sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

sini - UKM Medical Centre - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


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GUIDEBOOK FOR <strong>UKM</strong>-UNPAD MEDICAL PROGRAMME1. The background and the Medicine Faculty of UNPADUNPAD was established by prominent society members of West Java who wereeager to have an institution of higher learning for the younger generation of WestJava so that they will be fully prepared to serve their country in the future.UNPAD was established on the 11th of September 1957, through the GovernmentRegulation No. 37 dated 24 September 1957. It was officially opened by PresidentSoekarno on the 24th of September 1957.At the time of its establishment, UNPAD had only four faculties. They are theLaw Faculty, the Economics Faculty, the <strong>Medical</strong> and Mathematics Faculty andthe Natural Sciences Faculty. Now, it has become one of the leading highereducational institutions in Indonesia with 16 faculties and 1 Graduate Programme.UNPAD offers 9 Doctoral programmes, 18 Master Studies Programmes, 42Undergraduate Studies Programmes, 4 Professional Studies Programmes, 26Specialist Studies Programmes, 1 Diploma (D-4) Programme, and 27 DiplomaStudies Programmes (D-3).There are Post Graduate Non-regular, Doctor (S3) 4 Disciplines and Master (S2)11 Disciplines, who are managing the faculties and collaboration programmeswithin the institution and other institutions.Among the 15 S1 Faculties, the Nursing Faculty, the Fishery and Marine ScienceFaculty, and the Technology of Agricultural Industry Faculty are new. Theywere established in the academic year of 2005/2006. A new faculty known asthe Pharmacy Faculty was established from the Department of Pharmacy of theFaculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in the academic year of 2006/2007due to the increasing demand for pharmacists and development in pharmaceuticalscience.UNPAD’s <strong>Medical</strong> Faculty is one of the oldest faculty. It was established in 1957 tofulfill the demands for medical doctors in West Java. Now, it is one of the leading<strong>Medical</strong> Faculty in Indonesia which acts as a frontier in <strong>Medical</strong> Education. Itwas initiated after the establishment of an English Class for <strong>Medical</strong> Educationin 2001 using the SPICES approach. The SPICES approach is implemented ina regular class in 2004. This programme received national accreditation fromBadan Akreditasi Nasional (BAN), the <strong>Malaysia</strong>n <strong>Medical</strong> Council, and JawatanPerkhidmatan Awam <strong>Malaysia</strong>. A Twinning Programme was introduced in 2006between the <strong>Medical</strong> Faculty of UNPAD and <strong>Medical</strong> Faculty of University<strong>Kebangsaan</strong> <strong>Malaysia</strong> to improve the quality and regional benchmarking process.

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