatistics (LANGE Basic Science),McGraw-Hill <strong>Medical</strong>; 4 edition, 2004.79. Bonnie Steinbock, The Oxford Handbook of Bioethics, 1st Ed.,Oxford University Press, 2007.80. Marcia A. Lewis, Carol D. Tamparo, <strong>Medical</strong> Law, Ethics,& Bioethics for the Health Professions, 6th Ed., FA DavisCompany, 2007.iii.Admission RequirementsAdmission is based on the results of written examination, MMPI(personality test), English Proficiency Test, and Grade Point Average

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