NRA Journal - Spring 2011 - National Rifle Association

NRA Journal - Spring 2011 - National Rifle Association NRA Journal - Spring 2011 - National Rifle Association


the wind was beginning to come from the right andwe were protected by the trees on the left but Des wasa long way out and so was Darren. Were they badshots? No, on the water line. I could see the righthand flags showing the beginnings of right wind. Imade the correction of a minute and a half and firedthinking I might clip the right hand bull line. I knewit was the turning point. At this stage I should pointout that the trees on the right partly obscure the righthand flags which never show true wind because ofthe trees. A left hand bull! I was lucky and correctingagain with another half, before my next turn. Moremagpies from Des and Darren! And by now I had hitthe V again whilst the wind continued to strengthenfrom the right. After that I don’t remember much. Ihad scored 95.8 with Des 91.4 and Darren 88.3 beatenby one V by Wolfgang Scholze.The moral of the story is that, just like Peter Wilsonat 1200 yards at Bisley (see above), I didn’t fire quickly(although well within the allocated time) and I wasalert to what was going on around me. Yes I was luckytoo of course. The wind changes went through 180degrees and a bracket of 7 minutes.The Future – 2011We have an exciting time ahead of us.There are seven League shoots planned for 2011and another traditional Training Day at Bisley washeld over the weekend of 19 and 20 February fornewcomers and those who just wanted to have theirskills brushed-up.The first league shoot at Diggle in April will again beat 500 and 600 yards. With the spring wind it reallydoes feel longer.In addition to the League there will be a chance toshoot at the longer distances of 1000 to 1200 yardsonce again at Bisley in July with the ‘band of brothers’during the Imperial Meeting Match Rifle event.There are also some exciting changes to F Class in themain Imperial Meeting:1 For 2011, again all F Class shoots will be 2ss and15 rounds, with the exception of the Queen’sFirst Stage which will remain at 2ss and 7 roundsat each of the three ranges.2 We are keeping the new Weekend Aggregatecalled the 2009 FCWC Celebration Aggregate. Itwill consist of the usual weekend competitionsbeing at 300, 500 and 1000 yards on the Saturday,and 500, 600 and 900 yards on the Sunday (all2ss and 15 round shoots).3 There will again be a Donaldson Memorial Finalof 2ss and 20 rounds.4 All F Class shoots will be on the same butt foreach particular competition thus lessening thechance of marker confusion.5 The target sizes for short range will be reducedto half minute V bulls with more regular outerrings. Also HPS crosses will be available forevery competitor scoring a 75 irrespective of theV bull count. In addition we will be scoring a Vas a V and not as 6.6 Finals will be open to the top 25% of competitorsin each class in the First Stages with separate FOand FTR Finals.Further improvements to the F Class section of theImperial Meeting are in the pipeline for implementationin 2012.What else to look forward to?• All the F Class League shoots.• We have the European Championships inNovember to work for again. GB teams will beselected in FO and FTR.• There is also an F Class European Match plannedin the Republic of Ireland for 2011.For all information on the F Class Association and theLeague please check out the UK F Class website and then e-mail Mik Maksimovicon good, enjoyable shooting to you all!300 Metresby Ian Shirra-GibbThe last event of our 2010 calendar was the annualchampionship match of the GB300M Rifle Club. Theweekend proved to be interesting for various reasonsbut there were some high scores in the Sunday pronematch with eight shooters breaking the 590 barrier.The cup and medal went to Tony Lincoln with 595.The 2011 season will start on 19 and 20 March andalready our TR friends are coming to run some of theirclub matches in dry stable conditions but there is stillroom for others!Our first overseas match is with our friends inClermont (France) on the last weekend in March.This sets the scene for the first of the European Cupswhere the GBR team will visit Denmark, Sweden,and southern France before the full European ISSFChampionships in Serbia. The Final, when we qualify,is back in Switzerland during mid-September.The British 300m Championships are being held inMay (please see the advert in this Journal) and wewould like to see more of our TR friends competingin the Saturday match. Remember, we use electronictargets with a flat firing point so why not have a try!For all our results, training, match and competitiondates please visit our website: www.gb300m.com26

Regional MattersShooting Programme for Scotland in 2011by Tim KidnerThe shooting programme in Scotland for 2011 will besimilar to last year with most of the championshipevents taking place at the Blair Atholl range usingelectronic targets. West Atholl Rifle Club, whichruns the range, has significant experience in runningelectronic targets at all distances back to 1200 yards.The benefits of electronic targets are the speed ofshooting because the scores are displayed withintwo seconds of firing the shot and the savings fromnot requiring markers, or anyone at all, in the butts.However, there is a significant cost in time and moneyto ensure that the targets are properly maintained.Because the targets at Blair Atholl are used for longrange as well as short range shooting, they are proneto damage to the frames, including the wiring whichis embedded in the frame, and on occasion to thesensors which are in the corners of the targets. Ifthere are enough shots hitting the frames they haveto be repaired because of the size (10 feet x 6 feet) andweight of the targets which is around 80kg. Becauseof the amount of shooting at Blair Atholl, the targetcentres become shot-out, requiring annual repairs tothe self-sealing rubber sheeting, which creates thenoise chamber for the microphones in the target, andto the polystyrene heat shields on the front and backof the targets. All these repairs result in a significantworkload for a dedicated team of club membersthrough the year. When the targets were installedthree years ago, the life of the targets was expected tobe seven years before complete replacement would berequired but that has now been reduced to five yearsdespite the routine annual maintenance, so sufficientfunds have to be set aside to cover the replacementcosts for the targets. The Club still believes the benefitsof electronic targets to be worthwhile but now hasa better understanding of the real costs involved inkeeping the equipment properly maintained.The 2011 shooting programme starts with the Westof Scotland Championships on 30 April and 1 Mayfollowed by the F Class League competition on 7 and8 May. The Scottish Open Championships are on17 to 19 June, which includes the Lawrence Trophyinternational match between Scotland and England,and the Scottish Long Range Championships are on2 and 3 July. An American team of FTR shooters willbe taking part in the Long Range Championships andthere will be a Scotland v USA team match on the dayafter the Championships. A USA team shot at BlairAtholl in 2007 and this is a return visit to have anofficial FTR international match.The Invernessshire Championships, which is now theonly Scottish championship event which is not shotat Blair Atholl, are on 6 and 7 August – it is shot onthe Cawdor range which is a three target range on theestate of Cawdor Castle just south of Inverness. TheTullibardine Championships are on 13 and 14 Augustand then there is a gap until the National Rifle Club ofScotland Open Match Rifle Championships on 10 and11 September. The East of Scotland Championships on17 September are now held at Blair Atholl – until threeyears ago they were held on Castlelaw Range nearEdinburgh but problems with range bookings haveresulted in moving to Blair Atholl. The final shootof the season will be the F Class League competitionon 1 and 2 October. Details of all these events are onthe NRA Marksman’s Calendar on the NRA website.All these championships events include F Classsections and F Class shooting is becoming morepopular in Scotland, particularly FTR which doesnot have some of the costs associated with shootingthe F Open discipline. F Class scores continue toimprove and some new records were achieved in2010. In the Match Rifle Spring Meeting the first dailyscore of 225 out of 225 at Blair Atholl was achieved,firing 15 to count at 1000, 1100 and 1200 yards, byDes Parr shooting F Open which beat the previousrecord score of 224 achieved by Allan Campbell-Smithshooting a match rifle in 2006. At the East of ScotlandChampionships Paul Crosbie shooting FTR achieved amaximum score of 330.63, only dropping three V bullsshooting at 400, 500 and 600 yards – this was one pointhigher than his score in 2009 which was 329.57. Thesescores were achieved on the standard NRA targets butfour new National records were established in the GBF Class Association league shoot in August at BlairAtholl, shooting at 1000 yards using the smaller F Classtargets. In the F Open class, shooting 20 to count, JohnCarmichael achieved a record score of 100.6 and in FTRJohn Cross scored 96.3. The following day, shooting 15to count at 1000 yards, Dan Brough shooting F Openscored 75.10 and Stuart Anselm shooting FTR scored75.4. At 1000 yards the bullseye on the F Class targetis only ten inches which is just under one minute ofangle and the F Class shooters are showing what canbe achieved on these targets.27

the wind was beginning to come from the right andwe were protected by the trees on the left but Des wasa long way out and so was Darren. Were they badshots? No, on the water line. I could see the righthand flags showing the beginnings of right wind. Imade the correction of a minute and a half and firedthinking I might clip the right hand bull line. I knewit was the turning point. At this stage I should pointout that the trees on the right partly obscure the righthand flags which never show true wind because ofthe trees. A left hand bull! I was lucky and correctingagain with another half, before my next turn. Moremagpies from Des and Darren! And by now I had hitthe V again whilst the wind continued to strengthenfrom the right. After that I don’t remember much. Ihad scored 95.8 with Des 91.4 and Darren 88.3 beatenby one V by Wolfgang Scholze.The moral of the story is that, just like Peter Wilsonat 1200 yards at Bisley (see above), I didn’t fire quickly(although well within the allocated time) and I wasalert to what was going on around me. Yes I was luckytoo of course. The wind changes went through 180degrees and a bracket of 7 minutes.The Future – <strong>2011</strong>We have an exciting time ahead of us.There are seven League shoots planned for <strong>2011</strong>and another traditional Training Day at Bisley washeld over the weekend of 19 and 20 February fornewcomers and those who just wanted to have theirskills brushed-up.The first league shoot at Diggle in April will again beat 500 and 600 yards. With the spring wind it reallydoes feel longer.In addition to the League there will be a chance toshoot at the longer distances of 1000 to 1200 yardsonce again at Bisley in July with the ‘band of brothers’during the Imperial Meeting Match <strong>Rifle</strong> event.There are also some exciting changes to F Class in themain Imperial Meeting:1 For <strong>2011</strong>, again all F Class shoots will be 2ss and15 rounds, with the exception of the Queen’sFirst Stage which will remain at 2ss and 7 roundsat each of the three ranges.2 We are keeping the new Weekend Aggregatecalled the 2009 FCWC Celebration Aggregate. Itwill consist of the usual weekend competitionsbeing at 300, 500 and 1000 yards on the Saturday,and 500, 600 and 900 yards on the Sunday (all2ss and 15 round shoots).3 There will again be a Donaldson Memorial Finalof 2ss and 20 rounds.4 All F Class shoots will be on the same butt foreach particular competition thus lessening thechance of marker confusion.5 The target sizes for short range will be reducedto half minute V bulls with more regular outerrings. Also HPS crosses will be available forevery competitor scoring a 75 irrespective of theV bull count. In addition we will be scoring a Vas a V and not as 6.6 Finals will be open to the top 25% of competitorsin each class in the First Stages with separate FOand FTR Finals.Further improvements to the F Class section of theImperial Meeting are in the pipeline for implementationin 2012.What else to look forward to?• All the F Class League shoots.• We have the European Championships inNovember to work for again. GB teams will beselected in FO and FTR.• There is also an F Class European Match plannedin the Republic of Ireland for <strong>2011</strong>.For all information on the F Class <strong>Association</strong> and theLeague please check out the UK F Class website and then e-mail Mik Maksimovicon good, enjoyable shooting to you all!300 Metresby Ian Shirra-GibbThe last event of our 2010 calendar was the annualchampionship match of the GB300M <strong>Rifle</strong> Club. Theweekend proved to be interesting for various reasonsbut there were some high scores in the Sunday pronematch with eight shooters breaking the 590 barrier.The cup and medal went to Tony Lincoln with 595.The <strong>2011</strong> season will start on 19 and 20 March andalready our TR friends are coming to run some of theirclub matches in dry stable conditions but there is stillroom for others!Our first overseas match is with our friends inClermont (France) on the last weekend in March.This sets the scene for the first of the European Cupswhere the GBR team will visit Denmark, Sweden,and southern France before the full European ISSFChampionships in Serbia. The Final, when we qualify,is back in Switzerland during mid-September.The British 300m Championships are being held inMay (please see the advert in this <strong>Journal</strong>) and wewould like to see more of our TR friends competingin the Saturday match. Remember, we use electronictargets with a flat firing point so why not have a try!For all our results, training, match and competitiondates please visit our website: www.gb300m.com26

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