sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


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120 • Panduan Prasiswazah3. Abidin Prawira Kusumah,dr,SpPD-JP 140050370 C10AL3624. Hj.Augustine Purnomowati,dr, SpPD-JP 140091096 C10AL3635. Erwan Martanto, dr,SpPD 140171758 C10AL3646. Erwinanto,dr,SpPD 140159303 C10AL3657. Pintoko Tedjokusumo,dr,SpPD 140185455 C10AL3668. Achmad Fauzi Yahya,dr,SpJP 140350432 C10AL3673. Curriculum Structure:i. The General and Specific Objectives of The ProgrammeGraduates of this programme should be able to :a. apply the principles of communication and communicate effectivelywith their patient, their family, the community, and other healthprofessionalsb. perform essential basic clinical skills at the primary health caresettingsc. apply basic biomedical, clinical, behavioral sciences and epidemiologyin dealing with health problems.d. attend to common health problems at various levels in a comprehensive,holistic, and continuous manner within the primary health care (PHC)settingse. practise ethical, moral & religious behaviourf. access, critically appraise and equip oneself with medical and healthinformation to maintain his/her lifelong learning capacityg. conduct medical/health researchesh. pursue further in the academic or professional education.ii.Course structureThis programme has been structured to achieve the core competenciesin the curriculum. Basic medical education is taught in seven semesters.Students will complete six semesters at the <strong>Medical</strong> Faculty of UniversitasPadjadjaran. The remaining semesters will be incorporated in the clinicalyears at the <strong>Medical</strong> Faculty of University <strong>Kebangsaan</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong>.Basically, six educational programmes such as Freshmen SemesterProgramme or Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences (FBS), BiomedicalProgramme (BMP), Clinical Skills Programme (CSP), Community HealthOriented Programme (CHOP), Community Research Programme (CRP),and Bioethics and Humanity Programme (BHP) are offered to all medicalstudents.Problems can be raised from various points of view in order to achievehorizontal and vertical integrations.

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