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<strong>GENERAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong>LOCATION: Preble County Fairgrounds, Eaton, Ohio. Eaton islocated just south of Interstate 70 on US 127, about 15 mileseast of Richmond, IN on US 35. The fairgrounds are located onthe southeast edge of Eaton on US 122. Turn south on US 122off of US 35 about two blocks east of the square in Eaton.SHOW SCHEDULE:Friday, May 9, 8:00 a.m. Bruner Arena: Cheviots followedby Oxfords judged by Dr. F.D. McCarthy, Sycamore, OH.Friday, May 9, approx. 12:00 p.m. Expo Building:Southdowns followed by Hampshires judged by Evan Snyder,Oklahoma City, OK.Friday, May 9, approx. 2:00 p.m. Bruner Arena: NationalCorriedale Junior Show judged by Cori Craig, Virginia, IL.Saturday, May 10, 8:00 a.m. Bruner Arena: NationalCorriedale Show judged by Tom Crane, Santa Rosa, CA.Show Order: The order within each breed except Corriedaleswill be Yearling Ewes, Fall Ewe Lambs, Sr. Champion, JanuaryEwe Lambs, February Ewe Lambs, Jr. Champion, Grand andReserve Champion Ewes followed by rams in the same order.Corriedale rams will show first followed by Corriedale ewes.SALE SCHEDULE:Friday, May 9, 6:00 p.m. Bruner Arena: Cheviot ewes,Cheviot rams, Oxford ewes, Oxford rams.Saturday, May 10, approx. 11:00 a.m. Expo Building:Southdown ewes, Southdown rams Hampshire ewes,Hampshire rams.Sunday, May 11, 10:00 a.m. Bruner Arena: NationalCorriedale Sale.Auctioneers: Gary L. Saylor (937-597-7214) of Belle Center,OH, Danny Westlake (937-243-5111) of Marysville, OH andBilly MacCauley (610-593-2907) of Atglen, PA will sell thesales.SALE PHONE: Arena – Friday only (937-456-9968) or Cell(937-597-7214).RINGMEN: Bill Shultz (937-585-6626), DeGraff, OH; TylerLobdell (815-369-2245), Lena, IL; Frank Phelps (937-686-3191), Belle Center, OH; Steve George (419-306-1144),Deshler, OH, John DeGroat (937-299-4391), Farmersville, OH,Mike Crowder (765-366-3135), Newtown, IN; Steve Majchrzak(410-754-7531), Federalsburg, MD; Kevin Mears (937-533-0169) West Alexandria, OH.ACCOMMODATIONS: Sale Management Headquarters –Holiday Inn Holidome, Richmond, IN (765-966-7511) orFairfield Inn, New Paris, OH (937-437-8009). Corriedaleheadquarters - Lee’s Inn, Richmond, IN (765-966-6559);Specify you are with the Ohio Sheep Sales to get the specialrate. Other nearby hotels are: Motel Six, Richmond (765-966-6682); Hampton Inn, Richmond (765-939-9500); Days Inn,Richmond (765-966-4900); Holiday Inn Express, Brookville, OH(937-833-9998); Days Inn, Brookville, OH (937-833-4003).AIR SERVICE: The Dayton International Airport is just 30minutes from the fairgrounds.SALE COMMITTEE: Frank Sexten, Chairman; Jim Brandt,Dan Shell, Dan Blumenschein, Bob Hunter, Scott Cluff,Duane Grimme, Scott Peters, John Jacoby, R.J. Creamer,Mark McCabe, David High, Danny Westlake, Gary Saylor.TERMS & CONDITIONSCash or check on sale day. All buyers registering must present a valididentification. Canadian buyers must pay in U.S. funds. Institutionsmay pay by requisition. Sheep purchased by mail bid or phone bidmust be paid upon receipt of invoice. The auctioneer’s decision will befinal on any disputed bids. All animals are at purchasers risk as soon assold. There will be a 20% charge on any non sufficient funds checksissued.MAIL BIDS: If you can not attend the sale, you may contact the SaleManagement to handle your bid for you. Phone bids or mail bids mustbe approved by the Sale Management and if possible, the Consignorprior to the sale. Whoever registers the buyer number will beresponsible for payment of sheep purchased. Sheep purchased byphone bid or mail bid MUST be paid for, by good check or moneyorder, upon receipt of invoice. Buyer is responsible for arrangingshipment of sheep purchased.REGISTRATION PAPERS: All animals are registered and will betransferred to the new owner at the consignor’s expense.HEALTH CERTIFICATES: Individual interstate health certificates willbe furnished on all sheep.DELIVERY ASSISTANCE: Delivery can be arranged to most parts ofthe country. Please contact Sale Management in advance forassistance.SHIPPING: Each consignor will be responsible for shippingarrangement of sheep purchased on order. Contact Sale Managementin advance for assistance.SOUTHDOWN HEREDITARY CHONDRODYSPLASIAWARRANTY: The Ohio Southdown Classic Sale has adopted to followthe policy on hereditary chondrodysplasia as approved by theAmerican Southdown Breeders Assn. All consignors of animalsregistered with the American Southdown Breeders Assn. are expectedto adhere to this policy. It is the responsibility of the consignor to befamiliar with this policy and to fully comply. Any violation of this policycould result in not being allowed to sell at this sale in the future.HEALTH REQUIREMENTS – U.S. BUYERS: Your local or stateveterinarian should be able to update you concerning healthrequirements for sheep entering your state. The sale veterinarian willprepare standard interstate health papers for transportation betweenstates, but it is the buyer’s responsibility to be cognizant of and adhereto the entrance requirements for his own state. Entry permits can beobtained from your state office, this can often be done prior to yourarrival at the sale.SALE GUARANTEEExcept for those stated in the below guarantee, there are nowarranties, either expressed or implied, as to the merchantability orfitness for a particular purpose with respect to the sheep being sold atthis sale.The warranties and the remedies provided therein shall be the sole andexclusive remedy of the buyer, or any party claiming through thebuyer, for any breech or warranty or guarantee therein provided, andall other obligations or liabilities.1. Every ram and ewe sold will be guaranteed as a breeder if properlyhandled. It shall be the responsibility of the buyer to return a non breederto the seller in acceptable breeding condition. The seller, after a fair trialand the animal is found to be a non-breeder, shall have the priviledge ofreplacing the ram or ewe with one of equal value or satisfaction of thebuyer, or refunding the purchase price. This guarantee shall not apply toany sheep that are shown subsequent to the date of the sale.2. Notification of non breeder rams must be made to the seller prior toOctober 1 following the sale; notification of non breeder ewes must bemade to the seller prior to March 1 following the sale.3. Any lambs who drop their lamb’s teeth prior to 12 months of age asdetermined by their registration paper, shall be replaced with a lamb ofequal quality to the satisfaction of the buyer within a reasonable amount oftime, or the consignor shall refund the purchase price of the lamb promptlywith all fees and percentages levied against such a lamb retained by thesale. It shall be the responsibility of the buyer to notify the consignor, andthen the sale manager, if such a problem occurs. Any consignor failing tocomply by this rule shall automatically be barred from consigning anysheep in the following sale.4. In the event any ewe represented as being open lambs within 140 daysfrom date of sale, seller agrees to refund to the buyer the full purchaseprice, or buying credit, or replacement ewe, upon delivery of the ewe andlamb(s) back to the seller.5. Neither the Sale Managers or the sponsoring organization can or willassume any responsibility as to the authenticity of the pedigrees orbloodline information provided in the sale catalog, on pen cards, orotherwise, and the subsequent genetic performance of any sheeppurchased. All such information must be accepted at face value. Anyspecial guarantees or claims offered by individual consignors is strictlybetween the consignor and the buyer, and will not be enforced by the SaleManagers or the sponsoring organization.This guarantee shall constitute a contract between the buyer and selleronly, and no other parties assume any liability, legal or otherwise,expressed or implied. The sale manager will attempt to assist in disputes ifrequested by either party.

NATIONALCORRIEDALESHOW &SALEGERALD THOMA28468 SR 172, Kensington, OH 44427330-223-1848581 - February Ram LambInformation Sale DayS- Peters 0638 562749Our Corriedales consistently produce 200% plus lamb crop.582 - January Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- Peters 0638 562749The 2006 and 2007 Champion ewe at NAILE Junior show waspurchased from us at this sale. We will enter the same qualitythis year for your consideration.583 - January Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- Peters 0638 562749All lambs will be futurity nominated.584 - February Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- Peters 0638 562749585 - February Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- Peters 0638 562749CORI CRAIG & FAMILY5965 S Bluff Springs Rd., Virginia, IL 62691Cori 217-323-1970 Ed 618-676-1660586 - Yearling EweCraig 1093Born: 12-10-06 TwinS- DW 751 557083D- 2392 559509Well balanced ewe, good black points, beautiful fleece, lots ofproduction in this family.587 - January Ram LambCraig 1094Born: 1-2-08 TwinS- TC S-1 561373D- Reister 2381 557855Fast growing lamb, beautiful fleece, good set of feet and legs.GARY RICKETTS FAMILY2506 S. Cottage Grove, Urbana, IL 61801217-367-2098 arickett@uiuc.edu588 - Fall Ram LambRicketts 604 565895Born: 9-27-07 TwinS- MLW 0612 564417D- Ricketts 499 554921MLW 0612 is a son of Reister 25053. Ricketts 499 has a200% lifetime lambing percentage and has fall lambed fiveyears in a row.DAYLE & DONNA WADDINGTON6300 Old River Rd., Ukiah, CA 95482707-462-6265589 - Yearling RamDW 883 564315Born: 10-18-06 TwinS- DW 774 “Misfire” 557078D- DW 676 550079Good straight lines, a nice fleece, come take a look at thisram.590 - Fall Ram LambInformation Sale DayThis ram will either be sired by DW 830 “Kid Rock” our 2005National Champion ram or DW 858 ‘Flashfire” a son of “RapidFire”.591 - Yearling EweDW 885 564317Born: 10-20-06 TwinS- DW 774 “Misfire” 557078D- DW 771 557075A beautiful fleece, good breed character. Dam is a daughter of“Hollywood”, record selling ram at the 2003 National Sale.592 - Yearling EweDW 892 564324Born: 2-1-07S- DW 830 “Kid Rock” 560901D- DW 836 560907A beautiful ewe. Large frame, good breed character, lots ofstyle. Out of “Kid Rock’s” first lamb crop. A real eye catcher.Check her out.593 - Fall Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- DW 830 “Kid Rock” 560901The two fall ewe lambs will be sired by DW 830 “Kid Rock”.They are long bodied, straight top lines and good fleecedflashy ewes.594 - Fall Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- DW 830 “Kid Rock” 560901595 - February Ewe LambInformation Sale DayThis ewe will be sired by DW 858 “Flash Fire”.RUTH HARTMANBox 38, Limekiln, PA 19535610-689-4133596 - Yearling RamLF 185 564431Born: 9-5-06 TwinS- “Brito” LF 151 561127D- LF 116 “Summer” 552706“Brito” National Champion ram 2006, excellent confirmation,excellent breeder. Dam is out of LF 54 “Stretch” at HoffmanFarms and CRM-50.597 - Fall Ewe LambLF 199 “Dannilyn” 565836Born: 922-07 TwinS- “Brito” LF 151 561127D- LF 105 550168Best breeding ewe in my flock and 2006 National Championram in Kentucky. Fall born, black points, very tame.MERLAU FARMSPO Box 406, New Palestine, IN 46163317-861-4795 (O) 317-861-4250 (H)598 - Yearling RamMerlau 3606 564276Born: 9-7-06 TwinS- Seals 216 559441D- Merlau 3190 544605One of the bigger framed and best stud prospectswe havehad out of our Seals stud.Champion Corriedale Ram sold from California to Illinois for$500 at the 2007 Ohio Corriedale Showcase.599 - January Ram LambMerlau 3670Born: 1-4-08 TwinS- Friesz 639 503310D- Merlau 3286 550129600 - February Ram LambMerlau 3682Born: 2-2-08 TwinS- Friesz 639 503310D- Merlau 3292 550133601 - Yearling EweMerlau 3610 564280Born: 9-15-06 TwinS- Seals 216 559441D- Merlau 3337 552655602 - Yearling EweMerlau 3599 564295Born: 9-3-06 TwinS- Seals 216 559441D- Craig 975 552986Two very large complete yearling ewes. These will be our onlysale ewes offered this year.603 - January Ewe LambMerlau 3673Born: 1-4-08S- Friesz 639 503310D- Merlau 3285 550128604 - January Ewe LambMerlau 3679Born: 1-5-08 TwinS- Friesz 639 503310D- Merlau 3526 562658605 - February Ewe LambMerlau 3685Born: 2-2-08 TwinS- Friesz 639 503310D- Merlau 3292 550133All of these lambs are sired by our new Friesz stud.WAYNE KEMLER & FAMILY3535 Hoaglin Center Rd.Wan Wert, OH 45891419-587-3822606 - January Ram LambKemler 576Born: 1-22-08 TripletS- Phillippi 6042 564783D- Kemler 521 560349Phillippi 6042 was Reserve Champion ram 2007 National salein Sedalia.607 - January Ewe LambKemler 575Born: 1-17-08 TwinS- Phillippi 6042 564783D- LRF 0612 562684LRF 0612 was Reserve Champion ewe for Lightning RidgeFarm at the 2006 National Sale in Harrisburg, PA.

608 - February Ewe LambInformation Sale DayREISTER FARMSP.O. Box 403, Washougal, WA 98671360-835-9613 reisterfarms@aol.com609 - Yearling RamReister 27027 565173Born: 10-25-06 TwinS- Seals 206 559431D- Reister 2282 555374A smooth patterned ram with frame and extension.610 - January Ram LambReister 28029Born: 1-1-08 TwinS- Reister 27028 “Apollo” 565174D- Reister 2135 563615611 - Yearling EweReister 27043 565178Born: 1-2-07 TwinS- Seals 206 559431D- Reister 2135 553615612 - January Ewe LambReister 28032Born: 1-1-08 TwinS- Reister 27028 “Apollo” 565174D- Reister 2488 559508613 - January Ewe LambReister 28046Born: 1-11-08 TripletS- Reister 27028 “Apollo” 565174D- Reister 2317 557843FRIESZ CORRIEDALESPO Box 67, New Salem, ND 58563701-843-8750 701-400-8744joana@northlandinsuranceagency.comwww.frieszsheep.com614 - Yearling RamFriesz 7128 565875 QRBorn: 2-21-07 TwinS- J Friesz 499 561396D- DDF 3-44 557425Maternal brother to the yearling ram we sold at the 2007National Show & Sale. The sire was Supreme ram at the 2005ND State Fair.615 - Fall Ram LambFriesz 7171 QRBorn: 10-11-07S- KHC 008 558500D- J Friesz 604 562853Big bodied lamb with great breed type.616 - January Ram LambInformation Sale DayS- Bauck 6-08 562948617 - January Ram LambInformation Sale DayS- Bauck 6-08 562948618 - Yearling EweFriesz 778 564707Born: 2-13-07S- J Friesz 499 561396D- J Friesz 502 561268Maternal sire is “Easy 38”. Big broody ewe with beautiful blackpoints. We showed this ewe last year.619 - Yearling EweInformation Sale Day620 - Fall Ewe LambInformation Sale Day621 - Fall Ewe LambInformation Sale Day622 - January Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- Bauck 6-08 562948623 - January Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- Bauck 6-08 562948624 - January Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- Bauck 6-08 562948625 - January Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- Bauck 6-08 562948We have a great set of January lambs.PHILLIPPI CORRIEDALES2421 Hammond Rd., Hammond, MT 59332406-427-5280bigskycorriedale@hotmail.com626 - Yearling RamPhillippi 759 565788Born: 2-22-07 TripletS- Phillippi 6020 “Slim” 564009D- Phillippi 1-169 555527Out of our best daughter of “Full Deck” and what’s proven tobe an outstanding stud for us. “Slim” is out of the 2005National Champion ewe at Eaton and our Sherman-Franklinram “Yankee”.627 - Yearling RamPhillippi 788 564820Born: 3-2-07S- Phillippi 6020 “Slim” 564009D- Phillippi 3080 558686“Slim” son out of super dependable “Milestone” daughter. As alamb we used “Slim” on 7 ewes of various blood lines, theresult was 17 outstanding lambs. Here are two straight, longrams.628 - January Ram LambCAMP 802Born: 1-2-08 TwinS- Phillippi 6054 564784D- CAMP 617 564831Sire was sired by the ram Bow’s bought from Meghan ateaton in 2005. “milestone” breeding. Dam of 6054 was 1-169also the dam of Lot 626.629 - Yearling EwePhillippi 780Born: 3-2-07S- Phillippi 6020 “Slim” 564009D- Phillippi 4090 560499630 - January Ewe LambCAMP 801Born: 1-2-08 TwinS- Phillippi 6054 564784D- CAMP 617 564831631 - January Ewe LambCAMP 803Born: 1-3-08S- Phillippi 6054 564784D- CAMP 620 564832632 - January Ewe LambPhillippi 801Born: 1-4-08 TwinS- Phillippi 6054 564784D- Phillippi 6092 564797633 - January Ewe LambPhillippi 813Born: 1-9-08S- Phillippi 6054 564784D- Phillippi 6025 564010634 - January Ewe LambPhillippi 802Born: 1-4-08 TwinS- Phillippi 6054 564784D- Phillippi 6076 564793635 - February Ewe LambPhillippi 827Born: 2-2-08 TwinS- Phillippi 5011 563284D- Phillippi 6019 564776Sire is grandson of “Milestone”. His first daughter lambed thisyear with good results. He sired CAMP 617 and 620, Phillippi6076 and 6092 whose lambs are consigned above.636 - February Ewe LambCAMP 808Born: 2-5-08 TwinS- Phillippi 6020 “Slim” 564009D- CAMP 608 564828637 - February Ewe LambCAMP 811Born: 2-17-08 TripletS- Phillippi 6020 “Slim” 564009D- Kin 285 561212Dam was born fall of 2004, in 3 lambings has produced 8beautiful lambs from 3 sires.S BAR S RANCHSeals Family2360 B Shafer Ave., Morgan Hill, CA 95037408-472-8195 sbarssheep@cs.com638 - Yearling RamInformation Sale Day639 - Fall Ram LambInformation Sale Day640 - Yearling EweInformation Sale Day641 - Yearling EweInformation Sale Day642 - January Ewe LambInformation Sale Day643 - January Ewe LambInformation Sale DayGANN CORRIEDALES11578 N Mt. Morris Rd., Leaf River, IL 61047815-738-2320 cell 815-979-3117gannman_99@hotmail.com644 - January Ram LambInformation Sale DayS- Peters 0655 562754645 - February Ram LambInformation Sale DayBorn: 2-23-08 TripletS- Peters 0655 562754D- MG 91 563333Dam was fourth place yearling ewe at the 2007 WI State Fair.One of our best show ewes ever.

646 - January Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- Peters 0655 562754647 - January Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- Peters 0655 562754648 - February Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- Peters 0655 562754Peters 0655 was second place yearling ram at the 2007 WIState Fair. He is tall, clean fronted, super extended ram thatleaves his stamp on all his lambs. All entries will be out of ourown home bred ewes. Check our web sitewww.freewebs.com/ganncorriedales for more information andphotos.LIGHTNING RIDGE FARMPO Box 729,Sherborn, MA 01770508-653-3212 jnen@aol.com649 - Fall Ram LambLRF 0820Born: 9-4-07S- LRF 0644 562661D- Buckley 1837 548382This is our top fall ram lamb. His dam is one of our topproducing Monson ewes. Half brother sold in last year’s sale.650 - January Ram LambInformation Sale DayS- Morris 790 565451We have some exciting spring lambs sired by Morris 790.651 - January Ram LambInformation Sale DayS- Morris 790 565451One of these lambs will be out of one of the Sherman-Franklinewes we bought last summer.652 - Yearling EweInformation Sale DayS- Reister 2463 “Long Haul” 564666Last “Long Haul” daughter to sell.653 - Fall Ewe LambLRF 0809Born: 10-9-07 TwinS- LRF 0710 564668D- LRF 087 557268Sire sold to Morris Corriedales in last year’s National Saleafter servicing some of our ewes. Dam is from one of our topewe families. This is our top fall ewe lamb this year.654 - Fall Ewe LambLRF 0813Born: 10-13-07S- LRF 0710 564668D- LRF 0642 562672Another top fall ewe lamb that we would probably keep if wewere showing.655 - January Ewe LambLRF 0830Born: 1-13-08S- Morris 790 565451D- SF 6050Our best spring ewe lamb. SF6050 is one of Sherman-Franklin’s last five ewes that we purchased last summer. Weare looking forward to seeing what the Sherman-Franklinlambs will do.656 - January Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- Morris 790 565451Morris 790 has sired some really nice lambs for us this year.Reserve Champion Ram at the 2007 Ohio CorriedaleShowcase sold for $1,200 from Montana to Ohio.OHIO STATE ATI1328 Dover Rd., Wooster, OH 44691330-698-5021 meek.33@osu.edu657 - January Ram LambATI 802Born: 1-31-08 TwinS- MVCF 6031 565613D- ATI 509 561102658 - Yearling EweATI 712Born: 2-5-07 TwinS- MVCF 6031 565613D- ATI 507659 - January Ewe LambATI 801Born: 1-31-08 TwinS- MVCF 6031 565613D- ATI 509 561102660 - February Ewe LambATI 815Born: 2-13-08 TwinS- MVCF 6031 565613D- ATI 507DEW DROP FARMS38118 510 th Ave., New York Mills, MN 56567Duane 218-640-7800 Sara 218-640-1020Darin 218-639-8484661 - Yearling RamBauck 7-11 564882Born: 2-19-07 TwinS- Bauck 500D- J Friesz 529Quite a prospect here, Friesz 529 is a daughter of “Easy 38”the ’04 National Champion ram and Bauck 500 needs nointroduction.662 - Yearling RamBauck 7-7 564870Born: 2-18-07 TwinS- Bauck 6-08D- DDF 5-36My most interesting stud prospect. Double bred Bauck 500 asboth sire and dam are by “500. Also, 5-36 was Reserve atLouisville in 2006!663 - Fall Ram LambBauck 7-92Born: 10-10-07 TwinS- MVFC 32 “Linedrive”D- Bauck 04-04Our best fall ram lamb sired by our new stud ram. The motherto “Linedrive” was a “Wooster” daughter. This ram’s bloodlinesinclude who’s who in the Corriedale breed.664 - Fall Ram LambBauck 7-93Born: 10-14-07S- Bauck 500D- DDF 1-39Good reliable bloodlines here. Bauck 500 has sired the 2006National Champion ewe, 2007 National Reserve Championewe.665 - Yearling EweBauck 7-59 564880Born: 3-10-07 TwinS- Bauck 500D- Green 3-26Green 3-26 goes back to “Triple Grand” the 2001NationalChampion ram.666 - Yearling EweBauck 7-48Born: 2-27-07 TwinS- Bauck 500D- DDF 2-32The 500 daughters we had at last year’s National are a lot likethese.667 - Yearling EweBauck 7-54 564869Born: 3-9-07 TwinS- Bauck 500D- DDF 4-42This ewe is our lead ewe for the National. Her future looksbright.668 - Fall Ewe LambBauck 7-71Born: 10-11-07 TwinS- MVFC 32 “Linedrive”D- DDF 6-43Our best fall ewe lamb out of “Linedrive” 6-43’s mother is alsothe mother to “Easy 38”. Not only buying a show ewe, but astud ewe!669 - Fall Ewe LambBauck 7-87Born: 10-18-07 TwinS- Bauck 500D- DDF 1-36Every year we try and bring our best to the National, This yearwe hope is no exception.670 - Fall Ewe LambBauck 7-73Born: 10-16-07 TwinS- Bauck 500D- DDF 300DDF 300 is a grand daughter of “Big Sky”. Bauck 500 is thesire of “Prom Queen” the record selling ewe.DOUGLAS BREWER2147 Woodbine Rd., Woodbine, MD 21797410-489-9671 brewerd@medimmune.com671 - Yearling RamBRE 113Born: 1-26-07S- MLW 0429 564605D- J Friesz 548 561392This ram is out of a Max Woolever ram that was the 2005National Reserve Champion. His mother is a Friesz ewe. Heis our best yearling.ABBRUZZESE CORRIEDALESDonna Abbruzzese6489 Posson Rd., Altamont, NY 12009518-869-1883dabbruzzese@netscape.com672 - January Ram LambDDS 110Born: 1-12-08 TwinS- DDS 78 557305D- DDS 101 562910Sire was third place intermediate ram lamb at 2003 NAILE.Dam’s fleece won best of show – white wool at the 2007 NYSheep and wool Festival where 614 fleeces were shown.

Champion Ewe at the 2007 Ohio Corriedale Showcase soldfrom Minnesota to Ohio for $900.673 - January Ewe LambDDS 111Born: 1-12-08 TwinS- DDS 78 557305D- DDS 101 562910Twin to ram listed above Lot 672.MAX L. WOOLEVER959 Co Rd 1900 E, Greenup, IL 62428217-923-3952 wool5ever@woolever.com674 - Fall Ram LambMLW 0718Born: 9-26-07S- Ricketts 597 564274D- Phillippi 0-25 551066675 - Fall Ram LambMLW 0723Born: 9-30-07S- M D Woolever 21 562708D- MLW 0234 557001676 - Fall Ewe LambMLW 0721Born: 9-28-07 TwinS- MLW 0612 564417D- MLW 0217 556992677 - Fall Ewe LambMLW 0729Born: 10-10-07S- MLW 0612 564417D- MLW 0542 562701678 - February Ewe LambMLW 0803Born: 2-4-08S- M D Woolever 21 562708D- MLW 0624 564422MEGAN D. WOOLEVER959 Co Rd 1900 E, Greenup, IL 62428217-923-3952 wool5ever@woolever.com679 - Fall Ram LambM D Woolever 43Born: 9-30-07S- MLW 0612 564417D- MLW 0210 5555085 H FARMS14088 E Twp Rd 44, Attica, OH 44807419-426-5515680 - January Ram LambHeib 181Born: 1-14-08S- Phillippi 6063 564012D- Heib 123 562716681 - January Ewe LambHeib 180Born: 1-1-08 TwinS- S-F 4004 “Yankee” 559516D- Phillippi 6118 565848682 - February Ewe LambHeib 182Born: 2-1-08 TwinS- BWH 2582 561719D- Phillippi 3164 558711BRIAN A HEIBERTSHAUSEN14088 E Twp Rd 44, Attica, OH 44807419-426-5515683 - January Ewe LambBAH 1Born: 1-27-08S- Phillippi 6063 564012D- Heib 144 562737PETERS CORRIEDALES9225 Union Church Rd.Covington, OH 45318937-473-3594 scottrpeters@gmail.com684 - Yearling RamPeters 0704 564675Born: 2-4-07 TwinS- “Nucleus” Peters 0305 557456D- Phillippi 0-46 558653Great breed type, beautiful headed, awesome bloodlines.“Nucleus” is RIP, so get a son of his while you can.685 - February Ram LambInformation Sale DayS- “Nucleus” Peters 0305 557456Will be a top buck lamb sired by “Nucleus” You can bet he’llbe an eye catcher.686 - Yearling EwePeters 0700 564671Born: 1-27-07 TwinS- “Nucleus” Peters 0305 557456D- BWH 2664 563274Big beautiful ewe with great Corriedale type. She’s got thegenetics to be a stud ewe for someone. Will be the onlyyearling ewe we sell this year as I can’t let my “Nucleus”daughter go. Only reason she goes is because the National isin Ohio.687 - February Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- “Nucleus” Peters 0305 557456Will be a ewe lamb bred the same way as our Champion eweat Ohio State in 2007. She went on to place second atLouisville.688 - February Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- “Nucleus” Peters 0305 557456Get a “Nucleus” daughter now, your time is running out. She’llbe futurity nominated, so look at her to win the ewe lambfuturity as Laci Hoffman did with a Peters ewe in 2006.KIN BROTHERS13329 TH 87, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351419-273-2003689 - Fall Ram LambKin 548Born: 9-6-07 TwinS- Kin 129D- Shultz 1839A full brother to the Supreme Champion ram at the JuniorShow at the 2007 Ohio State Fair.690 - Fall Ewe LambKin 546Born: 9-10-07 TwinS- Kin 129D- Kin 9942691 - Fall Ewe LambKin 547Born: 9-18-07 TwinS- Kin 129D- Kin 171CRAIG SHEEP FARM2016 Cty Rd 2200 E, St. Joseph, IL 61873217-377-1077692 - Yearling RamCraig 0719 564491Born: 2-16-07 TwinS- Craig 0408 “Stretch” 561468D- Craig 0303 557754Placed fourth at NAILE. Clean fronted, great bone andextension is what this future stud will offer. He just cut hisyearling teeth March 10. and is still growing.693 - Yearling EweCraig 0706 564478Born: 1-10-07 TwinS- Craig 0408 “Stretch” 561468D- Craig 0302 557753These two yearling ewes are twin sisters and will make agreat addition to any flock. Outstanding breed character with alot of growth left in both of them will allow them to produce onthe farm or in the show ring.694 - Yearling EweCraig 0707 564479Born: 1-10-07 TwinS- Craig 0408 “Stretch” 561468D- Craig 0302 557753695 - January Ewe LambInformation Sale Day696 - February Ewe LambInformation Sale DayROSSOW RANCH CORRIEDALES11136 US Hwy 83. Herreid, SD 57632605-437-2486 rossang@valleytel.net697 - Fall Ram LambRRC 7207Born: 11-26-07S- DDF 5-11 RR 561398D- RRC 506 562098A late November ram with lots of potential. Sired by DDF 5-11who was purchased at the 2006 National sale in Harrisburg,PA. RRC 7207’s dam is a big, beautiful Corriedale ewe withlots of eye appeal and breed character.698 - January Ewe LambRRC 508Born: 1-16-08 TwinS- DDF 5-11 RR 561398D- RRC 439 560288A ewe lamb with lots of breed character and eye appeal. Siredby DDF 5-11 RR who transmits soundness, eye appeal andbreed character along with a quality fleece consistently intohis offspring. RRC 439 is sired by BWH 2463 and has alwaysproduced high quality lambs.699 - February Ewe LambRRC 855Born: 2-8-08S- DDF 6-08 RR 562948D- RRC 737 565345This flashy ewe lamb is sired by a fantastic RR son of the everpopular Bauck 500. We purchased her maternal grand sire JFriesz 503 at the 2005 National Sale in Eaton, OH where hewas Junior Champion ram.BEN & MARY BOW100 Clear Spring Rd., Annville, PA 17003717-867-1305700 - January Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- Bow 4120 560429Will have at least one R factor.

701 - January Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- Bow 4120 560429Will have at least one R factor.Jot down those favoriteLot Numbers here!702 - February Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- Bow 4120 560429Will have at least one R factor.703 - February Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- Bow 4120 560429Will have at least one R factor.FEDERER CORRIEDALES1900 Federer Rd., Cheyenne, WY 82009307-634-6304 bgvining@aol.com704 - Yearling RamFC 1530 565251 QRBorn: 2-6-07S- PF 145 563360D- FC 1094 559646705 - Yearling EweFC 1343 QQBorn: 2-11-07 TwinS- PF 145 563360D- FC 830 551575706 - Yearling EweFC 1354 QRBorn: 2-15-07 TwinS- PF 145 563360D- FC 1058 560671707 - February Ram LambInformation Sale Day708 - February Ewe LambInformation Sale Day709 - February Ewe LambInformation Sale DayBANDT CORRIEDALESW8634 Stevenson Dr., Poynette, WI 53955608-635-2354 bandtcorr@centurytel.net710 - Fall Ram LambBandt 1001Born: 11-18-07S- ML Bandt 969 563051D- BWC 158 553497711 - February Ram LambInformation Sale DayS- ML Bandt 969 563051712 - Yearling EweInformation Sale Day713 - Fall Ewe LambBandt 1002Born: 12-14-07 TwinS- ML Bandt 969 563051D- ML Bandt 902 555067714 - January Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- ML Bandt 969 563051715 - February Ewe LambInformation Sale DayS- ML Bandt 969 563051We’ll see you inEaton, OhioMay 9-11NATIONALCORRIEDALESHOW&SALE2008

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