Curriculum vitae - Dr. Manfred Jung

Curriculum vitae - Dr. Manfred Jung

Curriculum vitae - Dr. Manfred Jung


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CURRICULUM VITAE: <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Manfred</strong> <strong>Jung</strong>Position:Professor for Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Freiburg,Date of BirthMarital status17. 01. 1966 (Marburg/Germany)Married since 1994, two childrenPostgraduate Work2004-2008 Vice dean of teaching affairs for PharmacySince 2003 Professor for Pharmaceutical Chemistry (C3), University of Freiburg2001-2002 Senior lecturer (Hochschuldozent) at the Department of Pharmaceutical andMedicinal Chemistry, University of Münster1994-2001 Lecturer and researcher at this department; habilitation with the thesis“Synthesis and biological activities of new agents for cancerchemoprevention” 07. 06. 200011/1997-08/1998 Mandatory military service: pharmacy of the army hospital in Hamm1993-1994 Postdoctoral studies with Prof. <strong>Dr</strong>. T. Durst, University of Ottawa, CanadaSynthesis of amino acid derivatives by kinetic dynamic resolutionEducation1990-1993 Ph. D. Studies with Prof. <strong>Dr</strong>. W. Hanefeld, University of Marburg1990 Federal License as "Apotheker" (Registered Pharmacist)1989-1990 Internship in a public pharmacy and at the University of Marburg1985-1989 Study of Pharmacy at the University of Marburg (Federal degree)Ph. D. thesis„Synthese von Arotinoiden mit Aryltetrahydroanthracenstruktur“ (synthesis of aromaticretinoids) (Ph. D.1993, University of Marburg)Research interestsMain focus: Epigenetics drug discovery, inhibitor synthesis and assay development.Histone modifying enzymes (acetylases, deacetylases, methyltranferases, demethylases)

Awards and fellowshipsEugen Graetz Award of the University of Freiburg 2004“Habilitanden-Award Medicinal Chemistry” (German Pharmaceutical Society/GermanChemical Society) 2000Habilitation fellowship German Pharmaceutical Society (1997 and 1999)DFG postdoctoral fellowship 1994Scientific advisor for the EU-FP6 project “SMARTER chromatin” since 2008Membership in SocietiesDeutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (German Pharmaceutical Society);Sections Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry and Analytical <strong>Dr</strong>ug ChemistryGesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (German Chemical Society)Section Medicinal Chemistry and Liebig-Society for Organic ChemistryInternational Union for Pure and Applied ChemistryAmerican Association for Cancer ResearchSociety for Biomolecular SciencesCommittee workHead of the board of the regional section of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG)Member of the Library committe of the University of FreiburgHead of the Diploma committe for Pharmacy at the University of FreiburgTeaching experiencePh. D. and diploma student supervisionLectures, seminars and lab coursesQuality assurance and methods of the European PharmacopoeiaPharmaceutical Chemistry (<strong>Dr</strong>ug synthesis, analytical methods and biological activities)Qualitative and quantitative inorganic analytical chemistryAnalytical chemistry (Spectroscopic and chromatographic methods)Organic chemistry (Reaction mechanisms and drug synthesis)Assay techniques in drug discovery and chemical biologyCertified postgraduate education (Weiterbildung zum Fachapotheker; Analytical Chemistryand Quality Assurance)

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