NRA Journal - Spring 2011 - National Rifle Association

NRA Journal - Spring 2011 - National Rifle Association

NRA Journal - Spring 2011 - National Rifle Association


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The Bisley V Club Match – Volunteers Needed!by Mick BarrBack in 1987 a small band ofwell travelled experiencedinternational TR shootingfriends decided they wantedsomehow to repay thealways very generous degreeof hospitality they receivedwhen GB teams visited theirrespective countries.This resulted in a long range team match for thevisiting teams including a lunch or dinner, followingthe match. A silver rose bowl trophy was awarded tothe winners. The Bisley V Club was thus born – the Vperhaps now more obviously, stands for Visitor.This match event continued for some ten to twelveyears but faltered as visiting teams toured aroundBritain and found difficulty in fielding a team.In 2000 the current BVC President, Arthur Clarke,suggested a team match for Schools and Cadet Units atlong range. The Council for Cadet <strong>Rifle</strong> Shooting wasconsulted and they responded with great enthusiasmoffering to supply the ammunition.The match has prospered, even accelerated, to now beconsidered a major event in their shooting calendar.Alas too, it has far outgrown the BVC!Match conditions are teams of four (from schools andCadet Units only of course) and also permit use of anoutside coach. The Cadet rifle as issued must be usedand all ammunition is as supplied. Up to 3 sightingshots and 10 to count at 900 yards followed by 2ss and10 at 1000 yards.The date for the next match is Thursday 7 July and inthe afternoon only.In order to give these youngsters the best possibleexperience of long range shooting, many volunteersare required to assist. We currently use around 30targets. The competing teams provide all markers andsix or so volunteers are used in the butts to superviseand encourage good and accurate marking.A further ten to twelve experienced volunteers withscopes, are then required to assist behind the firingline, overseeing three or four targets each by watchingtheir specific teams and targets and giving help and/or advice wherever thought necessary.This match now in its eleventh year, has proved to bea real challenge for the young shooters and seen to beenjoyed very much by them and the volunteers alike.The organiser, Mick Barr, is therefore again lookingfor extra willing volunteers to expand his usualenthusiastic band of helpers!All costs for the youngsters are kept to the absoluteminimum and the fee for volunteers is a free lunch,courtesy the BVC, from 12:00 on the day of the match.Stats are compiled on the day and an enormous SilverChallenge Shield and special medals are presented tothe winning teams.Why not adopt a School or Cadet Unit from yourcounty? You may benefit sooner than you couldimagine . . .Please contact Mick Barr on mickbarr@talktalk.net forfurther details.Shooting Mentors (Auntsand Uncles) Scheme <strong>2011</strong>Preliminary NoticeFor <strong>2011</strong>, I have been asked by the <strong>NRA</strong> to takethe scheme (back) as Chief Uncle, or whateveryou care to call me, and to organise things.My records are complete up to and including2008 and are reasonably comprehensive for 2009.Because I would hate inadvertently to fail tocontact someone from 2009 and 2010 who expectsto be contacted, I should be most grateful if he orshe could e-mail to me his or her details.A fuller article will appear in the Summer <strong>Journal</strong>.Essentially, there will be no changes in the waythe system operates.Please remember that requests for an Aunt or anUncle must be made, either using the entry form(online or paper) or by contacting me direct asbelow, for choice by e-mail.Tim (TJ) ElliottLark Hill, Haynes West End,Bedfordshire MK45 3RBTelephone: 01234 740334 Mobile: 07932 706171E-mail: tje@easynet.co.uk46

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