NRA Journal - Spring 2011 - National Rifle Association

NRA Journal - Spring 2011 - National Rifle Association NRA Journal - Spring 2011 - National Rifle Association


Great Britain Team to Canada 2010by Jane MesserCaptainJane MesserVice-CaptainNigel BallGB, England & SussexGB, England & NorfolkAdjutantDavid Armstrong GB, England & LondonCoachesMartin Townsend GB, Ireland & HertfordshireDominic Harvey GB, England & SurreyShootersGary Alexander GB, Ireland & TyroneAlex Bryson*Henry Day* SuffolkJohn Deane GB, England & GloucestershireCharles Dickenson GB, England & BerkshirePeter Griggs GB, England & KentChris Haley GB, England & CambsSimon Harding* England & KentKitty JackGB, Scotland & KentDavid Luckman GB, England & SomersetDavid Rose GB, England & SurreyBruce Roth* Scotland & KentPaul Sykes GB, England & SussexSteven Thomas GB, England & HertfordshireStephanie Ward* Wales & GloucestershireArchie Whicher* England & Berkshire* new capScarcely had the Imperial Meeting finished than theteam was assembling again at Bisley – the followingday for those who were involved in the AustraliaMatch – necessitating a quick turnaround at homeand work. The team was to be accompanied on thefirst part of the tour by a select group of ‘WAGs’,including Kitty Jack’s husband of three weeks JamesThomas (soon to be christened ‘the Honorary Wag’).We flew uneventfully into Vancouver and headed upthe Fraser Valley to Chilliwack, after considerabledifficulty trying to collect the pre-booked peoplecarriers that Hertz had decided we didn’t need (afterall, why would we need so much luggage space?!).Chilliwack and BCRA MeetingAll the team members were impressed by the beautyof the General Volkes range where we were tocompete in the British Columbia Rifle AssociationChampionships – our only complaint being that itonly went back to 600 yards. The BCRA programmeinvolved several individual shoots followed by onestage of the International Teams Match each day,a pattern which, while unusual, accustomed us tomoving quickly from individual shooting into teammode. We entered two teams, our competitors beingBritish Columbia, representing Canada, and a US teamconsisting of shooters from the Western states, bothteams being sprinkled with well-known internationalshots. The winner of this match would not be aforegone conclusion.The results of the individual BCRA competitionsshowed GB shooters in the ascendancy with variousindividual successes, the most noteworthy being awin in the Grand Aggregate by Nigel Ball, who hadshot four scores of 50 in the last day of the Grand toovertake renowned local Don Pitcairn. Kitty wasrunner-up two points behind Nigel, with DavidArmstrong in third place, a further point back. Thefinal individual competition, the Norm Beaton, wasalso the final of the Lt Governor’s and the only 15round shoot of the meeting. David won it with 75.10,with Jane Messer in second place with 75.7. Thisresulted in Jane being declared the outright winner ofthe Lt Governor’s Match with a score of 378.42, withNigel second with 377.36 and Archie Whicher fourthwith 373.32. Jane was duly chaired off the range tothe strains of “Scotland the Brave”, played by a lonepiper in full highland regalia.This was quickly followed by a short lunch breakand then the third and final range of the InternationalTeams Match shot under Kolapore conditions. GBRed Team had edged the 300m and 500m ranges eachby one point from the US team but a two point leadcould hardly be described as a cushion. The Captainmade it clear to the team that real focus was requiredif disappointment was to be avoided and the 600m legof the match got underway in tricky wind conditionswith sudden changes of both strength and directionand occasional dust clouds raised by the gusts.Dropping five points, GB progressed to a clear winwith a score of 1185 ex 1200, with the BC (Canada)team on 1176, the US team on 1168 and the GB Blueteam on 1166.The prizegiving followed and a high proportion ofthe fine silver trophies were claimed by GB teammembers. It should be noted that, overall, Nigelwon the BC Open TR Championship and Jane wasrunner up. None of the visitors had ever shot on sucha pristine range in such spectacular surroundings.The organisation by Bob Pitcairn and his team hadbeen flawless, a tribute to all their hard work. Afterfarewells on the range, the GB team celebrated theirsuccesses with an excellent dinner at the local steakhouse. Some then retired while others, mindful ofthe rest day to come, returned to the pub before, inthe small hours, serenading a sleepy Captain – andno doubt all the other hotel guests – to the strains of40

The stunning view from General Volkes Range.The team waiting to start at General Volkes Range.The Chilliwack River en route to the range.The team with their haul of BCRA trophies.Homestead Range, Alberta.The successful Commonwealth Match team.The Captain follows tradition at the Shoe Tree!The successful America Match team with the trophy.41

The stunning view from General Volkes Range.The team waiting to start at General Volkes Range.The Chilliwack River en route to the range.The team with their haul of BCRA trophies.Homestead Range, Alberta.The successful Commonwealth Match team.The Captain follows tradition at the Shoe Tree!The successful America Match team with the trophy.41

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